
Gracious Words

Gracious Words

24Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. Proverbs 16:24 (New International Version)

I wrote the below post in April. COVID-19 is still around and some say it is increasing. Many stores across the country, including Walmart, is requiring face coverings to enter their stores. I am sure there will be many who object to this. Some will take it out on the people at the door whose job to remind customers to wear a mask. They are in a very difficult position and I hurt for them. Please be nice as they do not make the rules and are not paid to be the brunt of your anger.

I have been sick for about a week and a half with a bronchitis.  It started on Sunday and by Monday morning I was really ill.  Knowing I could see a virtual doctor through work for free I contacted Doctors on Demand.  I was given a series of questions and then took multiple pictures of my throat.  Not an easy task!  After a wait about 30 minutes I saw a doctor who wanted me tested for the COVID-19 because she said I was high risk.  She also quarantined me for 14 days.

On Tuesday I got my paperwork to be tested to show at my local clinic, so I called the clinic.  After a series of more questions and a few call backs I finally got an appointment for their drive through testing the next day.  The test was very uncomfortable!  I was told I would hear the results in two to ten days.  I got the results on Friday morning. I tested negative!

However, I was still very ill, and I discussed with the nurse who called with my results whether it was bronchitis.  She said to call back on Monday if there was no improvement.  I waited all weekend and I was miserable.  I could not even go outside without it causing a huge coughing fit.  Just walking around the house, I was short of breath. 

Monday came and I called the clinic and was able to set up a phone call with my primary provider.  She diagnosed me with bronchitis.  She gave me antibiotics and a steroid to speed my recovery.  I got my son to go get my medications.  It is Tuesday morning and I am feeling a little better already.

I just told you my story to make a point that not once was I treated with disrespect by any of the medical staff at Doctors on Demand or my local clinic.  Even the nurse who administered the COVID test was nice.  My provider was especially nice, and she assured me the medicine she gave me would help heal me.  Perhaps that is why I am feeling better already.

So how are we treating each other during this time of crisis?  I work at Walmart as a cashier and I have seen and heard some real horror stories of customers attacking associates.  I have even seen a customer spitting on associates and managers who were only trying to resolve the situation in a calm manner.  It was videoed by a customer and posted on Facebook.  Grocery store workers, like the medical profession, are overworked and tired.  Most of us want to help and try to be nice.  Please be understanding, keep your distance, buy only what you need, do not hang out but get in and get out as quickly as possible, and, most of all, throw your gloves and masks in the trash not the parking lot.

Make a point to use gracious words to those around you.  Whether it is the people you live with or the ones you work with, no one needs to hear harsh words right now.  We are going through a lot of changes right now and it is hard on everyone, not just you.  Be kind!  After all, we as Christians should be representing Christ in all we say and do.

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Comments (3)

  • Kevin 4 years ago Reply

    Great post, Alice! This is a timely reminder even when we’re not all under a certain amount of stress. Glad to hear you’re feeling better! Stay safe.

    admin 4 years ago Reply

    Thank you Kevin.

  • Brenda 4 years ago Reply

    Hi it’s Brenda from It’s honestly ridiculous how some people are acting. I hate leaving my home because of it.

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