
Are We Known by Our Compassion?

There is an older Christian song named They Will Know We Are Christians By Our Love that reminds me how we as Christians should present ourselves to the world. The word compassion can also be used for love. So many times, I ask myself why are Christians hated so much?  Sometimes some of my young friends posts stuff about how Christians show hate to people by behaving certain ways.  I think to myself that does not represent all Christians!  Yet that is what the world sees.  I do keep in mind sometimes innocent ideas like being pro family looks to the world like one is anti-gay.  The world also thinks if one is pro family or pro life one must hate women and gays.  Most Christians do not hate anyone!  But are we showing the world enough compassion?

Jesus said to show compassion to one another.  Jesus showed us how to be compassionate by his example.    Throughout the Gospels Jesus took compassion on people.  Matthew 14:14 says “…he had compassion on them and healed their sick.”  He also had compassion on the people when they were hungry after listening to him for three days in Matthew 15:32.   Finally, Matthew 9:36 reports Jesus had compassion on them “because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.”  We need to be more compassionate!  I need to be more compassionate.  Especially at work with people who I do not like.  Do not get me wrong here, the people I do not like usually are people who have harassed me or have tried to steal from my store, not people who are different than me.  Yet, Jesus did not say I have compassion on those who treated him well.  Those same people who ate of the food Jesus provided in Matthew 15 could have been the same ones who shouted, “crucify Him!” later on. 

This speaks to me!  John 3:16 states “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”.  God loved the world, he does not want anyone to perish!  How are we supposed to reach people if we do not show them compassion?  Colossians 3:12 says “Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, gentleness, and patience”.   

How do we show people compassion?  By treating people as equal no matter who they are or the color of their skin.  We need to speak words of kindness to this hurting world of people.  It does not matter if they belong to a different political party or whether they are straight or not.  We do not know if the people we encounter know Jesus or even if they have even heard of him besides a swear word.  We also do not know what the people we encounter are going through.  Perhaps, someone you encounter is thinking of killing themselves?  We can save people’s lives just by being nice to them.  We should not judge!  That is up to God!  Just be compassionate!

The following is a small lists of books from Christian Book. By clicking on the links for the books and making a purchase I earn a small percent to keep my website going at no extra cost to you. Thank you for your support!

Luke: The Compassion of Christ

The Bible studies in the Jeremiah Bible Studies Series bring Scripture to life in twelve lessons filled with teachings from Dr. David Jeremiah, one the most widely viewed and respected Bible teachers today. Each volume includes study questions, commentary, and reflections to help readers understand what the Bible means to them today.The author Luke was a first century physician. In Luke: The Compassion of Christ, he reveals how Jesus, as a compassionate physician, came to offer a cure to the terminal condition of sin that we all share…an illness that could only be remedied by sacrificing his own life in payment on the cross.
Boundless Compassion: Creating a Way of Life
By Joyce Rupp

Boundless Compassion by author and retreat leader Joyce Rupp, is a 6-week personal transformation process for developing and deepening compassion. Throughout these readings she nudges, encourages, and inspires you to grow in the kind of love that motivated Jesus’ life and his mission for his disciples.For the first 6 days of each week, you will read a 3-4 page meditation followed by a reflection, prayer, and scripture. The seventh day of each week is for “Review and Rest.” If using in a small group setting, you can use the seventh day questions to initiate conversation.
The Path of Compassion: Living with Heart, Soul and Mind
By Ronald J. Greer

There are a thousand books on this subject and you can check them out at Home

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