
2020: A Year of Blessings

2020 Blessings

Many have commented how much they did not like this year.  Even I have joked about it as being a terrible year, but was it?  Sure, there was COVID-19 and violence.  Yes, there was natural disaster and senseless death.  Of course, there was injustice.  This year also was an election year and that may or may not have been a good thing in your perspective.  Was 2020 really that bad?

I looked back on this year and choose to reflect on the good things.  One of the ways I can reflect on how the year went for me is through my blog posts.  I have written fifty blog posts this year, including this one.  That is amazing considering I had a major move and was sick with COVID-19 for three weeks.  Yet, God gave me the ability to write.  I give Him all the glory for this.  I cannot do anything without Him.

The Stories

This year was the first year I ever attempted to write fiction.  The stories I have written are from the Bible.  They are written in first person about characters found in the Bible.  Some of them do not even have names so I gave them names.  Others are well known and some you must search to find them.  They all amazed me.  I do not know how else to explain except to say I felt God was telling the stories through me.  These stories of how the person endured hardship and suffering yet kept their faith.  I have learned so much from them.  I look forward to seeing who else God has for me to write about.

The Devotionals

Sometimes in my daily devotional I feel led to write from the scripture of the day.  Other times I come across a passage I am prompted to write about.  Sometimes a scripture comes to mind I cannot get out of my head, so I write about it.  God has richly blessed me through His Word in these devotionals.  I have learned so much.  I am sure God will teach me more in the coming year.

Christianity and Mental Health

I also continued to write in the Christianity and Mental Health series.  This series if from my knowledge and faith.  Several years ago, I finished my master’s degree in mental health and addictions.  Later, I also studied Pastoral counseling through Liberty University.  This knowledge, yet lack of experience, has enabled me to write to help people with mental health issues who are Christians.  I never became a counselor due to age and lack of experience, but God can still use my knowledge so that is why I write about mental health.  I wonder if God will give me more topics to write about in this series.


A few times during the year I wrote directly about what was happening in my life.  In April I got sick with bronchitis and was tested for COVID-19.  In November I actually got COVID-19 and when I was able, I wrote about how God was with me even in those dark nights when I struggled to breathe.  I also wrote about my big move to Wausau and the blessings God has given me through that move.  I also shared a couple of recipes I made this year.  Now that I have a big kitchen, I am sure I will share more recipes.  I have a page on my website just for recipes.  Finally, God has blessed me with time with family this past year.  These times are reflected in my writings about hotel and restaurants I visited.  While I only was able to see immediate family this Christmas I hope to see more of my family in this coming year.  God has blessed me with an awesome family, and I miss them dearly.

Yes, this year had its troubles.  Yet what year does not?  Looking back, I can see how God has truly blessed me this year.  I look forward to the coming year because I know God is going to bless me.  What are your blessings from 2020?

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