
God’s Eye on the Sparrow

God’s Eye on the Sparrow

But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it.  Matthew 10:29b (NLT)

Someone I am close to uses the term “sparrow” when referring to themselves.  They do so to remind themselves God has His eye on them.  The world seems to be in a turmoil lately.  Health issues, political issues, and social unrest seem to be the norm.  For me, my life seems a little stressful lately too. 

Last year was a year of major changes.  First, and the biggest change, was the move from Rhinelander to the Wausau area.  That meant a change in jobs and a new apartment.  I did not know anyone here but my kids and their friends.  Then three weeks after I moved to the Wausau area, I got COVID-19 and was home for three weeks.  I only had contact with my son Aaron and then only for short visits.  I got well enough to return to work but continued to have bronchitis.  It has been nine and a half weeks and I am still feeling the effects.

This year has already meant trips to the doctor.  First for the bronchitis, then an annual checkup with a new doctor and finally to an ear, nose, and throat doctor to learn why my hearing in my left ear has gotten worse since I had COVID-19.  The hearing in my left ear has been low for many years.  The ENT I saw in Rhinelander said it was from fluid in the tubes but did nothing to relieve it. 

Now I need to look for a new job.  My son Aaron also works at the same Walmart I do.  He recently interviewed and was offered a position which requires no other family or significant other can work at the same store as him.  It is a promotion for him with a nice raise.  I am so proud of him!  He is 24 years old and has his life ahead of him.  I am 62, on social security and work part time to meet my financial needs above what social security gives me each month.  I like my job, but I hate how I feel from working.  My body aches in the morning after work.  I am willing to give up my job so my son can succeed, but where do I go from here?

I have several possible options.  One is I could transfer to another Walmart.  The Merrill Walmart is about 25 miles from my home.  It would be mostly highway driving.  Yet it is winter and driving that far for a low paying/part time job does not seem worth it.  Yet, I would be able to keep my benefits.

Then there is Sam’s Club which is near the Walmart I currently work at.  There are many unknowns about transferring to Sam’s Club.  Even though it is the same company it goes by a different name.  Will my benefits transfer?

Then there is getting a job at some other store or business.  There are many jobs out there, but will I be able to do them?  Keep in mind, I have truly little hearing in my left ear.  I do not know yet whether it can be fixed or not.  I also have arthritis in all my joints and spine.  I have physical limitations; however, I would rather be on my feet than sit at a desk all day.  I tend to have a problem with weight gain when sitting around in active all day.

So, what should I do?  TRUST GOD TO KEEP HIS EYE ON ME!  He knows what I am going through.  He knows my future.  He also knows what is best for me.  Therefore, I will pray for God’s guidance, seek godly counsel, and keep watching for God’s leading.  God is saying “I got this!”

My decision has been made. I am transferring to the Merrill Walmart. Besides knowing the store manager, I found out I have another friend who worked at the Rhinelander Walmart, now works there. I am happy and am at peace. God is so Good!

Some items from Christianbook. I am an affiliate of Christianbook, if you click on a link and order I may earn a small percentage at no extra cost to you.

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Comments (3)

  • Cathy 3 years ago Reply

    It sounds like you have had a rough year! I am glad you have your faith in God to lean on! I hope and pray things are getting more settled for you!

  • Katie 3 years ago Reply

    Thank you for sharing your story. We never know what God has planned for us; sometimes what we think is terrible news ends up being a stepping stone to something wonderful!

  • Shelby 3 years ago Reply

    Amen to all of this! I can only imagine what it was like to go through this situation, especially when you care so much about your son’s success. Your post reminds me that God always has a plan for us even when we do not see one. There may be uncertainties, but one thing we can be certain in is God’s purpose in all of this.

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