I lack for nothing I need. He gives me peace when I lie down. I do not have to worry about the election. He refreshes when I rise. He leads me in His will for my life and gives me wisdom as I go to the polls. There may be dark valleys ahead, but He is with me. I do not have to fear the changes when the new president takes over. There will be times I go my own way and think my way is better than the LORD’s. That is when my Shepherd has to bring me back and may have to discipline me. Yet, it comforts me to know He loves me enough to set me straight. There may be troubling times ahead when the new president takes over. This election has seen divisions even within families. Sometimes these divisions lead to hate. Will some hate me for what I believe in? Maybe, but I can still show them God’s love and how He cares for me. As His child I have blessing overflowing. I may not have much money, and may have less in my future, but God blesses me with things money cannot buy. Things like a loving family and good friends and many more blessings. Too many to count! All my life, whether I agreed with the elected president or not, God’s goodness and His love follow closely behind me. And, because I believe in Jesus’ death on the cross and His resurrection on the third day brings salvation to all who believe, I can know I will live in heaven forever. The LORD is my Shepherd no matter who will be elected
I Samuel 25 Last week I joined a group of ladies for a Bible study from the book Meek Not Weak by Abigail Wallace. The first lesson was taught by the author via zoom. In it she gave the example of Abigail as an example of meekness. Of course, this intrigued me into finding more about this woman. In Hebrew the name Abigail means ‘father rejoices’. According to the book Women of the Bible: Heroines and the Lessons They Can Still Teach Us, American Bible Society (2014), Abigail had “intelligence, diplomacy, and crisis-manage skills”. She was said to be very beautiful. They also infer she became Nabal’s wife not by her choice. Nabal was crude and mean in all of his dealings I Samuel 25:3. The Hebrew name Nabal means foolish. I cannot imagine any intelligent woman marrying a man like Nabal by choice. Below is Abigail’s story. Direct quotes from the Bible are from the New Living Translation. The Marriage My father is marrying me off to a man named Nabal. What kind of man is this guy with a name which means foolish? Anyway, the man cannot be too stupid as he is very wealthy. I trust God in this as I am not given a choice. I am to meet him tomorrow night at a feast he is giving in my honor. I am interested in meeting him, but I suspect he only wants me for my beauty and probably does not care about my thoughts. My father is more about money than he cares about his family. And, I am not his favorite because I have stood up to him rather than bow to his demands. Not here though, I do not have a choice. Perhaps I will love this man who is to be my husband? I came home from the feast a wiser woman. I do not see myself falling in love with someone who is so mean to everyone except those who he can gain financially from. I do not know why God wants me in this relationship, but I am submitting to His will, and His alone. Nabal does not want to wait the year betrothal as a custom of our people. My father wants me off his hands too. I am to be married next week, already. The LORD’s will be done. Two years have gone by and I have not become pregnant. I know this continues to make Nabal angry but I am trying to be patient with the Lord. Living with Nabal has not been easy to say the least. However, his servants and the men who work for Nabal seem to love me. They come to me if there is any issue Nabal refuses to take care of. They know I will see it is done. Nabal often throws parties and gets drunk. He gets meaner when he is drunk and everyone is afraid of him. I try to stay in my rooms when he gets like that and he usually leaves me alone. For that I am very thankful. Little did I know God was soon going to change my life for the better. David There was a guy named David. He was appointed to be the next king. Our current king, Saul, hated David and was trying to kill him. So far God has prevented Saul from succeeding but David has been in hiding. David has a group of men loyal to him. They are known to hide in the wilderness with him and they are fierce soldiers. I have always wondered what kind of man this David is that God would appoint him king when we already had a king. I pray for David’s protection every day. I feel drawn to this man who I have never met. I did not know I would soon meet this wonderful future king. Sheep-shearing The time of sheep-shearing was upon us. Nabal’s men do all the work, Nabal plans the party when they are done. I was busy overseeing the house as usual, but adding additional cooking and cleaning for the big party. I did not know about Nabal’s visitors until it was almost too late. Here is what happened: David had sent ten of his men to Nabal to ask for provisions. It turns out David and his men had been protecting Nabal’s sheep and goats for some time now while they were hiding out. They were running out of food so they asked Nabal to help them out. Here is the message the ten men brought to Nabal, “Peace and prosperity to you, your family, and everything you own. I am told that it is sheep-shearing time. While your shepherds stayed among us near Carmel, we never harmed them, and nothing was ever stolen from them. Ask your own men, and they will tell you this is true. So, would you be kind to us, since we have come at a time of celebration? Please share any provisions you might have on hand with us and with your friend David.” I also heard what foolish Nabal replied, “Who is this fellow David? Who does this son of Jesse think he is? There are a lot of servants these days who run away from the masters. Should I take my bread and my water and my meat that I have slaughtered for my shearers and give it to a band of outlaws who have come from who knows where?” When I was told this I was outraged Nabal would insult David and his men! How foolish! I am sure David will be planning to attack Nabal. How could he not? I sprang into action! I must stop this before we are all killed! I, with the help of the household, gathered 200 loaves of bread, two wineskins of wine, five sheep which had just been slaughtered, a large basket of grain, 100 clusters of raisins, and 200 fig cakes. They say ‘a way to a man’s heart is through his stomach’, I hope this changes David’s mind. Everything was packed on donkeys and I told the servants to start out that I would be following right behind them. I quickly put my best dress on and slipped out to my waiting donkey. Nabal was not wise to what was going on and I was not about to tell him. I caught up to my servants just as we were entering a ravine. David and his men were coming towards us. I felt a moment of fear, but then I remembered God was always with me and I can trust Him. I could see David was visibly angry and I could hear him shouting at his men, “A lot of good it did to help this fellow. We protected his flocks in the wilderness, and nothing he owned was lost or stolen. But he has repaid me with evil for good. May God strike me and kill me if even one man of his household is still alive tomorrow morning.” The Apology I was right! David and his men were on their way to attack us. Quickly, I jump of my donkey and bowed as low as I could before David. He looked at me in confusion. I heard someone say to David that I was Nabal’s wife. Then I saw pity in David’s eyes. I immediately proceeded to apologize to David for the stupidity of my husband. “I accept all the blame in this matter, my lord. Please listen to what I have to say. I know Nabal is a wicked and ill-tempered man; please do not pay any attention to him. He is a fool, just as his name suggests. But I never even saw the young men you sent.” I could tell David was impressed with me so I continued. “Now, my lord, as surely as the LORD has kept you from murdering and taking vengeance into your own hands, let all you enemies and those who try to harm you be as cursed as Nabal is.” I suddenly thought to myself, ‘where did that come from?’ I am not one to curse anyone, let alone my own husband. It must be God speaking through me. Thank you, LORD! Given courage from the LORD I continued. “Here is a present that I, your servant, have brought you and your men. Please forgive me if I have offended you in any way. The LORD will surely reward you with a lasting dynasty, for you are fighting the LORD’s battles. You are innocent before the LORD. Even when you are being chased day and night by those who seek to kill you, your life is safe in the care of the LORD you God, secure in His treasure pouch! The LORD will make you the leader of His people as He promised. Please do not let this moment of anger be a blemish on your record and keep you from leading effectively. Please keep your conscience clear and allow the LORD to do great things through you. Then, my lord, remember me, your servant.” I could not even look up when I finished pleading my case. However, David surprised me when he said, “Praise the LORD, the God of Israel, who has sent you to meet me today! Thank God for your good sense! Bless you for keeping me from murder and carrying out vengeance with my own hands. Today I swore to my men not one of Nabal’s men would be alive in the morning. I know the LORD, God of Israel, sent you to me to prevent me from committing this great sin. I will not kill your husband. Now go home in peace.” As I headed for home, I could not help myself in wishing I had married David instead of Nabal. Here was a man who not only respected me, but he was a wonderful man of God. With a heavy heart of being married to a man who thinks of me as an object, who does not care what the LORD commands either, I walked in my home. However, arriving home I found my husband partying and completely drunk. I smiled at the servants knowing they were miserable serving under this hurtful man. God knew they have suffered long enough! I had a strange feeling this was Nabal’s last party. Heading to bed I decided to wait until Nabal was sober to tell him I went against his wishes and thereby saved his life. Let the LORD defend His chosen king, David, from the insults Nabal threw at him. The next day I saw Nabal was sober so I decided it was time. Even though normally I am a strong woman, sometimes I have a little fear when approaching Nabal. Yet, today I sensed a peace I could not explain. It was time. “Nabal, my husband, I have done a thing. I have gone against your wishes and sent food to David and his men. I have heard David and his men have been protecting our shepherds so I thought it would be a good idea to feed them. Please forgive me, husband.” Suddenly, Nabal’s face became as red as blood, then as white as snow. It looked like he wanted to say something and his hand rose up half way as if to strike me, but his whole body became frozen in stone. My first thought was of Lot’s wife who had turned into a pillar of salt. Then I realized Nabal had had of stroke. He was paralyzed. Some of the men carried Nabal to his bed. He lay there without being able to move. I would come in to check on him and his eyes would follow me around the room. I pitied him because when he did look at me, he still looked angry. I prayed for his soul each night. Ten days went by and I went into Nabal’s room. I knew right away he was dead. I felt nothing but freedom deep in my soul. I called all the staff together and announced Nabal’s death. There was a huge sigh of relief from everyone. I took charge of everything, even though I am a woman. I appointed supervisors to oversee the shepherds and lands. Nabal had a man I did not trust supervising the shepherds. I fired him. I was already running the household so I did not make any changes there. I also sent a message to David telling him of Nabal’s death. Marriage Proposal To my surprised a few of David’s men called on me with a message from David. David asked me to become his wife. My heart immediately started singing praises to the LORD! Without hesitation I said, “I, your servant, would be happy to marry David. I would even be willing to become a slave, washing the feet of his servants! I could not wait even one minute! I yelled to the head housekeeper, ’you are in charge of the house’. I packed a bag and told five of my trusted servant girls to do the same. Within an hour we were all on donkeys following David’s men to my one true love, David. The Later Years A few years later there was a raid on the camp when David and his men were out fighting. Many of the wives and the children were captured and was taken miles away. I encouraged each woman in the group to stay strong. I knew the LORD would protect us and send David and his men to rescue us. And God did just that. Within a few days we were safely back at camp. Not one of us was harmed in any way. God protected us. There was a great celebration in the camp that night. My dear husband loved women. He went on to marry several women. I gave birth to a son named Daniel. He loved his father and loved the LORD. It has not been easy, but God has been there for me every step of my life. As I learned as a young wife to a foolish man, I can always trust God to give me His best. Discussion As I reread this story I noticed some things about Abigail: -She trusted God even when she had to marry an impossible man. -She submitted to God’s will for her life even though it would not be her choice. -She learned patience. -She gained respect from those around her by the way she lived in adversity. -She became angry at injustice, yet she did not let it control her. Instead, she took control of the situation. -She knew God was with her even when she felt fear. -She apologized even when she did nothing wrong. -She was able to see that mistakes made today effects one’s future. -She cared about those around her. -She prayed for those who hurt her. -She encouraged others. -She was not a victim! What an amazing woman! I know I could learn a lot from this woman. Lately I have been really struggling. Last year I suffered three different injuries at three different times during the year. That put me out of work quite a bit during the last few months. I became disabled. Yet I was determined to go back to work. I applied for jobs I thought I could do but was not able to get hired. So, I went in to talk to Walmart about returning there in a position I thought would be a good fit for me. I lasted three weeks. I had left Walmart in March due to chronic back pain. I drove for Door Dash all summer and felt no back pain. However, after only a few days of returning to Walmart in October, I went from being able to walk around freely to having to use my cane to get around my apartment. I ended up leaving Walmart. I did not feel any position there would work for me anymore. I slipped into depression. I became a victim of my disability. I was broken and did not see a future. January brought a couple of interviews and I got my hopes up. Yet I was passed over. I continued to struggle, but I was slowly learning to surrender to God. I knew I had to allow God to change me. I am a work in progress. One thing I knew was God wanted me to write so writing about Abigail spoke to my heart. I need to trust God more and not let myself be a victim. I do not know how God is going to meet my needs but I do know He has plans for me! What are you struggling with and how can reading about Abigail help you?
John 8:1-11 This is a story of the teachers of the law and the Pharisees bringing a woman to Jesus who was caught in adultery. Their goal was to trick Jesus so they may accuse him. In the end they fail but what of the woman? I have questions that cannot be answered just by reading the story. First, where was the man and why only the woman. Leviticus 20:10 states both should be put to death. Deuteronomy 22:24 speaks of a man raping a woman. If the rape happens in town, where the woman can scream for help and she does not, then both should be killed. This is in the case of an engaged woman. Clearly, Old Testament law shows if there is consent proven then both parties should be put to death. So, why only the woman? Secondly, if the woman was engaged or married to another, was the husband one of the accusers? Or was the man the one who was married? Did he seduce her? Or was she the one who pursued the man? Either way, at the end of this story Jesus tells the woman to go and stop sinning so it appears it was not rape. Finally, what did Jesus write? Well, no one knows. There are a lot of speculations. I think, for the story’s sake, he was writing the names of the accusers and maybe their sins. So, the story which follows is in part fiction, but is based on the scripture. The story is written in first person. Scripture is from the NLT version of the Bible and is in italics. I will call her Nina. The Sudden Engagement My father brought a young man to supper on evening. His name was Jamiah. He seemed pleasant at first meeting, but there was something about him which made me feel uneasy. It was the look he gave me. It said to me ‘you are mine and there is nothing you can do about it’. It was not until the end of the meal that I learned this was the man who was to be my husband. Arranged marriages were normal in my time. I was sixteen and my father was being was in a hurry to marry me off. I was the oldest and my little sister wanted to marry her boyfriend. My father would not let her marry until I was married. I walked with a limp all my life from a mule kicking when I was little. I was looked down upon by all of the single men in my town. I felt unwanted but never unloved. My mother made sure of that. My father was busy with his farm to pay much attention to us girls. After the announcement of my engagement was made, I was stunned. Why did my father pick him? I did not know him at all as he came from Jerusalem to buy wheat from my father. I had hoped after our year-long traditional engagement I would be moving to Jerusalem. But, no, I was to move next week into my aunt’s house in Jerusalem. She was a widow. At least that was a blessing. As a family we would stay with her during the Passover feast each year. She was a loving soul. Yet, I knew I would have to spend much of my time with my new fiancé when he was not working. That frightened me a little. Who was this man and why did he want me in the first place. He was older, approaching his thirties and he already had one wife. Why me? I felt like I was a business deal my father made with the man to get a higher price on his wheat. I wish women had more say about their lives, but in arranged marriages women are often treated a little better than property. A week later I was headed for Jerusalem with my maid. She was like a sister to me and we shared secrets no one else knew. That was a comfort and going to live with my aunt was a blessing. One of my older brothers took us to Jerusalem. I could tell he was not happy with the idea of my marrying Jamiah. My brother worked closely with our father on the farm and was involved in selling our crops. I tried to get my brother to talk more about the man I was marrying but he just looked at me with sad eyes saying it was what our father wanted and nothing could change it. He hugged me when he said goodbye at our aunt’s house and said, “try to make the best of things.” I cried myself to sleep. The next day Jamiah came to get me to show me where we would be living after we married. It was near the Temple. He had a warehouse to sell crops from farmers. He was wealthy and had a nice home. I met his other wife. She looked at me with haunting eyes. She did not look well and it seemed like she was not much more than one of the servants in the large house. Is that what I am going to look like in ten years married to this man? I cried out in my heart to God to somehow make it not so. The Chance Meeting I adjusted to living with my aunt in the large city of Jerusalem. When our home duties were done, we would often go to the Temple to hear the teachers and pray. One day my aunt was not feeling well and told me to take my servant and go without her. I was standing there listening to the teaching outside of the Temple with a large crowd. There was a man next to me who “accidently” brushed up against my arm. At least I thought it was accidental. I looked at his face and he had the most beautiful eyes. He smiled at me and at once my heart did a flip flop in my chest. He asked me my name and I said my name and even told him I lived with my aunt on Straight Street. My servant looked at me with a shocked expression. Why in the world would I tell a complete stranger who I was and where I lived, I thought to myself. He said he was in Jerusalem for a month. He would be at the Temple nearly every day if I wanted to say hi. My heart wanted to do more than say hi, yet my head told me to stay away. We went home and I gave myself a good talking to about how I should stay away from the man. I tossed and turned on my bed because of the battle going on inside of me between my heart and my head. My heart said maybe this man was God’s way of saying ‘here is a way to escape’ my upcoming marriage to a man I felt frightened being around. My head said you cannot break the engagement. See in my day’s engagements were a marriage without living together yet. The marriage would be consummated a year after the engagement started. So, for me to break my engagement would be like getting a divorce and that would leave me penniless and alone. It was best for me to forget this other man and make the best of things. But the next day I saw him again. He came up to us and introduced himself to my aunt. She gave me a curious look but said nothing. Day after day I kept seeing him and often, he would approach us like he was an old friend. Why was I seeing him so often God, I asked Him in my prayers, when I was engaged to someone else? The Mistake Several days later I was caught up in shopping at the market. My servant was at a distant stall buying something for the household. Suddenly I turned and was looking up in those beautiful eyes my heart longed for. He said hello. Hi said hi back. He was smiling. He said he would love to sit and talk to me somewhere where we could be heard. The market was noisy. My heart won over common sense and I followed him to a quiet spot. There did not seem to be anyone around. Something did not seem right but I brushed the thought away. We talked awhile and he moved closer to me. Next thing I knew he had his hand on my back. Pleasure started to run through my veins. He leaned over and kissed me lightly. I had never been kissed. It was like eating honey and before my head kicked in and I kissed him back. I was enjoying myself. Somehow, I could not stop myself as my hands went about him. I wanted to know him more. And that is where my fiancé found me. He came in to the area with four other men. They looked like Pharisees to me. I thought we would immediately be killed. To my shock my fiancé said to the man “Good job seducing her!” “I knew she was no good but her father insisted. Now I will not have to worry about her. She will be taken to the crowd outside the Temple tomorrow a dawn and be stoned.” I felt so ashamed and horrified. It was a trap to legally kill me and I fell for it. Then my fiancé said to the man, “better leave town today. We will not stop you because I have paid the Pharisees to keep quiet. They want her anyway to see if they can trap this new teacher, Jesus.” I was led away to a house where I was guarded. I was given no food or water that night nor anything to lay down upon the filthy floor. I spent the night crying out to God to forgive me. I knew I was going to die and I did not want to die unforgiven. Everyone I hold dear will be so ashamed of me. I cannot bear to think about how this will hurt my dear mother or my aunt. Somehow, in the early hours towards morning I found a sense of peace and forgiveness. They came for me soon after that moment. I was taken to the temple courts. There was a large crowd there already. Even my fiance was there. I saw there was a man sitting teaching the crowd. I caught some of the things he was saying. It was amazing! He was talking about the kingdom of heaven like he knew all about it. I was praying the whole time the teachers of the law and Pharisees were leading me to this man who I found out was Jesus. He looked up at me with such a tender look in his eyes. It almost as if he knew what I was praying and I felt God’s love coming from him. How unusual! However, as I felt the end of my life nearing, I became afraid and started weeping. I saw the pile of stones, rocks actually, piled up just for me. I prayed in my soul God would somehow forgive me. The leader of my accusers, a teacher of the law, said to Jesus, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?” Why are they asking this man named Jesus I wondered to myself? I was later told it was to trap Jesus so they religious leaders could accuse him and kill him. Jesus did not say anything at first. Instead, he bent down and started writing on the ground with his finger. I was amazed at what he was writing. It was a list of my accusers and their sins. Some of them had committed adultery, including my fiance, and had gotten away with it. I was shocked! Then Jesus straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” Then Jesus stooped over again and continued to write on the ground. I watched as one by one started to leave. The older ones first and finally the last to leave was my fiance. Even the crowd had left. Then Jesus straightened up and asked, Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” “No one, sir,” I replied. “Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.” Suddenly, I realized this Jesus was the Son of God and I was forgiven. I do not know how I knew it, but I did. I stood there a minute in shock. Then it dawned on me. Go, go where? I could not go home either to my aunt or my parent’s house. I know my aunt and probably my mother would forgive me, but I knew my father would not. Having a woman caught in adultery living in my aunt’s home would prevent her from being able to shop or go to the synagogue. So, I asked Jesus if I could stay with him and his group of followers. There were women in his group. Jesus consented and suddenly I was surrounded by a small group of women. I felt home and forgiven. Years have passed since that day. I became a follower of Jesus through his death, resurrection and ascension to heaven. I am still a follower. I have married one of Jesus’ disciples and we have three children. They are all followers of Jesus and are leaders in their community churches. Discussion When I started to write this story, I did not know where the Holy Spirit would lead me in the story line. I love this story of forgiveness. We all need it as none of us is without sin. Jesus came to earth to die for us so we might have forgiveness and live with him forever. We only have to ask him to forgive us.
We know very little about this Simon. We know he is from Cyrene located in Africa in the modern Libya. There was a large Jewish community there. This Simon was the father of Alexander and Rufus. Resources believe Alexander and Rufus were known by the early church. It is possible Simon was in Jerusalem for the Passover. Below is his story written as I believe he would tell it. Please note Simon witnesses some very violent acts. They will be very difficult to write.
Simon’s Story
My grandparents moved to Cyrene while they were still young. They were hoping for a better life in Cyrene for their family. They were one of many Jewish families to settle in Cyrene. My parents met and fell in love immediately. They had me along with two brothers and a sister. I grew up knowing the Jewish customs and studying Jewish law. I had grown up always hoping I could travel to Jerusalem and celebrate the Jewish Passover. The Passover is a Jewish holiday where they celebrate God passing over their house when He saw the blood on their door posts. It was when the Jews were still in Egypt as slaves hundreds of years ago. You can read about this in the book of Exodus written by Moses.
This year I finally get the chance to travel all the way to Jerusalem. I am taking my wife Miriam. We do not have children yet so it will be best to go this year. We were able to send word to relatives in Jerusalem and one of them said we could stay with them for the time we would be there. We were planning to stay almost two weeks. We arrived on Friday a week before the Passover so we would have plenty of time to visit all our cousins from both my family and my wife’s family. It is going to be great.
When we first got to my cousin’s house we got settled and my cousin started telling me about this guy named Jesus. He had become quite the famous guy. My cousin said this Jesus had healed many people and did other miracles. He must be some prophet from God to be able to do those kinds of things. I hope to get a glimpse of Jesus while I am here or even meet him.
The first day of the week we headed towards the East gate to get a look at the temple. There was a large crowd heading that way. Suddenly, the crowd opened up the road and took off their robes or cut branches from palm trees and laid them on the road. Was an important figure coming down that road? The crowd started shouting “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord”! Could it be this Jesus my cousin keeps talking about? Why is this person riding on a donkey’s colt? Why not a stallion like a king or commander in the army? Such a humble way to enter the city yet the people seemed to think this Jesus was a great man. Someone in the crowd said the man on the colt was in fact Jesus. As he rode past me, he looked at me. Suddenly, he looked very sad when he saw my face. I wonder why he looked that way at me and none of the other people around me? That look stayed with me all week although I did not see Jesus again until early Friday morning.
My cousin said Jesus was hated by the Jewish leaders because he had many followers and they thought Jesus was going to have the people rebel against them. My cousin told me he heard Jesus was taken captured and was to be put on trial. This was right after we had our Passover meal. My cousin said get some sleep because we were going to attend the trial set to start at sun up the next day. My cousin woke me and said to hurry. What was going on? I had just fallen asleep. My cousin said Jesus was at the high priest’s house being questioned. What? I thought the trail would be in the morning. I kissed my wife and said I would see her later. I was curious what this Jesus had done to be treated like this in the middle of the night.
My cousin and I stood in the high priest’s courtyard. There were many people there, but we could see and hear what was going on as Jesus was being questioned on the porch. Jesus was being questioned about his disciples and teaching. Jesus replied “Everyone knows what I teach. I have preached regularly in the synagogues and the Temple, where the people gather. I have not spoken in secret. Why are you asking me this question? Ask those who heard me. They know what I said.” Then one of them slapped Jesus and said “Is that the way to answer the high priest?” Jesus replied “If I said anything wrong, you must prove it. But if I’m speaking the truth, why are you beating me?” They questioned Jesus all night, but I still could not find anything he had done wrong. Just before dawn they sent Jesus to the Roman governor’s house. The governor came out wanting to know what Jesus did to come before him. The governor said to take him back and judge Jesus by their own laws, but the Jewish leaders pushed forward saying they had no laws to execute him. Pilate, the Roman governor, said to Jesus “Are you the king of the Jews?” Jesus’ only answer was “You have said it.” The chief priests and leaders kept accusing Jesus of different crimes, but he just stood there. I was so amazed at this man. He was so humble and seemed so defenseless yet very powerful at the same time.
My cousin said it was the governor’s custom to release one prisoner over Passover, anyone the people wanted. I was hoping they would release Jesus because it was clear to me this man did nothing wrong. Yet, while I was thinking this, I heard the crowd ask to release Barabbas instead of Jesus. I was shocked. Barabbas was a murderer. Then I heard Pilate ask “Then what should I do with this man you call the king of the Jews?” The crowd grew louder prompted by the religious leaders, they shouted “Crucify him!”. My heart stopped. Why did they hate Jesus so much? I heard Pilate ask what crime had Jesus committed but the crowd grew louder shouting again to crucify Jesus.
Barabbas was released and Jesus was taken to an area where he was chained to a post and whipped thirty-nine times with a lead-tipped whip. As terrible as it was to watch more torture was coming. When they were done whipping Jesus, his back was torn open and bleeding in many places. Then the Roman soldiers took charge of Jesus. We followed as the soldiers to Jesus to the courtyard of the governor’s headquarters. There they stripped Jesus and placed a purple robe on him. Purple is the color of royalty. Someone fashioned a crown of thorns and they placed it on Jesus’ head. I could see the back of the purple robe turning red with Jesus’ blood and blood flowing down over his face and hair from the crown of thorns. Jesus said not a word, but I wanted to shout “Enough!” but I was so afraid! Oh, the shame of that fear. Yet the torture continued, not physically, but the mental torture. They pretended to worship Jesus shouting ‘Hail! King of the Jews” Some bowed down while others took reeds and beat him on his head. Still others spit in Jesus’ face. Jesus just stood there. He endured it all yet there was more to come. They took off the purple robe and cast it aside. Then they put Jesus’ clothes back on him. Two of the soldiers picked up a very heavy cross and put it on Jesus’ shoulders. Finally, the whole regiment led Jesus through the streets of Jerusalem.
Somehow my cousin and I managed to follow very close to Jesus. I watched as every step Jesus took was a huge effort. Jesus stumbled several times under the weight of the heavy cross yet he did not cry out in pain. One more step and Jesus fell to the ground. I looked in horror as the soldiers pointed at me and said “you carry his cross”. Oh, I was willing and able, but I surely did not want to carry this man’s cross. Jesus had suffered enough, why did he have to hang on a cross too? While I was thinking this one of the soldiers drew a sword and pointed at me. I ran to Jesus and lifted the heavy cross of his shoulders onto mine. It was far heavier than it looked. Jesus looked at me with such great love. If he only knew me, he would not love me. Yet somehow, I felt this love and more than that I realized Jesus was, as my cousin said, the Son of God.
Humbled I dragged Jesus’ cross behind him all the way up the hill called Golgotha. It really did look like a skull from a distance. There were two others getting ready to be hung on the cross. They were hard looking men, looking like they did not care they would soon be dying of the most horrible way to die known to man.
The soldiers took the cross off my shoulders and placed it on the ground. Cursing myself over my renewed fear I hurried to the crowd waiting to watch the crucifixion. Blood thirsty people! I noticed a small crowd towards the back who were weeping. I made me way to them and stood near them to watch. These were Jesus’ friends; I did not want to be included but I still wanted to be near the people who were the closest to Jesus. They seemed to welcome me. We all turned to watch what happened next.
I watched with horror as the soldiers laid the cross on the ground and dug long skinny nails, spikes really, near the cross. Typically, the accused is tied to the cross before they placed the cross upright. A couple of the soldiers took Jesus’ clothes. I saw them cast dice to see who would get each article of clothing. Next, they laid Jesus on the cross and nailed his hands to the cross. No, I wanted to scream, no! Yet they continued to nail Jesus’ feet to the bottom of the cross. Then they lifted the cross and dropped it into the hole. I started crying. Why is Jesus allowing this to happen? I could not understand it. My crying turned to weeping. I could not see through my tears. I must have shouted “Why?” out loud. One of the men, I later learned his name was John, left the group and came over and stood next to me. He said two things to me: “it’s because he loves us and not to loss hope because he will rise again.” I stopped weeping and just stood there wondering. Why would this Jesus die because he loved me? I am not worthy of his love, yet somehow I knew he was dying because of the sins of all people. How wonderful, yet I could not wonder if there was no other way? Then I remembered the sacrifices at the temple offered every day. These only covered our sins temporarily, Jesus’ sacrifice is a once and for all. No more animal sacrifices would be needed. I looked upon Jesus’ tortured face with thanksgiving. He looked back at me with such great love I suddenly knew I was forgiven.
My life was changed! I continued to watch as Jesus was struggling for breath. How long could he hang there suffering so much? The sky grew dark and it was hard to see. The ground began to shake, and I felt myself fall to the ground. Still, I watched. I finally heard Jesus cry out “it is finished”. It looked like he drew his last breath, and his body went limp. I started to cry again but then I remember the second thing John said to me. Jesus will rise again. Yes, I believe in the resurrection of the dead, but the way John said it, it seemed like it would happen soon. I saw a couple of men ask to take Jesus’ body for burial and they carefully wrapped his body and carried it away on a stretcher. John was carefully leading a group away, particularly an older woman who seem to take Jesus’ death the worse. I wondered if this was Jesus’ mother. I asked John if I could join them for a moment as I had a question about Jesus’ resurrection. John quickly told me Jesus said it would be in three days. I suddenly remembered it was the Sabbath and that I had a wife wondering what happened to me. I said goodbye and hurried back to my cousin’s house.
My cousin had been home for three hours. He did not go to the crucifixion. He saw me carrying the cross but he got lost in the crowd. He finally lost hope and returned home thinking I would return also. I told everyone there everything that happened. I said I truly believed Jesus was the Son of God and his sacrifice was for the sins of everyone. I also told them what John said about Jesus rising from the dead on the third day. I could tell some did not believe, but my wife said she believed me.
On Sunday around noon I went to the tomb where I heard they had buried Jesus. I was surprised to see it was open. There was a huge stone laying near the tomb. I looked inside wondering why it was not sealed yet hoping Jesus had indeed risen from the dead. There were the linens used to cover Jesus but he was not there. I wandered around until I found someone who told me they were saying Jesus’ disciples stolen the body during the night. I could not believe it as the stone was huge and sealed to the tomb. There was no way any humans could open the tomb, especially since it was being guarded. As I started back to my cousin’s house, I saw a familiar face. It was John. He said to come with him.
We went up to a room and there was a group of men and a few women there. There faces shown with happiness as they talked about how they had seen Jesus, alive. Suddenly, Jesus stood among them. He said to Thomas to come touch his hands and see where they had put a sword in his chest to make sure Jesus was dead. I saw Thomas face go from doubting to elation. He was touching real flesh. Jesus looked at me a smiled. I knew from that moment on I would live to tell Jesus’ story of how he saved the world.
We needed to return to Cyrene a few days later. I asked John to write to me any news. All the way home I shared my story of carrying the cross for the savior of the world. Many believed because of my testimony. A few months later John wrote and said Jesus had returned to heaven. He said Jesus was coming back. I cannot wait!
I started this story a year ago in May. As Easter nears, I felt led to finally finish it. There are the four Gospel accounts of the death and resurrection of Jesus. There are secular evidence too the Jesus’ death and over five hundred witnesses to his appearance after he rose from the dead. Jesus’ death was no accident. He died to restore our relationship with him. Jesus offers salvation to any who believe in him. Are you going to believe Simon’s story, or do you think he made it up?
We do not know much about Dorcas. We know she lived in Joppa which was a seaport city. She was a member of the local church and was much loved. She sewed clothes for the widows and the poor. There was a belief she owned her own home. There was no mention of relatives in this short story. As usual much of Dorcas’ story is from my imagination as I seek God’s wisdom to make her story come to life.
Dorcas’ Story
My father named me Dorcas because he said I had the most beautiful big eyes he had ever seen, and it reminded him of a gazelle. My father was a fisherman, and he was caught in a storm at sea and perished when I was only ten years old. He was the first death which led me to a life of bitterness. Later that year my mother died. I think it was from a broken heart though the doctor said she had been ill but never told anyone. I have four brothers who did their best to raise me after our parents died. I hated the sea which took my father and God who took my mother. When I was sixteen my oldest brother introduced me to a nice man named Ronald. He was a merchant in fine cloth. Ronald courted me and within two years we were married. I started to love life again. I used the skill of sewing to make fine garments for my husband to sell. He said they were the best he had ever seen in his merchant travels.
When we were married about two years my husband went on a business trip. I was hoping to have good news for him when he returned. He was to return in ten days. I was a few days late for my period and I wanted to be pregnant so we could start a family. Then there were two blows which changed my life for the worst. First, I got my period. That broke my heart but what killed my spirit more was when I learned my husband had died at the hands of robbers who wanted his fine clothes, he was taking to another city to sell. I became even more bitter against the world and especially at God.
For months I stayed in my house mourning my husband and my childlessness. My servants tried to get me to eat nice meals, but I only ate a few bites. I was too heart-sick to eat. My already thin body became so thin one could see my bones. I hated my life.
Yet for some reason I left the house one day and went to the marketplace. There was a crowd that day and a man preaching to the crowd. I thought to myself why is this man all excited about a man named Jesus? I went to pass on, but the man said something I will never forget. “This man Jesus was God’s Son, and He came to this earth to die for all your bitterness.” It was like this man was talking directly to me. I stopped in my tracks and was glued to every word the man spoke. He told how Jesus lived on earth thirty-three years doing good and miracles. He went on to tell how Jesus was crucified and rose again the third day. He told of the many witnesses to Jesus’ death and resurrection. He finally said something which changed my heart forever “It was God’s love for us He came to earth”. Why would God do that? Why would God do that for me when I hated Him for taking my parents and husband from me? Then this man, whom I later found to be named Philip, said only believe and God will heal your heart. Philip said many things that day and I felt God was speaking directly to me through Philip. I became a believer that day. Later I learned a group of believers were meeting at a home near my house every day. I hurried home and told my servants what had happened. Many of them seemed to believe me but when they saw my changed heart in action, they became believers themselves.
One day I was at the home of the group of believers my eyes seemed to be opened. There were a group of widows there who clothes were all worn out. They did not even have coats to wear, and it was getting colder out. I thought to myself I have a whole room full of cloths just sitting there from when my husband was alive. Why not make these widows proper clothes and coats. I could not wait to get home and get to work.
I first made several coats as winter was coming. Then I started on clothes for the widows. I brought the coats to the meetings and handed out them to the widows. They were in tears and my heart was filled with joy. God had given me a wonderful purpose to serve Him. It was as if I could not stop myself. Everywhere I looked I saw the poor and needy who did not have proper clothes to keep them warm. Every afternoon I sewed. I would sing praises as I worked. I had my servants bring the clothes to the marketplace and give them away to anyone who looked like they need clothes. The Lord had me meet another cloth merchant at the meetings and when I ran out of cloth, I would buy more from him. God really blessed me for the years I was able to sew for people. I was never without my needs being met. Then one day I got sick.
It happened so fast. I was at the house where the Christians were meeting every morning. We were singing praises and suddenly I had a pain in my heart which went down my left arm. I could breathe. Last thing I remember was singing Jesus, I love You. Suddenly I was in a place where perfect light spread throughout the huge room. There was Jesus standing there smiling at me. I felt such love and peace there. There were flowers and fruit growing trees everywhere along with animals of every kind. Angels were singing. It was the most beautiful music I had ever heard. I fell to my knees and could not udder a word. My heart was filled to overflowing with joy. Then Jesus spoke to me. He said my work on earth was not finished. I was in awe I was being sent back. I could not understand it all, but my heart knew it was right.
Suddenly I was back in my room at home. There was a man there I somehow knew as Peter. I sat up and Peter helped me to my feet. He brought me downstairs and there were all the widows I had made coats and clothes for standing around and their wiping their tears. Why were they crying I asked? They said I had died. I knew instantly what I had experienced was not a dream. I also knew I had to keep my experience to myself. Somehow Jesus had communicated to me not to tell anyone. I knew it was the right thing to do.
There was a celebration that evening. There was food galore and I ate so much. I was so happy! I felt such love from the people I had helped, and I could not wait to help more.
As Joppa grew so did the poor population. I had some of the widows help me sew clothing and coats for the poor. We also gave out food when we could to the hungry among the poor. Along with the growing population grew a large population of believers in Christ. Many said it was because I was raised from the dead, yet others said it was from our charity to the poor. I am so content.
I am growing old. My eyes can no longer see to thread a needle or to make the perfect stitches I once could sew. I have taught the younger women to take my place. The church has taken over my charity work but have asked me to help in any way I still can. I have such peace and joy. Gone is the bitter woman. Because I believe in Jesus as my Savior my life has been complete. Soon I will see Jesus again. I cannot wait!
Have you experienced times of heartbreak which could cause bitterness in your life? How did you handle it? Did you become bitter at God or the world like Dorcas did? Or did you turn to Jesus and trust Him to see you through?
Bitterness is something I felt during my breakup of my marriage many years ago. Fortunately, I have learned to forgive and to trust God. He has restored my joy. I am content to serve God through my writing. Philippians 4:11 says “for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.” (New International Version of the Bible.)
As I was reading the insight for today’s Our Daily Bread, I saw the removal of sandals (shoes) had symbolism in Jewish customs which could relate to today. I was thinking of the snow and dirt we pick up on our shoes every day and how I take off my shoes first thing when I enter my home. My home is my place to get away from the dirtiness of the outside world. In Ruth we see the removal of sandals was a sign of a covenant between two parties. Finally, in John 13 we see Jesus washing His disciple’s feet-a sign of humbleness.
According to the Insight for today’s Our Daily Bread, “Theologians also postulate that the sandal, which are inconstant contact with the literal ground, symbolize all that’s earthly.” We also read that footwear is considered “profane and common.” My first thought when I read this is by taking my shoes off when I get home for the day keeps my home cleaner. Then I thought my home is place where I meet with God every day, so I also need to be careful of what I bring into my home whether it be something physical or through my internet-capable devices. Would Jesus like what I am watching on TV or the website I am looking at? What other things am I bringing into my home which might cause me to sin? Something to ponder about.
In Ruth chapter four we see Boaz asking the guardian-redeemer marry Ruth to carry on the line of her deceased husband, a custom of the time. The book of Ruth in the Bible tells a beautiful story of a woman and her mother-in-law, both widows, being saved from being destitute and without an heir. Verse seven specifically talks about how the removal of sandals is a covenant between two parties. 7(Now in earlier times in Israel, for the redemption and transfer of property to become final, one party took off his sandal and gave it to the other. This was the method of legalizing transactions in Israel.) This reminds me of the covenant we can have with God through His Son Jesus. Jesus’ dying on the cross seals the covenant. See, when Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the tree of the Lord had told them not to eat from, it broke the relationship covenant between God and humans. Because of that break all people carry the sin nature. We need to accept Jesus’ death and resurrection as a new covenant in our lives. Remember Jesus probably died with His shoes off since the Roman soldiers took His clothes and gambled to see who would get each article of clothing. Something to ponder about.
John 13 tells the story of the last supper Jesus had with His disciples before His death. It was the custom back then to have a servant wash the feet of the guests a person invited to dinner. Because sandals were worn everywhere the feet tended to get dirty. It was a servant’s job to wash the feet. It does not say why Jesus waited until the meal had already started, but it was the reason Jesus washed the feet of the disciples I want to stress. Here is the verse: After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him. Jesus was showing humility of serving others. Jesus was the Son of God worthy of being served, but He did not live like that. He became human so He could die on the cross to save us. How are we following Jesus’ example and humbling serving others? Something to ponder about.
In conclusion: we are to remove the “dirtiness” of our lives by entering in the new covenant Jesus is offering us and to live humbly like Jesus. Take off your shoes!
I came across this scripture this morning when I was reading my Bible. As I was reading through the list of qualities one should work for in their Christian life I came across this verse, and it hit me: do I have my God glasses on? Here is the verse: whoever does not have them is nearsighted and blind, forgetting that they have been cleansed from their past sins. I will list the qualities later, but I wanted first to address this verse and why I thought of the title. When a person goes to the eye doctor and are told they are nearsighted, it means they cannot see anything in the distance clearly. Therefore, they are prescribed glasses to see things in the distant more clearly. It is like that in the Christian life. The more we put our God glasses on and practice the following qualities the more we can see what God is doing around us and more clearly what God has instore for our future. So let us look closer at this scripture through our God Glasses.
3 His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Once we become a Christian, God gives us everything we need to live godly. We became a Christian through the knowledge God loved us so much He sent His Son, Jesus, to die a horrible death on a cross and on the third day rise from the grave. Why? Because God loves us and wants us to have a relationship with Him, to see Him more clearly. We will see His glory and goodness through the lenses of a godly life.
4Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires. With knowledge of God’s glory and goodness we see more clearly God’s great and precious promises found throughout the entire Bible. Looking closer at these promises causes us to have a desire to become more like Jesus. When we do, we will see how the world is becoming increasingly corrupt because of people’s evil desires. Yet, we look past the corruption to see the precious promises of life forever with God in Heaven. Focus on that!
5For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; 6and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; 7and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. 8For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 9But whoever does not have them is nearsighted and blind, forgetting that they have been cleansed from their past sins. It is a daily walk focusing on adding stronger lenses of faith, goodness, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, mutual affection, and love. The stronger our God glasses, are the more we focus on God, the more we can see our way through life even when the bad things come. If we do not practice these qualities our God glasses become ineffective and unproductive. So, do you have your God glasses on and are your lenses getting stronger?
Just three weeks ago I backed my little car into a garbage truck. I have no idea how I did not hear or see the huge truck thirty feet from my parking space when I went out to my car to go to work. I know I was tired that day as I did not sleep well at all. That alone is unusual as I usually sleep well. Yet, I was determined to go to work that day. As I slammed into the huge truck, I remember thinking I somehow hit my apartment building, but my apartment building is not blue. I was trapped in the car the whole driver’s side was slammed up against the truck. One of the two guys with the garbage truck told me to pull forward. As I did, I was able to free my car from the garbage truck and I was still able to drive it. I was in a state of shock. I remember one of the garbage truck men asked me if it was okay to call the police. I said yes. I was trying to call work, but the sun was shining on my phone, so I went into my building. No one answered the phone. I tried several times. The police came and they interviewed me and the two guys. One of the guys told me he knew my store manager and had called him for me. I was wearing my work vest. Someone told me to move my car so I drove it up so I could turn around and I put it back in my parking space.
I messaged my kids. I asked my oldest son to drive me to work. The police left and the garbage men went on to pick up the garbage from the other buildings. I called in late still determined to go into work. I was physically unhurt, but I was shaking inside. My son came and got me. He was with his girlfriend. They took me to work. When I got there, I happened to see one of the managers. She asked me how I was not knowing I had just been in an accident. I told her and suddenly I was close to tears. She said she would excuse me if I did not feel up to working that day. So, I went to the breakroom and decided to not punch in and try to find a way home. My youngest son is temporarily disabled and cannot drive. He has a car so I messaged him asking him if I could borrow his car while mine was being repaired. He said yes so, I said I would find a way to his house to get the car. My oldest son and girlfriend were on their way out of town to help someone move when they dropped me off at work. I did not know anyone else to call so I called a cab. They said it would be at least three hours before they could pick me up so I called another company and they said it would be more than an hour. While I was on the phone a coworker was listening to my conversation. When I got off the phone, she said she would be finished with work in an hour and a half and would be willing to drive me to my son’s house. I called the cab company back and cancelled the cab. While I waited, I ate the lunch I had brought with me and searched for repair shops. I was wondering how long it would take to get my car repaired. Just when my coworker came into the breakroom after her shift the insurance adjuster called to set up an appointment to see about the damage to my car. After I got off the phone my coworker took me up to my son’s house. When I got there my son asked me to take him to the store. When I started his car, I saw the gas tank was empty, so we first went to the nearest gas station. I put gas in, and we went to the store. On our way back to my son’s house I noticed the speedometer was not working and the battery light was on. Somehow, we made it back to my son’s house. As I pulled up to the edge of the parking lot to back into his space, my son asked me to let him do it because my car was smaller. So, I turned off the car and got out. My son got in and the car would not start. After four tries, he quit, and we went upstairs to his apartment. Now what?
I felt overwhelmed. I had no way of getting to and from work let alone a way home from my son’s house. My son’s friend came and tried to jump his car, but it would not start. I was stuck! So, I looked online about a rental car. I decided to call them to make sure it was all set up. They were coming to get me at nine the next morning. Yet I still needed a ride home and I did not want to wait for hours for a cab. My son suggested Uber. I downloaded the app and put in for a ride. My ride was going to be there in ten minutes. I said goodbye to my son and made my way down to the front of the house so the Uber driver could find me. She was right there in no time. She was pleasant and empathic to my situation. I needed that comfort.
The next morning a driver from the car rental place picked me up and brought me to the rental place. The guy who managed my call the night before was there to help me get the rental. It took little time and soon I was on my way to work. I was overly cautious driving for the first time since the accident. As I was working, I was wondering how I was going to pay for the deductible and pay off my credit card for the rental. I was worried.
The next morning the insurance adjuster came. He took his time looking over the damage. When he was finished assessing my car, he texted me to come out and talk to him. He told me my car was not repairable. I needed a new car. He told me my insurance would pay off my damaged car and give me the difference. The insurance company would call me when they knew what my car was worth. As it was Friday, I then knew I would have to wait until Monday to hear from the insurance company. When he left, I went to work? I was relieved! I would not have to wait for my car to be repaired nor pay the deductible. On my lunch I looked to see what was available at the dealership in Rhinelander where my friend sells cars. I found a car I liked and met my criteria of must haves. I was surprised of how much cars sold for these days, but I wanted something dependable. I messaged my friend at the dealership, and she said the car was available. She said to do the application for financing as soon as possible online. I told her I would do it that evening. When I got home from work, I filled out the application. I looked at other cars just in case that one fell through, but none were as good as the one I applied for, so I waited.
The next day I was checking my messages just before it was time to punch in for work and saw a message from my friend at the dealership I was approved for financing for that car. I told her the soonest I could come buy the car would be Tuesday. I asked my oldest son to drive me up on Tuesday and he said he could. The next day I drove about two hours down near Wisconsin Dells to a family reunion. It was wonderful to see everyone.
Finally, Monday came, and I heard from the insurance company. I was shocked at how much my car was worth. The guy overseeing my case said he would deposit money in my checking so I could make a down payment on my new car. Later that day I saw he made the deposit. Tuesday, I asked my son to meet me at the car rental place so I could return the rental before him driving me up to Rhinelander to buy my car. After test driving the car and doing all the paperwork, I went out to lunch with my friend. It had been almost two years since I last seen her, and it was so nice to visit. I also saw another friend who worked at the place where we went for lunch.
After I left, I stopped briefly to see a couple of my grandchildren then headed home. On the way home I saw the engine light had come on. The car is only two years old with only 17,000 miles on it. Why was the engine light on? It seemed to run okay so I went home. I let my friend who sold me the car know. It was suggested I have an auto parts store run a diagnostic on it, so I went the next day after work. When he ran the test, I called my dealership friend with the results. She was at work, so she went over and spoke with a mechanic. He said I needed to bring the car back in, but it was drivable until then. My friend made an appointment for me the next Tuesday as Monday was Independence Day.
On Monday, I needed to go to a friend’s house who had just had surgery three days prior. I went to bring her a meal and help her. She convinced me to take her to the fireworks at a nearby town. I did not really want to go as I had an early morning appointment the next day at the clinic, and I had to drive an hour to Rhinelander to get my car fixed. We went anyways and I was late getting home. Not what I wanted.
Tuesday, I did my appointment then cleaned up the spilled coffee from the night before. Tired, I drove up to Rhinelander and went straight to the dealership. They did not have an appointment for me. What? I told them I had just drove an hour to there thinking I had an appointment. They agreed to squeeze me in. It took two and a half hours, but she finally called my name to say they had finished with my car. I stopped at one of my favorite places for lunch then over to see my grandkids. As I headed home later, I noticed how much better my new car preformed. I finally felt some peace about my whole experience.
Why did all this happen? I still do not know. God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. Later in Psalm 46 the writer writes The Lord of Heaven’s Armies is here among us; the God of Israel is our fortress. You ask what does it mean “The Lord of Heaven’s Armies”? At the time of writing the Lord God would come down once a year to a place in the tabernacle called the Holies of Holy. It would be rare for someone to feel God’s presence. Yet, Christians believe Jesus was God’s Son and therefore the very presence of God in the flesh. However, Jesus did not come for hundreds of years after this Psalm was written. Now Jesus no longer walks the earth, but Christians believe God’s Spirit indwells the hearts of Christians guiding them through life. The Lord of Heaven’s Armies refers to Jesus even though it was before His time on earth. This idea is based on studying the book of Revelations, the last book of the Bible. The Psalm ends with a look ahead to end times. Be still and know I am God.
8Come, see the glorious works of the Lord:
See how he brings destruction upon the world.
9He causes wars to end throughout the earth.
He breaks the bow and snaps the spear;
he burns the shields with fire.
10“Be still, and know that I am God!
I will be honored by every nation.
I will be honored throughout the world.”
11The Lord of Heaven’s Armies is here among us;
the God of Israel is our fortress.
With every experience we can look and find God within the experience. Even right after the accident I wondered why God let it happen. Then in the following weeks I saw God at every turn. Sometimes we just need to be still and know God is with us. He Is Here!
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The identity of the Holy Spirit has perplexed believers for centuries. What specifically does the Spirit do in our lives? How can we know the Spirit more deeply and tap into the Spirit’s power? Is it possible to be more aware of the Spirit’s promptings and speaking in our lives?
The answers are bigger and better than you’ve dared to imagine. Because the issue isn’t whether we can grow closer to the Spirit but whether we are open to all the Spirit offers.
And it begins with this realization that God is alive and well and indwells us. That’s the seminal idea and invitation behind world-renowned New Testament scholar Scot McKnight’s new book. Rather than a scholarly treatise or systematic theology, Open to the Spirit is practical exploration of more than a dozen biblical themes about the Holy Spirit.
As you discover how to be increasingly open to the Spirit every moment of every day, it will change your understanding of the Bible; how you relate to others; how you approach worship; and how you experience victory over sin, sickness, and death. God’s desire is to transform us into individuals who demonstrate his grace, love, peace, and justice. If you’re open to that, then you’re ready for this radical life-changing message!
Verses five through seven talks about how a person is cursed if they put all their trust in mere humans. I am thinking not just humans but money and the things it could buy. How many times have you been failed by a mere human or failed someone you love? We all fail. We can build strong relationships with others but at one point or another someone will fail the other. We must not put all our trust in one person, our boss, or even our government. But we can trust in God!
Have you ever been blessed by God because you have put your trust in Him in a certain situation? I have lots of times. This week we had severe storms come through my area on Tuesday and Wednesday. Wednesday, we had a tornado west of me about fifty miles. These severe storms caused many trees to uproot and semis to be blown over. Thankfully no one was hurt or killed. I was just about to leave work Wednesday when my phone alerted me the area was under a tornado warning. I work at Walmart and everyone, associates, and customers alike, were told to go to the back of the store. Most people did. I made myself comfortable in the breakroom and waited. While I waited, I watched the news on the TV and saw the storm was worse where my brother and sister-in-law live so I texted them praying they were alright. They were in at Dells Christian Campgrounds which is south of where they lived. They reported later no damage was done there. Then I messaged my youngest kid to make sure they were okay. I was praying the whole time while sitting there. God kept us safe. Some lost electricity but no one was hurt.
You see we can have hope and confidence in God during our storms of life. We can be like this tree planted by the river. Its roots are deep. It does not have to worry about storms or drought. While it does lose its leaves in the fall it does offer wonderful shade in the summer heat. I know because Tuesday before the storm it was hot, and I was fishing with my kid at that park. At one time I took a break from fishing and just sat on a bench under that tree. I just sat there enjoying its shade and enjoying the surrounding nature. I do not think I even looked at my phone. While this tree does not produce fruit it does provide comfort and protection. It is beautiful to behold. Our fruit may not be noticeable but maybe it shows up as a comfort or protection to someone in need. We can bare fruit if we have hope and confidence in God. Do you have hope and confidence?
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While reading this chapter in the Bible, I saw me in it. I saw me in my past as well as me now. Am I trusting God as I should?
In the past chronic pain and long hours on my feet at work kept me from sleeping well or enjoying activities. I was working until 11pm or later five nights a week. I was in constant pain which I did not know how to manage. I subjected my body to injections and nerve burnings where I found some relief.
I had no social life, and it was hard to make it to church most Sundays. My emotional state was a mess, and I had no real friends. I did not feel wanted and often felt like everything I did was wrong.
I did not even feel safe at home because there was a registered sex offender/creepy guy who lived in an upstairs apartment who sometimes would look in my windows. My skin crawled every time I saw him. He also smoked outside the door and the fumes would come into my apartment. I have asthma and chronic bronchitis.
I felt stuck with no alternatives to my life.
3Day and night I have only tears for food, while my enemies continually taunt me, saying,
“Where is this God of yours?
4My heart is breaking as I remember how it used to be: I walked among the crowds of worshipers, leading a great procession to the house of God, singing for joy and giving thanks
amid the sound of a great celebration! 5Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad?
9“O God my rock,” I cry, “why have you forgotten me? Why must I wander around in grief,
oppressed by my enemies?” 10Their taunts break my bones. They scoff, “Where is this God of yours?”
Fast forward to today. When both my kids decided to move independently to Wausau, I thought it would be nice to move with them. I did not think it was possible, yet God found a way. He put me in a great apartment and my transfer went through okay. He also put me in a great church. But most of all God changed me. Slowly! Yet, I notice it every day.
My schedule at work is more daytime hours freeing me evenings to do stuff with friends from church and get involved. I also work four days a week, not five, leaving me three days in a row off from work. Some weeks I am so busy I do not have time to be lonely or feel unwanted.
I still have chronic pain, but I am managing it better. I still wear a brace on my left foot and walk with a cane often, yet it is less than before. I also am now wearing a brace for my back at work and increased the dosage of one of my medicines to help with the pain. Yet, the most help is having a physical therapist who worked with me over a period to make sure I was ready to be on my own with daily exercises to strengthen my back and knees. Chronic pain no longer rules my life!
My home life is better too. I feel safe here and have no worries about the people who live in the other apartments in my building. Smoking is not permitted near the building and the one who does smoke is considerate of my health whenever I must go near her when she is smoking. It is freeing not be afraid anymore.
Yet the change came within! I was spending more time studying the Bible and in prayer. Often a couple of hours in the morning with my coffee. I also have a clear signal for a local Christian radio station in my car. Having music on helps lift my soul and helps me cope with my problems. I also get to see some of my siblings more often since I am an hour closer to them than when I was in Rhinelander.
1As the deer longs for streams of water, so I long for you, O God. 2I thirst for God, the living God. When can I go and stand before him?
8But each day the Lord pours his unfailing love upon me, and through each night I sing his songs, praying to God who gives me life.
Yet, I still worry about rising prices at the pump and in the grocery stores. I also worry about changes in management staff which could directly affect my schedule and peace of mind at work. But with my worries is the reminder I can trust God for my future.
I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again—my Savior and my God!
Where is your trust?
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26Saul and David were now on opposite sides of a mountain. Just as Saul and his men began to close in on David and his men, 27an urgent message reached Saul that the Philistines were raiding Israel again. 28So Saul quit chasing David and returned to fight the Philistines. Ever since that time, the place where David was camped has been called the Rock of Escape. 29David then went to live in the strongholds of En-gedi.
I guess I should first explain what is happening in these verses before going into why they are important about the Rock of Escape. Saul was the first king of Israel but after awhile he quit following the Lord and became ineffective as king. At that time the Lord told Samuel, who was a wise judge in Israel, to anoint David as the next king. David was just a young man, perhaps even a teenager when this happened. A few years later Saul became depressed and angry and decided to put all his efforts into killing David. 13So David and his men—about 600 of them now—left Keilah and began roaming the countryside. Word soon reached Saul that David had escaped, so he didn’t go to Keilah after all. 14David now stayed in the strongholds of the wilderness and in the hill country of Ziph. Saul hunted him day after day, but God didn’t let Saul find him. God was with David even though I am sure there were times when David was afraid. Many of the Psalms talk about David being pursued by his enemies and how God is David’s Rock.
This is the only place where I have found the term “Rock of Escape”. Other translations of the Bible call it Sela Hammahlekoth or the rock of parting. Yet, in these times of war I feel the Rock of Escape is more appropriate. But why is it important? The Rock of Escape to me is Christ Jesus. We can escape to Him with all our troubles. He will help us escape our enemies, our worries, and He is our escape to comfort us and make us feel loved.
Most of us reading this live in the USA where we are at peace. We have safe homes with food and water. We take for granted having lights on when it is dark and electricity to charge our devices. Most of us can get into our cars and drive to any where we want, even if it is to work. We complain about gas prices and the costs of goods and services going up. Yet the people of Ukraine do not have any of these things. Today at church one of the men of the church is friends with a guy in a church in the Ukraine and he said earlier in the week the city he was living in had neither running water or electricity. Today we learned electricity was restored but the still had no water. They were melting snow for water to drink and cook.
Tonight, my church had a special prayer meeting for the people of Ukraine. I could not help but to think of how God caused the Philistine army to attack just at the time Saul was about to capture David to distract Saul. David escaped being killed by Saul. As we prayed for a miracle for Ukraine I wonder if God has something to distract the Russian army away from Ukraine and no more harm will come to them. It is my prayer the Lord will end this soon. It is also my prayer I will no longer take my American blessing for granted.
Jesus, the Rock of Escape is there for us as well as I am sure He is there in Ukraine. He is our rock of escape for our worries. In one way you can think of the Rock of Escape, Jesus, as a vacation. How many ads to exotic places say escape to our island…? Well, Jesus our Rock of Escape can be that momentary vacation in our lives if we give our worries to Him and gain His peace in our lives. It does not have to be momentary either it could be day by day. He loves us and is there for us. He is our Rock of Escape!
We have all heard the story of David and Goliath as we were children. We were thrilled to sit and listen to the story as David picks up a stone, puts it in his sling and hurls it at the mean giant Goliath. We wondered how a small stone could kill a giant like Goliath. Perhaps it was because David had better armor than Goliath? Wait a minute! You are probably thinking there is no mention of David wearing armor when he went into battle with Goliath. But David was, it just was not visible. David had on the armor of God spoke of in Ephesians chapter six. This post will consist of three sections of armor. Goliath’s armor, Saul’s armor and David’s armor, the armor of God.
Goliath’s Armor
Goliath was a giant even for these times. He stood nine feet tall. He probably was not skinny either as his armor weighed 150 pounds. He had a bronze helmet. His coat of mail weighed 125 pounds alone. He wore bronze leg armor. He also carried a javelin on his shoulder with a spearhead weighing fifteen pounds itself. He also carried a sword because after he fell, face down I might add, David ran over to him pulled out Goliath’s sword, made sure he was dead by stabbing him and cut off his head. Goliath also had a shield. It was carried by an armor bearer in front of him. I imagine it would have to be large to cover a man as large as Goliath. Goliath felt confident his size and his armor would protect him. Yet he was killed by a stone landing just in the right spot of his forehead. Goliath’s armor reminds me of people who put their trust in things. Things, like money. Even all the money in the world cannot save us.
Saul’s Armor
Saul was king at the time of this incident. He had become ineffective when he disobeyed God and God said Saul would be replaced by another as king. Saul still won some of Israel’s battles but when the Philistines opposed Israel and sent out Goliath as champion he and the whole country quaked in fear. Not David though, he went to King Saul and said he would kill this giant. Saul finally agreed after David described battles with large wild animals while tending his father’s flock of sheep. Saul was not trusting in God to save Israel, so Saul had David put on Saul’s armor. Now David was still a young man at the time. Historians say David was on the shorter side. Saul was taller. Saul had David put on his tunic, coat of arms, bronze helmet, and sword. In my imagination I see David felt weighed down in Saul’s armor when he was trying to walk around. I imagine David trying his hardest to get used to the heavy armor. Trying to please Saul, the king. Then I imagine David realizing he did not need to be burden by heavy armor he had the armor of God. Saul’s armor reminds me of those who are burden down trying to be good enough. Trying to please our parents, teachers and bosses and even trying to please God without having the freedom of God’s armor He has to offer each of us through faith in God’s Son Jesus.
David’s Armor
In chapter sixteen we read about Samuel anointing David as king of Israel. I Samuel 16:13 says “And the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon David from that day on.” David’s armor was the Spirit of the Lord upon him. He did not need a helmet, coat of arms or even a shield he had the Spirit of the Lord. He was free of the armor of trusting things or trying to be good enough, he was free to trust the Lord to save him. When I think of this, I think of another place in the Bible which talks about armor. Ephesian 6:14-17 talks about the armor of God. I believe David was wearing this armor when he faced Goliath. Let us look at the different components of the armor of God I imagine David was wearing that day. The following verses are from Ephesian 6:14-17 and are from the New Living Translation. “Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness. For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared. In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil. Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”
Belt of truth: David believed the truth about God when God said He would deliver Israel from their enemies if Israel was trusting God. Goliath and Saul were not trusting God to deliver them, and both were killed in battle. (It was years later for Saul.)
Body armor of God’s righteousness: notice it says God’s righteousness not David’s or our own. We could go to church every day, pray without stopping, give all our money to the poor, and do good constantly and still not be righteous enough to be saved. Only God is righteous. Do not lose heart though, God sent His Son, Jesus to die on the cross and take all our unrighteousness on Him in our place so we can have God’s righteousness for our own by accepting Jesus. David knew God would send a Savior into the world. David looked forward to that time and had faith. David’s faith gave him God’s righteousness.
Shoes of peace which comes from the Good News: The Good News is God saves us through faith in His Son Jesus. Knowing the Good News gives us peace. It is not the same peace the world thinks of but the inner peace knowing we can trust God in everything. I imagine David stepped onto the battlefield with the shoes of peace God had given him because he trusted God.
Shield of faith: to stop the fiery darts of the devil. These fiery darts can be thoughts of doubt, anxiety, or depression. It also could be thoughts of low self esteem or even those 3am thoughts seeping into your mind of something you should have done in the past. Fiery darts could also be spreading gossip or outright lies to cause division. They are also hating someone because they are different than you are. None of these are from God. God wants you to remember your faith in Him and put up the shield of faith to stop the fiery darts. Perhaps David’s fiery darts came when he put on Saul’s armor before realizing he did not need it because God was his shield.
Helmet of salvation: salvation comes from trusting in God’s Son Jesus to save you. You must trust Him with your mind, soul, and spirit. All of these are in your head and is covered by the helmet of salvation. David knew he had the figurative helmet of salvation on his head because he was trusting in God.
Sword of the Spirit: which is also known as the Word of God. The Bible is the Word of God, but it is just a book until you read it, mediate on it, memorize it, and believe it is true. Then the Spirit comes in and fights your battles for you. The sword of the Lord divides the truth from the untruth in our lives if we are listening to what the Spirit if telling us through His Word.
David had the Spirit of the Lord upon him. He was not afraid of Goliath, and he understood he did not need Saul’s armor of good works to save him. He just had to trust God’s armor. What armor are you trusting in?
For further study on David and Goliath check out these selections from Christianbook.com Home. If you click on a link and make a purchase I may earn a small percentage of that purchase without any additional cost to you. The earnings go directly to the costs of the website. Thank you for your support.
On a recent Sunday, my church had their annual celebration of what the Lord has done this past year in the church. I was excited to be there for that because I have been a part of my church for over a year and participated in activities in the church. Part of the celebration during the church service was a slide show. It was good to see the photos both of activities I missed and activities I was able to attend. A couple of the photos shown I took, and it made me happy to be able to contribute in that way. After the second service we had a soup luncheon and enjoyed a game of Jeopardy. It was a wonderful time of sweet fellowship with my church family.
Other times of sweet fellowship within my church family are the Bible studies, women’s group get togethers, and after each service the coffee and snacks in the fellowship hall. This is a wonderful time to get to know each other by sharing both our joys and our struggles. I look forward to coming events this year with my church. Just being able to attend services is sweet fellowship as we come together for prayer and praise followed by listening to the Word of God preached. Internet services are great, but they are nothing like being there in person. Ah, sweet fellowship!
I could brag about my church all day but there are other ways to have sweet fellowship. For many, like myself, getting together with family can be sweet fellowship. Time spent with my kids and grandkids is sweet, usually. Sharing their joys and their struggles is precious to me. My kids are in their early twenties, so they are just now opening to me but not always. I count it joy when they spend more time talking to me than staring at their phones.
My extended family gets together every year. Last year we got together in June instead of January. While four of my siblings and their families still live within my state, two of my siblings live in other parts of the country. When we get together, we eat, visit and play games. We are fiercely competitive, but it is all in genuine fun. Sweet fellowship.
Only living in the area, a little over a year I have only few friends outside the church in my new city. Yet I lived up north for 19 years in a small town where I still have friends. I also lived in other states, so I have friends from there also. I also have friends I have met in my life I stay connected with. One has been a friend since grade school. It has been a long time since I last saw her, but she is still dear to me. Sweet fellowship.
Physically getting together with friends far away is not possible very often. Even going up to the small town I used to live in an hour away is not possible very often with work schedules. However, we can always get together online, through texting or even, gasp, calling on the phone. People ask me why I am on Facebook, and I tell them it is how I stay connected with family and friends all over the world. I would miss sweet fellowship if I were not connected.Online is a wonderful way for bits of sweet fellowship.
Finally, there is sweet fellowship with people I have never met. I have met them online through trusted groups in social media. While I am slow to friend people I have not met, socializing within the groups has made this possible. Yet I watch a person’s behavior and read what they have written before I proceed in making friends. I do enjoy the sweet fellowship.
Where do you find sweet fellowship? Sometimes it is hard to look at is as sweet. We are not perfect, and conflict happens ruining relationships all the time. Reaching out to ask forgiveness and being forgiving is a wonderful way to restore relationships and return to sweet fellowship. Just like we need sweet fellowship with God, our Savior, we need to have sweet fellowship with others. Share your meaning sweet of fellowship with me in the comment section.
Here is a couple of books I want to purchase from:
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Every woman longs for authentic friendships with others – but in a world of carefully-curated social media, most of us are merely keeping up appearances. Both online and offline, we’re all prone to only presenting the best side of ourselves.
This book shows us that, surprisingly, the secret to growing the relationships we crave is in developing a biblical habit of repentance. By being honest about our sin before God and receiving his forgiveness, we’re freed be honest about our sin with others. When we drop the act and are real with others, we are both strengthened in our fight against sin and can start to grow authentic friendships.
Catherine Parks encourages women to resist the “I’m fine” culture, get real with each other about sin and experience authentic fellowship.
This book is great for reading with your book group, women’s group, accountability partner, or one-to-one mentor – discussion questions are included for every chapter.
Mary Meyer grew up in rural Iowa, happily cooking for family and friends. As her love for food eventually led her to run Iowa’s popular tearoom, the Peppercorn Pantry, Meyer discovered that her true joy is providing a place for people to gather for fellowship and comforting food.
Within a collection of delectable recipes that are often served at the tearoom, Meyer shares a glimpse into her world of bringing others joy through the art of cooking. Sprinkled throughout recipes that include beef crostini, maple muffins, cinnamon coffeecake, chicken tortilla soup, crab Louie, broccoli grape salad, scalloped corn, salmon with creamy lemon dill sauce, and black Russian bundt cake, Meyer includes personal anecdotes and photographs that offer a heartwarming taste of her family and background.
This morning I was reading Genesis chapter three and doing a study of the first ten verses. The study brought up more questions than answers but then I noticed something. The Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day. Adam and Eve heard the sound of God walking in the garden. Unfortunately, they had already eaten the fruit God had told them not to, so they tried to hide. No doubt God knew where they were and why they were hiding but He still went walking in the garden where they were. One of my questions was this something God was in the habit of doing before Adam and Eve sinned? Oh, what sweet fellowship that must have been! I cannot imagine what that would be like since we now live in this world of sin, brokenness, and pain.
Yet, there are examples in the Bible of sweet fellowship with God. Abraham was one of the first to record sweet fellowship with God. The Bible records long conversations between the two of them. It is all because Abraham obeyed God’s commands. This is true in every situation in the Bible. Let us look at other examples of sweet fellowship with God.
Joseph, Abraham’s great grandson, was a boastful boy. His brothers hated him, so they sold him to be a slave in Egypt. Joseph went through trails in his life but in the end, he became a great leader. I wonder if it was during those years Joseph was in prison, after being falsely accused, he became changed because he had sweet fellowship with God during those dark days of his life.
Moses is another one who experienced sweet fellowship with God. One time the Lord told Moses to go to the top of Mount Sinai to meet with Him. There the Lord gave Moses the Ten Commandments. Exodus 34:29 says when Moses came down from the mountain his face was radiant from being with the Lord. Have you ever seen someone just coming from prayer time or from studying the Bible have a special glow about them? It is because they just came from sweet fellowship with God.
The Psalms is full of King David’s praise and pleadings to the Lord. David was a great king in Israel, but he had trials before he was crowned king. The king before David did not follow God’s commands and became ineffective as a leader. God chose David to succeed Saul and Saul knew it. King Saul decided to kill David forcing David to go into hiding. You will find in the Psalms examples where David cried out to God for help to save him from his enemies. I wonder if while David was hiding, he experienced sweet fellowship with the Lord?
Elijah was another of ones who experienced sweet fellowship with God. He was hated by the king because the king was going against God commands and setting up idol worship for the people to worship instead of the one true God. Elijah called the king out for it. The king’s wife, Jezebel, heard of it, became enraged at Elijah, and wanted Elijah dead. Elijah found himself on a mountain top talking to God. It was there God showed Himself to Elijah in a quiet whisper. God often tells us “Be still and know I am God.”
Finally, we come to Jesus himself. I recently read “Lord, Teach Us to Pray” by Sunday U. Bwanhot. I got the book from my church, but I am not sure it is available to the public yet. In the book Reverend Bwanhot describes Jesus’ prayer life. Reverend Bwanhot explains how Jesus was in constant face to face communion with God the Father, Jesus’ Father from before the beginning of time.
Reverend Bwanhot explains Jesus often went off by himself to pray. Often Jesus would go without sleep just to spend time with his Father. John chapter 17 gives us a glimpse of one of Jesus’ prayers. Jesus prays God’s glory be seen in him. He knew he would be going to the cross to die for us and Jesus knew his death and resurrection would glorify the God the Father. Jesus was obedient to his Father even though he suffered for our sins. It was on the cross when Jesus took the sins of the world upon himself when the sweet fellowship was broken. After Jesus died, the penalty for sin, the sweet fellowship was restored from now on.
We as humans can have this sweet fellowship with God. We do not have to be any of these before mentioned men. How you ask?
First, you must believe God loves you and He sent His son, Jesus, to die on the cross for your sins. You also must recognize your sin. Sin is going your own way and not following God’s commandments. None of us can say we are perfect therefore we have sin. Once you believe you must accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Salvation is not something you can work for because one must be perfect to be saved but Jesus’ death and resurrection made salvation possible, and it is a gift to you. Just accept it.
Then spend time each day reading the Bible. Meditate on a verse or two. Let God guide you in what you are reading. The Bible is God’s Words to us. Then pray. Be sure to give God praise for even the trivial things in life. Give Him thanks! Confess any wrongdoing. Pray for others and yourself. It is that simple. The book “Lord, Teach Us to Pray” is a wonderful guide in having sweet fellowship with the Lord. It helped to change my life, but the change came when I really started listening to God through His Word and praying with a humble heart. Ah, sweet fellowship!
You can inquire about getting a copy of the book by emailing the author: bwanhot@gmail.com
Reverend Bwanhot was at my church to speak on January 9, 2022. Here is a link to my church where you can find the Live Stream link to You Tube to listen to him speak. bethanyschofield.org/home
Below I listed three books by the same title for your further study. These books come from Christianbook. I am an affiliate of Christianbook. If you use these links and make a purchase I may receive a small percentage of your purchase at no extra cost to you. This helps with the costs of running the website only.
In Lord, Teach Us to Pray, a Geared for Growth 12-session Bible study, you will come to understand prayer and learn how to explain it to others. The study aims to give participants a working, practical knowledge of prayer. Each session’s study includes daily Bible readings and questions followed by a one-page Notes section that expounds upon the week’s reading. The answers to the questions can be found at the back of the study guide.
I was reading from Psalm 145, from the Bible, this morning and the idea came to mind to write a devotional on what God does according to verses found in Psalm 145. Then I went through the chapter and wrote down the key works or phrases of what God does. There are at least eleven of them which I found but you may find more. I took these actions from the New Living Translation.
The first three verses are praises for God’s mighty works so I will start with verse four.
Mighty Acts (verse 4). Throughout the entire Bible are stories of might acts of God. The most might is when Jesus, God in human form, went willingly to the cross. Why is this the most mighty you ask? It all started when Adam and Eve disobeyed God and brought sin into a perfect world. This ruined mankind’s relationship with God. God wanted to restore this relationship, so He sent His Son Jesus to die on the cross for all of us. But Jesus did not stay dead. He rose again on the third day and now lives with God the Father. You can have this restored relationship with God by just asking Him, no strings attached. (Read Ephesians 2:8-9)
Powerful (verse 4). Even more powerful than all the superheroes combined. Throughout the Bible you will find God’s powerful acts. One was when He rescued the Jewish slaves from Egypt. First there were ten powerful plagues on the Egyptian people because they would not let the Jews go. Later, after they left Egypt the came to the Red Sea. This sea is a large body of water and God caused it to divide so thousands of Jews crossed over on dry land to the other side. Yet when the Egyptians started to cross the water came together again and caused the Egyptian army to drown. This is just one example of God’s power.
Wonderful Miracles (verse 5). When David (the king of Israel at the time) wrote of God’s wonderful miracles I am sure he was thinking of times God saved the Jewish nation and miracles in David’s own life. Yet, my mind thinks of the miracles of Jesus, God in human form, did. One of my favorites is a short story of a woman who had a bleeding problem for twelve years. She just touched Jesus’ hem of his clothes and she was instantly healed. You can read her story in Matthew 9, Mark 5, and Luke 8.
Awe-inspiring Deeds (verse 6). The awe-inspiring deed which came to mind is when Jesus was asleep in a boat and a huge storm came up. The disciples with Him were doing all they could to keep the boat from sinking. They woke Jesus up. I imagine some were thinking “how can He sleep in such a storm?” They asked him do you not care we are about to perish? All Jesus said was “Peace, be still!” and the storm stopped immediately. Talk about awe-inspiring.
Wonderful Goodness (verse 7). A personal story of God’s wonderful goodness is my knee surgery. I work for Walmart. Walmart has a program to keep their employees working by providing certain surgeries at no cost to the employee if you go to the hospital of the program’s choice. The program for total knee replacement sends you to the location of the hospital for two weeks. You stay in a hotel the whole time and you need to provide a caregiver. Everything is paid for including airfare, hotel, transportation, and food allowance for both the employee and the caregiver. I heard about the program from a coworker in July. I looked it up and applied. It took a couple of months and a ton of paperwork, but I was accepted into the program. I had two different caregivers back out on me before my niece volunteered to go. She is married and has three children, but she did an excellent job caring for me. The program sent me to Missouri for my surgery. Everything went well and everyone was nice and helpful. The I saw the goodness of God the entire time I was gone and since I returned to recover and is still good. To me the whole thing is nothing short of a miracle of God’s Goodness.
Merciful (verse 8). When Jesus was dying on the cross, he had two thieves hanging there with him. The soldiers around the cross were mocking and insulting Him. One of the thieves dying on the cross beside Jesus also mocking Jesus. But the other one said to the other thief “Don’t you fear God when you have been sentenced to die? We deserve to die for our crimes, but this man hasn’t done anything wrong.” Then he said to Jesus “remember me when you come into your kingdom” and Jesus replied, “I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise.” The thief had sense enough to realize Jesus was God and His dying on the cross was not the end of Jesus. He realized Jesus would be king. He also knew he was a sinner and needed Jesus to be merciful to him.
Compassionate (verse 8). Throughout the Old Testament and the life of Jesus we see God being compassionate. There were times in the book of Judges where the Israelites would turn their backs on God and God would allow them to suffer hardship for a time. They would usually repent of their sin and cry out to God to save them. Then God would have compassion on them and send a judge to deliver them from their hardship. Deborah is one of my favorites from the book of Judges.
Slow to Anger (verse 8). I have been a Christian my whole life yet there were times I did not act like one. Sometimes I would not attend church for months on end and not paid any attention to my Heavenly Father who just wanted a relationship with me. He could have given me up to go my own way. He could have become angry at my neglect of Him, but He did not. He waited patiently for me to return to Him. Have you ever felt like this?
Unfailing love (verse 8). This phrase reminds me of I Corinthians 13, the love chapter. Verse eight simple says, “Love never fails.” Yet, we as humans often fail the ones, we love the most. Yet God’s love for us is perfect, it can never fail no matter what we do or say. God’s unfailing love is trustworthy. Jesus dying on the cross for us is the perfect example of the unfailing love. Jesus did no wrong and He never failed anyone, yet He took all our failings Himself when He died.
Always keeps His Promises (verse 13b). From God’s promise to Noah, He would never flood the entire world again to Jesus’ promise He is coming back someday, God has every time keep His promises. I realize Jesus has not come back yet but reading all the stories in the Bible I can see promise after promise God has kept. Never once did God go back on His word and not kept a promise. Therefore, I can trust Jesus when He said He would be back. Are you ready for Jesus’ return?
Gracious in all God does (verse 13b). Oh, the gifts God bestows on us who genuinely love and serve Him. The most precious gift is the gift of Salvation. Ephesians 2:8-9 “God saved you by His grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift of God.” When we believe Jesus died and rose again, confessing our sins, He forgives us and gives us salvation. In the following verses lists gifts God graciously gives us. They are helps the fallen, lifts burdens, gives hope, provides our daily needs, grants desires (if they are in accordance with His will), hears our cries for help, rescues us, and protects from harm. There are other gifts God graciously gives us. Finally, the gift of salvation includes Heaven where we will have the restored relationship with God. We will no longer have pain, illness or sorrow our bodies will be restored to perfection, and we will live in peace.
I go back to the first three verses of praise for what God does. Everything I listed is something we can praise God for because of all He has done for us and who He is. Lately I have been studying prayer. One way to structure prayer is using A-adoration (or paise), C-confession, T-thanksgiving, and S-supplication (praying for our needs and the needs of others). Start your prayer with praise for all God does. It will make your prayer more meaningful. For me, I find it humbling to praise God for all He does because I do not deserve any of it. Yet because of God’s great love I do!
6He will make your innocence radiate like the dawn,
and the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun.
7Be still in the presence of the Lord,
and wait patiently for him to act.
As I was reading this passage the other day, I could not help to notice it was full of actions we should take. There is deeper meaning to each action than what it appears through the first reading. I am going to break it down phrase by phrase.
Trust in the Lord. Not your church, career or job, your spouse or anyone. Trust in the Lord. Trust is the action of putting your faith in someone or something. This passage says God wants you to trust in Him alone. He is the giver of life, and He is in control of all things. God knows everything about you and if you put your trust in Him, He guide you through life. It is not saying you will not have problems or have dreadful things happen, but if you trust in God, He will be with you through those troubled times. Romans 8:28And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.
Trust is also not worrying about things. I read somewhere recently worry is an insult to God. I struggle with this a great deal. Thankful God forgives me.
Do Good
This action is other-focused. Yes, we should behave ourselves, but this verse is saying “do good to others.” This makes sense when you read the rest of the verse. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper. If you are doing good to others, they are less likely to harm you and more likely want to be your friend.
Take Delight
Have joy in your heart the Lord is with you and knows your needs. Also, be delightful. Other people would rather be around someone who is happy than someone who is complaining. I struggle with this sometimes when I do not feel well, or my chronic pain is acting up. (See my post on https://northwoodsgirlblogging.com/do-not-let-things-rob-your-joy/ )
Commit Everything
Give everything to the Lord even if you think it is too small to matter. Pray about things on your heart. I write in a prayer journal every morning. It is my letters to God. I have been doing this for years. I commit my day to the Lord each morning. It gives me peace knowing God has my back even in the worst of days.
Trust Him
It must be important to trust God since He wrote it twice in this passage. Trust Him and He will help you. Even in your darkest hour you can trust God. The other day at church a guy asked me if I ever thought “What if…” I said no, I know I can trust God. Yet this morning I thought the “what if” about a problem I am having and had to stop myself. God knows our needs and our sufferings we can trust Him to help us.
Be Still
This is the hardest action of all. At least for me. Often, I find my mind distracted, especially when I am tired or have stressful things going on. I know this is true for everyone. Yet in Psalms 46:10 (NLT) “Be still, and know that I am God!” and other passages say to be still. One way to do this is to mediate on God’s Word. I find writing out my thoughts on a certain Bible passage helps me focus. Often, I write in my prayer journal a verse or two to think about. I think, with things, the more you do it the easier it becomes. I am a work in progress on the “be still” part of this passage.
There are other actions in this passage, but these stand out as important to me. Please study the passage yourself to find the actions God wants you to take in your life. They may be different than mine. Just trust, do good, take delight, commit, and be still.
Christianbook.com Home Offers a wide variety of books, Bibles and gifts. I am an affiliate with them. If you click on a link and make a purchase I may receive a percentage of your purchase at no extra cost to you. This helps towards the costs of this website. Thank you for your support.
Pastor and Grammy-winning musician Smokie Norful inspires readers to go to God and experience more fulfillment, delight, power, and success than they ever dreamed.
According to Smokie Norful, sometimes our lives feel like a pot of rice in his grandmother’s kitchen: hissing, boiling over, about to explode and create panic. The only way to avoid an explosion is to take the lid off-that is, to stop being trapped inside ourselves and instead look to God and his grace to make us all he intends us to be. Taking the lid off, Norful argues, entails four actions: look inward, experiencing the cleansing of forgiveness and the power of the Holy Spirit; look outward, seeking for others to experience the joy of living for God and have the best God has to offer; look upward and marvel at God’s love and strength to accomplish his purposes; and move onward, devising a strategy to accomplish all God has put in our hearts to do.
When we take these four steps, the pressure goes down, we gain peace and perception, and things work out much better in the end. When we finally take the lid off, we can become the people God has created us to be and do what we were intended to do. We get in touch with the unlimited power of his Spirit, we’re directed by the challenge of his purposes, and we experience the joy of seeing him use us to change lives. All of us need help in taking the lid off in order to trust God, take action, and reach our full potential.
Philippians 4:7 “and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” (New King James Version)
Last Sunday I told my Pastor I was anxious and fearful about my upcoming dental procedures. I had three upcoming appointments at the dentist to have deep cleaning and some teeth removed to get dental clearance for my knee replacement surgery December 1st. I had not been taking care of my teeth like you are supposed to and these teeth could not be saved. I was worried about the deep cleaning as it hurt the last time, I had a cleaning. I also had a tooth out before, and I was in a great deal of pain afterwards for a couple of days without strong pain medications. (Can you tell I do not like to be in pain?) I was worried about missing too much work. I was also worried about the costs after my insurance paid their part. My Pastor offered to pray with me.
While my Pastor was praying, he prayed I would have the peace which passes all understanding. Suddenly a light went on in my head. I had heard the phrase “peace which passes all understanding” hundreds of times in my life but I never really thought about it. The light in my head said: “this peace is from God, and it is beyond our understanding.” It is not like the peace we think about when we have conflicts with one another. It is not the absence of war or conflict. It is a peace which settles deep inside of us giving us the knowledge we can trust God completely in everything.
It is beyond understanding because it is God-given. God’s wisdom and understanding is far greater than we can comprehend. After all, He cares for each of us deeply yet keeps the universe going exactly how it is supposed to go. He knows our name and He knows what is best for us but also gives us free will to go our own way. Yet trusting God and completely giving Him what we are anxious about leads to this perfect peace. I experienced this peace this past week.
My first appointment was 8am Monday morning to start the deep cleaning process. I was scheduled to work at 11am at my part time job at Walmart. The hygienist was wonderful. She numbed up my gums before going to work with a power washing tool I did not know existed. It took about an hour to clean the bottom teeth in my mouth and answer all my questions. Afterwards, I kept waiting for my mouth to have a great deal of pain, but it did not happen. I went to work and completed my shift without problem.
Wednesday morning at 8am I was scheduled to have the other half of my teeth cleaned. I felt comfortable with the procedure now and felt a sense of peace. The teeth removal was scheduled for 1pm the same day. After the teeth cleaning, I went home and ate a little and took a nap. I am often awake during the early hours of the night, and I woke up at 4:30am and could not go back to sleep. It was not because I was anxious it was more of an excitement to get the procedure done so I could have my knee surgery.
Normally I would be in great fear about how much pain I would be in, about missing work, and the cost of the procedure. Yet here I was taking a nap before I went back to the dentist that day. Must have been the peace of God inside of me beyond my understanding, but still there.
The dentist was amazing, and it took about an hour start to finish. The dentist allotted two hours and I was thinking it would be two hours. When the dentist had finished removing my teeth, I could not talk with being all numb up and big wads of cotton gauze in my mouth. The arranged for a follow up visit in four weeks. In the initial exam the week before I was given an estimate by the dentist on how much the dental procedures would cost. I told them I had half set aside and they said I could pay the rest in a couple of payments. So, after the teeth removable I asked if I could pay $400. I could not talk so they had me write on paper any questions I had. They said the $800 estimate was for worse-case scenario. The final cost was less than the $400. I was in shock!
I was in shock because this was not the first dentist, I went to for surgery clearance. The first dentist wanted to remove all my upper teeth and three of my lower. He wanted me to buy dentures from him. He also wanted me to purchase a $130 toothbrush and spend $38 for toothpaste and $38 for dental rinse. My total bill came to just under $4000 after insurance. This dentist said he would not proceed unless I produced the $4000 before the first dentist would do any work on my teeth. I was in tears after I left the first dentist. It was then I realized I should get a second opinion. I am sure glad I did because the second dentist only needed to remove two teeth of my upper teeth not all of them.
Not only did I not have to worry about a dental bill to pay off but through out the evening I did not have much pain. I was expecting to be in a lot more pain but throughout the afternoon and evening I never experienced much pain. Still a friend asked if she could do anything for me and I said yes. Deep inside I really did not want to bother her, but the dentist had prescribed a dental rinse and steroids to help with the swelling and pain. Even though I had extraordinarily little pain I still was coming off the Novocain and had a mouth full of gauze. I did not want to drive all the way to Walmart to get my prescriptions. She said she would and had other things to get there so it worked out well.
I still did not have pain as I slept well through the night. The next day, per the instructions from the dentist, I stayed home. It felt good to nap a couple of times throughout the day. By evening I got ambitious and made a fall wreath for my door. The Lord gave a sense of peace throughout this past week. I just cannot explain it, but it is the most wonderful peace I have ever had. The verse before verse seven says “6Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” (NKJV). Give to God whatever is bothering you and give Him thanks for giving the Peace of God.
Below is a book and a couple of gift ideas from this verse. If you click on the link and make a purchase I may receive a small percentage of the purchase at no extra cost to you. This helps keeps this website active. Thanks for your support.
Small cross fits into the palm of your hand to encourage and comfort you. Squeezable bright blue color with Scripture verse, The peace of God…exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds. Philippians 4:7. Foam rubber; 5″ x 4″.
Revelation 2:17 Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who is victorious, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give that person a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to the one who receives it.
When I first read this passage, I had no idea what the meaning of the white stone-new name meant so I did some research. Here is what I found.
Matthew Henry writes: The white stone, with a new name engraven upon it. This white stone is absolution from the guilt of sin, alluding to the ancient custom of giving a white stone to those acquitted on trial and a black stone to those condemned. The new name is the name of adoption: adopted persons took the name of the family into which they were adopted. None can read the evidence of a man’s adoption but himself; he cannot always read it, but if he persevere he shall have both the evidence of sonship and the inheritance. (Matthew Henry’s Commentary)
Zondervan Bible Commentary thinks it may be an inscribed pebble which is like a ticket to gain entrance to the heavenly banquet. The new name is known only to the one who receives it. See verses 3:12 The one who is victorious I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will they leave it. I will write on them the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on them my new name. Zondervan believes the new name is Christ’s and they reference 22:4 4They will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads.
Expositor’s Bible Commentary also thinks the white stone may be an entrance to the heavenly banquet. It was a custom at the time to use an engraved stone as a ticket to a banquet. They also write the new name is a changed character because of redemption. (Expositor’s Bible Commentary (Abridged Edition): New Testament)
NIV Application Commentary references the white stone “symbolize eternal life or purity from sin. The commentary goes on to note a changed name is associated with a promise. I think of Abram to Abraham and Jacob to Israel. It also references Isiah 56:5 and 62:2 which promises a new name and the removable of shame. Yet in the Revelation context it could be a hidden name of God and the Lamb (see 3:12; 14:1; 19:12-13).
Therefore, I conclude: the white stone represents purity which is needed to enter Heaven. No one can be completely pure enough to get to Heaven no matter what good works they do in their lives. However, John 3:16 states: For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. God’s Son is Jesus, the Lamb talked about in Revelations. Jesus came to this earth to die for us and rose again so we could forever live with Him in Heaven.
The new name represents our new life in Christ. In the time of the book of Acts the name “Christian” was given to those believing in Christ. The “ian” part of the word Christian means “one of” so putting it together the word Christian means one of Christ’s or belonging to Christ.
We do not know what our new name may be or if the white stone is a symbol or an actual stone. We need to wait until we get to Heave to find out. However, the new name is given and the one who receives it will know their new name. Do you know your new name?
Deuteronomy 33:12 About Benjamin he said: “Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in him, for he shields him all day long, and the one the Lord loves rests between his shoulders.”
John 13:23 One of them, the disciple whom Jesus loved, was reclining next to him. 24Simon Peter motioned to this disciple and said, “Ask him which one he means.” 25Leaning back against Jesus, he asked him, “Lord, who is it?”
As I read this scripture this morning from Deuteronomy 33, I could not help but think of my pastor’s sermon yesterday about John, the disciple whom Jesus loved. My pastor’s sermon was about how John referred to himself as the disciple whom Jesus loved because John knew it was the best title of all the titles John had. John also knew it was a title we could all have: The disciple whom Jesus loved. Yet, my pastor also described the scene at the Last Supper where John was leaning on Jesus. I pictured John leaning on Jesus’ shoulders knowing he was loved, and it was a safe place to be. A restful place where one could cast all their worries on the shoulders who loves them.
What fond memories do you have of leaning on someone’s shoulders knowing you were loved and safe? I remember sitting in church next to my mom and leaning on her shoulders. It felt safe and I felt loved. So much more does Jesus want us to lean on His shoulders when times are tough.
I set this blog post aside this week to focus on getting plans set in place for my upcoming knee replacement surgery. It was a busy week between work and my child having a flat tire on a rural highway and calling me to come help. I learned to lean on Jesus’ shoulders when I learned the girl who was going to be my caregiver during the two weeks of my surgery backed out and now, I have no one to go with me. Leaning on Jesus’ shoulders for wisdom about my knee.
Today marks the twentieth anniversary of 9/11. As I was sitting and listening to the names being read off, I was reminded how many lives were touched that day. Even though I did not lose anyone I felt my life changed because of that day. Since then, I learned to lean on Jesus’ shoulders through my divorce and death of loved ones. I also learned to lean on Jesus’ shoulders while I was raising my children and going to school. Chronic pain and illness are also a cause to lean on Jesus’ shoulders. He was there during the darkest nights of COVID and more recently the chronic pain which riddles my body. I know He loves me, and I sense signs of His love every day.
Another week or so has passed since I wrote this post. It was a busy week of appointments and birthday parties. There were times I was feeling overwhelmed with the stress of the upcoming surgery. Yesterday, my knee was giving me a lot of pain because I over used it. I was worried about who would be my caregiver and how I was going to pay some unexpected expenses. Suddenly the Lord spoke to me and said “when have I ever failed you? Lean on Me”. Shortly there after I learned I have a caregiver for my surgery.
Whose shoulders are you leaning on? Jesus wants you to lean on His shoulders!
Here are some books and gift ideas. If you click on a link and make a purchase I may earn a small percentage of your purchase at no extra cost to you. Thank you!
Shaped stoneware mug with rich dark interior is accented with dimensional trim and uplifting words of inspiration from Scripture. 13 ounce capacity, gift boxed; safe for microwave and dishwasher. For today’s Christian home in contemporary style and design.Warm caramel; Bible verse Psalm 91:2: God is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust. On reverse side: Trust.
You, dear mother, are a hero. Every day, you serve as teacher, spiritual director, friend, and so much more to your children. In Leaning on the Promises of God for Moms, find encouragement and inspiration for your motherhood journey. On each page, beloved author Sally Clarkson provides you with the words you need at times you need them most-and gently guides you to the One who promises to be with you every step of the way.
You’re stronger than you think because God is nearer than you know! He’ll meet you wherever, whenever—in lonely waiting rooms, rehab centers, and convalescent homes. Into all of life’s messes and thorny thickets, he’ll come to you, without hesitation, to lift you up. Lucado demonstrates by walking you through John’s words and Christ’s miracles. 240 pages, hardcover from Nelson.
Then the whole assembly of the community of Israel must slaughter their lamb or young goat at twilight. 7They are to take some of the blood and smear it on the sides and top of the doorframes of the houses where they eat the animal… 12On that night I will pass through the land of Egypt and strike down every firstborn son and firstborn male animal in the land of Egypt… 13But the blood on your doorposts will serve as a sign, marking the houses where you are staying. When I see the blood, I will pass over you.
The Passover is celebrated among the Jews to this day. It started when the Israelites were slaves in Egypt for 430 years. God told Moses to tell the Israelites to prepare a lamb to be killed and eaten with unleavened bread. They were to take the blood of the lamb and put it on the top and sides of the door frame. God’s Spirit would go through all of Egypt and strike the first born of everyone unless He saw the blood on the door frame. Those in the houses with the blood on the door frame would be saved. God commanded a Passover feast would be celebrated on the fourteen day of the first month of the Israelites calendar year.
Luke 22:14-20 14When the time came, Jesus and the apostles sat down together at the table. 15Jesus said, “I have been very eager to eat this Passover meal with you before my suffering begins. 16For I tell you now that I won’t eat this meal again until its meaning is fulfilled in the Kingdom of God.”
17Then he took a cup of wine and gave thanks to God for it. Then he said, “Take this and share it among yourselves. 18For I will not drink wine again until the Kingdom of God has come.”
19He took some bread and gave thanks to God for it. Then he broke it in pieces and gave it to the disciples, saying, “This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.”
Jesus celebrated the Passover with His disciples the night before He was killed on the cross. He knew He was going to die a horrible death on the cross the next day. I wrote about this in my journal comparing Jesus’ death and the Passover lamb. I wrote it about me, but you can put your name in place of mine. Here is what I wrote:
Lord, You took on all my sin when You went willingly to the cross. The lambs at the first Passover did not know they were going to die nor were they willing. It is the blood forming a cross on the door frames saved the Israelites. Your blood flowed from the crown of thorns, and the nails in Your hands and feet. These same hands hold me when I hurt or feeling low. You were beaten and laid bare against the rough wooden cross, hanging there bleeding. A crown of thorns on Your precious head. The lambs at the first Passover’s bones were not broken and neither were Yours. Your body represents the bread, Your blood represents the fruit of the vine. Christian churches all over the world celebrate this holy communion as a remembrance of Jesus, the Passover Lamb.
Yet, You so willingly went through this for me. I do not deserve this! You saved me from the coming tribulation and the lake of unending fire just like the lamb saved Israel from the coming disaster. You did it out of love for me. I cannot bare it! I cannot say thank you enough!
Do not delay asking God to forgive you for going your own way. Recognize Jesus went willingly to be our Passover Lamb on the cross for the whole world. He loves you so much. There is coming a time of great tribulation and it may be sooner than you think. Only those who accepts the Passover Lamb, Jesus, will be saved. This terrible tribulation will be like nothing the world has ever experienced. Do not delay! God wants to save you and have a relationship with you right now and give you eternal life with Him. Please accept the Passover Lamb!
Christianbook.com Home is a company for which I am an affiliate. Being an affiliate means if you click on one of these links and make a purchase I may earn a small percentage at no extra cost to you. Here are a couple of books about Jesus, our Passover Lamb.
Job 2:10 Should we accept only good things from the hand of God and never anything bad?” So in all this, Job said nothing wrong.
We often do not understand why things happen in life. Why is there pain and suffering? Why are there terrible diseases like Alzheimer’s and cancer? Why are there severe weather and forest fires and other natural disasters? Why do people suffer financial loss through no fault of their own? Why are some people successful while others fail? So many questions? The book of Job is puzzling. He suffered loss of all his children, his home, his livestock, and his health. Yet, he was one who known to be blameless in his life. Why does God allow things like this to happen to good people? I can think of two reasons: sin and testing of one’s faith. Yet sometimes we just do not know why.
As I was going through my prayer list this morning I was thinking of my brother. He has always lived a Christian life. He has a heart for God and has serve Him in many ways. Yet he has dementia and can no longer do many of the things he used to do. I ask God often why this brother? Why did God allow what seemed to be the spiritual leader in my large family to lose his mind to dementia and such a young age? We may never know this side of Heaven.
Then I got to praying for people in my church. There are a few with cancer. I do not know them because I have not been at the church long and COVID has kept the ones with cancer home. Yet, there are people in my previous church who loved the Lord and served Him well who lost their lives to cancer. One of them was my dear friend Ralph. He was only 58 years old when he died. We dated the last two years of his life and I still miss him every day. Why did he have to die so young?
A few years ago, my nephew’s home caught on fire and burn down. No lives were lost but they lost all their possessions. Many things can be replaced but things like photos and family heirlooms cannot. Why did this happen? A lifelong friend lives in Florida. She has lived through several hurricanes since she moved there many years ago. She has not had any significant damage or lost of life from any of the hurricanes, but I cannot imagine the fear one goes through when the storm is overhead. Why does God allow natural disasters?
Another close friends of mine had a daughter with severe disabilities. She lived her adult life in a nursing-type home. Last year she passed away. I am sure my friends were heart broken. I have not seen them for more than a year because of COVID. Why are there children born with disabilities?
Often, we see people suffer financial hardship. When COVID was at its worse many businesses had to close, and people lost their jobs. Now there seems to be an employee shortage. Many small businesses cannot get enough help to keep their doors open. This causes more hardship. Many of those who lost their jobs are choosing to stay on unemployment rather than take jobs with less pay. Many small businesses cannot pay enough to entice workers.
Chronic pain comes in many forms and can sometimes be disabling. I have arthritis throughout my body and fibromyalgia as well. Last year I took early social security at 62 years of age because the stress of chronic pain and my job was getting unbearable. I wanted to focus on my writing instead of working long hours. Now I need knee replacement surgery. Some days it hurts to walk. Others have it worse than me yet come to work every day. I have one friend who has become so disabled she cannot work anymore. I do not know how they do it or why this happens to good people.
When Adam and Eve disobeyed God and ate the fruit, they were told not to eat, the world changed. Because of this people suffer hardships and illnesses. There are wars and famines and natural disasters. Sometimes we do not understand why but God does. As I said earlier, it usually is either sin or God testing us. Sometimes, or often, we need to really look at our lives and see where we are falling short. Maybe God allows something bad to enter our lives to show us our sin. Several years ago, I got into a lot of financial debt after getting out of grad school. I thought I would get a great job so I would be okay. How wrong I was, and it has been years of taking control of my finances and working on my debt while working low wage jobs. The great job never happened. Yet, God has been good to me and forgave me. I still suffer because I went astray but I have learned to be content.
Another reason is God testing us. God knows what we can handle yet sometimes He allows stuff to happen to allow us to be tested and to grow in our faith. I can think of several things in my past which forced me to grow and learn to trust God. My divorce and death of my dear friend Ralph were two of them. Yet, ever since I moved to the Wausau area, I have experienced even more growth even though I went through COVID twice and have been sick other times. Trials make us stronger.
Finally, sometimes we just do not know why bad things happen to us and may not know until we reach Heaven. Just yesterday a customer told me she lost her son at 24 years of age. She said she still does not know why he had to die so young. Has God allowed trouble in your life? Do you know why? Has it helped you grow as a person or become closer to God? Or has it help you realize there is sin in your life you need to get rid of and ask forgiveness. Always, trust God to see you through the trials we don’t understand why.
Though we live in an imperfect world, there is always hope through our Lord Jesus Christ. In Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People David Arnold shows how suffering and turmoil are not beyond God’s ability to heal. Sit at the feet of Pastor Arnold and listen in as he helps you to understand our fallen world and the comfort and hope found in Christ.
Isaiah 49:16a See, I have written your name on the palms of my hands.
John 19:18 There they nailed him to the cross
John 20:25 nail wounds in his hands,
As I was reading the Isaiah passage this morning, I could not help but think of the cross and how they nailed Jesus’ hands and feet to the cross. I know it is an abstract concept. Yet maybe God was thinking about this when He had Isaiah write about my name on the palm of His hands.
You see, I believe in the Trinity. I believe in God the Father, God the Son, Jesus, and God the Holy Spirit. I believe Jesus became human yet still God when He was born of Mary. Jesus went willingly to the death on the cross. Usually, when someone was sentenced to die on the cross it was the worst form of death back then, but they tied the person to the cross and left them to die. It usually took days to die so they would speed things up by breaking the person’s bones while they hung on the cross. Not so with Jesus. They took big nails and nailed Him to the cross at the hands and feet. When they went to break Jesus’ bones, they saw He was already dead but the put a sword into His side to make sure.
It all has to do with sin. Sin is rejecting God and living your life as you see fit. Sure, we all try to live within the law and even follow the ten commandments. Yet, we cannot do it perfectly and that is sin. In the Old Testament God instructed the Israelites, God’s chosen people, to sacrifice a lamb for the forgiveness of their sins. Jesus’ death is the ultimate sacrifice and He died for everyone for that has ever lived or will ever live. You only need to believe and accept Jesus’ death and resurrection as payment for your sin and ask Him to be Lord of your life.
There are many benefits to doing this. One is Heaven. John 3:16 says anyone who believes on Him will have everlasting life. That means in Heaven. Another benefit is God will be there for you in good times and the bad times. He will comfort you, guide you and give you peace. Just accept Jesus.
In the Isaiah passage the Jewish people had turned their backs on God and God allowed them to have trouble. Israel cried out to God in this passage asking God if He had forgotten them. He said no I have written your name on the palm of my hand. Other versions of the Bible used the word “engraved”. When Jesus died on the cross with nails in His hands and feet, He did it for you and me. Jesus engraved yours and mine name on His palms with the nails that pierced His hands. It hurts to think God loved us so much He used a nail to write our name on Jesus’ hands. Have you accepted the nail wrote your name on God’s hands?
Below is a couple of selections from Christianbook.com Home. I am an affiliate for Christianbook.com Home. If you click on the link and make a purchase I may receive a small percentage of your purchase at no extra cost to you. This helps support my website. Thank you.
Every page of this revolutionary book will take you on a remarkable journey through Jesus’ last days and how he shed His blood–not just once but seven times for you! From Gethsemane, where Jesus sweat drops of blood, to the whipping post, where His back was laid bare by 39 lashes, to the cross where nails pierced His feet and hands, you will discover what Jesus provided for you.
Gift giving is the number one reason for puchasing a Bible. Tyndale’s Gift Bible offers customers fashionable TuTone designs at an attractive price. Features include the words of Christ in red, a dictionary/concordance, maps, introduction to the Bible, presentation page, and plan of salvation. The Gift Bible features the clear and accurate New Living Translation.The most requested Bible features with the clear, accurate New Living Translation create a truly meaningful gift for any occasion.Words of Christ in RedPresentation PageDictionary/ConcordanceIntroduction to the BiblePlan of SalvationEasy-to-Read and Understand TextDurable TuTone Binding
25“That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing? 26Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are? 27Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?
28“And why worry about your clothing? Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, 29yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. 30And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?
31“So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ 32These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. 33Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
Yesterday my Pastor preached on this passage. I am not going to repeat his sermon here nor will I play Monday morning quarterback and discuss what he should have done better. As far as I am concerned my Pastor only preached from his heart the Word of God and it was perfect. Yet, this morning in my prayer journal I found myself worrying about things. Then I figuratively slapped myself and said, “what did I just learn from my Pastor’s sermon yesterday?”.
Worry takes many forms. It could be concerns about finances, family, friends, or future. Some people worry about what they hear on the news and how it may affect them. Others worry about whether they will be accepted in a certain group of people. The list could go on and it is usually what is the most important thing to you. What do you worry about?
Seek the Kingdom of God above all else.
What does this mean? Let us break this down. Seeking above all else. This means to put it first in your life. What do you do first when you wake up? What is on your mind? I like to get my coffee started and make sure the cat has dry food and water. Yet when I settle on the couch with my coffee what is the first thing, I grab sets the tone for my entire day. I must consciously grab my prayer journal and not my phone. Facebook, emails, account balances and weather can all wait I need to see what God wants me to see first thing. Reading scripture and a devotional gives me thought for what I write in the journal. I have grown so much as a person and a believer in Christ since I started writing in a journal every day. It helps me center on what is important.
Yet I am easily distracted by my world around me and often my thoughts. If you read my journal, you will see I am often apologizing to God for being distracted. These are things I worry about, and I need to give these worries to God and get back to what God is trying to teach me that day. God knows I am human. He knows all my problems. He wants me to seek Him first and give them to Him.
Why do you have so little faith?
I like to think I have a lot of faith God will meet my needs and He always does. Yet, I still find myself worrying about things in my future. This is where I go into planning mode sometimes. Planning helps calm my worries but sometimes our plans are not God’s plan for us (See Not What I Planned https://northwoodsgirlblogging.com/not-what-i-planned/ ). Yet if I seek God’s kingship in my plans, they will usually go better than my plans. Afterwards I look back and have to say to myself “Where was your faith?” Yes, make plans and schedules, but seek God first in them and not worry.
So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.
Live one day at a time. Start the day focusing on God and give it to Him. Make your plans and lists prayerfully. Prioritize as you feel led by the Lord in your plans and lists so you will not feel guilty if you do not get through everything. With each item on your plan or list ask if this will please God if you do it. This is a way of seeking God first. Finally, be mindful of your thoughts. Are they drifting into worry? Change them to something grateful. Thinking about an inspirational song or verses. This will help you change your worries into joy. What do you worry about and how are you handling your worries?
This is the website for my church if you want to hear the message my Pastor preached yesterday. Click on Live Stream. https://bethanyschofield.org/
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II Peter 1:5 says” …make every effort to respond to God’s promises. Supplement your faith with a generous provision of moral excellence, and moral excellence with knowledge, 6and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with patient endurance, and patient endurance with godliness, 7and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love for everyone.” (NLT)
As I was reading these verses this morning, I felt led to write about them. I learn much from writing about the Bible. I hope you can learn with me as you read this post.
Make Every Effort
I got the title “Habits of Choice” from reading Mart DeHaan’s commentary on this scripture. In this short commentary DeHaan adds “and effort” to his “habits of choice. Therefore, the following habits are a choice made by conscious effort. (https://odb.org/US/2021/07/09/making-every-effort) Click on the scripture part for this day to read DeHaan’s whole commentary.
This is one of the fruits of the Spirit I wrote about a couple of weeks ago. Being good not only means obeying the law but it can also mean how we treat others. If we follow Jesus’ example of goodness, He both obeyed the laws of the land set out by God through Moses, but He was also good to everyone, even the ones who were killing Him. The phrase “So be good for goodness’ sake” came to my mind. It comes from a children’s Christmas song. It is a song about being good so kids can get presents. Yet it says, “for goodness’ sake”. My take is we are to practice goodness not to receive anything in return but to make it a habit of choice for the benefit of others.
Adding the habit of choice knowledge is an everyday effort. Not only should we be studying scripture, but we should be making an effort to add knowledge about other things as well. This morning my youngest child reposed a meme which said, “now that “he” reached adulthood “he” was dismayed to find most adults are not smart”. I laughed inside because my child is only in their twenties and looks at the world much different than I do. I disagreed with the meme’s statement. I do not think most adults are not smart, but some adults choose not to make a habit of gaining knowledge. Even if you never went to college, you could make an effort to gain knowledge. With the dawn of the internet one can learn about anything these days. However, do not gain knowledge to make yourself sound smart but make a habit of choice to gain knowledge for the benefit of others.
Self-control is also one of the fruits of the spirit. Making the effort to choose to have self-control will have many benefits for yourself and others. For instance, sometime in the next year I will probably have knee replacement surgery. The wear and tear of working on concrete floors has worn out my knee. It does not help I have gained weight during the last year mostly from being sick but also because I am not working fulltime anymore. Now when I am finally feeling better, I can no longer get out and go for walks like I would like to because of the pain in my knees. My doctor says I need to lose some weight before I can have surgery. Therefore, I need to use self-control in what I eat and when I eat. This is difficult for me but in the long run it will benefit me and a healthier me is a happier me, that benefits others. I need to make a habit of choice to use self-control.
In the New International Version, the word “perseverance” is used instead of endurance. When I think of endurance, I think of the long-distance runner. The runner needs to know they need to pace themselves for the whole race so they should not run as fast as they can to start but to keep a steady pace throughout. Life is like that. We need to be steady in our pace as we go through life. Yes, life has its ups and downs, but we need to be steady in how we handle these ups and downs. An example of this is when I was getting cortisone injections in my knees. The doctor was trying to find the right place to inject the medicine, but he had to work the needle through some tissue, and it was very painful. The injection went on for what seemed like forever. I had to keep myself steady and to tell myself it would be worth it in the end. It has been three days and it feels like it is starting to help. Soon I will start physical therapy and that will be something else I have to endure. But making the habit of choice of endurance will result in a better life for me with many rewards.
What is godliness? Some think it is being “holier than thou”. Yet is godliness being so holy you make people feel uncomfortable? No! After all, none of us are perfect and no one wants to be around someone who acts like they are perfect. Only Jesus was perfect because He was God’s Son. Yet, Jesus never acted like He was more holy than the people He was with, always. Ever watch the TV series The Chosen? (https://watch.angelstudios.com/thechosen) I like how the producers portray Jesus as one who loved to laugh and have a good time. He just beams love throughout the show. Maybe we should be like Jesus. My church’s subheading is “Real Faith, Real People, Real Life” (https://bethanyschofield.org/). They do not expect anyone who attends there to be perfect, just real. Maybe having real faith while being a real person having a real life is what godliness is all about. Growing Christ-like is the way to be godly. Make a habit of choice to be real and godly at the same time.
Mutual Affection
Mutual affection is in my mind getting along with others. This scripture is written to Christians, but it can also be used in everyday life. For instance, if you have a coworker who is really annoying try your best to get along with them while at work. You do not have be friends just not be rude to them or gossip about them when they are not around. I sometimes struggle with this with a coworker who is lazy. She makes me angry, but I need to remember God wants me to get along with her and not gossip about her. I need to choose to make it a habit to have mutual affection even for the ones who I find annoying.
Love for Everyone
I think everyone struggles with loving everyone. For instance, I am having a hard time loving the man who murdered my friend. Yet God wants me to pray for him. His intent was to kill my friend and her family to get the child he had with my friend. My friend had escaped his brutal abuse from him to give her child a better life, but he came after her and killed her and left her in a ditch on the side of the road. God wants me to love him. That is difficult. How much more is it for the family and close friends to forgive this man. Yet God wants me to love everyone, but I do not think He wants me to love their actions. I just need to choose to make it a habit to love.
Not Alone
Yet none of us can do any of these habits of choice perfectly with our own strength. Let us back up to verse three of this passage. 3By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. Ah, so I can ask God to help me to have goodness, knowledge, self-control, endurance, godliness, mutual affection, and love. Every day I can make an effort to make these great habits of choice through God’s power within me. What are your habits of choice?
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This is where you can purchase the TV series The Chosen I mentioned above.
For the first time ever, the greatest story ever told is being presented as a multi-season show. Digging deeper into the backstories and context of the people and events of the gospels, Season One of the #1 highest crowd-funded media project of all time introduces you to people such as Simon Peter, Nicodemus, Mary Magdalene, Matthew, and of course Jesus in a way never before seen on film. Approx. 379 minutes.Episodes:Disc 1I Have Called You By Name (54:35)Shabbat (38:57)Jesus Loves the Little Children (30:27)The Rock on Which it is Built (48:50)Bonus: The Shepherd (Christmas Special) (20:59)Disc 2The Wedding Gift (54:40)Indescribable Compassion (51:55)Invitations (37:10)I Am He (59:31)Bonus: A Message From The Director (3:56)DVD FeaturesEnglish and Spanish AudioEnglish and Spanish Subtitles
In Power to Reinvent Yourself, Jason Frenn walks you through the necessary steps to make drastic and permanent changes in your life by breaking cycles of destructive behavior with God’s help. Whether your goal is financial or professional success, weight loss, an end to addiction or abusive behavior, Frenn shows you how changing your perceptions, forming Godly habits and choosing forgiveness will lead to the unleashing of real power in your life. No matter how stuck you feel, you don’t have to stay there. The freedom of a relationship with Christ will allow you to reinvent yourself and live the life that God intends for you, free from the holds of bad habits.
So, you have sorrow now, but I will see you again; then you will rejoice, and no one can rob you of that joy.
This past Sunday as I was entering my church my Pastor asked me how things were going. I told him there were things which were heavy on my mind. Later, during the service I was thinking of how unjoyful I must have sounded. The words “rob you of your joy” came up. While this verse does not exactly say what I want it has the phrase I wanted. What happened to my joy?
Sure, there are things which are pulling me down. One is my grandchild moved away and I am not sure when I will see her again. I am even sadder to see how it is affecting my son. Family discord can rob me of my joy.
In my last post I wrote on domestic violence because someone I knew was killed because of domestic violence. It was heartbreaking to see a young, fun-loving woman killed in such an awful manner. As the story is only a week old more news has come out about it since it first came out. Things in the news can rob me of joy.
One of the reasons I went part time last year was to cut down on the destructive forces my job has on my body. It has helped but not enough. Lately I have been having problems with my knees. The pain is intensified at work when I am walking around on concrete floors all day. Back to the doctor I went and got injections in both knees yesterday. These injections are very painful and take a few days to start to work. I am at the point where my knees hurt so much, I am calling in and not working today. This causes me emotional distress as I do not like to leave my work shorthanded. Chronic pain can rob me of joy.
I have tried praying for my joy to return but I have not found it yet. I need to count my blessing instead of my sorrows. Sorrows only rob me of my joy. I also think praising God and listening to worship music will help. Finally, find things to look forward to can help restore my joy. Things like looking forward to photos and videos of the grandchild will help in my loneliness. Seeing the men who killed my friend brought to justice will help me, but it will help the family so much more so. Looking forward to less pain which will come soon is something to look forward to but knowing I can resume some of the things I love like photography I find my joy returning. Ah yes, I can feel joy! What is robbing you of joy?
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A woman I know was murdered the other day. Her body was found on the side of a rural road near a small northern Wisconsin town. At the time of this writing the man who committed the murder is still at large. This young woman was someone I worked with a few years back. She was one of my immediate supervisors. She was going to school at the time to study management. After she finished her degree, she was promoted to assistant manager at another store in another state. About a year and a half ago, she moved back to the small town where I still was living. Yet she somehow had changed. Gone was the happy person who was fun to work with and seemed to enjoy life. She was quiet and distant. I now know she returned to the rural area as a protection for her and her daughter.
Now our relationship was never close. We were friends on Facebook for a short after she moved away but as she moved up the corporate ladder, I did not see any more posts from her. I do remember seeing her post she was in a relationship with a guy. I was happy for her. Whether this was the same guy or not I do not know, but I do know she had a child with the man who murdered her. The child is reported safe with her family. I still feel emotions of sadness and anger. My prayers are with the family during this awful time. I hope the man is caught and brought to justice.
We all know what domestic abuse is and how verbal abuse can lead to violence. Yet what does the Bible say about abuse.
Colossians 3: 19 Husbands, love your wives and never treat them harshly.
Exodus 22:22 22 “You must not exploit a widow or an orphan. 23If you exploit them in any way, and they cry out to me, then I will certainly hear their cry. 24My anger will blaze against you, and I will kill you with the sword. Then your wives will be widows and your children fatherless.
Romans 13: 10 Love does no wrong to others,
Proverbs 18: 14 The human spirit can endure a sick body, but who can bear a crushed spirit?
I Corinthians 13: 4 Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud 5or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. 6It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. 7Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.
Psalm 11: 5 The Lord examines both the righteous and the wicked.
He hates those who love violence.
Psalm 10: 17 Lord, you know the hopes of the helpless.
Surely you will hear their cries and comfort them.
18 You will bring justice to the orphans and the oppressed, so mere people can no longer terrify them.
Psalm 34:18 The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.
While the Bible does not directly come out against domestic violence, it clearly does not condone it. We are to show love towards each other, and love does no harm.
Domestic violence happens across all peoples whether they are rich or poor, religious, or not, married or not and across all age groups. It is the most under reported crime of all. In some cultures, it is almost a right of a husband or father to discipline their wives or children. In American most people enter relationships as equal partners and wives have equal rights. Many adult-on-adult violence stems to how a child is raised. Often children who grow up with violence in the home believe it is normal and continue it. Other times the abuser has either mental health issues or addictions to drugs or alcohol or both.
I do not think hurting one another whether it is physical, emotional, or sexual is okay with God. After all Jesus commanded us to first love God then to love others. God does not treat us badly why should we treat each other badly.
What are some signs to watch for in others of domestic abuse?
One of the most obvious signs is bruises or actual injuries. However, the abused often become good at covering bruises up or making excuses. Some of the more not so noticeable signs are:
Not being allowed to attend functions.
Being cut off from family when there is no evidence of conflict within the family.
The victim is verbally abused or put down in front of others by the abuser.
Weight loss when the victim is not trying.
The victim does not have any control of money or appears to be forced to work while the abuser does not, yet they are not allowed to spend their own earnings.
The victims have low self-esteem or suffer depression or anxiety.
There is an alcohol or drug abuse problem either on the abuser’s or the abused part.
What can we do to prevent or intervene?
Offer to be their friend if you are not already. Offer to be a part of their support system. Offer your home as a safe place the victim can come to be safe from their abuser. Get the number for your local women’s shelter and carry it with you in case the victim needs help. Visit the shelter’s website for more information on how you can help. For my area http://womenscommunity.org/ offers a wealth of information.
What are things we should not do?
Intervene unless the victim wants you to intervene or unless it is a life-threatening situation. Let professionals such as the police or social workers handle the situation. Do not confront the abuser because it may lead to more abuse later when the abused gets home. If you are a guy and being abused do not be afraid to get help. Males get abused too.
If you feel you are being abused, please call your local shelter. Find people you can trust to be your support system. Do not be afraid to get help. You do not deserve to be abused. You are precious in God’s sight, and He loves you.
Rest in Peace Hannah!
Update: Hannah’s killer has been found and is awaiting trail.
On April 7, 2021, I adopted a cat I named Samson. He was about fourteen months old and very afraid of humans. I wrote about him after two weeks of almost never seeing him in Learning to Trust on April 24, 2021. It has been two and a half months and Samson now sits on my lap for a short time. Yet it was a long road to get Samson to this point. During the last two months I would do “Sammy updates” on Facebook. People seemed to like to hear about how Sammy, as I now call him, is doing. I post pictures to show Sammy’s progress. Below are excerpts.
May 1st, I found Samson’s hiding place, but I can’t reach him. I want him to feel safe, yet I want him to come out! He’s so cute!
May 2nd So I just headed to bed, turned on my bedroom light and guess who is standing on my bed. He just stood there looking at me I started talking to him and I took a few steps slowly, very slowly, towards him with my hand out he finally decided to go hide under my bed. Progress.
May 4th So around 4:30 this morning I woke to the cat playing in my room with something. I’m tired cat! Play somewhere else!!!
May 10th Sammy just came in the living room where I’m sitting and looked at me for a minute or two. That’s the first time he did that. I bought him two more toys (Dollar Tree) and treats!
May 13th My cat Sammy is getting braver this week. I see him a lot in the evenings and early mornings if I’m up before dawn. This morning I woke at 4:30 to use the bathroom and went back to bed but couldn’t sleep so I played solitaire on my tablet. After a while it was starting to get light and I saw him (Sammy) sitting in my bedroom doorway. So, I started talking to him and he kept getting closer to my bed. After a while I tried rolling over and he darted into the kitchen/living room part of my apartment. I couldn’t go back to sleep s I gave up. I was in the kitchen getting coffee going and there he was about 4 feet from me. He went down the hall to my room, pausing to look back at me then into my room. I told him to have a good sleep. I thought I wouldn’t see him again until tonight. A little later I’m sitting on my couch having my coffee and getting my prayer journal set up for the day (listing who I’m praying for this day, date and scriptural I’m reading, etc.). I look up and there he was standing just inside the living room looking at me as if to say “just checking on you” then he was gone. I think he is warming up to the idea that I am his human but not ready to claim me.
May 15th Watching mommy get things ready for work. He sits now and watches.
May 17th, I woke at 3:40am because something ran across ankles. Really cat go run somewhere else! I still love you!
May 20th Awake in the night again due to chronic pain and a cold I was reading the Bible on my tablet. I noticed Sammy slowly creeping towards my bed. He gets to the foot and lays down. I talked to him a little bit and thanked him for being my kitty. Knowing he was there I tried again to go to sleep. Laying quietly for a little awhile without success I looked, and he was gone. Later I did sleep. No sign of him this morning.
May 21st Awake for a couple of hours again last night due to this cold(?) and chronic pain. Samson stood guard at the doorway while I struggled to breathe. (Vicks helped and my inhaler.) At one time he was at my feet for a moment or two. Staying home again today. I don’t have enough energy to take a shower let alone go to work. Have a great Friday everyone! God loves you so much!
May 24th Last night right after I laid down in my bed, I saw Sammy in the doorway as usual. He slowly creeped over to the foot of my bed. Then slowly creeped up to the head of the bed. I was talking to him the whole time. He got right up to the head of the bed for about a minute then headed towards the door. He did it again this morning but didn’t get all the way up because a coughing fit scared him away. I thought about going back to work today but I don’t think I’m up to it. Thanks for praying y’all. Have a great Monday!!! Remember God loves you!
May 25th On the other hand twice last night Sammy followed me back into my bedroom when I got up to use the bathroom and watched while I used my inhaler to calm my cough so I could go back to sleep. He keeps his distance but its 3 or 4 feet instead of 8.
May 26th New Sammy photos! I’ve been awake since 3:30am (prednisone does that to me). While I laid in my bed trying to go back to sleep Sammy spent time in my room playing. At one time he jumped up on the bed by my head for a second. Later he did it again. This morning while I was writing (a new blog post) he hung out in my office where I wrote it. He now comes almost in the kitchen whenever I am in there cooking. I tell him I’m making dinner and when it’s done, I will give him his dinner so he can eat while I eat. Today I was cooking eggs with stuff in them, and I look down the hall there he was expecting me to give him food, the little pig! I gave him a treat, ha. Soon I must make something for dinner because I know he will want to eat. What to make? Even though I napped today I still have a lot of fatigue. I must go back to work tomorrow. God will help me, he always does.
May 27th I was awake in the night again (prednisone) and just laying on my back and suddenly felt something on my feet. He laid there for a while and slowly made his way to the top of my legs and laid there for the longest time. I was on my tablet but laid see still as I could. Later he got up. This morning he was following me while I was getting ready for work and played in my room. Loving him getting used to me. Maybe soon he will let me pet him.
May 29th Sammy update: I woke up about 1:30 to use the bathroom and went back to bed. Couldn’t sleep so I was on my tablet play games and here comes Sammy crawling up my legs. He settled in on my upper thighs and I went back to reading the Psalms. He decided to give himself a full body wash and that went on for a long time. I put my tablet on my nightstand and just laid there. Sammy don’t go anywhere. Later he did leave. Still not able to sleep I laid on my side because my back hurts to sleep on it. Started to doze off when I realized something was touching my butt. Yep, there was Sammy struggling up to my back side. Later I fell asleep and when I awoke, he was gone.
May 31st Sammy is being very social this morning. This is the first time he has come into the living room when I was in it. He also follows me from the bathroom after I brush my teeth and waits until I get into bed before jumping up on the bed to stay with me. I haven’t petted him yet, but I love the progress.
June 2nd Sammy is spending more time in the living room when I am there.
June 4th My cat is crazy! He follows me all over. He plays up a storm in the living room when I’m in it. I started doing some arm exercises and now he’s my personal trainer. I bought him 3 new mice toys last night and he loves them, yet I can’t find them this morning. I suspect my couch is a gold mine of cat toys if I looked under it. Last night he licked my hand twice but when I went to pet him, he was gone! Not fair cat!
June 5th The sun is reflecting off my tablet causing lights on the wall. “Must get those lights, I must!” LOL cat you make me laugh!!!!
June 6th All those years when Princess was around, I displayed some small items on the shelves of my tv stand. A couple of months ago my son Aaron decided I needed a bigger tv in my living room and he found someone selling this big tv at a great price, used. It’s a little too big for my tv stand I built with my own hands twenty years ago. So, I thought I would get a new tv stand and took everything off the shelves. Then I got COVID a second time followed closely by another round of bronchitis, and I never got around to getting a tv stand. Maybe someday I will but I was thinking of putting my stuff back on the shelves then this morning I changed my mind. Lol cat God sent you into my life to make me laugh!!!
June 6th FINALLY! I pet my cat! He let me give him a good head massage! Dream come true!
June 8th Note to self: now that my cat follows me everywhere I need to close the bathroom door when taking a shower. The smoke alarm is right across from the bathroom. If I don’t close the bathroom door when showering the steam sets off the smoke alarm. Guess I didn’t close it tight, and Sammy pushed the door open. Afterwards he looked at me as if to say, ” I couldn’t see you mommy and I heard water running so I got worried and came to your rescue!” Lol cat! You’re too funny! Have a great day everyone!
June 12th So Sammy likes to check out what I’m eating. He never eats any of my food but gets close enough to smell it well. This morning I had sunny side up eggs and Sammy took a good smell. Lol, you got egg on your face cat!!!
June 21st Today Sammy climb up on the couch and sat with me for a while. He also sat in my lap. Progress!
June 21st “How can one resist that face?” I was mad at my kitty early this morning because he was fighting my feet and I was trying to sleep then he climbs up on the couch when I’m writing in my prayer journal and gives me this face.
June 23rd My cat is nuts!!! He just climbed into the toilet after I flushed. Why???
Today, June 25th Selfies with mommie!
Sammy still does not climb up under my chin to cuddle like Princess used to do all the time. Yet I am okay with it since Sammy is only about sixteen months old and still does not know how to sit still for any length of time. I need to get him into the vet and have his claws trimmed. They are needle like. He likes to play with my feet sometimes during the night. It hurts when he sticks his claws in my feet. I have put my weighted blanket back on my bed to cover my feet and legs to protect myself from Sammy’s claws. I had taken the weighted blanket off because it’s too hot to use. Too hot or sharp needles in the skin? I will take the heat.
It has taken a long time to get Sammy to feel comfortable with me and to claim me as his human. When I wrote Learning to Trust I really wanted a cat to replace Princess. One who would just cuddle with me under my chin and not do much else. Instead, I got a cat who loves me and plays much of the time. He also makes me laugh. That was something I really needed. But, most of all Sammy taught me patience. Patience with him as he was learning to trust, but patience with others. Thank You God for giving me Sammy to teach me patience. What has God taught you lately?
Below is a list of books talking about patience from Christianbook.com Home. I am an affiliate and if you click on a link and make a purchase I may receive a small percentage of your purchase at no extra cost to you. This helps to keep this website running. Thank you for your support.
In her debut book, Paula Gooder notes that in our observance of Advent, the spiritual practice of waiting is a vital component to our well-being and our Christian growth. Waiting is the primary lesson of Advent, notes Gooder, and Advent is about learning to love the waiting. Arranged for daily reading during the feverish run-up to Christmas, Gooder helps us to discover different kinds of waiting by using the biblical characters traditionally represented by each of the candles on the Advent wreath. Abraham & Sarah waited a lifetime for the fulfillment of God’s promises, the Hebrew prophets waited for God’s intervention, John the Baptist waited for the beginning of a new era of God’s ministry and Mary waited with patience for God to bring forth events well beyond her control. With a forward by Lauren Winner, this thoughtful book will enable you to participate in a way of being that is expectant rather than urgent, keeping you focused on God in the present, rather than on some uncertain future.
How do you follow the promises of God when they feel like a puzzle without the picture? In We Believed, Jeffrey Moore shares his family’s ten-year journey of believing God’s promises before they were manifested. This is their story of fulfilling God’s calling in their lives through adoption. Follow along with them as they chronicle the many twists and turns on their way to adopting four siblings from Peru.
If you’ve ever been asked by God to do something seemingly impossible, take hope from this story of receiving God’s promises through faith and patience. Throughout this story, Jeffrey Moore incorporates specific learnings about faith, hearing from God, and receiving His promises.
Jeffrey S. Moore is a son, a husband, a father, a minister, an author, and a treasure hunter. He and his wife, Kristine, reside in Aurora, Colorado, USA, with their five incredible children. He loves spending time with his family, preferably on a Caribbean beach when possible! He also craves Mexican food.
Jeffrey and Kristine are co-founders of Set Sail Ministries. He loves sharing his experiences and learnings on sonship, healing, and adoption.
This informative introduction to the book of James summarizes the main themes of temptation and spiritual maturity, controlling the tongue, patience in prayer, and faith in action. Helpful charts summarize the dangers to believers, responses that lead to maturity, and spiritual benefits of perseverance. In the clear and easy-to-read style of Rose’s visual elements, Rose Visual Bible Studies are packed with charts, graphs, images, and fascinating facts. These Bible studies are easy enough that the new believer understands, but in-depth enough that the longtime churchgoer still comes away learning something new.
22But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!
When I read these verses this morning, I felt prompted by the Spirit to write about them. I felt led to go through each fruit and ask myself am I living like this fruit? The world seems like it is in turmoil. We as Christians need to live out these fruits more than ever before to a hurting world.
This kind of love here is unconditional love. I am sure God had Paul put this fruit first. What the world needs more than anything is for us Christians to show God’s love to others. Even the ones who seems so unlovable. After all, Jesus came to earth to suffer a horrible death because God loves even the ones who hate Him. So, am I showing unconditional love to those I do not like or have hurt me?
Joy has always been a difficult fruit for me. I have had so many things and people who have hurt me in my past. Often, I could not feel joy from these hurts. When I moved from Rhinelander to the Wausau area it seemed like a heavy weight of gloom was lifted. It was a new beginning in my life. I got to start all over. I found the fruit of joy again. Yes, I still suffered illness and chronic pain, but I still found joy in my suffering. Am I showing my fruit of joy to this world?
There is so much turmoil in this world today. Wars and rumors of wars. Politics and social issues bring fighting on both sides. Even among Christians there are differences of opinions which can bring strife. What the world needs is peace. Not just wars and strife stopping but the inner peace of letting go and letting God have control. We cannot do anything about what others are saying or doing to each other, but we can give these worries to God. Today I had to give something to God which was out of my control. God gave me an inner peace about it. Yet sometimes I fret about things. Am I showing my worries to the world or am I showing God’s peace?
Awhile ago I adopted a new cat when my old cat died. After a week or two I asked God why He have me adopt a cat who was constantly in hiding. It was to teach me patience. Little by little my cat came out of hiding and got less afraid of me. He now will not leave me alone most of the time. He loves to be petted but he has not allowed us to cuddle yet. I have learned to be patient with my cat growing comfortable with me but am I patient with people?
Some say I am too kind, but am I? Am I kind to those who I do not like or who have hurt me? What is my motive to being kind? Is it so others will like me or am I being the kind of kind because of Jesus? I need to work on the fruit of kindness in my life.
What is good? Jesus asked this question and said only God is good. Therefore, if only God is good then I cannot be good in my own strength. I need to rely on God to help me be good to others and how I behave. To be the fruit of goodness I need to follow God’s laws, so I do not hurt God or others. I need to ask God to help live the fruit of goodness.
Being faithful to God and others takes work. I believe another way to look at faithfulness is being loyal. Am I being loyal to God in how I live? Am I being loyal to others or am I talking bad about someone behind their back? What about my job? Am I loyal to the place that gives me a paycheck by being faithful to always doing my job well? It is not easy to be faithful, but God does help me practice the fruit of faithfulness.
Most of the time I am gentle with others. Gentleness is the opposite of being harsh. It is easy to be gentle with a baby or a kitten, but what about someone who is yelling at you for something you have no control over? This often happens at work when customers are impatient. Being empathic and gentle goes a long way over yelling back. Sometimes I need to practice the fruit of gentleness in a better way.
I think God had Paul save this one for last because God knew this is a hard one for people. Having self-control has been hard for me. For instance, when I am tired and hungry after work it is sometimes easier to stop at a fast-food place rather than going home and cooking something. I must remind myself going home is the healthier choice and better for my wallet. Using self-control in what I say is even harder for me. Only God can help me with the fruit of self-control.
I have read this passage of scripture many times. I never really have sat down and broken the fruits down like this before. I learned today living like these fruits is difficult. Yet I know God will help me. Are you living like these fruits?
Here is a couple of books on the fruits of the Spirit found at Christianbook.com Home. I am an affiliate for Christianbook. By clicking on a link and making a purchase I may earn a small percentage of your purchase at no extra cost to you. This helps support this website. Thank you for your support.
In this update to The Practice of Godliness, best-selling author Jerry Bridges explores nine aspects of the “fruit of the Spirit” as described in Galatians 5:22-23. Demonstrating the need for prayerful preparation and careful cultivation, Bridges shows you how to produce an abundant crop where it counts the most – in everyday life!
How are Christians called to live their lives? While there are some Christians who stress the importance of upholding all the rules in order to prove they truly are Christians, there are others who reject the idea of rules or traditions entirely, viewing the point of Christian faith as setting them free from the institutionalized religious burden.The Apostle Paul addresses both of these views by demonstrating a far better and truly Christian way to live our lives—the way of the Spirit of God given to us through Christ. At the heart and soul of Christian living is to “Walk by the Spirit . . . led by the Spirit . . . live by the Spirit . . . keep in step with the Spirit.” In Cultivating the Fruit of the Spirit, pastor and scholar Christopher Wright invites readers to live a life in step with the Spirit by cultivating the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Divided into nine chapters, each addressing and surveying the depths and breadth of biblical background to each of the words Paul mentions in his fruit of the Spirit, and including questions for contemplation or discussion, Wright’s book forwards an ideal resource for group studies and pastors alike.
When I read this passage this morning, I read my name instead of Israel. After all the Bible is God’s love letter to all who believe in Him, not just Israel. So, when you read this put your name in the verses.
Isiah 43: 1-7
1But now, O Jacob, listen to the Lord who created you.
O Israel, the one who formed you says,
God created you. He created you specifically as a one-of-a-kind person. He knows everything about you and even knows how many hairs you have on your head.
“Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you.
You do not have to be afraid because God ransomed you. He saved you from all your wrong doings and He saved you from those who do you wrong. There is no fear in accepting God’s ransom.
I have called you by name; you are mine.
God has called you by name. Even if someone else has the exact same name as you, God knows you by your name.
2When you go through deep waters,
I will be with you.
When you go through rivers of difficulty,
you will not drown.
When you walk through the fire of oppression,
you will not be burned up;
the flames will not consume you.
God goes with you through all your troubles. He does not say He will do away with your troubles, though sometimes He does, but He will be right beside you when you have trouble. He is there to guide you and comfort you. Just ask Him to be there for you and watch for signs He is there.
3For I am the Lord, your God,
the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.
He is the Lord, your God. He is the Holy One and your Savior.
I gave Egypt as a ransom for your freedom;
I gave Ethiopia and Seba in your place.
4Others were given in exchange for you.
I traded their lives for yours
because you are precious to me
God is willing to trade the world for you! You are precious to Him!
5“Do not be afraid, for I am with you.
I will gather you and your children from east and west.
6I will say to the north and south,
‘Bring my sons and daughters back to Israel
from the distant corners of the earth.
7Bring all who claim me as their God,
for I have made them for my glory
God wants to bring you back to Him because you were made for His Glory.
It was I who created them.’”You are honored, and I love you.
Why did God do all this? Because He loves you! Will you claim His love and salvation?
I am an affiliate with Christianbook.com Home. Below is some books I recommend. If you click on a link and make a purchase I may earn a small percentage of your purchase at no extra cost to you. This helps maintain the costs of this website. Thank you for your support.
Love has come to mean many things. It’s used to describe emotions. It’s the glue for relationships. It frames countless stories.
And the greatest of these stories opens before time began and echoes throughout eternity. It’s the story of God’s unrelenting, overwhelming love for His people. Yet the truth of love is even more majestic, more staggering, and more extraordinary than we can understand: God doesn’t just love us. He is love.
Renowned theologian and teacher Dr. R. C. Sproul takes a remarkable look at this most profound truth. God’s Love delves deep into Scripture to explore this dynamic attribute of God, which finds its ultimate expression in His Son. Dr. Sproul also examines seeming paradoxes, such as a loving God and divine hate, and how love coexists with God’s sovereignty. Practical, insightful, and revolutionary, God’s Love compels and calls us to reflect His nature of unconditional love.
The first part of this chapter is dreadful. The author is deep despair over a sin. He feels like God has turned his back on him. Yet, when I started reading verse twenty-two, I found hope in God’s unfailing love. Since having COVID the first time in November for three weeks I have struggled with asthma and bronchitis. My prayer journal is filled with pleadings for healing. I searched my heart to know if it was sin which was keeping me from good health. I asked forgiveness for the sin I found and prayed I would do better each day. God is ever merciful to forgive me. Each day God gives me what I need to get through the day.
The Lord is my inheritance. Without him I would be without hope. This is so true for me. Anything I have accomplished I have done it in the strength God has given me. This past three weeks have been a great example. I got bronchitis again. For several days I did not have the energy to do much. I took a medical leave and got tested for COVID. Thankfully, it was negative. It had only been six weeks since I had bronchitis and a positive test. All I could do was do simple things to care for myself, but I spent a great deal of time on my couch and bed. I finally went to see my doctor and she gave me another round of steroids. Even after the five-day prescription was through, I had no energy. Yet, I was back to work praying to get through my shift. God was faithful.
I know I can depend on God. Each morning I sit in quiet waiting for God to speak to me through his Word and prayer. Yesterday I had more energy for work. Today I cleaned my kitchen. I feel more like myself. I still cough now and then but that is getting better. I am trying to eat healthy to build up my immune system. I know God will be faithful to keep me going. His love never ends. Are you trusting God for his mercies each day?
Verse 9 We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.
Do you ever have plans and they do not work out? The last two weeks have been like that for me. At the beginning of this month, I went to my doctor for my asthma. She gave me Advair to use every day and it seemed to help. Mother’s Day I enjoyed going up on Rib Mountain with my camera and capturing some beautiful photos. The fresh air was wonderful. I felt I was getting better. I continued to struggle with certain smells like cigarette smoke, strong chemicals, and certain flowers but I was starting to feel better. Until ten days ago. I woke up with a cough that Monday morning. Nothing I tried made it go away. I thought it was my asthma, so I went to work. That was the last day I worked.
Dentist Plans
I had plans last week to go to the dentist. I have an ever-widening gap between two of my teeth and I think it is a cavity. I was going to see about getting it filled since it is always getting food stuck there and I must floss constantly. By the way, I hate going to the dentist. As a child my mom did not enforce good dental hygiene. Whenever we would go to the dentist, he would yell at me for no taking care of my teeth. It was traumatic and it carried on through my adulthood. These days I have finally developed good dental hygiene but with a cost. I have several problem teeth. Yet, I am finally making plans to fix it. But God had other plans.
Work Plans
On Tuesday of last week, I was too sick to go to work, so I called in. I had Wednesday off, and I thought ‘it’s just a cold, I will be fine’. But I was not. By Thursday I felt like I had COVID again. I was supposed to go to work that day, but I went to the clinic for a COVID test instead. So much for working. I needed the income on my paycheck because rent is coming due on the first of June. I filed for a paid leave of absence and waited for the test results.
Friday brought a negative test result. I was so thankful for this, but I did not even feel up to taking a shower let along going out to shop for things I needed. Later in the day I learned my paid leave was approved but would it be soon enough so I would get paid for the days I missed? I was worried about my plans to pay rent and my other bills. I tried to put everything in God’s Hands and leave it there but I still worried.
Shopping Plans
Saturday, I felt well enough for a much-needed shower. Yet afterwards I needed a nap before I could do anything else. I ventured out to go to the store for a lawn chair and other things I needed. My cat was out of wet cat food. The lawn chair was in hopes I was well enough to go to church and the picnic afterwards. I stopped at my local grocery store and got a few things. By the time I got home I was exhausted, and I knew my plans for the church picnic was out.
Church Picnic Plans
My church had planned a nice picnic with many outdoor activities. However, it was a rainy day. God sent the heaviest rain right at the time the outdoor activities were to take place. Not what the church planned at all. I do not know how the picnic turned out. I hope everyone had a good time in the large fellowship room.
Medical Plans
I had hoped to go back to work Monday but I still was not any better, so I stayed home and rested. By Tuesday, yesterday, I decided it was time for me to seek medical help. I wanted so much to avoid going to the doctor but nothing else I tried seemed to be working to get over this cold. My doctor prescribed another round of steroids. My plan is to go back to work tomorrow now that I have the right medicine to help me.
This past week and a half I planned to get so much done but God had other plans for me. I kept asking why God had me home during this time. My friend said maybe it is bonding time for me and my cat. I think he may be right since my cat who spent his first two weeks at my apartment in hiding during the day now actually comes into my room when I am laying on my bed.
God’s Plan
God’s plan turned out to provide for me financially and to help my kitty start to trust me more. Not what I had planned, but this is far better. Verse three of this chapter says, “Commit your actions to the Lord, and your plans will succeed”. Now I need to commit my plans to Him and not worry whether they will work out or not. Are your plans God’s plans?
Below is a couple of items for God’s plan from Christianbook.com Home I am an affiliate for Christianbook and if you click on one of these links and make a purchase I may receive a small percentage of your purchase at no extra cost to you. This helps support the monthly costs of this website. Thank you for your support.
What is God’s plan for your life? We all reach points in our life where we don’t know what God wants from us? Do I stay or go? Do I work through or move on? Do I do this or that? God’s ways are higher than ours, but did you know that God has promised to reveal His most wonderful plans for our life. To know His plan, we must understand how God is using each event, each relationship, each struggle and celebration to move us into His best plan for our lives. We all have joys, disappointments, celebrations, and tragedies, but understanding God’s purpose in each of these is key to understanding His plan for our life. Make this insightful teaching part of your library today and start understanding God’s Plan for Your Life.
Manage your days with this 2022 Be Still 18-Month Zippered Planner from Christian Art Gifts. Elegantly bound in luxleather with top stitching and Scripture reference on front, this beautiful engagement planner makes the perfect gift for any woman on the go!Features include:18 Month Planner (August 2021 through January 2023)High quality faux leather in soft taupeCover is debossed with branches, leaves, berries and Scripture verseGold and silver foiled detailing on coverStylish two-color interiorWeekly Scripture verse & quoteRoom to record daily meetings, appointments, and to-do listDotted space for creations or listsCrisis Scripture GuideYear-at-a-glance View Month-at-a-glance View Week-at-a-glance View Page for Important Personal & Contacts InformationSatin ribbon markerZipped closure with silver zipper pull244 pages; measures 9″ x 7″Front inscription: Be Still & Know That I Am God Psalm 46:10 2022
I Samuel 2:2 No one is holy like the Lord! There is no one besides you; there is no Rock like our God.
Today I read this verse and thought to myself the Lord is my rock. But why is the Lord referred to as my Rock in so many places in the Bible? What is a rock? You think well that is a stupid question but what do you think of when you think about a rock? A rock is something which is solid and difficult to move. It can act as a shield, a hiding place, a stronghold in a storm, and something you can climb to get a better view.
2 Samuel 22:32 (NLT) says “For who is God except the Lord? Who but our God is a solid rock?” Psalms 18:2 (NLT) The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety.
Solid and Difficult to Move
A rock is also solid and difficult to move. Solid can mean steadfast, strong, and trustworthy. These are attributes of God. Difficult to move means unchanging. God is the same always in His attributes. Yet, He is not unmoving when it comes to our prayers when we need help. He knows our needs, but He wants us to come to Him.
The Lord is my shield against my enemies seen and unseen. I do not have any enemies that I know of, but I have unseen enemies. These enemies are usually depression and anxiety if I do not trust the Lord with my mental health. Another enemy is chronic pain from arthritis and fibromyalgia. Diet and exercise, along with medication and supplements, do help, but praying through the pain is always the most helpful. The Lord is my shield who blocks the pain.
Hiding Place
There are numerous verses about hiding in or behind a rock. Whenever we are afraid, we can hide behind or in our Rock which is the Lord. Overwhelmed with stress? Hide in the Lord. Are you afraid? Hide in the Lord. As the Rock in your life the Lord will protect you.
Be my rock of safety where I can always hide. Give the order to save me, for you are my rock and my fortress. Psalms 71:3 (NLT)
Protection in the Storm
We all go through difficult storms in our lives. Whether it is the loss of someone or something like our home or job it can be difficult. Right now, there seems to be more difficulties with wars, COVID still going on, and now shortages of gas causing raising prices food and basic needs. These can be scary times. Yet, God is our rock of safety. He will protect us and go through these storms with us. We just need to cling to our Rock!
A Better View
Recently I went up on a local mountain called Rib Mountain. There are a lot of rocks on top of the mountain. The largest one even has a cave you can climb into if you are small enough. While I was there, kids were climbing into the cave while their parents watched and took photos. There is a sign stating if one were to reach the top of this rock one would be at the highest point in Wisconsin. I would never be able to get up there due to my size and physical capabilities. Yet there are other rocks around I could climb up on to get a better view.
Getting a better view led me to think about getting a better view of God. You do not have to climb a mountain or a large rock to get a better view of God, just start reading the Bible. If you read every day, you can realize many things about God. You will find God is solid, He is a shield against our enemies seen and unseen, He is our protector, and He is a safe place to hide all our worries and cares.
Isaiah 26:4 (NLT) Trust in the Lord always, for the Lord God is the eternal Rock.
Is the Lord your Rock?
Below is a couple gift ideas from Christianbook.com Home. I am an affiliate for Christianbook. If you click on one of these links and make a purchase I may receive a small percentage of the price at no extra cost to you. This helps with the costs of keeping this website active. Thanks for your support.
What’s it like to experience God’s attributes? If we did experience them, how would we be changed? Would our idea of God change? This study takes you through scriptural passages that let you experience God’s attributes for yourself. Throughout, you’ll be asked to connect what you learn about God to your own experiences of Him. Your idea of God will indeed change as any misconceptions of what He’s like give way to the truth about His glorious character.
The Lord is My Rock, ceramic gift mug11 ounce capacityBlue exterior with white interiorMicrowave and dishwasher safePackaged in sturdy matching gift boxFeatures Scripture verse from Psalm 18:2“The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust.” Psalm 18:2.
Romans 8:15-17 says 15So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God’s Spirit when he adopted you as his own children. Now we call him, “Abba, Father.” 16For his Spirit joins with our spirit to affirm that we are God’s children. 17And since we are his children, we are his heirs. In fact, together with Christ we are heirs of God’s glory. But if we are to share his glory, we must also share his suffering.
Tomorrow is Mother’s Day. Every year mothers are honored. I became a mother in January of 1997 when we adopted our son Aaron. The next year we adopted our second child. A few years later after I separated from my husband, I adopted a cat from my niece named Princess. A month ago, I adopted Samson from the Humane Society after Princess died. These adoptions have uniquely helped me understand how God has adopted us and we have full rights to be called His children.
No Fear
We, as God’s children, do not have to fear God and He does not want us to be His slave. We are free children. Free to live for God, as He wants us to live, but we have no fear when we mess up. Yes, God has rules to live by, but we live in a society with rules. For example, within the family there are rules set out by the parents and if you break one of the rules you have consequences but also forgiveness. Children of parents in our society are usually not treated as slaves but are loved and given structure to grow into productive adults. It is just like that with God. We are not God’s slave but His child. We are free to break His rules, but we know if we ask God will forgive us.
Abba, Father
The term Abba in Hebrew is like the term “Daddy”. Only children who love and trust their father call him Daddy. The term Daddy represents a close bond with one’s father. A daddy is someone you can trust. It is the dearest form of the term father. We, as children of God, can have that special relationship with God where we can come to Him with trust and not have to fear.
The Spirit
When we chose to become children of God His Spirit begin to live within us. I say choose because becoming a child of God is a choice. We choose to believe God sent His Son, Jesus, to take the punishment of our sins on him when Jesus died on the cross. On the third day Jesus rose from the dead and went back to Heaven, God’s glory. While, yes, we have suffering here on earth because there is sin in this world, we have God’s glory to look forward to and we have comfort in knowing what is ahead.
Becoming a child of God is a gift one cannot earn. Just like when I adopted my children and pets, they did nothing to earn their adoption but became my children to grow up in a loving home. To be able to call their father daddy (and me mommy). We can trust God to love us and know what is best for us. His Spirit secures our adoption, and we have a forever home waiting for us. Have you been adopted into God’s family? If you have any questions, feel free to comment below or to message me on Facebook.
Christianbook.com Home has some wonderful books on adoption. They also have great gifts for Father’s Day and graduation. Check out these choices below or find your own perfect items at Just remember if you make a purchase by follow these links, I may earn a small percentage of your purchase at no extra cost to you. This helps with the costs of running this website. Thank you for your support.
Gift mug in red features bold printed text in whiteDad You’re My Hero18 ounce capacity; stoneware ceramicMicrowave and dishwasher safe; hand wash recommendedBoxedMan Made collection
The Baxter Undated Planner from Christian Art Gifts is a planner that you can truly make your own using color, stickers, drawings, and freehand lists. The undated planner can be given at any time of the year as a birthday, graduation, or Mother’s day gift to a lady who has an unconventional appetite for planning.Details:Gray suede-look cover Faux leather Elastic band closure Satin ribbon marker Month-at-a-glance pages for planning ahead Ample space for notes and mind-mapping Space for setting priorities Space for goal-setting Motivational quotes Yearly calendar 2022 and 2023 Lay-flat design Premium no-bleed paper Pen loop 240 pages Size: 8.5″ x 5.9″
Three weeks ago, my cat died. I wrote about her life in a Loss of a Pet post. I loved her cuddles and comfort when I was feeling down. She was there through the good times and the bad times for sixteen years. I still miss her, but I decided to get another cat for comfort and cuddles. So, I filled out an application for the humane society for another cat. I looked at available cats on their webpage and made an appointment to go see the cats in hopes I would find one to love.
So, two weeks ago I went to the humane society for my one o’clock appointment. The cats were in cages. The cages were more like little rooms with glass walls on one side so people could view the cats. There were three levels of these little rooms. The staff said I could pick out a cat then go into a room and they would bring the cat in so I could spend some time with each cat to make my choice. My son Aaron met me at the shelter to help me decide.
I visited with four cats that day. The first one let me hold her on my lap and pet her. The next two were more skittish and I did not make any connection with them. I said to Aaron “they are not Princess” (my cat who just died). So, I went out to look at the other cats they had hoping to find one. I was looking for a small cat because Princess was a small cat and I have fibromyalgia and it hurts to have a large cat on me. Princess loved to lay under my chin.
Then I saw BDJ and saw he was only six pounds. He is a beautiful all black cat. I asked to see him and went back into the little room to wait for him. I was told he was a very shy cat. BDJ, which stands for Big Distinguished JungleCat, immediately climb up into a wooden box attached to the wall and hid. I could see him in there through the holes carved in the side of the box. Soon I discovered the side of the box had hinges and I could open the box to get a better look. I reached in and let BDJ smell my hand while I talked to him. After a little while I petted him, and he seemed okay with it. One time I stopped petting him and he moved his head to rest on my hand. I fell in love with this little black cat. I tried picking him up to hold him, but I could tell he did not want to be held so I put him down on top of the box and he stayed right there. I petted him and talked to him and he looked at me with those big black eyes, so I told Aaron “I think this is the one”.
I left BDJ in the room and went to talk to the staff about adopting him. They found my application and said they would look it over and call me if I am approved to adopt BDJ. I asked if I could spend more time with BDJ before I left, and they said that was okay. I just petted him for awhile and told him I was going to come back and get him to take him home. He looked at me with what looked like tears in his eyes when I said I was leaving. (BDJ had been sick when he was brought to the shelter and he may still be getting over it, hence the teary eyes.)
I went to Walmart to get some things for BDJ and to tell everyone I was going back to work the next day. (I had been on leave because I tested positive for COVID, but I was cleared to go back to work.) I was checking out when I got the call from the humane society saying I was approved to adopt BDJ and could come get him at five o’clock. I asked how much so I could get cash. They said he was free but there was a twenty-dollar fee for the blood test plus tax. Black cats are less likely to be adopted so they do not charge the usual fees for them. Sad!
I went home and put away my groceries and got the cat carrier. I put the bed I just bought in the carrier for BDJ. Princess never used a bed. I put down dry food and water and filled the litterbox. Time to go get BDJ! I got there and there was a ton of paperwork to go through. I signed papers and one of the staff put BDJ in the cat carrier. I talked to him all the way home.
I set the cat carrier on the floor and opened the door so BDJ could come out. However, he was too scared, so he did not come out the entire evening. I watched TV and talked to him. By ten o’clock I was tired and went to bed. I woke up the next morning and the cat carrier was empty. I looked everywhere but I could not find him. And that became the pattern for the next two weeks.
After a day or two I decided to call him Samson. It seemed fitting for such a handsome boy. I continued to talk to him even though I could not find where he is hiding. Sometimes I would call him Sam and more often Sammy. I was starting to think he would never come out of hiding. I started to pray each morning Samson would come out.
I would wake up every morning and BDJ food dish was empty and there would be toys everywhere. After the first couple of days, I found he was not using the litterbox but pooping by the front door. I cleaned that up and put a cardboard tray with litter in it by the door. He used it the next night so I dumped it in the litterbox in the bathroom so he would know where to poop. I refilled the tray with a little litter and set it back by the door. It was used again so I dumped the litter in the litterbox and this time I threw the tray away. After that I saw he was only using the litterbox in the bathroom. Yet he still was not coming out of hiding when I was home and awake. Once in awhile I would see him but only for a moment as he goes from hiding under the couch in the morning when I get up to his hiding place somewhere in either my bedroom or my office.
Yesterday morning I woke up at four in the morning. I had to work at eight but four was way to early to be awake, so I laid there trying to go back to sleep. While laying there I was praying. I asked God why to have me adopt a cat who did not trust me.
I adopted Samson from the cage. I saved him. He is a black cat and had been at the shelter two months. Black cats are less likely to be adopted. His paperwork states he was found by someone who could not keep him. The staff and vet judge him to be about a year old when Samson was brought to the shelter. We know nothing of his first year of life. The paperwork also says Samson was stressed when he was brought to the shelter and the staff told me he was sick.
So why did God have me adopt this cat? I felt like God was telling me while I laid there just like Samson, I need to learn to trust God for more than just my basic needs. After all God saved me. Who is to say if Samson would ever be adopted if I did not adopt him? What would have happened to him if I did not choose him that day? Would he be put to sleep? God saved me from death and saved me from being in the “cage” of life without a loving Savior.
Just like Samson, God is meeting all my basic needs. I have a safe home. I have food to eat. I have entertainment. But what about trusting God for more. Proverbs 3:5-6 says:
5Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.6Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.
I think God is telling me to trust Him every day. Trust Him with everything. To pray about everything big and small in my life. Not rely on myself or my own wisdom but to trust God to show me His will for me. To trust God with all my heart even the things that hurt.
I do not know why Samson is afraid of people. I pray someday he will learn to trust I would never hurt him. Just like I want Samson to trust me so we can have a better relationship, I think God is teaching me to trust Him more so we can have a better relationship. Are you trusting God fully?
Below is some great Mother’s Day gifts from Christianbook. I am an affiliate of Christianbook and if you click on a link and make a purchase I may receive a small percentage of the price at no additional cost to you. This helps cover the costs of maintaining this website. Thank you for your support.
Pretty in pink, design of flower blossoms and Scripture verse quote from Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understandingTrending style and designUpscale designer letteringChristian gift you’ll love to giveSpiral bound journal with hardcover; 192 ruled pages 6″ x 8.25″ approximate size
Shaped stoneware mug with rich dark interior is accented with dimensional trim and uplifting words of inspiration from Scripture. 14 ounce capacity, gift boxed; safe for microwave and dishwasher. For today’s Christian home in contemporary style and design.Warm caramel; Bible verse Psalm 91:2: God is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust. On reverse side: Trust.
Facing painful trials, unmet needs, or lost dreams? Stop depending on your own strength, energy, and power—and start relying on God’s ability! Beloved author Stanley explains how three essential beliefs—that he is perfect in his love, infinite in his wisdom, and absolutely sovereign—build a foundation for trusting in the Lord. 352 pages, hardcover from Nelson.
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.
I was humbled when I read this passage. We make our plans. We go to work to provide for ourselves and family. We go about our daily lives. Are our thoughts on what God’s ways? How can we know the Ways of God? How can we even know God’s thoughts? One way is to read the Word of God daily and the mediate on it. I also pray and ask for guidance from God to know His Ways.
As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it
without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish,
so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater,
so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.
This passage goes on to say like the snow and rain waters the earth and bring forth food for us so will His Word bring forth good things. This makes me question as to whether I am living in a way which is pleasing to God, so His Word is going out by the way I am living. Humbling!
Everything thing God sends out will accomplish His purpose. Even when we fail God His purpose will still be accomplished. God is still in control. Even when the world seems to be going in the wrong direction God is still accomplishing His Ways. Humbling.
You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.
Instead of the thornbush will grow the juniper, and instead of briers the myrtle will grow.
This will be for the Lord’s renown, for an everlasting sign, that will endure forever.”
Therefore, I can go through my day with peace and joy knowing God’s ways are being accomplished. I may not understand God’s Ways, but I can be at peace knowing He is in control. This brings joy in the most humbling way.
Spring is here! The trees, grass and flowers are bursting forth with praise to the Lord. Spring reminds me of things to come. Heaven awaits! There will be no more thorns of this life. Only peace and joy with the Lord forever! I humbly wait for Your Ways to be accomplished through me.
I am an affiliate for Christianbook.com Home. If you click on the link and make a purchase I may earn a small percentage of your purchase at no extra cost to you. This helps with the cost of running this website. Thank you for your support.
Romans 8:38For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Yesterday my sister-in-law posted these verses on social media and I commented they were my life verses. Later, my sister commented she needed to remember these verses because she was afraid of heights and deep water. This got me thinking. What are my fears which is keeping me from fully knowing how much God loves me?
Death nor Life
I am not afraid of death. I am certain I am going to Heaven when I die. I know this because the Bible clearly says, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16). I believe Jesus came to this earth with the purpose of dying and rise again. He did this because we all have fallen short of being perfect which is what God demands to get entrance to Heaven. Since we are not perfect, we must die. Only Jesus was perfect, so He died in our place. This demonstrates God’s love for us since He sent His one and only Son to die for us to offer us the gift of salvation. Have you accepted this gift?
Afraid of life? No! I am under God’s protection. He gives me guidance and meets all my needs. My life is not perfect, but all my needs are met. I have a wonderful family and many friends. I have a home and food to eat. I have a job and a reliable car to take me there. I also have a wonderful church family. Every day I see God’s Hand in my life making it better. My heart swells with thanksgiving and praise.
Angels nor Demons
There is a spiritual battle going on in the spiritual world. Most of the time I am unaware of this battle going on. Yet God gives us the armor to fight. Ephesians 6:11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. I do not have to be afraid if I daily put on the armor of God.
The Present nor The Future
I do not have to worry about today. I know God loves me and He will protect me. Nor do I have to worry about tomorrow. I do not have to worry about what food to eat or if I will have enough to meet my financial needs. God has proven time and time again He will supply my needs.
Nor Any Powers
When I think of the word powers I think of the government. We in America still have the freedom to practice the religion of our choice. Yet that is not so in other countries. Believers of Jesus in some countries have been persecuted for their faith. Many have been in prison or even killed just for saying they believe in Jesus. These people are heroes. We need to pray for their protection and God would meet their needs. I receive information about people who are persecuted for their faith from two organizations. One is www.newsservice2000.com and the other is www.vom.org.
Height nor Depth
We could climb the highest mountain or dive to the depths of the ocean, but God would not stop loving us nor do we have to fear. No where on earth can we go can separate us from God’s love. In a little while I need to go get ready for work. I do like my job, but I do not like the toll it has on my body. I have arthritis throughout my body and being on my feet helping people check out their groceries in self check hurts. Yet, time after time God gets me through the day. Why do I do it you ask? Because I have reached the point in my life I would rather work part time at a job I know than go through the hassle of learning a new job. I have my social security checks and working part time meets my needs. What place do you fear?
Nor Anything Else in Creation
Ever since I was a small child, I have been afraid of snakes. It does not matter if they are harmless, I am still terrified of them. Yet, I love going into the woods and love being near or on the water. God has always protected me. He has also protected me in storms and other natural disasters. God’s love is in me and creation cannot take that from me.
Nothing Can
In all these things there is nothing that can separate me from God’s love. I just need to own these verses every day of my life. Have you given your fears to Him and own that nothing can separate you from a loving God?
Check out the books, Bibles and gifts at Christianbook.com Home. If you click on the link and make a purchase I may receive a small percentage of the price at no extra costs to you. This helps keep this website running. Thank you for your support.
Exodus 40:34-38 34Then the cloud covered the Tabernacle, and the glory of the Lord filled the Tabernacle. 35Moses could no longer enter the Tabernacle because the cloud had settled down over it, and the glory of the Lord filled the Tabernacle.
36Now whenever the cloud lifted from the Tabernacle, the people of Israel would set out on their journey, following it. 37But if the cloud did not rise, they remained where they were until it lifted. 38The cloud of the Lord hovered over the Tabernacle during the day, and at night fire glowed inside the cloud so the whole family of Israel could see it. This continued throughout all their journeys.
Merriam-Webster defines presence as “the fact or condition of being present”. As I read this passage today, I thought about the Israelites being able to see God’s presence every day and night. The cloud represented God taking care of the Israelites and giving them direction. As many of you know in Exodus God’s people escaped slavery in Egypt and made their way to the promise land. During these travels God’s presence was with them in the form of a cloud and God provided food and water during their journeys. He also gave them direction in which to go.
From this we learn God is present. He provides for us. He also gives us direction.
God is Present.
God is present in our lives. He is there for us in our darkest nights, and He is there in our greatest joys. Thinking about the cloud over the Israelites today made me wonder if the Israelites were in awe of God’s presence with them. I sure would be knowing I could see His presence day in and day out. What a blessing! Yet I know, even though I cannot see God’s presence I feel it in my heart. He is my best friend, and I can go to Him and talk to Him about what is going on in my life at any time. I am in awe of this knowledge.
God Provides for Us
Other places in Exodus you can read how God provided for the Israelites needs. You can read how He provided manna and quail for them to eat. You can read how He provided water a couple of times. Finally, there is mentioned the Israelite’s sandals never worn out. It was everything they needed on their way to the promise land. God also provides for us. We have food, water, and clothes. I have seen God’s provision many times. I am often in awe of how He knows exactly how much I need at any given time. Twice now I have been in quarantine for COVID. This second time I have not been sick but had tested positive when I went to the doctor for bronchitis. Never once did I run out of food or even toilet paper.
God Gives Us Direction
In the verses above we read “Now whenever the cloud lifted from the Tabernacle, the people of Israel would set out on their journey, following it. But if the cloud did not rise, they remained where they were until it lifted.” God literally told them when to move by His presence in the cloud. Amazing! Sometimes I wish God would give us a sign like this, so we know when to move on. Yet we can sense His direction when we allow God to lead us. God can lead us to pack up and move. He can give us direction in our careers. He can also lead us in our spiritual life. I have seen this many times in my life, especially in this last year. I felt He directed me to move to a larger city. I felt God leading me in my career choices, especially with this blog. And I felt lead to grow more spiritually through reading the Bible, praying throughout my day, and being involved in a local church. I am in awe at God’s direction of leading in my life.
Life is a journey. It is a better journey with God’s presence in it. Have you asked God to give you His cloud of presence in your life?
Below is a couple of books on God’s presence from Christianbook.com Home. If you click on a link and make a purchase I may earn a percentage of the price at no extra cost to you. This helps keep this website running. Thank you for your support.
What is keeping you from experiencing God’s presence in your life? One of the most influential pastors in recent history, Tozer uses the story of Moses’ encounter with God at the burning bush to teach us why and how to kneel and worship in a spirit of reverence and holiness. Never before available in print. 192 pages, softcover from Bethany.
Distractions and fear and busyness were keeping Leighton Ford from seeing God’s work in and around him. So he began a journey of longing and looking for God. And it started with paying attention. In The Attentive Life, he invites you to journey with him. Using the tradition of praying the hours, Ford walks with you to help you pay attention to God’s work in your life. The way toward God starts with intention and attention–and eventually becomes a way of life, awake and alive to the peaceful, powerful presence of God. Paperback.
Last week my cat Princess died in my arms. I got her when she was about five months old. She turned sixteen February 15, 2021. I got her from my niece Rachal. Rachal could not keep her because the landlord said she had too many cats in her apartment. I had just moved into an apartment where I could have a cat. My kids and I drove down to get her. She was so little and cute. I remember at one time she climbed up on the back of the chair I was sitting in and she messed up my hair. Back then phones did not have cameras in them, so I do not have a picture. I called it hair style by Princess.
Princess was there through my divorce. I sure needed my furry little friend through the years of depression and low self-esteem. She was there for the death of my mother-in-law, father-in-law, my mom, and my best friend Ralph. Always there for a hug.
She also traveled with me. When the kids were little, I bought a tent, and we went camping at Dells Christian Campgrounds. Princess loved the outdoors. I remember putting her on a leash and letting her walk around the campgrounds. She seemed really excited about all the new smells she encountered. She also traveled several times to visit relatives. She traveled well in her cat carrier. Of course, at first when I put her in the carrier she would cry “Let me out mommy, let me out”. Yet once we got on the road she would settle down and take a nap. One time we stayed in a motel and I went out to get something out of my car and came back in and she got out of our room. I was able to catch her before she got to far down the hall, but she scared me.
I moved a lot during Princess’ lifetime. She seemed to not be bothered by a new place. I think she liked my latest apartment as it has big windows and comfy carpet.
I will help you pack!
She also had cat friends. One semester I did classes on campus rather than online. I had to travel about four hours to my sister’s house each week on Monday and return on Friday. My sister has asthma much worse than I do so Princess could not go with me. So, I arranged for Princess to stay each week with my close friends. They had a large male cat named Taz. Princess and Taz had a great time.
When my youngest child was a young teenager, she told me her best friend’s cat was having kittens and my kid wanted one. I gave in then my kid begged me to get two of the kittens. I gave in and we got Bear and Gingy. Both were boys and they were all boys. They figured out how to escape my mobile home through the back door and they would take off into the woods. Princess would follow them as often as she could. I did not want her out of the house. She never got much more than six pounds and had long fur. When my youngest moved back in with her dad he forced her to get rid of them. Neither were fixed and they peed everywhere.
Later, as an adult my youngest moved back in with me. This time she brought her cat Piper. Piper and Princess got along well if they ignored each other. Not like a one-time roommate’s big male cat. I had a roommate for about six months, and she had a cat. He bullied my much smaller Princess.
Princess and my kids grew up together. I got Princess when my kids were in elementary school. They are in their twenties now. Princess would put up with the kids messing with her. They were never mean to her. Yet she was always my cat. I was the one who fed her and spend time with her. The last few years it was just Princess and I living in my apartments. Princess would spend much time tucked under my chin or near me. I think she knew her time was coming to an end long before I realized it. She had a tumor on her hip.
I want to stay here forever!
The last few months Princess had a hard time keeping food down. She was throwing up almost every day. But that did not stop her from wanting to share my meals with me. She was skin and bones, but she never cried like she was in pain. The last two weeks she really slowed down. I noticed she was not using her litter box. Two days before she died, she quit eating. I started to get worried about her. That was Monday. By Tuesday she was having trouble walking. I did hold her bowl of food up to her and she did eat. She would come up to the couch where I was sitting and look like she was saying “can I come up and sit with you mommy?”. I would invite her up and she would immediately climb under my chin. By Tuesday she had to be helped up to sit with me. She sat under my chin for awhile then she sat beside me the rest of the evening. When I went to bed that night, I tucked up the little blanket she was sitting on in hopes she would just stay on the couch and sleep.
I woke up around 6 am Wednesday morning. I found her on the floor in front of the couch. She was shaking a little and she looked bad. I carefully picked her up and held her. I petted her head and talked quietly to her. I told her I loved her and told it was okay. Finally, she gave a little cry, and she was gone. I held her awhile afterwards because I was not sure she was gone.
The day before I had gone to the clinic because I had bronchitis and I wanted to get medication to help me feel better and to get tested to make sure I did not have COVID. The doctor said I would know the results the next day but neither of us thought I had COVID. A couple of hours after Princess died, I checked the clinic’s website. I was shocked to learn I tested positive. That made me cry even more. I was in a bad place.
I do not know how I got through that day. I did talk to the county health nurse about going to Dells Christian Campgrounds to bury Princess. He said it would be okay if I was careful to avoid people. I messaged my sister-in-law, and she said my brother would dig a hole for Princess. I let Rachal know, and she asked if she could be there to bury Princess. I said it was okay, but we needed to keep our distance. We agreed to meet Friday afternoon. I carefully wrapped Princess up and put her in my car. It was cooler weather, and I knew she would keep better in my car than in my house. Rachal brought potted flowers to plant at the gravesite. It is a special place at the camp.
Beloved Kitty Lies Here
Princess Lies Here
I also knew I need to have a cat in my life. I looked on the humane society and filled out an application to adopt a cat. I have been extremely sad and lonely since Princess left me. I did not realize I would feel like I lost my best friend. I just want my kitty back!
Sunday was Easter and I could not go to church since I was under quarantine. I decided to watch my church online. It was almost as if my Pastor knew I was going through a tough time. His message spoke to my heart to take one step forward. It helped me move on. I still miss her. Tonight, my oldest son brought pictures of Princess in frames for me. I cried when I saw the photos. Princess will never be forgotten.
Have you lost a pet? It is true it is like losing a member of the family. Go ahead and grieve. With time the pain will ease. Take one step forward.
Some items from Christianbook.com Home below. I am an affiliate of Christianbook.com Home. If you click on a link and make a purchase I may earn a percentage at no extra cost to you. This helps keep my website running. Thank you for your support.
Because our relationships with our animal companions are unlike human relationships, the death of a pet is like no other loss that we will experience. In this book, Betty J. Carmack draws on the wisdom of Ecclesiastes, her own experience, and interviews with dozens of pet lovers to guide the reader through the initial loss of a pet to the dawning of new hope and reassurance.
By Nechama Liss-Levinson, PhD & Rev. Molly Phinney Baskette, Mdiv
Honest, caring words and hands-on activities to help kids accept and grow through the loss of a beloved pet. The death of a pet is often a child’s first encounter with grief. How your child learns to cope through this experience may affect his or her attitude into adulthood. Drawing on concepts from psychology and a broad multifaith perspective, this supportive workbook provides a sensitive and practical resource that will help children ages 7-13 cope with the death of a beloved pet.
Remember a lost pet with unique keepsake frame with space for six photos and a heartwarming sentiment. Frame is 11″ x 14″, in classic black, for wall display. Space for photos 3″ x 2.75″; sure to be a comfort in times of loss. Also may be used for photos of multiple pets.“You no longer greet me, as I walk through the door.You’re not there to make me smile, to make me laugh any more.Life seems quiet without you, you were far more than a pet.You were a family member, a friend, a loving soul I’ll never forget.It will take time to heal- for the silence to go away.I still listen for you, and miss you every day.You were such a great companion, constant, loyal and true.My heart will always wear, the pawprints left by you.”Copyright Teri Harrison.
I have written twenty stories this past year. A few of them tell the story of the Holy Week in Christ’s life. I am home this week with COVID 2.0. I thought I had bronchitis, but my test came up positive, again. I am not feeling as bad as I did before, but I am having a hard time focusing. I also lost my cat this week. Yesterday my cat crossed the rainbow bridge while I was holding her. I cried most of the day. She was my companion through thick and thin for close to sixteen years.
So, I have not felt like writing until today when I was listening to a beautiful Easter song a friend posted on social media. I started thinking about the stories I have written about this week so I thought I would combine them and call them “Eyewitnesses”. There are three of them: John Mark, Mary Magdalene and Mary, the mother of Jesus. Each story is longer than the excerpts below and you are welcome to follow the links to read their whole story. Each story in written in first person so they are written as eyewitnesses to this holy week.
I was there when they arrested Jesus. I was amazed of the mob that came to arrest him. Jesus had just been praying off by himself and the rest of us were waiting for him. Actually, we fell asleep, I am embarrassed to say. When the mob came, we awoke, and Jesus walked up to them. I saw Judas come up to Jesus and kiss him on the cheek. I was so shocked at Judas. I thought all those who were Jesus’ disciples were saints. Judas has done Jesus a terrible injustice turning again him.
Jesus spoke to the mod. “Am I some dangerous revolutionary, that you come with swords and clubs to arrest me? Why didn’t you arrest me in the Temple? I was there among you teaching every day. But these things are happening to fulfill what the Scriptures say about me.”
Then they took him. By then everyone had run away but me. I wanted to go with Jesus and followed behind but suddenly someone from the mob grabbed my long linen shirt. I was so scared I ran off leaving my shirt behind. Yep, I was naked, and my Mom was going to kill me. The only reason she let me hang out with Jesus and the disciple is because Peter is a family friend and he said it was okay. She made that shirt just for me. She said I look just like my Dad when I wear that shirt. He had one just like it when he died. It is just me and my Mom now.
The next day was Jesus’ trial. I watched from afar. It was unbelievable how they treated Jesus. Then they crucified Jesus. My Mom and I watched. She cried as her and the other women hugged each other. We went home so dejected. It was the Sabbath and some of us gathered at our house to wait for it to be over.
Sunday morning, we heard from Mary Magdalene. She came and told us Jesus had risen from the dead. We were all excited and saw Jesus that very night. He had risen, indeed! We saw all his scars, including the nail prints in his hands. Surely, Jesus is the Son of God.
About forty days later Jesus and his disciples were eating at my Mom’s house when he told them
“Do not leave Jerusalem until the Father sends you the gift he promised, as I told you before. John baptized with water, but in just a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.”
Later, when Jesus was teaching on the Mount of Olives near my home he said:
” But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
Then Jesus started to rise toward Heaven. We were watching him go and he was getting small so we could hardly see him anymore. Our hearts hurt. Suddenly, there was two men, dressed in white, standing among us. “Men of Galilee,” they said, “why are you standing here staring into heaven? Jesus has been taken from you into heaven, but someday he will return from heaven in the same way you saw him go!”
I knew the Jewish leaders hated Jesus because he had so many followers. He would gather large crowds when he was teaching and perform miracles. Jesus did not care if it was the Sabbath, he only cared he was helping people. On the first day of the week of Passover Jesus enters Jerusalem riding on a donkey. The crowds were shouting for joy “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” I was so happy that day but come Thursday night my joy turned to sorrow.
After the Passover supper Jesus went to the garden to pray. He seemed very distraught. Suddenly Judas and some soldiers came to arrest Jesus. Judas had the nerve to come up to Jesus and kiss him! Jesus did not resist and went with the soldiers. I kept back with the other women as we followed Jesus to be tried. It was the longest night. I watched as they questioned him and then beat him. He stood before Pilate and Pilate asked the crowd what he should do with Jesus? They shouted, “Crucify him!” No, I wanted to scream! Yet I feared this crowd, so I kept my mouth shut. The soldiers placed a heavy cross on Jesus’ shoulders and made him walk through town to the hill where they crucify people. The other women, including Jesus’s mother, followed the crowd. We were all weeping while we watched the soldiers place nails in Jesus’ hands and feet and nailed him to the cross. Then they dropped the cross into a hole to hold it up right. I saw the anguish on Jesus’ face. He hung there for hours. It grew dark yet it was only the afternoon. Finally, Jesus cried out “It is finished!” And he died!
We found out where they laid Jesus’ body. It was in a tomb with a large stone rolled in front of it. We decided to go Sunday morning after the Sabbath was over and put spices around the body to help with the smell. I spent the Sabbath at Joanna’s house. We tried to be brave to each other, but I know neither one of us got much sleep. I woke up real early in the morning. It was still dark, but I knew I could not wait for dawn to go to the tomb. I lit my lamp and hurried to the graveyard. How could I row the huge stone away from the door? I thought to myself but when I got there, I saw the stone was rolled away. I decided to tell Peter and John what happened, so I ran to where the disciples were. “They have taken the Lord’s body out of the tomb, and we don’t know where they have put him!”
I watched as Peter and John ran to the tomb. John looked in but did not go in, but Peter did. Then John went in. I stayed outside. They came out and went home. I was crying. Where have they taken Jesus’ body? I looked in and saw two white-robed angels sitting where Jesus’ body would have laid. They asked me “Dear woman, why are you crying?” I answered, “Because they have taken away my Lord, and I don’t know where they have put him.”
Just then I saw someone standing near me. I thought maybe it was the gardener. He spoke to me “Dear woman, why are you crying? Who are you looking for?” “Sir,” I said, “if you have taken him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will go and get him.”
“Mary!” Jesus said.
Then I knew it was the Teacher! I turned towards him and reached out to touch him, but he said, “Don’t cling to me,” Jesus said, “for I haven’t yet ascended to the Father. But go find my brothers and tell them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’”
I quickly returned to the disciples and told them what Jesus had to me. “I have seen the Lord” I told them. Jesus met with the disciples and many others before ascending to Heaven. I watched him go up. I can never thank Jesus enough for healing me. I will live with him forever!
Just after three years of ministry Jesus heads for Jerusalem. Many knew the religious leaders wanted him dead, but he went anyways. On the first day of the week before Passover Jesus enters Jerusalem on a donkey like a king. We all thought he would take his throne and reign forever but that is not what happened.
By Thursday night I heard Jesus was arrested. They questioned all night long and into the morning. I watched in horror as they whipped him over and over. They beat Jesus so badly it was extremely hard to recognize him. Then they placed a crown of thorns on my son’s head and mocked him. I could barely watch. Such injustice for an innocent man. Then I heard the crowd yell crucify him! No! Not my son! To die such a horrible death was unbelievable! I could not bear the thought!
They led Jesus through the streets of Jerusalem making him carry his own cross. They had stripped Jesus of almost all his clothing and the heavy wood cross tore into his already beaten back. He stumbled and fell. They got someone to help carry the cross. Tears flowed from my eyes as we headed up the hill where Jesus would be hung on a cross.
It only got worse from then on. Instead of tying Jesus to the cross they nailed his hands and feet to it before hoisting it up and slamming it into the deep hole dug to keep the cross upright. Jesus’ pain must have been unbearable! Yet he endured the pain for a few more hours. At one-point Jesus looked at me. I was with some women and a disciple of Jesus’ named John. Jesus then spoke to me and John.
“Dear woman, here is your son.” He said to me then to John Jesus said, “Here is your mother.”.
From that day on John took care of my needs. Yet, my story is not finished. While Jesus was on the cross the world became very dark. The darkness lasted from noon to about three in the afternoon. I continued to watch this whole time. Finally, Jesus said, “It is finished!” and he died. My heart gave way. I could not contain my grief. My son was dead. A death he did not deserve. I did not want to live anymore. John took me home. It was the Passover and almost sundown. The Sabbath was upon us, so we stayed put to observe it. I cried until I did have any more tears. Now I knew what Simeon spoke of so many years ago.
Somehow, I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up the next morning something unbelievable happened. John had come home all excited. He said Jesus’ body was missing. My heart dropped to the floor. Yet, as I listened to John tell his story I realized John believed Jesus had risen from the dead just like he said he would. Wow! Later that day we were all locked in a house afraid of the religious leaders. There, suddenly, Jesus was with us. Not just his spirit but Jesus in the flesh. He still bore the scars of the nails in his hands and feet, but Jesus was there. My heart burst with joy! My son and my Savior lives! Hallelujah!
Jesus was on earth another forty days. He appeared to many people during that time. Then one day Jesus ascended into Heaven with the promise he would be back. My story is now complete. I can die knowing I am saved, and I will live with Jesus forever.
I pray you remember why this week happened. When Adam and Eve ate the fruit, sin entered the world. Because of sin we all sin and have turned against God. So, God said a lamb had to be sacrificed for the forgiveness of sin. All through the Old Testament of the Bible the lamb was sacrificed for the sins of the people. But the lamb could not forgive everyone who ever lived or who would live sin. So, in God’s timing He sent His Son, Jesus, to be the Lamb. We all can accept this gift of forgiveness. We just need to ask God for it. Have you asked God for forgiveness?
Here is a few books on the Holy Week I recommend. If you click on a link and make a purchase I may earn a small percentage of your purchase at no extra cost to you. This help keep this website running. Thank you for your support.
A part of the Christianity and Mental Health series.
Deuteronomy 31:8 “he (The Lord) will never leave you nor forsake you.” (NIV)
At times most of us have experienced loneliness during our lives. I know there has been a period of my life when I felt profound loneliness. I will get into why later in this post, but I also wanted to address loneliness due to the COVID pandemic. There are two groups who I believe had suffered more loneliness this past year. They are teenagers and the elderly. The other groups who suffer from loneliness are single adults, single moms, divorced people, and people in loveless relationships.
The reason I included teenagers is because a couple of weeks ago a high schooler was giving a year in review of my church’s youth ministry from his perspective. He said the youth group was discussing fear and anxiety and some teens have more fear and anxiety during COVID. He also said suicide rates were up by 200 percent. This got me thinking about loneliness in teens.
Many are feeling cut off during this last year from their friends. They are old enough to be left at home by themselves and many are not having in person school. Many no longer can socialize with their friends in person. Yes, there is more online opportunities than before but what of those who do not have friends? When they are in in-person school they are interacting others even though the others may not be considered friends. When they are left home alone to complete their schoolwork teens can become lonely. Often the only people they see is family members who may not understand the teenager’s need for social interaction. These teenagers may shut themselves off from family because of this and feel even more lonely.
Another friend told me some teenagers are lonely even when they are surrounded by people because they do not seem to fit anywhere. For instance, my friend went on, someone growing up in a small town could feel bullied and lonely just because they do not “fit other’s expectations of who they think you should be or look like”. My friend seemed like she had first-hand knowledge as she is raising her children in a small town.
The young man mentioned above also got me thinking about suicide in teens, so I googled it. According to an article from the American Academy of Pediatrics study suicide ideation was up 1.6 times higher in March 2020 at a major hospital in Texas emergency department. (Korioth, Trisha, (Staff Writer), Study: Suicidal behavior in youths higher during COVID-19 closures than in 2019. AAP News, December 16, 2020) The article noted during the time emergency department visit overall was lower due to the pandemic. This is just one hospital. I can imagine from this article suicide ideation could clearly be up by 200 percent.
As the year progressed more in-person opportunities opened for teenagers. Hopefully, this helped ease some of the loneliness in teens. My Pastor mentioned school can be a dark place. We need to pray for teenagers.
I asked a couple of questions of two people who work in homes for the elderly. I wanted first-hand information. My youngest child worked a facility which had long term housing for elderly. He said he saw many were “really missing their families”. Another friend who works in a residential facility noticed heightened emotions as COVID progressed. She noticed crying and/or acting out depending on the person’s personality or level of dementia. She also noted many have poor eyesight or hearing problems so when family visited outside their room windows many would have difficulty communicating. I imagine this would cause a great deal of despair in someone knowing their loved one was so close, and they could neither see and/or hear them. My friend went on to tell me although they had no deaths from COVID they did see “more than usual in the last few months due to other health issues”. I wonder if loneliness had a factor in these deaths. My friend told me while staff had restrictions, the staff did the best they could helping their residents through this most difficult time.
Another friend of mine is in rehab for a health issue. Her family recently posted on social media in-person visits are now possible. That is good news for lonely residents of these facilities.
Lonely Adults
Single adults, single parents, divorced, and even married people can be lonely. When this loneliness begins to be pervasive it can lead to unhealthy relationships. Other than being a single adult I have at times been very lonely during the last twenty or thirty years.
I did not realize how lonely I was in my marriage until several years after my divorce. Looking back, I now notice a pattern after we adopted our two children. I guess my focus switched to our children and less on my husband. Yet I would spend time on the phone with friends while my kids napped or were safely playing. I needed adult conversation with someone who cared what I thought. At the time my husband spent most of his at home time in his “office” rather than with me and the kids. Therefore, I would find other outlets to have adult conversation such as church or social group functions. I did not realize it was normal for married couples to spend time together talking about other things besides their kids. Deep inside I was lonely.
When we moved to Rhinelander, I discovered my husband liked someone else better. It took a long time to move out and on. I soon became a single mom and a college student. After about a year of separation my husband asked me to move back in. Not to get together again but to save him money as he was completely supporting me and the kids. I moved into the basement and our kids lived upstairs with their father. I remember being lonely during that time and prayed God would send someone in my life to do things with like I used to do. God answered my prayer by sending Ralph into my life for the next two years. Ralph was amazing. We spent time together going on walks and doing things with my kids. He was my best friend but then he got cancer. After he passed away, I mourned his death for a long time. It took me awhile until I could bring myself to do social things, but I finally did, and it helped for a while.
Then the loneliness kicked in again. My kids were getting older and developing friends to spend their time with and I was left out. I was still going to school and trying to be a good mom, but I really missed having an adult to spend time with during those years. It was during that time I made a mistake I regret to this day. I went on Christian Mingle and got involved with a guy from another state. We were together for about a year. I was finishing up my master’s degree and working two jobs. He was not a real bad person, but he was not a good fit for me. I just was not trusting God to fill the loneliness void I felt in my heart.
Since that time, I have not dated. I found with time I am not as lonely as I have been in the past. I do find myself being one of the last people to leave the church because I just want to talk with people and sometimes, I talk too much with customers at work. Yes, I am still lonely at times and wish for a best friend again. Yet, God knows my needs and I trust in Him. Are you lonely? Does it occupy your mind often? If you are thinking no one cares you are wrong! God cares deeply for you and so do I. Ask God to fill the loneliness void in your heart.
Below is a couple of books from Christianbook.com Home I am an affiliate of Christianbook.com Home which means if you click on a link and make a purchase I may make a percentage of the price at no extra cost to you. This helps keep the website running. Thank you for your support.
God designed us to be in meaningful and satisfying relationships with friends, with family, and possibly with a husband or wife. But the reality is we can feel so lonely, so separated, so isolated, and thinking no one really understands. This mini-book Loneliness: How to Be Alone but Not Lonely gives Christian advice on how to find comfort in knowing God understands our deepest times of loneliness. He knows the heaviness of your heart. And you will find practical and biblical advice on how to find joy in times of solitude. Rose Publishing ProductCode: 240XJune Hunt Hope For The Heart Series
Young or old, single or married, male or female–at some point in life, we’re all confronted with loneliness. We try to fill the void or change our circumstances so we no longer feel the pain. But what if our pangs of loneliness are meant to point us to something greater?Looking at various aspects of loneliness, Lydia Brownback reminds us of God’s power to redeem our loneliness and use it in our lives to draw us to himself. Ultimately, she helps us see that even when we feel misunderstood, forsaken, or abandoned, we’re never really alone. God is always with us, and only he can meet all of our needs in Christ Jesus.
The Lord has laid this topic on my mind lately. There are a lot of types of hurts. Both physical, spiritual, and emotional. My thoughts on this are if you have physical pain you also suffer emotional pain. Also, sometimes your emotional pain is so intense you may experience physical pain as well. Some of the categories of hurts I thought of are physical pain, broken relationships, death of a loved one, suffering abuse, financial loss, and hurts from one’s past. Psalms 147:3 “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” (NIV)
Physical Hurts
There are all kinds of physical hurts in this world. From serious illness to a skinned knee. God heals according to His Will. There are plenty of places in the Bible which show God’s healing both in the Old Testament and the New Testament. Yet sometimes God does not heal the hurts. II Corinthians chapter 12 Paul talks about a thorn in his flesh. He says he ask God to remove it three times, but Jesus’ response is My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” (verse 9, NLT). We do not know what the thorn in the flesh was for Paul but we do know Paul relied on God’s grace to help him deal with the hurts in his flesh.
I can relate to this thorn in the flesh. I have both fibromyalgia and arthritis throughout my body. I have asked God to take it away many times and I have asked Him to remove me from my job which increases my hurts. Yet, God has helped me to manage my hurts through medication, vitamins, and herbs, and through exercise. He also has made a way for me to work part time only. I still hurt but I know God will see me through each day and He uses my hurts for His Glory.
Broken Relationships
Almost all of us has gone through the hurts of a broken relationship. Whether it is the hurts of a broken friendship or the hurts from the break-up of a romantic relationship, it still hurts. Sometimes the hurts come from the loss of relationship of an organization. Sometimes it even comes from the church.
If you read my blog regularly you will know I went through a divorce. That still hurts. Even though I am happy my ex-husband has found someone to marry and is happy, I still miss the relationship of the twenty plus years we had together. Part of my heart still hurts from what I lost. Yet, I could never go back, and God has given me healing peace. We are friends now and the hurts are fading as time goes on.
Death of a Loved One
I have friends who have lost their child from an accident or suicide. That is a hurt one cannot understand unless one has gone through it. People who have lost their spouses also have hurts which takes a long time to heal. Many of us are still hurting from loss of a parent or sibling or a relative of which they were close to, all these hurts and takes a long time to heal.
I have loss both of my parents and my in-laws. I miss them every day, but I also miss my best friend Ralph. Ralph and I were best friends for two years before cancer claimed his life. While not quite the traditional romantic relationship, I believe if God had not called Ralph home we may have married. I do not like to use the term boyfriend, but I felt almost like a widow when he died. That still hurts but I am healing.
People who are abused suffer all their lives from it. Even the best therapies cannot completely heal the hurts from abuse. Whether it is physical, emotional, or sexual there are still areas in one’s life where the hurts of abuse still affect them. It is the reason I am so against pedophilia and child abuse. We, as Christians, must make every effort to save our children.
I still suffer hurts from being molested as a young child. It took me until I was 60 years old before I could admit it and then only to my sisters. I now beginning to realize how much this hurts has affected my life. I cannot even see a pedophile in action without bringing me back to that day when I was molested. It has affected my relationships my romantic partners and how I look at intimacy. Please if you have ever been abused in any way seek out someone you can trust. Do not wait all your life feeling guilty. God knows abuse is NOT your fault. I pray often for healing of this hurts and that I can forgive.
Financial Loss
Sometimes financial loss is due to no fault of one’s doing but other times it is because of bad financial decisions. Financial loss causes emotional hurts. Whether you are a parent trying to provide for your family or a widow wondering if you should buy food or medicine with your small social security check, it still hurts. Trusting God for your needs will help give you peace of mind for this type of hurts.
One’s Past
One’s past can cause hurts. These types of hurts can be from all the before mentioned hurts or because of sin. We all have mistakes or sins in our past which causes hurts. But guess what? God has a way to forgive us of our mistakes from our past. God planned from the very beginning a way of salvation through His Son, Jesus. You see, Jesus, God’s Son, took on the form of a human to die on the cross for our sins and mistakes. Why did Jesus have to die? Because God says if you sin you must die so Jesus died in our place. We only must accept this free gift of salvation. Yes, we will still have our hurts, but God will be with us to ease the hurts and often bring healing. Will you accept this healing of the hurts God offers?
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Do you know someone, perhaps even a Christian, who seems impossible to get along with? From the people in the pews to the members of our families, we are surrounded by people who hurt other people. And they do so, the author tells us, because of the seemingly inescapable pain in their own lives. In Hurt People Hurt People, Dr. Wilson brings her years as a professional counselor to bear on a difficult topic that affects many of us. Let her warmth and insight lead you toward a heart of compassion nd a ministry of healing for those who hurt others.
(When I wrote this post this morning I felt God leading me to write it. However, when I was just about to publish it I realized I already published another one on this title. Maybe God wants us to take another look at fear today through His Word.)
There is so much fear going on in the world today. Some fear is good as it prompts us to take action. Other fears, if allowed to fester, will grow, and cause great despair. I was writing to God this morning about an issue which was causing me to be fearful. Suddenly God put a thought into my head “Do not be afraid, I am in control”. It got me thinking about all the fearful posts I see on social media. Fear of COVID, the economy, rights being taken away, and fear of the future.
But what does God say about fear. I did a word search in my Bible app and found fear is mentioned hundreds of times in the Bible. Here are some of them.
Philippians 4:6 and 7 (NLT) Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.
The key phrases are do not worry, pray about it, thank God and you will experience peace. It is that simple. God knows what you need but He wants you to talk to Him about it so you can realize how much He has done for you. He will then give you peace.
1 John 4:18 (NLT) Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love.
Perfect love expels all fear.
Psalms 56:3 (NLT) But when I am afraid, I will put my trust in you.
I remember a simple video someone made at the Dells Christian Campground when I was a child. It was about a child who got lost at the campground and then remembered this verse. The video and the verse have stuck with me all these years. It is something we can claim whenever we are afraid. (see https://northwoodsgirlblogging.com/dells-christian-campgrounds-my-memories/)
Psalms 34:4 (NLT) I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me. He freed me from all my fears.
Praying about our fears is so freeing!
Isaiah 41:10 (NLT) Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.
God is with us. He strengthens us and He helps us with our fears. He is already victorious over our fears.
Joshua 1:9 (NLT) This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Do not fear or become discouraged because God is with us wherever we go.
Psalms 23:4 (NLT) Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me.
Sometimes we feel like we are in the darkest of valleys. We do not have to fear those times. God is there to protect and to gives us comfort. (see https://northwoodsgirlblogging.com/stress-about-corona-psalms-23/)
Matthew 6:34 (NLT) “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.
Jesus’ simple words do not fear about tomorrow. In another teaching Jesus talks about how He cares for the sparrow so do not fear Jesus will take care of our needs. (see https://northwoodsgirlblogging.com/gods-eye-on-the-sparrow/)
Psalms 118:6 (NLT) The Lord is for me, so I will have no fear. What can mere people do to me?
The Lord is for us. We have nothing to fear about what people do or say to us.
Psalms 46:2 (NLT) So we will not fear when earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea.
Nor will we fear snowstorms, cold temperatures, hurricanes, and other natural disasters. God is with us!
Psalms 49:5 (NLT) Why should I fear when trouble comes, when enemies surround me?
Why indeed?
Psalms 112:7 (NLT) They do not fear bad news; they confidently trust the Lord to care for them
The bad news could be a positive test for COVID, or it could be cancer. The Lord will care for us and our loved ones. I know, I was sick with COVID for three weeks and could not work. However, God took care of all my needs during that time.
Proverbs 3:24 (NLT) You can go to bed without fear; you will lie down and sleep soundly.
Ah, such peace to know God’s got what is giving us fear. Sleep well, know we have nothing to fear in Jesus.
And Finally,
Romans 8:38 (NLT) And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love.
Nothing can separate from God’s love! Nothing! So, stop fearing!
There are so many other verses mentioning fear in the Bible. I could write a book (I am sure others have) about not being fearful. I will not, though, because God has given me only these verses and I like to keep things short for my readers. What are your fears, and have you given them to God yet?
Below are some books about fear from Christianbook.com Home By clicking on any of these links and making a purchase I may earn a small percentage of your purchase at no extra cost to you. This helps keep this website running.
Step into the truth and start leading the fearless life God created you to enjoy! In today’s unpredictable and contentious world, many people are crippled by anxiety about danger, disease, death, and more. Jeremiah explores the top 10 fears holding us captive—and shares the secret to facing them down with hope. 208 pages, softcover from Tyndale.
Each sunrise seems to bring fresh reasons for fear.They’re talking layoffs at work, slowdowns in the economy, flare-ups in the Middle East, turnovers at headquarters, downturns in the housing market, upswings in global warming. The plague of our day, terrorism, begins with the word terror. Fear, it seems, has taken up a hundred-year lease on the building next door and set up shop. Oversized and rude, fear herds us into a prison of unlocked doors. Wouldn’t it be great to walk out?Imagine your life, wholly untouched by angst. What if faith, not fear, was your default reaction to threats? If you could hover a fear magnet over your heart and extract every last shaving of dread, insecurity, or doubt, what would remain? Envision a day, just one day, where you could trust more and fear less.Can you imagine your life without fear?
Today’s verses Our Daily Bread had us read before the devotional struck accord with me when I substituted my name for Israel’s name.
Isaiah 43:14-19
14This is what the Lord says—your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel:
“For your sakes I will send an army against Babylon,
forcing the Babylonians to flee in those ships they are so proud of.
A little background researching for this passage shows at the time of Isaiah’s writing Babylon represent a world power against Israel. Israel had yet to be exiled to Babylon. In this passage Babylon represents my enemies which can seem like world powers. Enemies are those things which prevent me from living as Christ-like as I want to be. Enemies such as distractions from my work, even if they are good ones. Or worries about finances. Or thinking about what is going on in the political world and how I feel about it. Enemies can also be depressing thoughts which can sometimes get in the way. These, any many others, can keep me from my Christ-like potential. However, God will give me the victory!
15I am the Lord, your Holy One,
Israel’s Creator and King.
16I am the Lord, who opened a way through the waters,
making a dry path through the sea.
17I called forth the mighty army of Egypt
with all its chariots and horses.
I drew them beneath the waves, and they drowned,
their lives snuffed out like a smoldering candlewick.
This passage refers to the crossing of the Red Sea by the Israelites. God made a dry path through the sea large enough to allow thousands of Israelites to cross. Then when Pharaoh and his army tried to cross over God caused the sea to come back together and swallow them up, but the Israelites crossed over safely. I was thinking what in my life has shown this kind of miracle? So many times, God has been there when there seemed like no hope. My recent move and bout with COVID are good examples. Yet in the past I see God moving me through the waters of divorce and the death of some of my loved ones. All these times God saved me and caused me to grow closer to Him. He is my Holy One. My Creator and King!
18“But forget all that—
it is nothing compared to what I am going to do.
19For I am about to do something new.
See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?
Something new? In the past few months, I have moved to a new city, got a new apartment, and got a new job. For months I have wondered why Lord have You moved me here? Why have You made all these changes in my life so suddenly? Maybe because I needed something new. For nineteen years I lived in the same small town. It was a hard nineteen years.
I went through a divorce. I became a single mom while raising school-age children. I went through nine years of education and have little to show for it. I lost my best friend, my mom and my mother-in-law and father-in-law. I even lost my home once and almost became homeless. I have suffered depression and developed a mild form of PTSD from some of my experiences during these nineteen years. There are many regrets I have from these nineteen years. God was with me and I was growing closer to Him, but my past seemed to be weighing me down. God says ”forget all that”. It is time for God to do something new.
I also have a new church. When I first moved here, I felt strongly I needed to join this church. I amazed how this church seems different somehow. There is nothing wrong with my old church and I love them dearly. They are serving the Lord in their community and doing it well. Yet somehow, I am drawn to this new church in a way I have not felt with my old church. I m already in the process of joining this new church and am on one of the teams which serve coffee and snacks each Sunday. Maybe it is because I was in my old church for nineteen years and I needed something new.
I am still learning why God has made all these changes in my life. I know God wants me to serve Him here. I just need to be open to His leading me in the new thing He is about to do.
What new things is God doing in your life?
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Deuteronomy 31:8 Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you.”
My Pastor shared this verse and his thoughts today on Facebook (Bethany) and it was just what I needed. Today’s page in my prayer journal is filled with my worries today. For three days in a row my car would not start due to a worn-out battery and very cold temperatures. Last night I had to have it jump started by one of my kids and drove it to work at Walmart. Instead of parking it and going into work I drove my car straight to the automotive department and told them to put a new battery in it. My trusted mechanic in Rhinelander told me I would need a new battery when I had them service my car last year. Now the only battery they had to fit my car cost over a hundred dollars. I had to borrow money from my next paycheck to pay for the battery.
All this made me an hour late for work. This caused me to not get my usual half hour meal break. The only break I did get I had to walk back to automotive to pay for my new battery since they installed it while I was working. The guy who was helping me was having problems with the cash register and it took almost my entire fifteen-minute break to finally make the sale go through. Therefore, I did not get a chance to sit down my entire shift except two bathroom breaks. This leads me to my next problem.
Recently my right hip has been bothering me at work sometimes. I have ignored it and it usually goes away within a half hour of being careful. Yet, today, after not getting enough time to sit and rest yesterday at work, I am having problems with my hip to the point I need to use my cane to walk around the house. Ouch! So much for going downstairs to do laundry. I cannot afford more doctor bills right now, but I cannot ignore the ever-increasing problems with my hip. Ad another reason why I made the decision to go part time at Walmart and collect social security early.
There are other problems I am worried about. They are problems my kids are having. I am not going to go into them because they are their problems, not mine. Still a Mom worries about her kids.
All this filled the page of my journal today. Then I was on Facebook and there was this short message from my Pastor. I am not to be discouraged or afraid. I do not have to worry about the above things. The Lord is PERSONALLY going ahead of me into my future. He is with me. He will NOT FAIL me or abandon me. I have nothing to worry about. Thank You God!
I am an affiliate for Christianbook.com Home. I love how they have many books and gifts to choose from. One of their books, listed below, is a favorite of mine. I read a section each day throughout January. It really blessed my heart and reminded me God does not fail in His promises. (If you click on the link and order something from Christianbook I may receive a small percentage at no extra cost to you.)
God’s promises are as precious as gold and as sterling as silver. Ponder, believe, and claim them for your own as you explore this treasure-trove of pledges from Scripture! In Praying the Promises, Max Lucado invites you into a deeper understanding of the peace and security God offers his people. Through thirty Bible promises, reflections on the lives of biblical people of faith, and guided prayers, you will see a clearer picture of the promises of God and how he is the rock you can build your life upon.
Unabridged MP3-CD; approximately 2 hours 43 minutes; performed by Ben Holland.
As I read these two verses, I was amazed at the comfort they brought me. This chapter talks about Israel’s enemies and idols and how God will defeat them. We have enemies too. Maybe not enemies of war but the enemies which keep us from serving the Lord effectively. We all have these distractions. Whether it be watching too much TV or spending too much time on Facebook, I am guilty of these. Maybe you have something else which keeps you from serving.
Yet, God will help you fight these enemies. He says He is with you. He will give you strength and help you. You will serve Him victoriously if you rely on Him. Just let God hold your right hand.
I asked myself what does it mean “For I hold your right hand”? Why not the left hand? I am right-handed so for me to hear God is holding my hand it seemed like the natural choice. But I do not think this is what God means here. You see, back in the day when a gentleman was walking down the street with his wife or girlfriend, he would automatically walk so he was closes to the street. Perhaps he would hold her hand as if to say to the world “she is mine, I will protect her”. The man would be on the left next to the street and if he were holding the woman’s hand, he would be holding her right hand. Maybe that is what God is saying here? Is God saying, “You are mine, I am going to protect you”. from the enemies in the “street”?
So here I am metaphorically holding my right hand up saying to God “I am Yours, protect me!”. I will not be afraid to serve Him. I will not be afraid of my enemies. God will help me defeat them. I only must trust Him! Hold my hand Lord! Does God have your right hand?
A person I know sent this to me. Everything in this story is true. I am amazed how God worked to save this man’s life in a recovery miracle. Here is his story:
So, I’ll tell you this story. It’s the most profound thing that ever happened to me and it truly changed the way I view life, entirely. So, I don’t share it casually.
There are so many different little threads throughout my life that seem to feed into this story. I probably haven’t yet identified them all, and not all that I have recalled is included here.
Anyway, some years ago I came to the realization that I’m an alcoholic. I’d been drinking every day for probably 4 or 5 years and it got to a point where it was getting pretty bad. I went to a treatment center for 30 days, but it didn’t last. I started drinking again immediately. Addiction is that way, and it’s extremely difficult to understand if you’ve never experienced it. Overcoming it is … hard. Anyway, another couple of years went by and it continued to progress. I got to a point where I was going through a liter of straight whiskey every day. For a while I was trying everything to quit. I was in counseling, going to AA, trying all the tricks. I could not shake the booze. My kids avoided me. My wife was ready to leave – she had even started to look for apartments. And I was this close to getting fired. I would wake up in the middle of the night laying in the middle of the floor having passed out and immediately look for whatever booze I still had left. Eventually I had totally resigned myself that this was what the rest of my life was going to be like, there was no point in trying to fight it. So, I gave up on AA and counseling. But sometimes I would wake up and I would literally cry out loud, and loudly, for my mom to please be here and help me. I was in a lot of pain, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and the whole entire world was very dark.
So, back when I was growing up in my hometown, my best buddy lived just a few doors down the block. We’d find all sorts of stuff to do together. Anyway, and as things go, we lost track until, maybe 10 or 12 years ago we reconnected. They say that true friends can go for years with no contact, but the connection never fades. This was one of those times. He was living in a town about 3 hours from where I live now. It just so happened that, during our years apart, we had independently both developed a fondness for collecting and identifying different types of rocks. So now having reconnected we would get together sometimes and go through each other’s collections and talk and laugh about our old adventures.
Well, being in contact and good friends, it became clear to him that I was drinking myself into an early grave. It also happened that during our years apart that he, too, struggled with addiction and for a time he was active in the recovery community, helping other addicts and alcoholics. And so, one weekend he came for a visit. He brought a couple bags of rocks and I had a bunch of mine out, as usual. But his real reason for visiting this time wasn’t to look at rocks, it was to talk to me. Anyway, we spent a couple of hours going through the rocks and afterward we both sat down in the living room and he started telling me his addiction story. He talked for a long time and said a lot of the same things that I’d heard for years attending AA meetings. At first, I was annoyed, and then bored with it, but then as he went on, I realized that, coming from my life-long best friend, it all seemed a little different. You need to understand, dear reader, this was not a casual conversation. There were no other sounds except his voice and my voice. Mostly his voice. I didn’t say much. But it was one of those moments when there is no longer need for pretense or carefully chosen words. All the bits of our persona that we don’t let the world see were there exposed. It was completely genuine.
Midway through, he went off on a tangent and talked a little about my mom. So, while the subject changed, the tone of the conversation didn’t. It was still completely genuine. Words were coming straight from the heart.
Because we grew up living just down the street from each other, my friend knew my folks well and they knew him well. Especially my mom. His parents went through a divorce when we were in high school and it really hit him hard. And he would come over sometimes when no one else was there and he’d talk with my mom (which I did not know about at the time). And as I learned that evening in my living room, those talks meant a great deal to him and he told me about some of them. One of the things he had told her was how much my friendship meant to him. And that evening as he was describing his conversations with her, I recalled the times he’d call, and I’d grumble that I didn’t want to go do this or that. But then my mom would say something like, “oh why don’t you go, you’ll have fun and make another adventure,” or something to that effect.
Through all the years, my mom never let on that she had become his safe place. She kept his confidence faithfully to her dying day, which does not surprise me; it’s the kind of person she was.
But that evening he talked about her for probably a half hour, which might not seem like a lot, but it was intense and emotionally draining. Eventually he got back around to addiction. Again, mostly it was him talking and me listening. Shortly afterward, the conversation faded and we sat silently for a while.
Now, my mom passed away years ago, on my daughter’s birthday as a matter of fact, who was a quiet and very thoughtful little girl at the time. Anyway, in her later years, mom had a sunroom that she had filled with potted plants and she would sit in her rocker and knit. And she would lay stones all around the top of the soil in the pots, for decoration. Some of the stones were those found by my brother’s kids when they were little. They would scrounge in the landscaping around the house and pick out the stones that caught their eye and give them to her for her plants. When mom passed, I brought home some of her plants home and put them in front of the big window in the living room, stones and all.
So, the plants were there in the living room where my friend and I had been talking that evening. And after he finished talking, he got up and went to my mom’s potted plants and started poking through the stones. I asked what he was doing, and he said, “just seeing what you have here.” They were mostly just smooth gray stones and pieces of granite that, as you might imagine, caught a child’s eye in the bright sunshine. They had been in the pots for years to the point where some had gotten nearly completely buried. I never gave them much thought. But, my friend hunched over and with one finger he poked and flipped over one of the gray stones in my mom’s potted plant, and under it, half buried in the soil was this amethyst crystal. It was a remarkable surprise and it seemed incredibly odd that this beautiful crystal would have been buried under those stones so … what the heck?
We looked at it, I must have said something, but I don’t remember what. A thought immediately came to me: “Mom. This is mom getting my attention.” but I didn’t say that out loud. We looked at each other and after a moment or two we sat down again, and I just sat there looking at that crystal. We were both completely quiet.
For the briefest moment I thought it somehow magically materialized there in that pot presto! But that thought was quickly dismissed. Then I thought that my friend had somehow hidden it there so I would THINK it was mom. But I figured through the events since he had arrived that afternoon and there’s no way he could have done that. Then I thought he must have mailed it to my wife and my wife hid it there so BOTH of them would get me to think it was mom. That made even less sense. Besides, it had obviously been buried in the soil for quite some time.
The more I thought about it, and it started to occur to me, the things he’d been saying about my drinking, and then my mom, and just the unusual tone and atmosphere of the whole conversation, there was something important going on. I started to recall a phone conversation I had with my mom from 40 years ago, and I came to believe that finding the crystal in that pot was exactly what I thought it was: a message. It was a message to me from my mother saying, “Listen to what your friend is telling you.”
Years ago, shortly after I finished high school, I had moved to a large city to work in a management job. I hated it there. Hated the job. Occasionally I would have a party, all by myself, and this was decades before I ever thought I might be an alcoholic. I was a young 20-something and that’s what I’d do. And during that time, talking to my mom on the phone one night we somehow got on the topic and she asked me when I drink, what do I drink? I told her whiskey. Well, now years later as I thought about that phone conversation it occurred to me that mom knew about alcoholism because it ran in the family. It must have been on her mind because I have never forgotten her reply on the phone that day. She said, “please, if you’re going to drink, don’t drink hard liquor. The hard liquor will make you sick. It will damage your liver and you could get very sick and I might not be there to help you.”
But you know what? Some 40 years later, and 11 years after she died, she WAS there to help me. Exactly when I needed it. She heard me cry for her in the middle of the night and she was there in the room with my buddy and me that evening and she knew exactly what was happening. And she wanted me to know it, and she wanted me to understand that my friend came there for a purpose that day. None of this was happening by accident.
So, I got the message. I did listen to what my friend said to me and a couple of weeks later I went back to the treatment center. The day after I arrived there I walked into my counselor’s office and she asked what made me decide to go for treatment. I told her this story. The expression on her face when I told her it was an amethyst crystal got my attention. She told me that, in metaphysical healing, amethyst is known as the recovery stone.
I’m not a believer of metaphysical healing, but I certainly understand the symbolism involved. And moreover, it is not a coincidence because I have come to recall how the crystal ended up in that pot to begin with. Anyway, I stayed at the treatment center for 60 days. I’ve not had a drink since. Not one drop. I know that if I dare to have one sip it will set in motion a cascade of chemicals in my brain and it will be the beginning of the end. And while I was in that treatment center, I came to learn to pay attention to things and events that suddenly sort of pop up. I also learned very importantly too look for the answers to prayer. Maybe there are some things I need to pay attention to that might seem less-than-obvious, but with a prayerful mind, reasons sometimes become obvious.
So how did the crystal get into the potted plant? One day after I got back from treatment, I was looking through photo albums of when the kids were little, and we’d visit Nona and grandpa. Once when we were visiting them, my daughter who was maybe 4 years old, tagged along with her cousins to go look for stones in the landscaping as they would do. And there she found that amethyst. Mixed in with all the relatively non-descript gray and granite stones, my little girl found that beautiful crystal. Such an odd occurrence and something that surprised everyone there. My daughter did exactly what her older cousins would do. She held it out to my mom and in her soft, quiet voice said, “here Nona, I found this for you to put in your plant.” And my mom took it and stood it on end among the gray stones. Over the years apparently it had toppled over and became mixed in and finally covered over and forgotten, until that December evening some 15 years later when Mom decided the time for its purpose had come. And today my daughter is also very much aware of the role that she played in my recovery all those years ago.
So that’s my story. There is more, and more that involves my daughter and more of the role both she and my son played in other parts of this story. But this has gotten too long and tedious already so that’s enough for now. Thank you for listening.
The events of our lives, create our lives, and the people shape who we are. All things we encounter are ordained by God and have specific purpose in our lives. This story was my lived experience. These people and events were directed for a purpose that became very clear to me. But even if the reasons for people and events remain hidden from us, they are no less ordained and have no less purpose. Very often we pray for God’s guidance or grace, but then forget to look for His answer. Or maybe we don’t know how to recognize it. He directs us in many ways; in many ways he reaches us and wants us to pay attention. Jesus told us to seek first His Kingdom and all else will be given to us. I believe that God’s Kingdom here, in our physical lives, is our relationship with Him. So, if we simply live each day to seek the Kingdom, His blessings and His Will, will be revealed to us.
Lately I have these feelings of the The Nots! My head will tell me these feelings are not true, but my heart keeps going back and feeling them. If God did not send His Son, Jesus, to come to the earth to die for our sins the nots would plague everyone. There would be no hope. We all would be doomed. But God did send His Son and we have hope if we believe. I know this and I believe yet I still have these feelings! WHY?
Not Worthy
I am often lonely. I hate to admit that to myself but when I do I feel unworthy of a friendship which would help with the loneliness. For instance, when I think of dating, I think of my body and say to myself no guy would want me, I am too overweight. I also have not had anyone want to date me in years, except one customer who wanted to take me out on his boat. I have watched too many crime shows to fall for that one. I also think I am too old to date, yet my logic side tells me about others in their seventies who married. Then another part of me argues I like my freedom to come and go as I please. Working second shift at Walmart does not help any either. However, God whispers in my heart and tells me He is with me always.
Not Wanted
Nothing feels worse than the feelings, albeit unreal, of being unwanted among the church family. Sometimes I felt like I am unwanted at church. I know it should never be, but it has happened. Then I blame myself. I would be wanted if I talked less about me and listened more. I think I am not funny or interesting. I have nothing to offer and I am not good at anything. Why would anyone want to be around me? Then logic kicks in and says that is not true! Yes, I talk a lot about myself, but I am hard of hearing and cannot always understand what people are saying to me. I am also lonely so that is a factor. Yet am I unwanted? I know God wants me and He will help me feel wanted and needed in the church.
Not Good Enough
When I read other writers, I get the feelings of being not good enough at writing. Sometimes my thoughts in written form are scattered or I lack knowledge of the right words to write. Other times, like when I want to do something new, I get the feeling I would not be good enough at it so why bother to try. I wrote about this in a blog post about Gideon and Moses https://northwoodsgirlblogging.com/gideon-and-moses-i-cant-do-that/ In this blog post God reminds me if He wants me to write something or do something He will give me the tools to do it. God often gives me the words to write. If He did not my writing would be junk.
Not From God!
While sometimes I have these feelings, I recognize they are not from God. God has reminded me repeatedly my feelings of the Nots are from Satan. Satan lies! God tells the truth! God’s Word is full of how God has made us worthy, wanted, and good enough. It is the whole point of the Gospel. God’s plan of salvation started with Adam and Eve’s sin. He planned it all out. God’s Son Jesus would come to earth to be God/man to be the sacrifice for all the sin of the world. If you and I accept this free gift of salvation we can live forever with God. Not only live forever but God sent His Spirit to live in us to help us live here on earth. Sure, trouble will come but God will give us what we need to go through the troubles. We just need to trust Him and not listen to Satan’s lies of the Nots!
But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. Matthew 10:29b (NLT)
Someone I am close to uses the term “sparrow” when referring to themselves. They do so to remind themselves God has His eye on them. The world seems to be in a turmoil lately. Health issues, political issues, and social unrest seem to be the norm. For me, my life seems a little stressful lately too.
Last year was a year of major changes. First, and the biggest change, was the move from Rhinelander to the Wausau area. That meant a change in jobs and a new apartment. I did not know anyone here but my kids and their friends. Then three weeks after I moved to the Wausau area, I got COVID-19 and was home for three weeks. I only had contact with my son Aaron and then only for short visits. I got well enough to return to work but continued to have bronchitis. It has been nine and a half weeks and I am still feeling the effects.
This year has already meant trips to the doctor. First for the bronchitis, then an annual checkup with a new doctor and finally to an ear, nose, and throat doctor to learn why my hearing in my left ear has gotten worse since I had COVID-19. The hearing in my left ear has been low for many years. The ENT I saw in Rhinelander said it was from fluid in the tubes but did nothing to relieve it.
Now I need to look for a new job. My son Aaron also works at the same Walmart I do. He recently interviewed and was offered a position which requires no other family or significant other can work at the same store as him. It is a promotion for him with a nice raise. I am so proud of him! He is 24 years old and has his life ahead of him. I am 62, on social security and work part time to meet my financial needs above what social security gives me each month. I like my job, but I hate how I feel from working. My body aches in the morning after work. I am willing to give up my job so my son can succeed, but where do I go from here?
I have several possible options. One is I could transfer to another Walmart. The Merrill Walmart is about 25 miles from my home. It would be mostly highway driving. Yet it is winter and driving that far for a low paying/part time job does not seem worth it. Yet, I would be able to keep my benefits.
Then there is Sam’s Club which is near the Walmart I currently work at. There are many unknowns about transferring to Sam’s Club. Even though it is the same company it goes by a different name. Will my benefits transfer?
Then there is getting a job at some other store or business. There are many jobs out there, but will I be able to do them? Keep in mind, I have truly little hearing in my left ear. I do not know yet whether it can be fixed or not. I also have arthritis in all my joints and spine. I have physical limitations; however, I would rather be on my feet than sit at a desk all day. I tend to have a problem with weight gain when sitting around in active all day.
So, what should I do? TRUST GOD TO KEEP HIS EYE ON ME! He knows what I am going through. He knows my future. He also knows what is best for me. Therefore, I will pray for God’s guidance, seek godly counsel, and keep watching for God’s leading. God is saying “I got this!”
My decision has been made. I am transferring to the Merrill Walmart. Besides knowing the store manager, I found out I have another friend who worked at the Rhinelander Walmart, now works there. I am happy and am at peace. God is so Good!
Some items from Christianbook. I am an affiliate of Christianbook, if you click on a link and order I may earn a small percentage at no extra cost to you.
What does it mean to be beautiful? Exploring the woman described in Proverbs 31, George paints a vivid picture of the kind of loveliness that can only come from seeking God’s will. With practical tips, she’ll help you joyfully tackle your daily tasks, find and follow new opportunities, and become a spring of refreshment to others. 272 pages, softcover from Harvest.
In his clear and accessible signature style, Derek Prince employs his extraordinary understanding of Scripture to lay out the depth of Jesus’s great love for individuals and to help them discover their worth. Using powerful biblical teachings on the parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl of Great Price, Prince helps free readers from guilt, insecurity, fear, and shame, in order to help them realize how incredibly loved they are. Paperback.
Many have commented how much they did not like this year. Even I have joked about it as being a terrible year, but was it? Sure, there was COVID-19 and violence. Yes, there was natural disaster and senseless death. Of course, there was injustice. This year also was an election year and that may or may not have been a good thing in your perspective. Was 2020 really that bad?
I looked back on this year and choose to reflect on the good things. One of the ways I can reflect on how the year went for me is through my blog posts. I have written fifty blog posts this year, including this one. That is amazing considering I had a major move and was sick with COVID-19 for three weeks. Yet, God gave me the ability to write. I give Him all the glory for this. I cannot do anything without Him.
The Stories
This year was the first year I ever attempted to write fiction. The stories I have written are from the Bible. They are written in first person about characters found in the Bible. Some of them do not even have names so I gave them names. Others are well known and some you must search to find them. They all amazed me. I do not know how else to explain except to say I felt God was telling the stories through me. These stories of how the person endured hardship and suffering yet kept their faith. I have learned so much from them. I look forward to seeing who else God has for me to write about.
The Devotionals
Sometimes in my daily devotional I feel led to write from the scripture of the day. Other times I come across a passage I am prompted to write about. Sometimes a scripture comes to mind I cannot get out of my head, so I write about it. God has richly blessed me through His Word in these devotionals. I have learned so much. I am sure God will teach me more in the coming year.
Christianity and Mental Health
I also continued to write in the Christianity and Mental Health series. This series if from my knowledge and faith. Several years ago, I finished my master’s degree in mental health and addictions. Later, I also studied Pastoral counseling through Liberty University. This knowledge, yet lack of experience, has enabled me to write to help people with mental health issues who are Christians. I never became a counselor due to age and lack of experience, but God can still use my knowledge so that is why I write about mental health. I wonder if God will give me more topics to write about in this series.
A few times during the year I wrote directly about what was happening in my life. In April I got sick with bronchitis and was tested for COVID-19. In November I actually got COVID-19 and when I was able, I wrote about how God was with me even in those dark nights when I struggled to breathe. I also wrote about my big move to Wausau and the blessings God has given me through that move. I also shared a couple of recipes I made this year. Now that I have a big kitchen, I am sure I will share more recipes. I have a page on my website just for recipes. Finally, God has blessed me with time with family this past year. These times are reflected in my writings about hotel and restaurants I visited. While I only was able to see immediate family this Christmas I hope to see more of my family in this coming year. God has blessed me with an awesome family, and I miss them dearly.
Yes, this year had its troubles. Yet what year does not? Looking back, I can see how God has truly blessed me this year. I look forward to the coming year because I know God is going to bless me. What are your blessings from 2020?
As I read Psalm 8 this morning my mind wandered to my Christmas tree. I read about how God made the stars and all the creatures on earth. I read how God made man a little lower than the angels. Then I got to thinking about Jesus coming here to earth. He is God yet he made he made himself to be like us. A little lower than the angels yet ruler of all the universe. It is amazing!
I think about God’s creation I think how he made the mountains and valleys. He placed trees and grasses and flowers for us to see his majestic works. He also made the lakes and the rivers to water the earth. All of God’s beautiful creation can be seen so we can see his glory. I am drawn to God’s creation. It is wonderful to know God created this beautiful world for us.
The Christmas tree represents the tree of life. The lights are like the stars shining down on us and reminds me Jesus is the light of the world and I am to reflect his light. It is an evergreen tree which reminds me of every lasting life. While my tree is not real (it is easier for my arthritis ridden body to do a fake tree), it looks real. I can worship the creator by looking at the beautiful tree he created.
Then my mind wandered to another tree God created. A tree chopped down and formed into a cross. The tree Jesus died on. The reason for his coming to earth. God’s creation used to kill him! I wonder about that tree. A special tree it was to hold a savior of the world. A God willing to hang on that tree so we can be saved from our sins. My heart is full of thanksgiving. What do you see when you look at a Christmas tree? I will never look at mine the same again.
Psalms 8
1O Lord, our Lord, your majestic name fills the earth!
Your glory is higher than the heavens.
2You have taught children and infants
to tell of your strength,
silencing your enemies
and all who oppose you.
3When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers—
the moon and the stars you set in place—
4what are mere mortals that you should think about them,
human beings that you should care for them?
5Yet you made them only a little lower than God
and crowned them with glory and honor.
6You gave them charge of everything you made,
putting all things under their authority—
7the flocks and the herds
and all the wild animals,
8the birds in the sky, the fish in the sea,
and everything that swims the ocean currents.
9O Lord, our Lord, your majestic name fills the earth!
Having COVID-19 gives one a different perspective on life. I have had COVID-19 for three weeks now. I cannot go anywhere without the fear of spreading it others. I cannot have people over. I am fatigue and need to rest a lot. I still have a cough. I just want it to be over so I can go back to “normal”.
But what is normal? I live in a new town where I really do not know anyone. I have been to a church a couple of times but still do not have friends there. Most of my friends are in Rhinelander. I miss them. I will not even see my extended family this year at Christmas because of COVID-19. It is hard!
Yet, I did not need to go to a hospital for this. I am so thankful for this. I read stories on Facebook of people in the hospital dying without family around them to comfort them. I cannot imagine what that is like for the patient or their families. I am sure the nursing staff is affected too.
Christmas is a time for families to get together. COVID-19 has changed how people visit this year. Many families are staying home and video chat with extended families instead of risking spreading the disease. I have heard some families who got together at Thanksgiving got sick afterwards. They will be staying home this year just to get healthy. It is depressing!
Yet the whole time I have been sick I felt God’s presence with me every day and especially at night. Deuteronomy 31 Talks about Moses handing over the reigns of leadership to Joshua. In this section the Lord tells Joshua He will go with Joshua as they go in the promise land and face the people there. Verse 8 says”
8Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you.”
This verse stayed with me the whole time I have been sick. I never felt afraid even when I was struggling to breathe. God was with me and He will be with you. He just wants an invitation.
Just a couple of books I recommend from Christianbook.com Home These are affiliate links. If you click on them and make a purchase I may earn a small percentage without costing you any extra.
My Peace (John 14:27, KJV) bulletin features an empty bench and open sky with the Scripture verse: Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. John 14:27 (KJV) . The bulletin is shown folded (8.5″ x 5.5″), exactly as church members and visitors will receive it. Worship bulletins arrive packaged flat 8.5″ x 11″ to fit into your printer or copier; shrink wrapped in packages of 100. The back is blank to print your own information. Bulletin Categories: Funeral
The One who created the universe, who set the world in motion–He is with you. Not just on joyful days. Not just on tough days. God is with you every single day, cheering for you, lifting you up, and drawing you closer to Him. That’s the message bestselling author Max Lucado wants you to hear in God Is with You Every Day. Its 365 devotions and scriptures serve as daily, tangible reminders that God is indeed with you every day, every step of the way, for He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”This gift edition features a gold foil-stamped imitation leather cover, a ribbon bookmark, and a presentation page for gift giving.
I had started back to work at my new Walmart and was getting to know people. I was enjoying the work. I was keeping up on the housework and enjoying that too. I started attending a new church and I liked it. I was looking forward to a trip up to Rhinelander to meet my new granddaughter. Ah, all was going well.
On Wednesday I went up to Rhinelander. I stopped at church and chatted with the secretary. Then I went over to meet my granddaughter. She was so tiny and beautiful. I enjoyed holding her and talking to her. I also enjoyed her older brother who is also my grandson. I spent a couple of hours there before heading over to Walmart.
My Tiny Granddaughter
My Grandson
At Walmart I saw some of my friends and chatted with a manager. We shared pictures of our grandchildren. I got lots of hugs. It was great to be back yet not back since I did not work there anymore. After stopping at Dairy Queen for dinner to go I headed home. It was a great day. My son stopped by after he got off work and we talked for over an hour.
Then next day I started feeling sick. I was determined to go to work. I had just started there I could not be sick. I got my clothes laid out and put some leftovers in the microwave to eat something before I got ready for my six-hour shift. I was having a hard time focusing on what I was doing. I remember opening the fridge door to see if my food was hot yet, not once, but twice. That is when I realized I was too sick to go to work. I called in.
I ask Aaron if he would shop for me that evening. He had gone to Rhinelander to see his kids. I asked him to stop by when he got back. I kept waiting for him while I was feeling worse. He never showed. I guess he was not feeling good when he got back to Wausau, so he just went home. I told he I was getting worse. Some time during the night he came in to check on me. I never knew he was there since he has my spare key.
The next day I could not get up. I would wake up and use the bathroom but that was as far as I could get. Finally, around 11am I managed to get up and called the clinic. Somehow, I knew I needed to get tested. I got an appointment and got an address for the testing site. I put it into my map app and headed for the site. It was in a warehouse on a back street. I was still feeling a little confused. I do not know Wausau that well. Somehow, I found the warehouse and I found my way home. I thought I should eat something, so I stopped at Wendy’s for a burger and frosty. I ate because I knew I needed to, but I did not enjoy it. Nothing tasted good!
Aaron came and got my debit card to go shopping for me that evening. I had him get me frozen dinners. I did not feel like eating for the first few days. I would eat a little soup but could not finish much. I just hung out on the couch and watched TV to distract myself. I was sure it was COVID even though I had no results yet.
My twin sister Barb had COVID a couple of weeks before I got sick, so I asked her about her experience. She has symptoms for about a week, but it was a mild case. She said it was better to get it over with to build up immunity. Little did I know after almost two weeks I still am not well. Saturday, Sunday, and Monday were a blur. I did manage to watch church on my computer and the Packer game. Monday, I kept checking the clinic website to see if my test results were in. I knew it was COVID, but I wanted to confirm it.
The Friday before I had put in for an emergency medical leave. I knew if I did not, I would lose my job. Initially I was off for a week, but I knew it would be longer the way I was feeling. Tuesday morning the clinic website said I was positive. Now I needed to inform everyone I encountered while I was in Rhinelander, I was positive. Unfortunately my grandchildren and their mom, nana and older brother got COVID from me. My granddaughter only had a fever for a few days. The others in the household were sick for a week but are better now.
Every day I posted on Facebook. I received a lot of prayers and love. My twin sister ordered cough syrup and had it shipped to me the next day from Amazon. A childhood friend called a local grocery store and had them deliver an assortment of soups and crackers. I struggled throughout Wednesday to eat even a little.
My cat hates the smell but this is a life saver!
Thursday was Thanksgiving. I woke up with a queasy stomach and threw up bile. I could not even look at food, even on Facebook. I managed to keep down water and orange juice, but I did not eat at all. I was thankful just to get through the day.
During the next few days, I would have periods of feeling okay but most the time I had no energy and a bad cough. Nighttime was the worst. I would wake up to use the bathroom and could not go back to sleep.
So, it has been at least twelve days since I started feeling sick. I still have no energy and still feel congested. Yet, I am a long way from where I was a week ago. I am looking forward to restored health and getting back to going out of the house.
Update: It has been three weeks since I visited Rhinelander. I still have a cough but otherwise I am okay as long as I do not do too much. I chatted with a doctor on Doctor on Demand and he prescribed a steroid. I am hoping to return to work this Friday.
One friend on Facebook said “I am sorry you have to go through this alone” when she saw I had COVID. I told her I was not alone. God has been with me the whole time. Even when I wanted to give up He was there getting me through the toughest times.
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This past Sunday morning I visited Bethany Baptist church in Schofield. It is a church I strongly feel God wants me to become apart of and serve in. My reasoning is simple. When my youngest child was moving to the Wausau area, I helped them move by bringing some stuff down in my car. They live about two miles from my new apartment. While I was waiting for them to sign the lease, I got the approval call from Fox Run apartments. The apartment manager said I could come and look at the outside of the apartment but not inside because they were not ready to show the inside yet. My older son was there too, and he wanted to know where I was going to live. He was driving a mustang at the time and it is too low for me to get into, so I suggested we take separate cars.
I followed my son, and he took the back roads instead of going on the main roads. When I was ready to return to my youngest child’s apartment, I told my son to go ahead I would find my way back. Well, I got lost! I was driving back the way I thought my son came and was driving by Bethany Baptist church. I wondered what kind of church it was because I did not see the word Baptist on the sign.
Then I was looking at Wausau churches and found Bethany was in the same conference as my Rhinelander church. Finally, I asked my Pastor at Calvary about Bethany and he was excited for me to get to know Bethany before trying other churches. Others from Calvary also said it was a good church. I already feel at home there.
Back to my visit. During the Pastor’s message he said something which hit home with me. He was talking about God’s promises. One of the promises laid out in Pastor Joe’s sermon is “Made for a Purpose”. I moved here to the Wausau area and I am getting settled in, but I am not sure why God has me here. I believe God will show me with time. For now, I am trying to adjust to being at work and trying to do a better job at keeping house (not one of my strengths!). I am waiting on God to show me why I am here.
Psalms 139 is a wonderful passage. It reminds us we are made for a purpose. I have outlined the Psalm as follows:
You know everything about me. Verses 1-6
1O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me. 2You know when I sit down or stand up. You know my thoughts even when I’m far away. 3You see me when I travel and when I rest at home. You know everything I do. 4You know what I am going to say even before I say it, Lord. 5You go before me and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head. 6Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too great for me to understand!
It is so hard to understand how a God who holds the universe together still knows me so intimately. I am overwhelmed by the thinking about this.
I cannot flee from You. Verses 7-12
7I can never escape from your Spirit! I can never get away from your presence! 8If I go up to heaven, you are there; if I go down to the grave, you are there. 9If I ride the wings of the morning, if I dwell by the farthest oceans, 10even there your hand will guide me, and your strength will support me. 11I could ask the darkness to hide me and the light around me to become night—12but even in darkness I cannot hide from you. To you the night shines as bright as day. Darkness and light are the same to you.
When I read this, I wondered why would anyone want to flee from God? Then it dawned on me-Sin! Thank You for forgiveness. We can come to God with all our sins and He will forgive us.
You made me and ordained my days. Verses 13-16
13You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it. 15You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. 16You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.
The miracle of the forming of a human being. I think of my grandchildren’s sonograms. Their faces so clearly showing they are a tiny human being. My heart soars with love. God knows every single tiny baby conceived. He knows their future. He knows my future. I am Made for a Purpose!
Your Thoughts are beyond me. Verses 17-18
17How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! 18I can’t even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up, you are still with me!
Thoughts about me? I am not worthy of Your thoughts. Yet You were thinking of me when they nailed You to a cross. Such love!
Slay the wicked. Verses 19-22
19O God, if only you would destroy the wicked! Get out of my life, you murderers! 20They blaspheme you; your enemies misuse your name. 21O Lord, shouldn’t I hate those who hate you? Shouldn’t I despise those who oppose you? 22Yes, I hate them with total hatred, for your enemies are my enemies.
I have a hard time hating another being so when I read these verses, I thought of how the enemies are my thoughts. So many times, I have let depressive and anxious thoughts take over. These thoughts are contrary to what God says in His Holy Word. Get out of my head!
Search me! Verses 23-24
23Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. 24Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.
Take the enemy thoughts out of my head and replace them with thoughts of You. Show me why I was Made for a Purpose! Have you found God’s purpose?
When I am thinking of books on this subject I immediately thought of Rick Warren’s book The Purpose-Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For? You can find that book (I provided a link below) at: Christianbook.com Home
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Numbers 13 and 14, Joshua 1
5Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. 6Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take. (Proverbs 3:5 and 6)
Here is the story of the Israelites going from Egypt to the Promise Land. The Israelites were at the border of the Jordan and were planning on crossing over into the land God had promised them. Moses sent out twelve men to spy out the land. They came back and reported to the people. Two of them, Joshua and Caleb, said there would be no problem crossing into the Promise Land. Yet the other ten said no, there were walled cities, strong armies, and giants in the land. The people of Israel listened to the ten instead of Joshua and Caleb. God was angry with Israel because they did not trust Him. I thought of this story a few times during this move from one city to another.
The Old Apartment
I had been living in my apartment for two years. I hated the apartment for several reasons. One was I had not had a working heater, other than a space heater since April. My landlord would not come in and fix it because of COVID. Another reason was a creepy neighbor who smoked. He is a registered sex offender and I caught him looking in my window twice. I could never be sure if he would do it again even though the landlord told him not to. After all, the landlord told the creepy neighbor not to smoke inside the building and that never stopped him. I have asthma and the smell of cigarettes causes a coughing fit. Other reasons are a lack of storage and a serious mouse problem in the kitchen. Even Princess, The Mighty Mouse Warrior, could not keep them under control.
In August, my kids independently told me they were moving to the Wausau area. Wausau is a much larger city with a lot more job opportunities. My oldest son was the first to move. I went down to visit him the day after. I was impressed with his apartment and suddenly I wanted a new apartment. I got back to Rhinelander and started to think seriously about and prayed about it. Yet, I could not imagine how I could possibly move. God said Trust Me.
The Search
I started looking at apartments not really expecting anything. I found a 55+ senior apartment and started the application process. It was a lot of work and many papers to print. After I sent off the first batch of paperwork I started to wonder if living in this type of apartment was what I really wanted. I started to look at other apartments and found Fox Run apartments. The 55+ place wanted more paperwork and a visit to the vet for Princess. I filled out the application for Fox Run wondering where I would be able to come up with the security deposit. God kept whispering to me Trust Me. I sent the second round of paperwork and Fox Run’s application on a Wednesday. The following Monday I called to make sure Fox Run had my application. By Thursday I was approved. (To this day I never heard back from the 55+ place.)
Suddenly I was moving to a nice two-bedroom apartment. Heat was included in the rent. No smoking within 25 feet of the building. And best of all, a big kitchen with a dishwasher and tons of storage. It was the promise land after being in the desert of my old apartment.
Yet, moving is hard work! At times I just wanted to give up and stay in the cold, ugly desert of an apartment and not move to the promise land of the new apartment. The giants of moving were just too big! All the planning and packing were wearing me down. But God reminds me He is bigger than the giants that are keeping me from enjoying the promise land apartment.
I am all moved in now. (somethings are still in my car, but they are here.) I still have boxes in my living room to unpack and put away. I had boxes in my living room for two years at my old apartment I had no room for, but I do now. I have plenty of room in my big kitchen for all my kitchen stuff. There are closets for coats, linens and all my clothes. I also have a room for my office. Right now, it is filled with boxes, so I am writing in my living room. The boxes can wait.
The Couch
During the moving time I fretted about a new couch. I have not had a couch in about four years. I had an old recliner which did not recline anymore. I had no other nice chairs to sit on nor did I have room for them on account of the boxes in the tiny living room. God said to Trust Him about the couch. I looked on the marketplace and there were plenty of couches I could afford but I had no way of delivering a couch to my new apartment. I thought of buying a new one at a furniture store, but I cannot afford that for now. Then I saw a futon I loved at my Rhinelander Walmart which the Wausau Walmart did not have. Again, I did not know how I was going to get it to my new apartment. I was trying to sell my portable washer to pay for it but twice the sale fell through. So, I was worried I would not have any place to sit in my new apartment.
Yet, God said Trust Me again. I was telling a coworker I was having trouble selling my washer. She came to me and said she would buy it from me. That was Monday of moving week. I told her what the money from the sale was going for and she said she had two blue chairs I could have. Tuesday, I went on Walmart.com and found the exact same futon I saw at Rhinelander Walmart. Better yet, there was a choice in colors, so I got a blue one. After all, blue is my favorite color. There was also two-day delivery, so I ordered it and sent it to my new apartment. It arrived on moving day.
The Helpers
I also worried I would not have enough help moving. My church ran an ad for helpers two Sundays in a row in the bulleton without my asking them to run it. My Pastor said he would be there with a couple of guys. I had asked friends to help but there was no guarantee anyone was showing up. I set the time for loading for 11am on Thursday and called Uhaul to rent a ten-foot truck from them like I had the last time I moved. After that I started packing like crazy and thought I will never get all this stuff in a ten-foot truck. Last time I moved it was within the same city and we took two or three loads.
The week before moving I was down at the Wausau Walmart trying to get transferred. After I left Walmart, I went over to Fox Run apartments to drop off the paperwork from the vet. Erin, the apartment manager was there, and she gave me my keys and told me I could move boxes in but not live there until the 28th. So, I thought I would go down as often as possible.
The Truck vs. The Trailer
I must have said something on Facebook about having to take down as much as possible to be assured there would be enough room in the truck. My ex-husband Mark saw it and messaged me to get a six by twelve trailer instead of the truck and he would pull it with his truck. It turns out by doing it that way it would save me a hundred dollars, so I called Uhaul again and reserved a trailer. However, when I met Mark at Uhaul on moving day I saw the size and was worried it was too small. Mark said it would be fine. And it was. Not only did we get almost everything in but about eight people from my church showed up to load the trailer. It took them about an hour. One of the older church ladies had dropped of sandwiches and stuff for the movers. It was amazing! When we got to my new apartment my niece came and helped unload. She lives in a town about two hours from here. It was a great day even though I only got a few hours of sleep the night before.
After forty years in the desert Joshua and Caleb led the people of Israel into the promise land. God spoke to Joshua these words:
Joshua 1: 7-9
7Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the instructions Moses gave you. Do not deviate from them, turning either to the right or to the left. Then you will be successful in everything you do. 8Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do. 9This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
God wanted me to be strong and courageous. He also wants me to Trust Him! Notice the verses say to study and meditate in the Word and follow it exactly. If you do you will prosper and succeed in all you do. Now that I am here, I am waiting to see why God has moved me out of the desert apartment into the promise land apartment.
From F.B. Meyer’s outstanding biographies series of the great Biblical figures of faith, here is the exciting story of Joshua. Meyer shows the readers that the story of Joshua’s life can serve to strengthen readers in their faith in God. Seeing God deliver Joshua from his enemies will encourage believers to also look to God for deliverance.
Modern day Christians often hear and understand the promises of God each Sunday morning at church but then rarely choose to experience them in everyday life. In One in a Million, Bible teacher Priscilla Shirer invites us to change that pattern for good, living beyond our circumstances and expecting to see God move in miraculous ways day after day. Without a doubt, we can find and follow God’s purpose for our journey. We can make it to the Promised Land! Trade paperback.
This post contains affiliate links which I recommend. If you click on the link and make a purchase I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.
Matthew 13:31-35
Parable of the Mustard Seed
31Here is another illustration Jesus used: “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a mustard seed planted in a field. 32It is the smallest of all seeds, but it becomes the largest of garden plants; it grows into a tree, and birds come and make nests in its branches.”
One tiny seed. I went to baking aisle at Walmart to find mustard seeds for this post. I was amazed at how tiny these seeds are. I did not purchase them because I am moving, and I do not need it any recipe I make currently. So, I took a picture of the small jar for all of you to see how small the mustard seed is. This tiny seed can grow into a tree.
But what is Jesus really saying in this parable of the tiny seed? The study helps in my Bibles say the Kingdom of Heaven will start small and grow worldwide. We see this happening today with the world wide web available almost everywhere. But what other ways, besides the Kingdom of Heaven, can we use the tiny seed growing into a tree?
When I first read these verses this week and I thought of how my blog has grown. Not necessarily in numbers but how it has developed over the last two years. It started out small like a mustard seed with me not sure of where I wanted to go with content. I wrote about prayer journals and hearing problems. I also wrote about some mental health issues such as grief and loss. Yet, I really did not have a certain niche which I could specialize.
I called myself a multi-niche blogger for lack of something more concrete. I felt being multi-niche I could write about anything. Yet I needed all my writing to be faith-based.
But then in Sunday School one morning the teacher talked about Rahab and I felt lead to write about her. I did my research and started to develop the plan. I also borrowed a book called the Lineage of Grace by Francine Rivers, which had the story of Rahab written in a fiction-like fashion about her life.
In this compilation of the five books of the best-selling Lineage of Grace series by Francine Rivers, we meet the five women whom God chose–Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary. Each was faced with extraordinary–even scandalous–challenges. Each took great personal risk to fulfill her calling. Each was destined to play a key role in the lineage of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the World.
I got the idea I could write Rahab’s story in first person in a short story format. So, I did. I was amazed because I did not know I could write fiction. Before I knew it, I was writing stories in first person about several women in the Bible. This is the Lesson Learned series found here https://northwoodsgirlblogging.com/lessons-learned/ Each story comes with a short devotional at the end. I love writing these stories and learn so much from them.
I also wrote three, so far, stories about men in the Bible under the title Second Chances. I struggle with these stories because it is easier for me to write from a woman’s perspective. My favorite one so far is the Prodigal Son. It really tells the story of God’s love and forgiveness.
From time to time while reading my devotions I find a Psalm or another passage I feel led to write about. I have written several. These devotionals really touch my heart.
I also write about food and travel. The food part I write posts which I put in my page called Dump in Cooking: A Lazy Chef’s Recipes. There are several recipes on this page but you can get a free recipe book with more recipes under the same title by subscribing https://northwoodsgirlblogging.com/ Subscribing to my blog means you will receive emails from me telling you about my latest blog posts. This started from a few subscribers to now eighty getting emails from me. Would you like to subscribe?
I have not traveled as much as I would like but I hope to do more in the future. I have been to Arizona to visit my sister and I wrote about my trip. I also have been to Wisconsin Dells hundreds of times and I have written about a couple of places I have recently visited. Finally, I have written about restaurants right here in Rhinelander. I cannot wait to write about Wausau’s restaurants!
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But what is my niche and how does it relate to the mustard seed parable? Most of my writing is either directly from scripture or from a Christian perspective. People landing on my website can read about God’s love for them and learn about salvation. People from all over the world have landed on my site. I believe God is leading me to keep on writing for those people. One may never know how many hearts I have touch this side of Heaven because of my blog. It is my ministry and it is ever evolving. Therefore I will continue to be a faith-based multi-niche Christian blogger.
In just a couple of weeks I will be starting over in a new city with a new job and a new church. I do not know what God has in store for me there. I am trying not to be fearful. I know God is with me. I am just a tiny seed, but God can make me grow into a wonderful tree.
Today I was looking in my freezer to see what I had to use up before I moved in a couple of weeks. My freezer has a lot of frozen veggies in it because it is easier use frozen rather than buy fresh and maybe not use it. I was going to make a butternut squash soup so I bought a couple of packages of frozen butternut squash. I am all about cutting corners when I can. I also have very little counter space in my current apartment. My new apartment has a big kitchen so cooking will be easier. Back to the squash soup. I started to think I want to jazz the soup up from when I made it last year. Looking in the freezer I found cauliflower, carrots and the seasoning blend. The seasoning blend has onions, green and red peppers, celery, and parsley.
Got veggies? Make soup!
I started with a half of stick of butter and melted it. Just before it started to brown I added a half of bag of the mixed veggie seasoning blend. I cooked this on low for about five minutes. During this time I added some celery salt, sea salt, ginger, garlic powder, parsley and paprika. I let it cook a little longer before adding all the frozen veggie. Then I added a carton of vegetable broth and about two cups of water to cover the veggies. While all that was heating up on high I decided it needed something else so I added the quinoa. I had found this box of quinoa on clearance at Walmart one night after work. Can you tell I work at Walmart?
After I cooked it for about twenty minutes I tasted it. It was so good I kept tasting it. It was only 9:30 in the morning and I had not have breakfast yet. Guess what I had for breakfast? You are right if you guessed a bowl of frozen veggie soup. Hey I live alone so I can eat what I want!
Two bags of frozen butternut squash
One bag of frozen carrots and cauliflower
1/2 bag of frozen seasoning blend
One box of vegetable broth
1/2 a stick of butter
For the seasonings I put about 1/2 teaspoon of each but I was not measuring.
I thought of blending it some but since I am packing up my kitchen I did not want to have to wash the blender.
Let me know if you try it in the comments below. God bless!
My mind is constantly on moving to Wausau, Wisconsin. I have been living in Rhinelander, Wisconsin for 19 years. Nineteen years is the longest time I have lived in one city in all of my adult life. Rhinelander has so many memories, both good and bad. My reason for moving? Both of my kids are in their early twenties. Rhinelander does not offer much for people in their twenties. Both decided to move to Wausau because it is a much larger city with lots of jobs.
I started to think about moving when I saw my son’s new apartment. My mind kept thinking how much I hate where I am living and how I would miss my kids when they were gone. Wausau is an hour’s drive away from Rhinelander. I also thought about how I would be closer to my other siblings and their families. The more I thought about it the more I felt God was calling me to move.
The plan started to form in my head. I started looking at apartments and defining where I would like to live as I enter my retirement years. I knew I would still need to work part time so I put in my transfer papers at my Walmart to transfer to the Wausau Walmart.
The Apartment Hunt
My first thought was to move into an 55+ apartment building. I found City Walk apartments and started the application process. They only had one bedroom apartments available. The staff wanted lots of paperwork and I went through a half a cartridge of ink before I sent off the first round of paperwork. After they received my paperwork they asked for more documents. One was for my cat. That meant a trip to the vet for shots. Poor kitty! Once I got all the second round of documents together I sent them off. However, I started to think maybe a 55+ apartment was not for me. It has been more than three weeks since I last heard from City Walk. I wonder if I will hear from them since I spent so much time and money trying to give them the documents they required. Much of the information was much more than required by most apartment managers. I started to wonder if a 55+ apartment was for me so I started to look at other apartments.
That is when I found Fox Run apartments in a suburb of Wausau. I printed off the application and sent it out the same day I sent off the second round of documents to City Walk. That was a Wednesday. I knew the Fox Run offices were closed Fridays through Sundays so I waited until the following Monday to call to see if they had got my application. I spoke with Erin. We talked about my income and my needs in an apartment. She told me if I was approved my name would go to the top of the list. (I think she already had an apartment in mind for me but needed approval from the owners of the property first.) That was September 28th.
Thursday, October 1st I took a load of stuff down to my youngest kid’s apartment. They were moving into an apartment near Fox Run. While waiting for them to sign the lease to start bringing things in, Erin from Fox Run called me. I was approved! A week and a half later I had the security deposit together and went down and signed the lease. I am so excited!
My Church Family
One thing that has been consistent in my nineteen years here in Rhinelander is my church family Yesterday I was standing in my church singing worship songs with some of my church family and I started to tear up. I realized I would be leaving them in a couple of weeks and I may not see some of them before I leave. Because of COVID we have two services and I do not get to see some of my church family because they attend the early service. My church family has been there for me through all of my sorrows and joys.
My sorrows started within a year of moving to Rhinelander. My now ex husband and I were having problems and by 2006 we ended our 22 year marriage. The year of 2006 was also very difficult as my mother-in-law passed away suddenly shortly after our divorce. Another milestone for 2006 was when my best friend Ralph died of cancer. Ralph was also a member of my church so his passing was hard on all of us.
My joys included finishing my master’s degree and a graduate certificate in pastoral counseling. Yet, the biggest joy was how much I grew in the Lord because of my church family. Years of great preaching under Pastor Jim and now Pastor Rod my faith grew. Life groups, women’s retreats and get togethers, and of course Sunday school also contributed to my Christian growth. I will miss my church family so much!
My Walmart Family and Friends
I could not forget my Walmart family and my friends. Some of my friends I met when I first lived here. Others I have met and remained friends from the various places I have worked. Many I will continue to stay in contact through Facebook.
A few days ago I celebrated my six year anniversary at my Walmart. During that time I have met so many people, either coworkers or people who are regulars in the self checks where I work. Some of my coworkers and I have become very close. Many are on Facebook but a few are not. I will really miss the ones who are not on Facebook. I will also miss my great management team. I probably would not have stayed this long if it was not for my managers.
This Apartment
I have moved a lot times during my time here in Rhinelander. Twice I lived in my ex husband’s basement. I spent around nine years in a mobile home until I could not afford both lot rent and house payment and gave the mobile home back to the bank. Including this one, I have lived in five different apartments. Out of all of them this one turned out to be the worse!
I was so excited to move into this apartment two years ago. At the time I was in love with the concept of a tiny home. This apartment is only about 460 square feet. However, shortly after I moved in I realized there was just not enough usable storage in this apartment. In fact I soon discovered mice were constantly roaming (and leaving presents) around all my below the counter kitchen cabinets. Every time I wanted to use something I had to wash it. Ugh! Finally, I gave up and kept stuff I use often in a box in the living room and pans on top of the tiny apartment-size stove. There are other boxes I have in the living room I have not unpacked. My bedroom is also loaded down with boxes of stuff I have yet to go through. Most of them have books and papers from the nine plus years of schooling in them.
However, the worst part of this apartment is my neighbor. I have tried to “love” him but I just can’t! I have tried to forgive him for his many offenses but again, I can’t! My head tells me he is developmentally disabled but my heart and lungs are not listening to my head. You see, my neighbor is a smoker and he likes to sit right by the door to smoke. This apartment house has both a front door and a back door to a hall where my apartment door is located. The front door opens out onto a nice big porch. However, I cannot use it because my neighbor sits out there and smokes at all times of the day or night. He also often smokes in his apartment (against lease rules) and next to the back door. The back door is worse because that is where I park and enter. I have asthma and even when I get a whiff of cigarette smoke it causes a coughing attack which can last hours.
He also is a registered sex offender. It is something my landlord failed to inform me when I moved in. It has caused emotional distress for me because I was molested at four years of age. At least twice I have seen my neighbor standing in front of my window. The last time it looked as if he was trying to look in under the blinds I had raised part way up so the cat could look out. When I complained to the landlord my landlord blew me off with the statement “he’s (my neighbor) a really nice guy if you get to know him”. I refer to my neighbor as creepy guy number one. Why would I want to get to know him? Even my Pastor recommend I avoid my neighbor as much as possible.
Finally, my neighbor never helps out when it is time to haul the trash and recycling dumpsters down to the curb. Instead, I have to do it or the new guy upstairs. It hurts my back every time I haul one of those big dumpsters. I feel sorry for the new guy I am leaving behind.
My New Apartment
My new apartment has everything I want and none of the things mentioned above. It is a two bedroom so I will have a dedicated office space. It has lots of storage! And even storage in the basement I can lock up.
It also has my dream kitchen. I love to cook and have struggled the last two years with lack of storage and counter space. My new kitchen has a ton of cabinets and counter space plus a pantry! It is also big! And best of all it has a dishwasher! I will be in heaven!
Packing up life again!
For the next two weeks I will be packing up my life and saying good bye. I know in my head Rhinelander is only an hour away from my new home but my heart is breaking. Winter is coming and I know I will not want to come up to Rhinelander often yet my grandchildren live here. So goodbye for now Rhinelander but I will visit! Love you all!
1Truly God is good to Israel, to those whose hearts are pure. 2But as for me, I almost lost my footing. My feet were slipping, and I was almost gone.
3For I envied the proud when I saw them prosper despite their wickedness. 4They seem to live such painless lives; their bodies are so healthy and strong. 5They don’t have troubles like other people; they’re not plagued with problems like everyone else. 6They wear pride like a jeweled necklace and clothe themselves with cruelty. 7These fat cats have everything their hearts could ever wish for! 8They scoff and speak only evil; in their pride they seek to crush others. 9They boast against the very heavens, and their words strut throughout the earth. 10And so the people are dismayed and confused, drinking in all their words. 11“What does God know?” they ask. “Does the Most High even know what’s happening?” 12Look at these wicked people—enjoying a life of ease while their riches multiply.
13Did I keep my heart pure for nothing? Did I keep myself innocent for no reason? 14I get nothing but trouble all day long; every morning brings me pain.
17Then I went into your sanctuary, O God,
and I finally understood the destiny of the wicked. 18Truly, you put them on a slippery path
and send them sliding over the cliff to destruction.
21Then I realized that my heart was bitter, and I was all torn up inside.
23Yet I still belong to you; you hold my right hand. 24You guide me with your counsel,
leading me to a glorious destiny. 25Whom have I in heaven but you? I desire you more than anything on earth. 26My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; he is mine forever.
I came across this chapter in Psalms. It spoke to me. I am not envious of the rich all the time because my head knows God supplies all I need. Yet, I watch people. It is my job to watch people. I work at Walmart in the self-check out registers. I see the nicely dressed people come in and buy steaks and seafood and sometimes wish I could afford more than hamburger. Or at Christmas I see them buying hundreds of dollars in gifts and I cannot afford much.
Am I slipping?
I just need to slip into church and realize I have it all in You! I may not be rich as the world sees rich. I am not sure I even want that! But I am rich in knowing I am God’s and He is mine. He leads me and counsels my heart. Even more, God sent His Son to save me. Jesus came to earth to die for my sins of wanting what the world has. He rose again to assure me Heaven. I am truly rich!
Yes, my body hurts and is getting older. Sometimes I want to give up. But God You are my strength! You are mine forever! Are you slipping or do you slip into church to find all you need?
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The Bible never discusses midlife, just like it never discusses teenagers. Yet the Bible is able to unpack any of life’s experiences because it was written by the One who made them all. Life on this side of glory is hard. This world is a broken place. You will face things in midlife that beat at the borders of your faith, but you do not have to be lost in the middle of your story.
You do not have to be paralyzed by regret, defeated by aging, and discouraged by the passing of your dreams. You do not have to make greater trouble out of the trouble you are already experiencing. This time of life, which can seem like the end of many things, can actually welcome you to a brand new way of living. As is so often the case in your walk with the Lord, this moment of pain is also a moment of grace. Because of this, all of us need to occasionally step back, slow down, and consider where we are going. Lost in the Middle will help you to do just that.
One final word: Although this book is targeted at those who are struggling with the issues of midlife, it has a much broader net than that. Lost in the Middle can help all who are struggling with life in this broken world and have lost their way. The God who seems so distant to you in this moment is actually near and active. Lost in the Middle is written to give you eyes to see him, to see yourself more clearly, and to find the real hope that you need to carry on.
In Your God Is Too Small, J. B. Phillips explains that the trouble facing many of us today is that we have not found a God big enough for our modern needs. In a world where our experience of life has grown in myriad directions, and our mental horizons have been expanded to the point of bewilderment by world events and scientific discoveries, our ideas of God have remained largely static. It is nearly impossible, Phillips argues, for an adult to worship the conception of God that exists in the mind of a child of Sunday-school age, the “God-in-a-box” notion, limiting God to such inadequate conceptions as “Resident Policeman,” “Grand Old Man,” “Meek-and-Mild,” and “Managing Director.” As a result of these insufficient ideas of God, many people live with an inner dissatisfaction, without any faith at all.
Your God Is Too Small explores the ways in which we can find a truly meaningful and constructive God for ourselves, big enough to account for our current experience of life and big enough to command our highest admiration and respect.
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As usual I found myself reading Our Daily Bread and read this passage this morning. It offers common sense ideas on how to treat others. Scripture is in italics and is from the New International Version of the Bible.
9“ ‘When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest. 10Do not go over your vineyard a second time or pick up the grapes that have fallen. Leave them for the poor and the foreigner. I am the Lord your God.
This verse talks about gleaning. I wrote about gleaning in my story of Ruth. (See https://northwoodsgirlblogging.com/lessons-learned-ruth-a-love-story/) Yet this verse is a direct command to help the poor. A modern-day example would be when you go to the grocery store to buy canned goods buy extra and donate it to the local food pantry. I understand what it is like to be poor and had to depend on the food pantry to feed my kids. I also understand what it is like to have plenty.
11“ ‘Do not steal.
“ ‘Do not lie.
“ ‘Do not deceive one another.
12“ ‘Do not swear falsely by my name and so profane the name of your God. I am the Lord.
13“ ‘Do not defraud or rob your neighbor.
These are common sense actions which most people follow. They are all apart of treating others, especially those we want a relationship with or live near.
“ ‘Do not hold back the wages of a hired worker overnight.
Employers this one is for you. I struggle with this today as Walmart has announced they are giving raises to some of their associates but not all. While everyone works hard, Walmart seems to forget about the people who interact most closely with the customers-the front end. This includes the service desk, cashiers and self-check hosts, maintenance, and cart pushers. They are the ones who put up with rude customers. I am angry at Walmart right now. God forgive me because I need to work there part time right now. You say we are family, but you do not treat us all like family. Rant over.
14“ ‘Do not curse the deaf or put a stumbling block in front of the
blind, but fear your God. I am the Lord.
This hits home as I am hard of hearing. But the real reason, I think, God put this in here is to respect those with disabilities. This includes the unseen disabilities too. Modern day example would be if you see someone without a mask on try and understand there may be medical or mental health issues preventing a person from wearing a mask. I know of one person who confided she struggles with masks on her face because as a child she was kidnapped, and the kidnapper put his hand over her face to keep her quiet. You just never know what someone is going through.
15“ ‘Do not pervert justice; do not show partiality to the poor or favoritism to the great but judge your neighbor fairly.
Be just as kind to the one who cleans the bathrooms at Walmart as you are the CEO.
16“ ‘Do not go about spreading slander among your people.
Gossip is so easy to do. I am guilty of this. We must ask ourselves “how would the person you are talking about feel if you said it in their presence”?
“ ‘Do not do anything that endangers your neighbor’s life. I am the Lord.
More common sense. An example would be not to speed or drive when you are very tired and certainly not if you have been drinking.
17“ ‘Do not hate a fellow Israelite in your heart.
I do not understand how someone could hate another person. I hate what child molesters do but I do not hate them. There is so much hate in this world. Would it be nice if there was more love?
Rebuke your neighbor frankly so you will not share in their guilt.
I think this is talking about if your neighbor does you wrong tell them. However, be careful how you tell them. Telling them when you are too angry to think straight will not help the situation. Calm yourself down then think through what you are going to say before confronting your neighbor. Yeah, I struggle with getting angry at my neighbor and really need to remember this.
18“ ‘Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.
Think about it. Where does revenge lead? Does it help? No! Nor does holding onto a grudge. If you do you will develop hate in your heart which could lead to several mental health issues. Just let it go and you will feel better.
The last phrase sums everything up. Love your neighbor as yourself. Be other-focused as you go through your day. You will treat others better.
Good manners and etiquette begin in the home, or wherever a child is taught or mentored. From an early age, children learn how to behave, and as they grow, how to interact in their relationships at school, church, and in their communities. Though etiquette varies between cultures, practicing good manners is a kindness that extends across cultures, because the way we treat one another matters.
Below is an affiliate link of a book I recommend. If you click on the link and make a purchase I may receive a portion of your purchase at no extra cost to you.
We want to raise and train our children in safe, healthy environments, but the daily encounters of a fallen world make it challenging. Much has been written on good etiquette, but this practical, captivating book points readers to Jesus Christ as the Lord and the Holy Spirit as the Teacher of good manners, clearly illustrating that the Bible is the Life Manual for good behavior that comes from God’s heart.
From biblical examples to personal examples, reflection verses and practical steps, and prayers and Scriptures to pray over children, Considering Others: Good Manners to Glorify God will help parents, teachers, and mentors shape and develop godly character and good manners in children so they may lead healthy, successful adult lives in their sphere of influence around the world. And there’s plenty of takeaways for adults too!
My children are moving to Wausau. They both independently decided they needed to move to a larger city to give them better opportunities. I understand their need. Young adults have been moving from small towns to larger cities since the dawn of time. I decided to move with them rather than being alone. However, since this area of northern Wisconsin is affectionally known as the Northwoods, I want to know if I move to Wausau would I still be the Northwoodsgirl?
Why am I the Northwoodsgirl?
About a year after the guy I was dating passed away I started feeling lonely so I joined a Christian dating website. When sighing up I needed a user name so I would not be giving my real name. I choose the Northwoodsgirl since I was living in the Northwoods. Online dating sites are fun but you need to be very careful. I met one guy I refer to as a “great learning experience” but we will not get into that!
The Northwoods
As I said before this part of Wisconsin is referred to as the Northwoods. I am not sure if the Northwoods is the entire northern Wisconsin or just this area. I have lived in northern, lower Michigan and in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Neither part is regularly referred to as the Northwoods. However, if you Google Northwoodsgirl you will find a book by that title and a Northwoods Gourmet Girl, a restaurant in Maine before stumbling on my blog.
I am not sure where the Northwoods area starts. When I travel from southern Wisconsin back up to Rhinelander there is a sign near Tomahawk, Wisconsin, on highway 51 which always mentions the Northwoods. It is a realtor’s sign. Tomahawk is about twenty miles southwest of Rhinelander. Highway 51 runs up the middle of the state, north to south. Wausau is about 35 miles south of Tomahawk.
Wausau, Wisconsin
Wausau, Wisconsin is a larger city in northcentral Wisconsin. Its population is over 39,000 (Rhinelander is less than 8000). Like Rhinelander, the Wisconsin River flows right through Wausau. Also, like Rhinelander, the area is mostly surrounded by woods. However, Wausau is surrounded by large hills or small mountains. It is a beautiful, historic city. Some say it has the small town feel with big city opportunities. It does not feel that way to me yet as I have lived in small town Rhinelander for 19 years. While Wausau’s population is just over 39,000, Wausau is surrounded by suburbs giving it a population of over 100,000.
Where does the Northwoods Begin?
Not too far south is a university town named Stevens Point. Stevens Point is the center of the state of Wisconsin. From that point south it is all flat land until you get almost to the Portage, Wisconsin area. Is Wausau the start of the Northwoods or is it further south? There is a sign in Portage along the Wisconsin River on highway 51 which says the Northwoods starts here. So maybe I will be in the Northwoods? No matter where it starts, I will always be the Northwoodsgirl no matter where I am living.
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13When Jesus heard what had happened, he withdrew by boat privately to a solitary place
When I read this this morning it reminded me even Jesus needed time alone. In this passage Jesus had just heard John the Baptist was killed. Perhaps Jesus needed time alone to grieve. Throughout Jesus’ ministry on earth he takes time out to be by himself. Whether it is time away to grieve, rest or to pray we should follow Jesus’ example.
Time Away to Grieve
Have you ever learned of someone’s passing and just wanted time alone to grieve? I remember when my friend Ralph died. We had been dating about two years when he got stomach cancer. The hospice nurse called early Saturday morning to tell me Ralph died at the nursing home he was at. At the time my kids seven and eight years old. Their father and I had divorced earlier that year and they were living with him during the last five weeks of Ralph’s life so I could spend as much time with Ralph as I could before he passed. However, my children’s father was out of town that weekend and was due back late that afternoon.
I made arrangements for someone to come and stay with my kids while I went to the nursing home to say “goodbye”. When I got home, I just wanted time away from my children to cry. I felt awful about wanting this time away, but my heart was broken, I just needed time away. As it turned out my children’s father was late getting back to town to take the kids. I ended up having a panic attack and called 911. I was never so scared in my life. I ended up in the emergency room. I had never had a panic attack before. If you need time to grieve, please find away to take time out.
Time Away to Rest
The picture was taken last night when I was going out to my car for my meal break. It was a busy night at work, and I welcomed my coworker when she came over to give me my half hour meal break. I rushed out to my car and saw the sun setting just over the trees and I wished I had my nice DSLR with me to take the picture. My cell phone would have to do.
I sat down in my car and got my sandwich out to eat. Ah, time away from the stress of work. Pretty soon it will be to cold too sit in my car and eat and I will be forced to eat in the break room with others. It will not be as quite nor will I be left to myself. Someone usually wants to sit with me. I will enjoy my mealtime in my car while I can. Take time out for yourself to rest.
Time Away to Pray
Jesus often took time away to pray. I usually take time for Bible reading and praying in my journal every morning. However, it is in my living room and I find myself distracted with a list of things to do which I can see from my chair. Then the Lord reminds me this is His and my time away to communicate together. I apologize and ask for help focusing. My to do list can wait. This is our time together. Do you have a time away to pray? For help with prayer journaling see https://northwoodsgirlblogging.com/prayer-journaling/
Below is affiliate links. By clicking on these links and making a purchase I may receive a percentage of the purchase at no extra cost to you.
A gracious call to come away from the busyness of life and rest awhile in God! Encouraging you to seek a fresh encounter with the Lord through “strategic withdrawal,” Barton guides you on a personal exploration of seven practices that are designed to enhance the physical, psychological, and spiritual benefits of intentional retreat. 149 pages, hardcover from InterVarsity.
encourage the disheartened, help the weak, be patient with everyone.
I am not a preacher, but when I saw this verse, I felt led to write on it. According to Our Daily Bread today is National Day of Encouragement. This day was declared by the US Senate on September 12, 2001 in honor of the over four hundred first responders who lost their lives. Wow! I wonder if many people know about this day. I did not know about this day of encouragement. Encouragement is something I strive to do every day.
This verse could apply to people who work with others. My job is to help others in the using the self-check registers. I notice if I encourage people, especially the senior citizens, they find self-check registers can be easy to use. Of course, not all self-check registers are top-of-the-line like the ones at my store, so it is no wonder people are afraid of them.
I also try to encourage people I encounter on social media. Sometimes someone will post they are going through a rough time in their lives. While some will say “that’s life, buckle up”, I find if I write words of encouragement the person can get through their tough time easier. This is true for young people who have a tougher time navigating life.
Yet I am not perfect in this, not by a long shot. I find myself being often self-centered and being the one who needs the encouragement. I hate it when that happens. I have gotten so use to being self-reliant I do not like to ask for help or encouragement. Yet, I am alone much of the time when I am not at work and so when I am with people, I trust I tend to talk about myself more than I would like to talk about myself. My cat just does not seem to want to listen to my problems.
I belong to a couple of Christian mental health Facebook groups. I even have one of my own called Christianity and Mental Health. These places are where Christians who have mental health issues can be open to discuss them without judgement. I do not often join the discussion, mostly due to lack of time, but when I do, I try to use my training in counseling to be an encouragement. However, I make sure I inform them, while I am trained as a counselor, I am not a licensed counselor.
How can I encourage you today? Is there something you are struggling with you want words of encouragement to help you through? Even if it is just something you need me to pray about, I am good at praying for others. Comment below or message me on Facebook or join my group https://www.facebook.com/groups/2513278299000084 .
Although you likely haven’t received a minute’s training in medicine, you can offer to anyone the greatest power of healing available: that of encouragement. In this readable, practical book, David Jeremiah examines the heart of encouragement … self-giving, genuine love … and shows how you can eagerly and easily lift up those around you. An encouragement itself, The Joy of Encouragement is scriptural and uplifting, enabling you to bask in God’s love while simultaneously giving it away. The world is about to be radically reshaped, one word at a time!
This year my twin sister, her husband, their daughter and her family came to Rhinelander to camp for our birthday weekend. They set up tents at a nearby campgrounds on a lake. It was a great weekend. Our birthday was on a Saturday so, since Rhinelander is where I live, I chose Al-Gen restaurant for our birthday dinner. It is really a log cabin supper club which has great food at a reasonable price.
There was nine of us at the table with my brother-in-law at the head of the table and a fireplace at the other end. My niece and her husband have three children. My oldest son joined us. He was the only one who took a picture of their food so I included it below.
I had the Chicken Oscar. It came on a bed of wild rice with asparagus, crab meat, and hollandaise sauce. It is pictured on the menu link below. I loved it! My twin had the kabobs and she enjoyed them. The children all ordered hamburgers. I laughed because we had hamburgers for lunch that day grilled outdoors at their campsite after fishing all morning.
Since there was nine of us the wait was longer than normal. There was another large group near us in this small supper club. I did call ahead, even though no reservations are needed, and we were seated right away. Service was prompt. While we were waiting the server brought us baskets of sliced breads and crackers/bread sticks with butter. Their breads are amazing!
Megan ordered from the children’s menu. It has games to play while you wait for your food.
Much of the decorations are historical
This is above the fireplace.
My brother-in-law must have been thinking he wished he had caught larger fish like the ones on display above him. Beyond the doorway you see at the rear of this picture is the C-shaped bar. This is where the entrance is. There is an option of waiting for your table at the bar while sipping your favorite beverage. In the past I enjoyed sitting there visiting with my son. It was a Friday night a couple of years ago. Fish fry are popular in the Northwoods and Al-Gen has one of the best around.
After dinner the server surprised my twin and I with strawberry shortcake for desert. They came with sparklers burning in them. The strawberry shortcake was amazing! Can you tell we are twins?
There has been a lot of talk about pedophiles and their desire to be included as normal. I know you are screaming at me “NO!” and I agree. I do not usually write about political issues, but I cannot be silent about this one. My story and many other children’s stories are why we, as a society, cannot allow this to happen. Sexual abuse affects a person in every area of their life and throughout the person’s entire life. My blog is from a Christian perspective and from a mental health perspective.
I am sure you know someone who has been molested whether they have told you or not. Many, who do not get help, believe themselves to be partly to blame for what happened to them. This causes shame and guilt. This could also affect the person’s self-worth. If not treated the person will have difficulty in adulthood. All will develop mental health problems of some form or another. Many will turn to drugs and alcohol to drowned out their pain.
We must teach our children early, in an age appropriate way, about what is okay touching and not. We also need to teach them they need to find an adult they can trust and tell them if someone is making them uncomfortable. Unfortunately, sometimes it is the child’s parent who is abusing them. Children need to know from someone they can trust that abuse is not their fault and they can say no.
Other stories show why this is an important topic. I know of one person who was kidnapped at a young age and assaulted. As an adult she became addicted to drugs. Fortunately, she is now clean and helping others. She is telling her story. I am sure there are many like her who have stories to tell.
My story has always been difficult to tell. In fact, I was 59 years old before I told my sister’s I was molested. Fifty-nine years old! All those years of guilt and shame. All those years of hurting inside. All the things I have done since then that I have am ashamed to admit to from the consequences of my molestation. For years I suffered low self esteem and feelings of unworthiness. I have depression. I am managing it, but it is still there at times. I suffer poor body image. I also have some anxiety. Certain men make me extremely uncomfortable.
You see, I was raised in a strict Baptist church. They had lots of rules to live by. One day a friend of one of my brothers molested me. To make matters worse he was the son of one of the leaders in my church. I was around four years of age. I could not tell anyone. My innocence was gone. It affected how I looked at sex. It affected my marriage, but I did not realize it at the time. I was taught a wife must submit and obey her husband without expecting anything in return. Do not get me wrong, my now ex husband never abused me or anything. I just never felt my opinions mattered or I was supposed to have a career or anything. I just supported my husband and when we adopted, I stayed home with the kids. I thought that was how it was supposed to be.
Looking back, I can see how one incident affected everything about me. But in the last several years things have changed so much. I am finally realizing I can tell my story without shame. It was not my fault! I also have learned about how much God loves me even though I have known it all my life, I own that love now. I have learned so much about God and why I behaved the way I did in the past. I feel good about myself for once in my life. I am making strides to be what God wants me to be.
But it should not have taken fifty plus years to get here. Please my friends, be watchful for your children. Watch for signs they seem uncomfortable around certain people. Teach them to come to you with anything. Do not let the pedophiles win! I will leave you with Jesus’ words about pedophiles.
Mathew 18:6
6But if you cause one of these little ones who trusts in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to have a large millstone tied around your neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea.
This morning I read from Psalm 103 and I was amazed at how it spoke to my heart. As usual I was writing in my prayer journal and I got distracted. I read on Facebook about two friends who were emotionally hurting. I wrote words of comfort and went back to writing in my journal and God spoke to me to write so others could read words of comfort from this Psalm. Scripture quoted in this post will be from New Living Translation and will be in italics.
1Let all that I am praise the Lord, with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name.
2Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never forget the good things he does for me.
As I sit here this morning my body just hurts from fibromyalgia and I do not feel like praising the Lord until I got to verse two. may I never forget the good things he does for me.
The word “does” here is in present tense. That means God is doing good things for me right now. What good things? God is comforting me with a fan blowing on me and a heating pad on my back. He gives me a comfortable bed and food in the fridge. He also gives me a job to pay for the things I need. I argue with God over the last one all the time because of the pain the job causes me, but He reminds me it is not forever. Retirement is coming soon!
3He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases.
Forgiveness is awesome! I find comfort in knowing I am forgiven. The Lord may not heal all my diseases, but it may not be in His will for me to be healed but I find comfort from the next verse.
4He redeems me from death and crowns me with love and tender mercies.
His redeeming love and mercy are both day to day and for eternity. Every day God has mercy on me, a sinner, and lovingly go with me through each day. He also has a future planned for me with Him because I have accepted His loving gift of His Son who died for me. I find comfort in these words.
5He fills my life with good things. My youth is renewed like the eagle’s!
Ah! The good things! There are so many it is hard to list them. He renews me every day. This morning I was reading on Facebook how my friend was in such despair she was feeling physical pain from it. I spoke words of comfort about how I deal with despair. I told her reading the Bible, prayer and going to church or surrounding myself with friends helps me when I am at my lowest. God reminded me of the good things of His Word, prayer and friendship. While my body still hurts and is weary, my soul is renewed. Comforting!
6The Lord gives righteousness and justice to all who are treated unfairly.
Some say this is not always true, but I am reminded of Romans 8:28 And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.
I cannot explain why bad things happen, but I know I love God and am called. He oversees my life. I seek comfort in Him knowing He has a plan. I trust in Him!
8The Lord is compassionate and merciful, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love
I find comfort in knowing God is compassionate and merciful!
11For his unfailing love toward those who fear him is as great as the height of the heavens above the earth.
When you look through a powerful telescope you can see millions of stars and galaxies It does not seem to end but goes on forever. That is how much love God has for those who fear Him. Wow! Comforting!
It is a Bible app and website I have on all my devices and it is free! I find comfort knowing I have the Bible with me wherever I go. I end this with the final verse from Psalm 103
Let all that I am praise the Lord.
I hope these select verses help you find comfort in whatever you are going through. Comment below if you need prayer. I pray every morning in my prayer journal and would be happy to include you. Do not feel you need to be specific God knows your needs and I do not need to know.
Below is affiliate links I believe in. If you click on a link and make a purchase I may earn a percentage of your purchase. This keeps this website going. Thank you for your support.
From the author of When God and Cancer Meet comes the book needed by anyone grieving a major loss. Each chapter deals with one of the tough questions asked by those in the midst of suffering. How could God let it happen? Why didn’t He answer my prayers? When will it stop hurting? Written in the heartfelt, hopeful style for which Lynn Eib has become known, this book contains warm insight and true stories illustrating the different ways of coping with grief.
Last week I got away for a overnight camping trip and met my sister at the Grateful Shed Truckyard. It is a unique restaurant in Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin. My sister wanted to try it out. If you click on the above website you will see the restaurant has four food trucks inside the garage-like structure.
Outdoor seating-Grateful Shed
This fun place includes outside games one can play. As you walk in you will find the first food truck. It’s a travel trailer.
Ice Cream Anyone?
The Hey Moo Sweet Treat trailer serves ice cream and other sweet treats. We were too full to have dessert but it sure looked good.
Asian Eats
Asian Eats-Tavernakaya serves sushi and other Asian foods. Next time I want to try this place.
Tacos Pasqual’s Cantina
My sister had a taco for lunch we passed this truck by but next time I want to try one of their many tacos.
Order Here Tacos Pasqual’s Cantina
Vacation anyone?
Isn’t this a scene from a movie about a vacation? Comment below if you know the name of the movie. This is the front of the Melted truck which serves grilled cheese and cheeseburgers.
Order Here at Melted
Both my sister and I ordered the cheeseburger. We shared an order of fries. There was too much food but we enjoyed all of it.
Cheeseburger from Melted
Does She Look Like Me?
Behind our table, which was the back of an old pickup truck, is the stairs to go up to the Greyhound bus which is hanging from the ceiling.
The Gratehound bus!
Yes I climb up there, cane and all!
Above the Grateful Shed
Seating on the Ceiling
Eat in a VW Bus
From the Greyhound bus window you can see VW buses where you can enjoy you meal.
Live Entertainment
It was a fun place to visit and eat. Did I mention they also have live entertainment and a full bar? We both got the pink lemonade. It was wonderful and free refills was welcome. I recommend if you are visiting Wisconsin Dells you check this family-friendly place.
24Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. Proverbs 16:24 (New International Version)
I wrote the below post in April. COVID-19 is still around and some say it is increasing. Many stores across the country, including Walmart, is requiring face coverings to enter their stores. I am sure there will be many who object to this. Some will take it out on the people at the door whose job to remind customers to wear a mask. They are in a very difficult position and I hurt for them. Please be nice as they do not make the rules and are not paid to be the brunt of your anger.
I have been sick for about a week and a half with a bronchitis. It started on Sunday and by Monday morning I was really ill. Knowing I could see a virtual doctor through work for free I contacted Doctors on Demand. I was given a series of questions and then took multiple pictures of my throat. Not an easy task! After a wait about 30 minutes I saw a doctor who wanted me tested for the COVID-19 because she said I was high risk. She also quarantined me for 14 days.
On Tuesday I got my paperwork to be tested to show at my local clinic, so I called the clinic. After a series of more questions and a few call backs I finally got an appointment for their drive through testing the next day. The test was very uncomfortable! I was told I would hear the results in two to ten days. I got the results on Friday morning. I tested negative!
However, I was still very ill, and I discussed with the nurse who called with my results whether it was bronchitis. She said to call back on Monday if there was no improvement. I waited all weekend and I was miserable. I could not even go outside without it causing a huge coughing fit. Just walking around the house, I was short of breath.
Monday came and I called the clinic and was able to set up a phone call with my primary provider. She diagnosed me with bronchitis. She gave me antibiotics and a steroid to speed my recovery. I got my son to go get my medications. It is Tuesday morning and I am feeling a little better already.
I just told you my story to make a point that not once was I treated with disrespect by any of the medical staff at Doctors on Demand or my local clinic. Even the nurse who administered the COVID test was nice. My provider was especially nice, and she assured me the medicine she gave me would help heal me. Perhaps that is why I am feeling better already.
So how are we treating each other during this time of crisis? I work at Walmart as a cashier and I have seen and heard some real horror stories of customers attacking associates. I have even seen a customer spitting on associates and managers who were only trying to resolve the situation in a calm manner. It was videoed by a customer and posted on Facebook. Grocery store workers, like the medical profession, are overworked and tired. Most of us want to help and try to be nice. Please be understanding, keep your distance, buy only what you need, do not hang out but get in and get out as quickly as possible, and, most of all, throw your gloves and masks in the trash not the parking lot.
Make a point to use gracious words to those around you. Whether it is the people you live with or the ones you work with, no one needs to hear harsh words right now. We are going through a lot of changes right now and it is hard on everyone, not just you. Be kind! After all, we as Christians should be representing Christ in all we say and do.
Today I was tested for the Corona virus COVID-19. I thought to myself what if it is positive? I have a lot of the symptoms of the virus and I am ordered to stay home. I have been putting off writing because I just have not felt like it. My brain is a little foggy and I am not sure I can write for long. What if I get worse?
These are really “what if” times! Many people asking many different “what if” questions.
What if I get this virus? What if my child or grandchild gets it? What if I lose my job or what if my business fails? What if I cannot find what I need at the store? What if the government starts rationing? There are so many what ifs and I am sure you have a few of your own.
My question is what if Jesus never came to earth? What if He decided He did not want to die on the cross? What if He did not rise from the dead? What would our world look like?
I am no Bible scholar even those I studied the Bible all my life, but I think our world would look a lot like Romans 1:28-32 (New Living Translation)
28Since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God, he abandoned them to their foolish thinking and let them do things that should never be done. 29Their lives became full of every kind of wickedness, sin, greed, hate, envy, murder, quarreling, deception, malicious behavior, and gossip. 30They are backstabbers, haters of God, insolent, proud, and boastful. They invent new ways of sinning, and they disobey their parents. 31They refuse to understand, break their promises, are heartless, and have no mercy. 32They know God’s justice requires that those who do these things deserve to die, yet they do them
This description is harsh I know but I believe it would be true for most people if Jesus never came to this earth. But! Jesus did come! He did choose to die on the cross and He did rise again. If we look further into Romans, we see God’s Gift.
3:23For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. 24Yet God, in his grace, freely makes us right in his sight. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins. 25For God presented Jesus as the sacrifice for sin. People are made right with God when they believe that Jesus sacrificed his life, shedding his blood. Romans 6:23 23For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.
So, what if I do not believe? I would live in fear and anxiety and would have nothing to look forward to when I die. I have accepted God’s Gift and I trust Him to see me through whatever this illness is that has me feeling so sick. So, the “what if’s” becomes “I will Trust God” and whatever happens I know God will see me through! Have you accepted God’s Gift?
Way back when I was in Bible college my English teacher read Psalms 86 and we discussed it that day in class. I do not know why this stuck with me all these years. I really do not remember much from any of my other classes, but I remember that day. I reread this this morning because I was feeling lost and so very tired today. You see I work as a cashier at Walmart and even though we are under a “Safer at Home” rule from the governor, it was busy yesterday. Groups of young people and families were out shopping. And, they were not just buying essentials they were buying from every department in the store. I do not ever remember seeing so many kid’s bikes being sold in one day.
I was very tired yesterday as I have not been sleeping well at all. I guess I was letting this virus get to me. I was stressed out because I work in the public at the self-check area and there is no barrier between me and the customer. I live in a small town and we already have three confirmed cases of the virus. Anyone of those people could have shopped at Walmart and used the self-check outs where I usually work. I am constantly moving from one register to another helping people ring up their purchases. It can be very stressful! Most people are very understanding and give me some space when I ask them to move a few feet away from me. But yesterday I have a group of young people at one register who were purchasing beer and they did not give me space to approve their purchase. I asked them to move away from the register and they laughed and said, “she doesn’t want to get CORVID”. I just walked away but I was so mad! No, I do not want this virus! I am over 60 years old and asthmatic. I was forgetting God is our help in this stressful time.
So, this morning I prayed this Psalms for myself and the rest of the world.
(Scripture is from the New Living Translation of the Bible and is in italics.)
1Bend down, O Lord, and hear my prayer; answer me, for I need your help.
2Protect me, for I am devoted to you. Save me, for I serve you and trust you.
You are my God.
3Be merciful to me, O Lord, for I am calling on you constantly.
Yes! God, you are my ever-present help when I need You! I only need to trust You!
4Give me happiness, O Lord, for I give myself to you.
Instead of happiness I ask for joy. I seem to be lacking joy in my life. Restore my joy Lord!
5O Lord, you are so good, so ready to forgive, so full of unfailing love for all who ask for your help.
Ready to forgive! Oh, I need that!
6Listen closely to my prayer, O Lord; hear my urgent cry.
7I will call to you whenever I’m in trouble, and you will answer me.
You answer me when I call on You. Maybe not the answer I want but I know you will help me when You answer no or not now.
8No pagan god is like you, O Lord. None can do what you do!
Only You can stop this virus! Not the president, medical personal or all the money in the world. Only You! Help us!
9All the nations you made will come and bow before you, Lord; they will praise your holy name.
10For you are great and perform wonderful deeds. You alone are God.
I pray many will come to know You because of this virus. You alone are God! You are our only help!
11Teach me your ways, O Lord, that I may live according to your truth! Grant me purity of heart, so that I may honor you.
Yes, may I be reading Your Word often so I may honor You, every day. Help me to honor you!
12With all my heart I will praise you, O Lord my God. I will give glory to your name forever,
Praising You makes me feel better. It helps me focus!
13for your love for me is very great. You have rescued me from the depths of death.
Even if I get this virus, I know You love me and will rescue me. You will help me.
14O God, insolent people rise up against me; a violent gang is trying to kill me. You mean nothing to them.
Unlike David, the author of this Psalms, I have no known enemies. However, I can substitute depressing thoughts, anger, distrust, despair, and many other thoughts which keep me from thinking of You. Help me to keep my thoughts on You!
15But you, O Lord, are a God of compassion and mercy, slow to get angry
and filled with unfailing love and faithfulness.
Slow to anger when I forget You are there for me. Thank You for always loving me.
16Look down and have mercy on me. Give your strength to your servant;
save me, the son of your servant.
As I face another day at work help me be strong and help me to smile. It has been hard to smile lately and so many needs someone to smile at them.
17Send me a sign of your favor. Then those who hate me will be put to shame,
for you, O Lord, help and comfort me.
A sign Lord? Maybe just leading me to read and write about this Psalms was the sign I needed! Thank You for Your help and comfort!
Now I am ready to face my day. Psalms 86 is full of reminders God is our help in these troubled times. I hope you found this as helpful as I did.
There is a lot of stress going around about the Corona virus. So many different ideas about the virus on the news and social media one does not know what to believe anymore! Changes in the way we live are updated daily. We are limited in where we go and what we can buy. Businesses are closing, and people are losing their jobs. The government is making promises but can decide which ones they will keep. At least the “stocking up” has slowed down at the Walmart I work at as we are now limiting certain items. So much stress!
Stress affects us in so many ways. Those of us who struggle with physical health issues find stress increases our medical issues. For instance, I have chronic pain throughout my body. It has become more difficult to manage my pain due to stress. Others who have scheduled appointments or surgeries are being told they must wait. Added stress!
People with mental health issues are struggling too. I know of one lady who has anxiety and she has confided in me she is having a hard time due to stress. Counselors are affected too. A former mentor/therapist friend told me he was going to need to have phone sessions with some of his clients. He looked stressed when I saw him!
About a month ago I was reading Psalms 23 and I was amazed how much it helped me. I felt led by the Lord to share some in sight from these verses. The scripture below is written in italics and is from the New International Version.
A psalm of David.
1The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
The Lord will: supply all our needs. In Jesus’ teachings on worry we see we do not have to worry about our needs being met. Luke 12:24 Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds! 25 Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life.
2He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
When I think about this verse I think of peace. There is an older chorus titled “Peace Like a River”. This passage reminds me of this song. We can have peace of mind because the Lord loves us. He is: meeting our needs and giving us the rest, we need.
3he refreshes my soul.
Ah! My soul refreshes every time I turn to God in Bible reading and prayer. What sweet communion we can have if we: trust Him to meet our needs and calm our hearts!
He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.
He will lead us in the direction He wants us to go if we are willing. If we follow His leading we will have: our needs met, have peace and be refreshed. God’s name will be honored if we follow the path He wants us on. So many times, I have gotten off the path and had troubles and damaged God’s name and my own. Regrets! But I am Forgiven!
4Even though I walk
through the darkest valley,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
Yes, we will go through dark valleys in life. The Corona virus is certainly a dark valley for the whole world. But we do not have to stress about it! God is with us! God has a purpose for having us go through this stressful valley. Maybe He wants us to learn to trust Him to: meet our needs, show us His peace, help us to be refreshed, direct us and to know He is with us always.
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.
Theologians can tell you what the rod and the staff are all about in this passage, but I want to talk about God’s comfort. Some of you are grieving loss. Let God comfort you! Trust Him for: your needs, peaceful hearts, refreshing times, direction, to know He is with you and to find comfort.
5You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
We do not have to worry about enemies seen and unseen which rob us of our joy. We can have overflowing joy if we: trust God to meet our needs, give us peace, be refreshed, follow the right path, feel His presence, and let Him comfort us.
6Surely your goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
God is good and He loves us! He will show us love and goodness if we trust Him to: supply our needs, show us peace, help us know refreshing times, lead us down the right path, know He is with us, Know joy and give us comfort.
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord
Ah! Heaven awaits! We do not have to be stressed out about this virus. God is in control and He is preparing a wonderful place for us to live with Him. Are you trusting Him for: your needs, to give you peace, to be refreshed, to go down the right path, to know He is with you always, to give you the comfort you need, have overflowing joy and to show you love and goodness while we wait for us to take us home to Heaven? Do not Stress about the Corona virus. Just Trust Him!
Today I learned the governor of my state made it against the law for groups of more than ten to meet together. Churches are closed. The Coronavirus 19 has many staying home. Resturants and bars are closed. Only carry out and drive through are the only way “dining out” is possible. Schools are also closed including all colleges and universities. Many local businesses are struggling to keep afloat. We are all wondering when this will end.
I work as a cashier at Walmart. The last week has been very hectic as customers are swarming the store in hopes to find food and toilet paper and other staples. Our shelves are bare and everyone available is stocking or cashiering. This week appears to be no different. Other local grocery stores are in the same boat. We are all tired.
And we are all afraid. We are afraid because of the virus. We are afraid we will lose income and our future is uncertain. We are afraid we will not have what we need to make it through quarantine. We are also afraid for our safety as time goes on with fear will bring on violence. Most of all, we fear getting the virus.
Fear can also rob us of peace. It can be especially hard on those who suffer from anxiety and depression. Fearful thoughts can lead one down a deadly path. Please if your fear is getting to the place of “out of control” seek help! Talk to someone who makes you feel safe. Call or message your Pastor or Priest. Go online to a counselor. Just get help!
Those of us who are Christians have nothing to fear. Here are some verses we should keep in mind when fear arises.
Phil. 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Psalms 56:3 When I am afraid, I put my trust in you
Isiah 41:1 0So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Psalms 23:4 Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
Psalms 118:6 The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?
Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons ,neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
God loves us so much and He knows our needs. He wants us to take our fears to Him. He also wants us to be responsible and generous. So, wash your hands and keep your distance. Buy only what you need and be thankful to those who are still working especially in health care, retail and trucking. But, most of all Trust in God to see you through all this. He wants to come to Him. He has provided salvation through His Son’s death and resurrection. Salvation is a gift. If you receive it you will know peace. I love you and I am praying for you every day.
In my last Christianity and Mental Health post I talked about helplessness and mentioned change often throughout the post. (See: https://northwoodsgirlblogging.com/christianity-and-mental-health-helplessness/) But how does one change. First, one must want to change. Are you tired of your situation enough to make the change? Are you ready to make a new start? Though out grad school I learned many ways to effect change in the client but there was one kind which is my favorite for short term therapy. It is called “Solution-focused” therapy. It is a good one for changing situation when you have some control over the situation.
Please note the following information is not for people with serious mental health problems. If you have serious mental health problems, please talk to someone who is a licensed therapist. I am not licensed nor am I a therapist. I do have a master’s degree and have been trained to do therapy, but I do not have any experience in therapy beyond grad school. The following information can be used in many situations to help make changes in one’s life.
It is helpful to have a notebook or journal to write down things you may find helpful as you read the following part of this post.
First, what do you want to change? Is it a new job or a change in your financial situation? Or do you want something to change in a relationship you are involved in? Write out specifically what you want to change.
Look over your recent past. When were there times when the problem you are now having did not exist? What was different? What did you do during those times that worked in a positive way? What were some things others did that helped make the problem seem better? Give yourself some time with each question. Write down your answers.
Three things to think on while writing out your answers:
Instead of looking at the ”problem” which is something you do not want, look at what you do want. Don’t just say you want the problem to go away. What do you want instead?
Does this work? Do more of it. What has worked in the past? Identify thing you did which worked in your past. Could these things work in the future?
If it is not working do something different. What did not work?
Now I want you to imagine in your mind for a few moments what if you woke up one day and the change you wanted already happened. What does this change look like? How can you tell it happened? Write down what your world looks like with this change you imagined. How are you feeling about this change? How will others know the change has happened? Imagine this new world on a scale of one to ten and ten being the best and one being the worst, what number do you give this new world? When was the last time things were like the day you woke up and the change had already happened?
Now let’s look for solutions.
Write down your goal. Look at where you are now and where do you want to be. You are the expert on yourself. What skills do you realize you have by looking at what worked in the past? Write down things you might try.
During the next week look for:
Times you avoided the problem and how.
What others did that helped the situation.
When you tried something different-notice how well it worked or not.
Pay attention to anything which might suggest your problem can be solved.
After the week rate yourself on the same scale you did above. Notice any change? Why do you suppose it happened? Hopefully you will see yourself higher on the scale this week as opposed to last. What small steps can you take to increase yourself on the scale?
You are the expert on what you can do. You can find your strengths. However, you do not have to do this alone! God is already working in you to help solve your problem. Pray and ask Him to show you the answers to these questions in your life. There is no problem God cannot fix! Be willing to let Him lead you. Finally, find someone whom you trust to help you work through these questions and to pray with you. I am praying for you.
Capuzzi, D. & Gross, D. R. (2007). Counseling and Psychotherapy-Theories and Interventions, 4th ed. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson-Merrill Prentice Hall.
Kollar, Charles, A. (2011). Solution-Focused Pastoral Counseling. Grand Rapids, Michigan Zondervan.
The following are Affiliate links. Affiliate links are links to products and websites I recommend. If you click on the links and make a purchase I may receive a small percent of your purchase at no extra cost to you.
Change is hard. Whether it’s a good change like a job promotion or a badchange like a devastating health diagnosis, it’s stressful. Gina Brenna Butzshares her personal stories of struggling with change and encourages readersto trust God. She writes with compassion as she urges readers to rely onGod’s goodness, lean on Him for strength, rejoice that He is constant, andultimately fi nd satisfaction in Him rather than in circumstances. Biblicalstories and Scripture verses weave together to help the reader see changefrom our heavenly Father’s viewpoint. He works all things together for thegood of His children, often through seasons of change.
What if you could be healthier by making some slight changes in your life? In First Aid for Your Health, you’ll find 10 therapeutic life changes that can lead to better health. Based on solid research and the teachings of Scripture, Dr. Moody shares valuable evidence that supports how spiritual health plays a significant role in achieving good physical health.
This post contains affiliate links. By clicking on the links and making a purchase I receive a small percentage which goes towards the operation of this website.
This past spring the names of these hotels were changed. The River Inn is now The Vue!
Last October I went for a quick visit to family and needed a place to stay overnight. I went to Booking.com like I always do because they offer great rates and they have hotels all over the world. The place I choose was the American Resort in Wisconsin Dells. You just looked at the title for this blog post and said that is not right. Well, long story short is I ended up at their sister property The River Inn. The River Inn is located on the Wisconsin river just north of downtown Wisconsin Dells.
Here is what happened. I had dinner plans with my twin sister. She lives about 30 minutes south of the Wisconsin Dells. She promised me lasagna and I could not resist. She makes the best lasagna. So, I drove down to her house (it is about three hours from me). My plan was to have lunch with my brother and sister-in-law the next day. They live north of the Wisconsin Dells. Crazy, right, but I love my family and want to spend time with them whenever fits in our busy schedule.
Originally, I was going to take my son to the airport in Milwaukee early that morning, but his plans got cancelled after I prepaid for the hotel. Well, when I was at my sister’s house, I got a call from the hotel. It turns out one of their staff was sick and there was no one to man the front desk at the American Resort. So, they wanted to know if I wanted an upgrade to The River Inn for the same price I prepaid for the American Resort. I said sure!
The Lobby
The River Inn is an upscale hotel. Probably one of the best hotel in the area. It was a very rainy day some of the storms were pretty bad. I found the hotel easily and entered the lobby and was greeted by a very friendly woman. Since I was prepaid check in was a breeze. She gave me a booklet filled with coupons to area attractions. Since it was October most of the attractions were closed. However, a few attractions are year round. One is the Rick Wilcox show at his Magic Theater. Another interesting attraction is the Wizard Quest and Ripley’s Believe It or Not!
The Vue
If you are looking for fine dining look no further than The Vue, right in the hotel. https://www.dellsriverinn.com/the-vue/ They serve breakfast, lunch and dinner.
My Room
My room was on the fifth floor and it was street-side but it was very nice. I have stayed in some very nice hotels and a few Motel Six’s and this one ranks right up there with some of the big name hotels. Yet, unlike the Hilton or Hyatt, this one also includes free Wifi, a mircowave and mini fridge, along with a coffee maker. Since my sister gave me a breakfast burrito I was able to eat in my room in the morning to save money.
Two Queen beds
The beds were very comfortable and I enjoyed watching the big screen TV from them.
The Pool
Hot Tub
Because I was alone I felt more comfortable staying in my room rather than going down to the pool. I went down the next morning before I left and took pictures. They both look very inviting!
A Large Deck
Out back of the hotel is a large deck and outdoor eating for The Vue restaurant. It overlooks the Wisconsin River and in the distance you can see the bridge which connects the downtown Wisconsin Dells to the rest of the town. I would have loved to stay here on a warmer day and enjoyed the view, but the air was still cool and damp and my brother and sister-in-law was expecting me. While I was walking around the outside of the hotel I discovered a surprise childhood memory.
The Winnebago
As a child I attended camp at Dells Christian campgrounds (see https://northwoodsgirlblogging.com/dells-christian-campgrounds-my-memories/). Each year my church held a week of camp there. One year we went on the Upper Dells boat tour to see some of the land forms carved out of the rocks by the river. The tour makes three stops. And the boat we rode on was the Winnebago. I do not know why I remember the boats name after over 50 years have passed but I do. So it was a sweet surprise to see that boat still in operation.
I imagine the summer rates for the River Inn are very expensive and they are probably well booked. However, I stayed in October so the room was less than much cheaper hotels normally are even in non tourist towns. The sister hotel is a resort with a main building and cabins you can stay in. So, if you want a winter getaway which is still beautiful and quiet, click on the booking.com link below and look up the River Inn.
I work as a cashier at Walmart. Often customers will share a recipe with me. Usually I forget all about it. Last week a customer said she put together mixed vegetables, chicken, chicken broth, and tomato juice for a tasty soup. Well, I liked the idea but I wanted to change it up to fit my style and what was in my pantry. So, here is my version.
One box of chicken broth
One bag of mixed vegetables (I like the ones shown)
One small onion if desired
One can of diced tomatoes, mine had celery, onions and green peppers already in the can.
Rice-cooked about a cup
Seasonings: garlic powder, celery salt and sea salt.
Cut up the chicken and place in a large pot with all the other ingredients and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer about 30 minutes and enjoy.
At times in everyone’s life we feel helpless to make changes to our situation. So many times, I have felt helplessness. I remember when I was living in an apartment which was too costly for my income. At the time I rented it I was getting maintenance from my ex-husband and I signed a year’s lease. My maintenance ended months before my lease was up and I struggled each month to pay rent and everything else. I felt helpless to make the change. I felt stuck!
That was nothing compared to the time when my husband was spending all his free time with another woman. I was stuck raising my children alone in a large home. I kept hoping it was just a phase and my husband would end his affair and come back to me. I felt helpless in the situation and prayed it would change but it never turned out the way I wanted it to turn out.
Other times I felt helpless was in my career. I worked so hard to get my master’s degree and I ended up working at Walmart. I felt helpless to change jobs because I am hard of hearing and cannot afford good hearing aids. Every job I look at is affected by the ability to be able to hear well. I have profound hearing loss in my left ear and moderate in my right so I will never be able to take a job where you need to hear well. Even the one I have now I struggle to hear everything being said to me.
By now you are probably screaming at me to stop feeling helpless and make some changes in my life. Each time I felt helplessness it would go on until I gained the courage to make the change. It usually took a while of feeling helpless but eventually I took charge of my life.
You may also be screaming “where is your faith” in all these situations? I always had faith and prayed God would change my situations for me the way I wanted them to change. However, God does not work that way. He expects us to obey Him and have courage to make changes in our lives so He can put us in the place where He wants us to be. We must confess we have sinned and wanted our own way. We must give the situation to Him and ask for wisdom to understand His will for our lives. We need to have the courage to change.
Most times we cannot change our situations, we are helpless, but God can. I know I can trust Him to do what is best for me. I need to trust Him with the big picture. Yes, I am still working at Walmart and I still have profound hearing loss. Yet, I found I can write, and God has given me peace about writing for Him. I must have courage to follow Him in all I do.
Below is some links I recommend. If you click on a link and make a purchase I may receive a small percentage of your purchase at no extra costs to you. This helps keep this website running.
36“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
37Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’38This is the first and greatest commandment.39And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’40All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
Deuteronomy 6:4-5
4Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.5Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.
Luke 10:25-27
25On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”
26 “What is written in the Law?” he replied. “How do you read it?”
27He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”
Today I was reading the Matthew passage about loving God and loving others. Jesus is quoting Deuteronomy 6 in the Matthew passage, but he uses mind instead of strength. I wonder why that is? Maybe because at the time he was talking with the religious leaders and scholars. With these guys they probably work with their mind and not much with their body. Yet, in the Luke passage it adds strength. However, the point is Jesus wants us to love him with our whole being. In my prayer journal I was writing this morning I laid out briefly what all this means.
Love the Lord with all your…
Heart: This is your emotions or how we feel. This is the trickiest thing because our emotions are not steady. One minute we are happy and the next minute we could be sad or mad about something. It all has to do with what is happening around us and how that affects us. Our mind can say ‘do not let that bother you’, but our heart does not listen. We must give our emotions to God, and He will help us keep them in check.
Soul: This is who you are. This is your whole make up from your experiences, your talents, your likes and dislikes. It is what makes you, you. For instance, I have an identical twin sister. We do not look exactly alike now as much as we did as kids. As kids we had the same friends and did the same things. We were very much alike. Yet we were two different people. We did not have all the same experiences. I was molested as a child and she was not. She fell off a cliff into a river and nearly drowned. She is still married, and I am divorced. Her life experiences are different than mine. We are two different people. So, what makes you, you?
Mind: Your thoughts are what Jesus is talking about here. Where are your thoughts? What do you have entering your mind and what do you dwell on? Where are you focusing throughout the day? God knows we must focus on our work when we are working, but He wants us to know He is there helping us through each day. Often when I am writing I often feel God helping say the right words.
There are other things God wants you to love Him with such as your body (this is the strength part) and how you take care of it. Your money, that is a hard one, but when you think about it, your money really belongs to Him anyways. Your career and your time. God wants to be a part of every part of you so you can thank Him and love Him the way He wants to be loved.
Neighbor: That is everyone else. It is the people in your family. Your church family, coworkers and friends. It is even your neighbors, yes, even the ones who really bug you! I have one neighbor who lives upstairs in my building who is the most annoying person on the planet. I am trying to love him! It is the people in your town, state, and country. It is even the people all around the globe. This is a hard one too but that is what God wants! If you read further in the Luke 10 passage Jesus tells the story of the Good Samaritan to illustrate who your neighbor is, it is anyone we need to show compassion on.
In the ten commandments the first part is about loving God and the second part is about loving others. No one loves everyone. But God showed us how to love by sending His son, Jesus. John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. God knew we were not perfect in following the ten commandments so He sent His Son into the world to die (take our place) for us so that we might be saved. In turn we can love Him with all our being and love other too!
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I Timothy 2:1 “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercessions and thanksgiving be made for all people”.
For several years, I have been using a prayer journal to write out my prayers for everyone. Today was no exception, I prayed for you. This is my ministry to pray for all people. However, sometimes my prayer journal is full of complaints and distracted thoughts. I forget to be thankful above all. I also need to focus more on worship in my prayer time. Both should help me become less distracted. I should also keep a spot for my to do list as sometimes when I am praying for someone it reminds me, I need to do a certain thing. I often stop writing in my prayer journal and pick up my phone to do that certain thing and next thing I know a half an hour has gone by and I need to get ready for work. God must feel insulted every time I do that.
Yet, prayer does not have to be formal like a prayer journal or a prayer group at church. Those things are helpful, but you can stop what you are doing and say a quick prayer in your head when a need arises. My customers and coworkers would be surprised how often I pray for them. But this is a reminder I need to pray for the ones I do not like as well as my favorites. Sometimes, God will give me a customer who is going through a hard time. I will often ask their first name and ask if I could pray for them. Almost everyone I ask is grateful I asked. I usually do not have time to write anything down, but I do have time to say a quick prayer for them in my head. It is rare I find out how the situation turned out, but I know I have placed the person in God’s hands and can let Him handle it.
I guess when God kept denying me jobs in counseling, He knew I needed to be working at Walmart where I could be there at the right time to be a help to someone who was hurting. It helps being able to feel God’s leading me to talk to someone. There is a verse which says, “pray without ceasing” (I Thessalonians 5:17). I do not believe God wants us to constantly be praying but to have open heart to His leading. I am not perfect, but I try to sense God’s leading me to pray for someone just like He often leads me to write on a certain topic. Reading the Bible every day helps keep me in tune to His leading. It is wonderful sometimes how it works out. One morning I will read something in the Bible and later I need it in a conversation or situation. God knows what I need. In this new year I pray I will always be open to pray!
Elegant prayer journal includes prayer and Scripture with a prompt for furthur thoughts and lined space to journal and record your reflections. Luxleather cover with debossed borders and foil accents, The Lord’s Prayer is debossed on the back cover. 240 pages; lay flat binding; attached ribbon bookmark; presentation page; 5.75″ x 8.25″.Brown faux leather with gold foil stamping.
Sparkling gold foil stars and artisan globe on the cover design for devotional journal Here I am Lord.Every page contains a brief devotional to make you ready for each day, with space for a brief response, a question, or a special thought you want to capture. You’ll find that God is right there beside you, ready to talk. Trade paper cover; 8″ x 6″; fine quality you expect from Ellie Claire Gift & Paper Expressions.
Be drawn into God’s Word through a fresh, creative expression of the beautiful words of God. Crafted on high-quality paper and balanced with inspiring full-color art and blank space, the NIV Beautiful Word Bible will encourage a deeper and more authentic quiet time. With 500 verses illustrated to help you see the rich diversity of stories, characters, prophecies, rewards, and hope contained within Scripture, you will discover wisdom to sustain you in every season, drawing you deeper into God’s life-changing and inspired Word. Features Single-column text of the New International Version (NIV) 500 full-color illustrated verses 2" wide lined margins and high-quality paper for notes, journal entries or artwork Single-column layout Index of illustrated Scripture passages Presentation page for gift-giving Ribbon Marker Presented in an attractive gift box 8-point text size 8.25" x 6.50" x 1.50"
Another friend told me of a family member who committed suicide on Christmas. The hopelessness this person felt is way beyond my imagination. Hopelessness can surround people like a tornado. Bad things all around and no way out. Your mind can start lying to you saying no one cares if you are alive or not. All the bad things people have said and done to you start to take over in your thoughts and you can no longer find positive things to think about.
Maybe you are also addicted to something and you cannot find the high you once got from the substance and the substance has taken over your life. Or you have a serious mental disorder, such as bi-polar disorder, and it is not treated properly. With bi-polar disorder you are on top of the world one day and in the deepest hole of depression the next. Some people commit suicide when they are coming down from the high point because they have been in the depressed part of their bi-polar before and they do not want to go back.
Once, when I was around 20 old took five sleeping pills. I wanted to end my life, but I was too scared to do it. Why? I do not really remember why but I do know I was living a pretty unchristian-like life. See, I was raised in a strict Christian home where you did not run around with the wrong kind of people or do certain things. I was doing all the things I was not supposed to do, and I was miserable! Thankfully, I am still here 40 years later with an understanding how God saved me that day.
Another time I felt hopelessness was toward the end of my marriage. I felt like I was doing all the work around the house and taking care of the kids, yet I was not shown any kindness. It was like I was only there as a housekeeper and that is all. I got no emotional support and sometimes conversations with my (then) husband bordered on verbal abuse. I was a doormat! I checked myself in to the hospital one Saturday morning and stayed until Wednesday. I was not suicidal, but I felt a lot of hopelessness back then. I was able to move on from there and go to school and become the person I am today. I am not bitter, and all is forgiven. See my post on forgiveness at: https://northwoodsgirlblogging.com/christianity-and-mental-health-forgiveness/
But, something as simple as what I went through cannot compare to what others feeling the total hopelessness feel who succeed in ending their own life. See, even though I was raised in a Christian home and I was wayward when I was young, I knew I always had God quietly waiting for me to come back to Him. He has always been there. Coming back to Him I found peace.
Please get someone to help you, especially a professional. Call the hotline or go to a website listed below. Or check yourself into the hospital. Tell a friend or a trusted family member you are feeling hopelessness. Whatever you do, do not try to help yourself! Even when I took the five sleeping pills I went and saw my Pastor at the time. Get help!
Seek God! He is waiting for you to come to Him. He will help you find peace among the troubled times of your life. Isaiah 49:13b says “For the Lord comforts his people and will have compassion on his afflicted ones. Verses 15b-16:a – says “I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands;”. God keeps His promises and He loves you so much!
Looking for help:
Call 1-800-273-8255 for the suicide hotline or Suicide Prevention Lifeline https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org are places where you can get help. These are secular organizations but have been around a long time.
For those of a Christian background here is a couple of places you can turn to if you are feeling hopelessness.
Isiah 9: 2 The people walking in darkness have seen a great light;
Isiah 9:6 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given,
Luke 2:8 And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. 9 An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. 10 But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. 11 Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. 12 This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”
13 Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying 14 “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”
The Gift of God was foretold back in Isiah chapter nine. It was a dark time for Israel just like it seems like a dark time for many today. But, throughout Israel’s history they looked forward to the Messiah being born. Luke chapter two makes that hope a reality. A Savior is born. He is the gift given. He is the Christ, or the Messiah, and He will save His people! At the time of Christ’s birth, the Jews were ruled by the Romans. Many were hoping the Christ would free them of Roman rule but that is not what God intended. See God looked at their hearts and saw they had turned their backs on Him. Yes, they still performed all the necessary religious rituals, but their heart was not in them. Just like today many will flock to church during the Christmas seasons in hopes it will save them. And many will give to charities in hopes to gain points with God. Few will really understand the true meaning of why a Savior had to be born.
Matthew 1:20 tells us what the reason of God’s intended Gift “… an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. 21 She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” Sin? Yes, sin because we have all sinned. No one can say they are perfect. It was God’s plan since Adam and Eve ate the fruit.
The name Jesus literally means Savior. Little did everyone know Jesus would have to die in order to be the Savior. That is what Good Friday and Easter is all about. In Hebrews we read about how the Jewish priest, the high priest, would sacrifice a lamb once a year for the sins of the people. Jesus became that sacrifice once and for all by dying on the cross. However, on the third day Jesus rose from the dead. He is both God and man at the same time. He was our sacrifice for our sin. If we believe and commit to follow Him, we will have eternal life with God. My Pastor said it best yesterday at church when he talked about God’s Gift-Jesus. In John 3:16-17 16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
So, will you accept God’s Gift? It’s Free! If you have any questions feel free to ask me or go to a local church.
Here are some books which tell the whole story which you can order through Christianbook by using the below links. Disclosure: if you make a purchase from these links I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.
Conveniently sized to carry with you for outreach opportunities—or just to keep God’s Word close—this New Testament is approachable for first-time Bible readers and affordable for churches!7-point Comfort Print type * Psalms and Proverbs * Plan of salvation * Table of weights and measures * Size: 3.5″ x 5.5″ * 512 pages, softcover from Zondervan
I wrote this post in October 2019 when I was still living in Rhinelander. I wrote it in more of a scientific format but was never happy with how it was written so I am revising it. In 2019 I took a survey of six women with chronic pain. My thesis is chronic pain affects mental health.
Below are the survey questions with the responses.
Survey questions- six responders-all female
What age decade are you in?
The youngest in the survey responders is between 30 and 40, the oldest is in her 70’s.
At what age did you start to notice your pain?
One respondent has had chronic pain since she was 14 years old. Others noticed their pain started in their 40’s and 50’s.
How long did it go on before you sought someone in the medical field?
One respondent suffers chronic pain due to limb loss and sought medical attention immediately. Others waited up to 12 years to seek medical attention for their chronic pain.
Besides OTC medications, what other things do you use to help with pain?
There are several things the responders do to help with their chronic pain. Some use prescription drugs including narcotics and muscle relaxers, while others use heat and cold. Other things mentioned included: hot baths, stretching/exercising, Chiropractors, supplements, change in diet and my favorite, prayer.
Have you gone to physical therapy?
All but one of the respondents have gone to physical therapy.
What kind of exercises do you use to help with the pain?
The list of exercises ranges from walking to recumbent bike or elliptical. Many found stretching exercise to be very helpful.
Do you take any prescriptions to help you with the pain? Do not say what kind.
Half of the respondents answered yes, and the other said no. One respondent answered seldom.
When is your pain the worse? Morning or at night?
Many of the respondents said both depending on the type of pain they are having. A couple of them said their pain was usually worse at night. Another said their pain was worse in the morning.
How does your pain effect your mood?
My respondents reported several different terms describing how their pain effects their mood including: crabby and unsocial, grumpy, and irritable, difficulty in focusing, frustrated, impatient, unfriendly, tired and lacks energy. One responded she tries to stay upbeat but when the pain is at its worst, she must concentrate on each step she takes. I need to learn this!
Does your chronic pain keep you from doing things you use to do?
Some just responded yes to this question while others responded how their pain effects what they want to do. This tells me I should have rephrased the question to ask “how” instead of “does”. The oldest responded she still does what she wants only slower. Love it!
How does that make you feel?
A few chose not to answer this question. I was trying to make the point chronic pain affects our mental health. Again, I could have rephrased the question. Some of the ones who did respond mostly indicated they were frustrated in one way or another. One said it made her determined! We all need to be determined to continue through our pain.
Does your chronic pain effect your relationship with others?
A couple of the respondents said yes, with one stating it effects how she responds to her young children.
Do you ever feel no one understands how much your chronic pain affects you?
One person responded all the time while others just responded yes. One person noted she has a great support system, but she works with the public and the public does not understand. Finally, one noted for the most part you cannot see whether a person has chronic pain and so it is difficult to understand it.
Anything else you would like to add?
Only two responded to this question. One said she has a great support system who understands and that she would be in worse shape, mentally, if she did not have the support. The other said attitude is important.
(2019) I wanted to do this survey to see how others dealt with their chronic pain. When I first started to have problems with my back, I thought I was the only one. I started to feel depressed and stayed away from activities I used to love. All I had energy was for work and even there I struggled to get through each day. I thought I was trapped, and I felt I would have to live in pain the rest of my life. I also felt trapped by my schedule at work. I was always working from 2pm to 11pm every day including weekends. I rarely made it to church and that was taking a huge toll. The summer of 2018 I was off for six weeks. I started looking at different ways to earn income which would not be so hard on my back. I started this blog in October 2018. Over the winter I started having trouble with my shoulder and in the spring my left foot really started to give me problems. Between my back, shoulders, and foot I was racking up costly visits to the doctor. This summer I started walking with a cane. I thought this was going to be my life.
However, as I approached my 61st birthday and knew we were going to put in more self-checks at work I made up my mind I was going to investigate retirement at 62 years old and I was not going to work 2pm to 11pm anymore. It has been about three weeks and I am so much happier now. I have orthotics now and can walk most of the time without my cane. I am also getting to church every week and I love it!
Fast forward to today (June 2022). In December of 2021 I had total knee replacement. I was given a list of exercises to do on my own because I lost my insurance and could not afford therapy. I was off work for more than two months. When I went back to work my back started to have a lot of pain. I had new insurance, so I went to my primary right away and she sent me to a therapist and a spine doctor. This new therapist showed me exercises and told me why they worked for my specific pain. She said since my knee was still healing, I was walking differently, and it was affecting my back. Therefore, she gave me knee exercises along with back strengthening exercises. Equipped with this knowledge I find my back and knee getting stronger every day. The spine doctor gave me a back brace to wear. I found it works best when I am on my feet at work. I am also allowed a stool to sit on and that helps my back pain. Sometimes, when I do hurt it is harder to smile and be friendly with people I encounter. I try to remember it is not their fault I am in pain, and I should try to smile more.
My recommendations are: first, to seek God when the pain is bad. Remember, Jesus suffered a great deal when He died on the cross for you. He loves you very much and wants to have a relationship with you. Second, find a doctor who makes you feel like they are listening to you and will lay out a reasonable treatment plan. In my past I was referred to a doctor who did neither and felt very disrespected. Thankfully, I spoke up for myself and got a different doctor. Finally, as my former store manager says, “stay mobile”. He had an injury to his back several years ago but you would not know it by how hard he works. On my days off I do not have much pain, but I sit a lot. While I love to just sit and do computer work or watch TV it is not good for my joints. I need to make myself move around as much as possible. Being mobile and active helps with chronic pain and elevates one’s mood.
My schedule is very busy right now as I am involved in caring for a relative with driving them to appointments and other places. I am also involved in many things at church which I love. Sometimes I just take some time off to nap or read so I do not overdo and suffer pain. God said to work six days and to rest the seventh. Even if I cannot take a whole day to rest, I do try to take a few hours. Do what is best for you. Yes, chronic pain does affect your mental health if you let it. There are many ways to help with chronic pain listed in the survey questions’ answers and from my own experiences. I pray this has been helpful.
Below are a few books I recommend on this topic from:
By clicking on the link to any of these books or the christianbook website (above) and making a purchase you help with the costs of keeping this website running. I earn a commission from the sale at no extra cost to you. Thank you for your support!
If you’ve dealt with ongoing pain, you know that not all pain relief comes from a bottle of pills. Living with a chronic condition can be relentless and not everyone reaches a point of complete healing. As a sufferer of chronic pain himself, author Rob Prince explores the spiritual aspects of pain, addressing the difficult questions and realities of a chronic condition.
During my adult life I have had the privileged to live
in many places including Boalsburg, Pennsylvania and Starkville, Mississippi
which is near Columbus, Mississippi.
Both Boalsburg and Columbus claim they are the birthplace of Memorial
Day. I am no historian but I was thinking of
Memorial Day and wanted to write about my experiences of both of these
Boalsburg is a very small town with a lot of history. There are shops that have been around since
the 1600’s. There is even a mansion
built by a descendent of Christopher Columbus.
The chapel on the mansion grounds comes from Spain. I toured the mansion one year while I lived
in Boalsburg. It is beautiful and very
ornate. You can also visit the mansion
virtually at this website: http://www.boalmuseum.com/virtual-tour.html
The story talks about how three women went to the cemetery
to put flowers on the graves of soldiers who died in the Civil War. The date was 1864. They decided to do it again the following
year and invited the townspeople to join them.
The next year most of the town showed up to walk to the cemetery. This tradition has continued to this
I lived right in Boalsburg and have experienced their
yearly tradition on Memorial Day. I
lived there from 1990 to 1993. I was
able to go one year. Everyone met in the
town square and walked together to the cemetery. Several of the townspeople were dress in the
Civil War period dress. That year they
had a speaker who looked just like Abraham Lincoln give the Gettysburg
Address. It was awesome and now I wish I
had a camera.
I did not live in Columbus, Mississippi but in a
nearby town called Starkville. However, I have made several trips to Columbus during
the five years I lived in Starkville and have toured some of the historic homes. I do not remember much of Columbus,
Mississippi but I do remember they also claim to be the birthplace of Memorial
Day. Their story is more renown because it
was published in New York newspapers and a poem was written about it. Wikipedia reports:
of the hospitals was located at Annunciation Catholic Church, built in 1863 and
still operating in the 21st century. The decision of a group of ladies to
decorate the Union and Confederate graves with flowers together on April 25,
1866, is an early example of what became known as Memorial Day. A poet, Francis
Miles Finch, read about it in the New York newspapers and commemorated the
occasion with the poem “The Blue and the Grey”.[10] Bellware and
Gardiner noted this observance of the holiday in The Genesis of the Memorial
Day Holiday in America (2014). They recognized the events in Columbus as the
earliest manifestation of an annual spring holiday to decorate the grave of
Southern soldiers. While the call was to celebrate on April 26, several
newspapers reported that the day was the 25th, in error.[11] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columbus,_Mississippi
Notice the date as 1866. This is a whole two years after the three ladies
of Boalsburg went and decorated the graves of the fallen. Yet an article in the Atlantic (https://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2014/05/a-real-story-of-memorial-day/371497/)
says Columbus, Mississippi is the real story of Memorial Day. My opinion may not matter much to historians
and newspapers but I believe Boalsburg is the first place where Memorial Day
started. My reasoning is Boalsburg is a
very small town compared to Columbus.
Also, the Boalsburg celebration did not make the New York
newspapers. And finally, the Boalsburg
tradition started two years earlier and has continued without stopping since 1864.
But what really matters is not the debate of when Memorial Day started but why it started. To Honor those who gave their lives for this country! I work with a Marine who served several years. I asked him if he would like to share his thoughts on Memorial Day. He said “Memorial Day is not a day to be celebrated but to be observed in honor of the fallen.” Michael, U.S. Marine
Photo borrowed from the Boalsburg website.
Even though this is written for children I thought this would be an interesting read around Memorial Day.
This is the wall, my grandfather’s wall. On it are the names of those killed in a war, long ago. So begins the story of a little boy and his father. They’ve come from far away to visit the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington and find the name of the boy’s grandfather. Other visitors pass by, searching for the names of their loved ones. Finally, the father’s fingers stop moving along the wall. “Here he is,” he says. This restrained yet moving picture book deals with the lasting impact of the Vietnam War. It’s a good story for Memorial Day, Veterans Day, or any other day when children and grown-ups are thinking about war and its consequences. Recommended for ages 4 to 8.
light of the recent abortion news I felt led to tell my adoption story. My story includes my now ex-husband so I will
often say “we” or “my husband” in this story.
We were married in 1982 at the age of 23. When my husband decided to go back to school
we moved to Stevens Point, Wisconsin around 1984 or 1985. I started to think about having children
around the same time my husband wanted to move to Pennsylvania for grad
school. Once I thought I was pregnant
but it turned out I was not. During the
time we were in Pennsylvania we continued to try to have kids.
we moved to Michigan we both were tested to see why I was not getting pregnant
but the tests were inconclusive. The
winter of 1995-96 we started the adoption process while we were living in
Houghton, Michigan. At first we looked
into adopting from foster care but decided we were not prepared for adopting an
older child. We then decided, after much
research, to adopt from Korea as it was the cheapest and fastest way to adopt a
baby. There was a long waiting period
and huge fees for adopting a baby born in the United States. We contacted Bethany Christian Services to
start the adoption process. They
assigned us a worker who lived about a two hour drive from us. Upper Michigan is very rural and there was
not another worker closer. She came to
our house for our home study a couple of times and one time we went to her
house. The paperwork was extensive as it
is required they look at every area of our lives to see if we are suitable to
be parents. We were fingerprinted at the
local police department. It took a few
months but we were deemed acceptable to become parents.
the time my husband had applied for and was offered a position at Mississippi
State University. So we packed up our
belongings and moved to Mississippi. We
arrived early in September to a rented house.
Once settled I called the Mississippi home office for Bethany Christian
Services to tell them we had finished our home study and were ready to adopt a
Korean baby. Karen, the director, said
“we don’t do adoptions for Korea in the south that is only a Midwest
option.” I replied “well what are our
options?” She replied “we need parents
for biracial babies”. She explained in
the south biracial babies have a harder time because white parents usually only
want white babies. Being from Wisconsin
I was shocked that it mattered. So I
asked my husband and we agreed to adopt a biracial baby. We submitted our paperwork which included
pictures and a generic letter to birth moms to her choose us over others
wanting to adopt.
November we were chosen by a birth mom who was due the end of December. We met with her at the adoption agency and
everything was set up. She gave birth to
a baby girl December 23rd. We
were so excited! About a week later I
called Karen to find out what was going on and learned the birth mom had
changed her mind and was keeping the baby.
I was in shock! It felt like I
gave birth to a still born. I realize
parents who give birth to still born babies grieve a lot more than I did but it
is the way I felt at the time. I did not
know how to move on! All I wanted to do
is be a mom!
God had a better plan! About three weeks
later Karen called about 5pm on a Monday evening. She said “we have a baby boy for you, if you
want him come get him tomorrow.” I
called my husband at work and told him the news. He was scheduled to teach his first class as
a professor that Tuesday. It was a four
hour drive down to southern Mississippi to the local adoption agency. That evening we discussed what we would name
our son. We came up with Aaron
Lloyd. Aaron, for a Penn State football
player we both liked and Lloyd, after my father.
don’t know if we got much sleep that night.
I do not remember much about the drive down. When we arrived we met the birth mom and
spent about an hour with her. She gave
us clothes and stuff for the baby. When
it was time she went and got the baby and placed him in my arms. We were all crying! I looked down and thought to myself for the
next 18 years I am responsible for this boy.
After a while we said goodbye and headed for home. We stopped for supper at a nice Italian restaurant. When we got home our next door neighbors and
good friends had put a big sign “Welcome Baby” on our door and put a couple of
boxes of clothes on the porch. Overnight
we became parents!
were so happy! We bought our first home
and decided to adopt another child. We
were hoping for a girl this time. We
submitted the paperwork and waited.
Around the middle of May of 1998 my husband was in Michigan doing
research at a research station. I
received a call from Karen again on a Monday around 11am. She said we have a baby girl and we needed to
come get her on Thursday because the baby’s foster parents were leaving for a
mission trip the next day. So I called
the research station and they tracked my husband down. He was supposed to come back on Friday that
week but changed his plans to come back Wednesday instead. So on Thursday we made the two hour drive
down to central Mississippi to get our baby daughter. While we were meeting with the birth mom she
said we must think she was a bad person for getting pregnant. My husband said “no, she was a hero!” I’ll never forget that! We name the baby girl Elisabeth Marie. Marie was a combination of both her father’s
grandmother’s names. Elisabeth because
that is the name I always wanted to name our baby girl.
life was far from perfect and we ended up getting divorced after a few
years. One thing we stuck with was to
both be a part of our children’s lives even though we were not together any
more. Much of the time our children were
growing up they lived with me but spent weekends and vacations with their
father. I went to college and on to
graduate school online mostly so I could be with our children when they were
not at school. We continue to live in
the same town and are a part of our now adult children’s lives as
lost contact with Elisabeth’s birth mom after the first year but we still keep
in touch with Aaron’s birth mom through social media. It is nice to be able include her in Aaron’s
life. Aaron has made her a “grandmother”
twice now.
There are still so many couples and singles who would love to be parents. Adoption is very expensive and it is also very intrusive in the process. It does not seem fair when we see women having babies easily then not taking care of them. I know of parents who do foster care in hopes they can adopt. They are truly heroes to these children who young lives are damaged by the people who should have been there for them. I hurt for those children deeply. I also hurt deeply for the women who believe they have no choice but to abort their babies. I will always be prolife! To me prolife is caring for the person from the time they are conceived to the time they take their last breath. The system is flawed. It should be easier to adopt a baby than to abort. That is my opinion, it is why I told my story, and nothing will ever change it.
Update: Thanks to a DNA test Elisabeth has found her birthmother. She is a beautiful woman named Debbie. She came to visit last June and we enjoyed catching up on the last 20 plus years. We shared contact information and I look for keeping contact with her. Both Tara and Debbie are our heros!
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In this unique, six-week Bible study, adoptive parent and adoption advocate Kim de Blecourt encourages adoptive families to realize the incredible spiritual inights available to those who embrace God’s heart of adoption. Each week’s study will encourage you to look at the process of adoption differently and reframe your view of God as well as those you are called to love.Each week’s study consists of five days of personal study with a short commentary/story, questions for reflection, Scripture Study, Scripture memorization, and a prayer. Throughout the study you will explore:The foundation of adoption The rich inheritance of familyThe plans for coming home The hidden blessingsThe cost that continues The ministry of adoptionNote: I Call You Mine has short, online introductory videos for each session to complement the Bible study.
Through simple introductions to the various kinds of adoption, thoughtful presentations of relevant biblical teaching and theological principles, and the sharing of the stories of ten adoptive families, Thinking About Adoption: A Practical and Theological Handbook for Christians Discerning the Call to Parent by Adoption is a must-read resource for Christians seeking answers to these questions. Read and reflect individually, as a couple, or in fellowship with other believers, and discover what God may (or may not) have for you!
This morning another friend lost her mother to cancer. This year I heard of several who lost their life to cancer. Others are still fighting for their lives. Hope for a cure is always there for the patient and their families until close to the end. Watching a loved one die of cancer is heartbreaking. I have experienced it myself. Ralph, who I dated for two years before he passed away, died of stomach cancer. The last five weeks of his life I spent as much time as I could with him. I dropped out of college and had my ex take my kids as much as possible during that time. My whole life focus was on him. It was a very trying time where I relied on God to give me the strength to get through each day. I am still relying on Him.
Similar to Alzheimer’s, the loved one with cancer experiences often acute dementia from the pain and medication near the end. This is very trying for the people around the patient. I remember one time Ralph was so determined to get out of bed and go somewhere he was trying to put his pants on only he did not realize he was using his bed sheet as pants. At that point his legs could not support him but he was constantly trying to get out of bed. Another time,only a few days before he died, he managed to get himself out of his bed and crawl to the door of his room at the nursing home. He was very determined to get out of there. I was not strong enough to stop him. Or maybe inside I was hoping he would escape and we could live happily ever after. The hope was still there in my heart even though my brain was telling me it was impossible. Later that night he seemed to be himself again and he hugged me and told me he loved me. He had never said that before but he showed me in many ways. Two days later he was gone. My best friends were with him when he passed. He told them to take care of Alice before he was gone. I needed to be taken care of for weeks after his passing. I was in a state of shock even though I had known he was going to die for weeks. Even though he has been gone for 12 years I still miss him every day.
With time it gets easier. Ralph died on November11th. After Christmas I went back to college. I was taking online classes so I was home with my children. I started out slow taking only one class between the semester break. It was a three week course which covers an entire semester material. The intensity of the course gave me something else to focus on. After that I was able to go back to college full time. However, since I was not working I found I was avoiding a social life other than church and going out to see the above mentioned friends from time to time. I found I would say I was coming to a social event and then at the last minute decide not to go. I remember one time I was invited to a lunch with friends from church at one of their homes. I made myself go even though it was very hard! As time went on I found going out socially became easier. I even joined an online Christian dating site and met some great Christians beyond my family and my church. However, that led to what I call a “great learning experience” while I was in grad school. The experience helped me see what a good man Ralph was and makes me wish he was still here.
When a loved one is dying of cancer the “five stages of grieving” start long before the loved one dies. At first everyone concerned is in denial. A cure will be found before it is too late is always on the family’s mind. Just one more round of chemotherapy or radiation should do the trick. Even when the doctors say there is no more they can do there is still hope a miracle will happen. Denial often lasts right up to the end. Along with denial comes anger and bargaining. The “why me God?” comes to mind, even for Christians, though many do not admit it out loud. Some become angry and turn away from God and their loved ones. According to https://grief.com/the-five-stages-of-grief/it is okay to feel angry and it helps in healing. Bargaining often goes along with denial and anger. Even Christians will tell God they will do something if only He will heal their loved one. Their mind knows bargaining is useless because it is all in God’s hands but they still do it. Bargaining is a useful tool if it brings one closer to a relationship with God. Situational depression can happen to anyone who is coming to grips with the loss of a loved one. Watching for the signs of depression in themselves or a loved one is important during this time. Realizing your loved one is going to die can lead to hopelessness. One must seek to find ways to find hope. Often talking to a Pastor or a counselor can help bring hope back into your life. During the last days of the loved one’s life there are a lot of mixed feelings going on. One feeling I find is “I can’t wait for this to be over so I can get on with my life” feeling. As awful as one thinks it’s a terrible thing to think sometimes the intensity of 24 hours of care taking can bring us to those thoughts. However, those thoughts can lead to acceptance and bring us hope for the future. The relief of acceptance and the hope for a future helps us go on from this point to a “normal” life again. The stages of grief do not happen in order nor do they go away completely. Some people may not experience all of them and some continue to have intense grief long after the loved one is gone. Each person experiences these stages differently. Trusting the Lord every day to help us with our grief and to find comfort and hope!
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Wouldn’t life be easier if everyone had close captioning
flowing on their body somehow for those of us who struggle with hearing
loss. Oh the problems that would cause
if someone is having a private conversation.
On the other hand it would save so much time not having to ask others to
repeat themselves.
Since my early 40’s my hearing has been slowly getting
worst. I no longer enjoy group settings
or places with loud noises. It is a
struggle to hear people when they are several feet from me. I wear hearing aids but they are older and
outdated. At this point I cannot afford
new ones. Some of my friends and
coworkers are also experiencing some hearing loss.
Either I ask the person to repeat themselves or pretend I
heard what they said and agree with them. This could be dangerous also so I am careful I
do not agree to anything more serious than it’s raining outside. I
don’t actually read lips but it helps my overall ability to understand what the
person is saying by their overall body language and seeing their lips.
Besides the physical limitations of being hard of hearing
there is the emotional aspect. This is
rarely addressed in the medical field.
For one thing people with hearing loss look “normal” to the outside
world. This is true for many people with
disabilities such as chronic pain sufferers.
(Another post?) Imagine being in
a crowded room and you are sitting at a table of friends and your friend is
whispering their deepest struggles and you are only catching a word here and
there! If you’re a caring person this
can be most frustrating. Or imagine
going to a movie and you hear all the loud noises and music but you cannot
understand everything that is being said. Circumstances such as these can lead to
Never give up! There
are ways to get the help you need. Some
of the ways I found to help get help with hearing aids include: Checking with
your local ADRC office, checking with the local job service office to see if
you can be hooked up with DVR, and doing web searches for grant money to help
buy hearing aids. Another idea is
getting an appointment with a hearing aid specialist who often lets you buy
hearing aids on a payment plan. Finally,
get a check-up with an Dr. of audiology to see if there is anything interfering
with your hearing. I ended up having a
MRI and they found fluid in my tubes interfering with how my left ear was
hearing. The ear, nose and throat
specialist taught me how to plug my nose and try to blow through it to drain
the water out of my tubes. It helps
Just remember: NEVER GIVE UP!
Here is a regional hearing aid specialists with whom I have been working with for a number of years. I highly recommend them!
This sunrise was so beautiful this morning I just wanted to share it. For most of us Christmas is over and we are starting to think of the new year coming. Thoughts of how we are going to improve ourselves or how we will do better in the coming year. I am thinking I need to use my time more wisely and use my YMCA membership more. But, the more I think about it the more I think God wants me to be more Christ-like. To love Him and others more.
I know God wants me to use my time studying His Word and praying. He wants me to serve others better. He wants me to share His salvation message more. These are most important!
Oh yes, I have many things coming up like surgery on my left ear to see if my hearing came be restored enough for hearing aids. And I have a bone scan because this year my back has been acting up. Hopefully I can get injections to help ease the pain. Finally, I’m getting partial dentures. Busy times! I need to give it all to God and let Him sort out the details.
I cannot imagine my future without God in it. He has seen me through some tough times and some good times. I resolved to focus on God in the new year, to serve Him and others and to let Him worry about the details of my life. What’s your new year looking like? Have you made any resolutions yet?