
Dorcas: From Bitterness to Beautiful Acts

Acts 9:36-42.

We do not know much about Dorcas.  We know she lived in Joppa which was a seaport city.  She was a member of the local church and was much loved.  She sewed clothes for the widows and the poor.  There was a belief she owned her own home.  There was no mention of relatives in this short story.  As usual much of Dorcas’ story is from my imagination as I seek God’s wisdom to make her story come to life.

Dorcas’ Story

My father named me Dorcas because he said I had the most beautiful big eyes he had ever seen, and it reminded him of a gazelle.  My father was a fisherman, and he was caught in a storm at sea and perished when I was only ten years old.  He was the first death which led me to a life of bitterness.  Later that year my mother died.  I think it was from a broken heart though the doctor said she had been ill but never told anyone.  I have four brothers who did their best to raise me after our parents died.  I hated the sea which took my father and God who took my mother.  When I was sixteen my oldest brother introduced me to a nice man named Ronald.  He was a merchant in fine cloth.  Ronald courted me and within two years we were married.  I started to love life again.  I used the skill of sewing to make fine garments for my husband to sell.  He said they were the best he had ever seen in his merchant travels.

When we were married about two years my husband went on a business trip.  I was hoping to have good news for him when he returned.  He was to return in ten days.  I was a few days late for my period and I wanted to be pregnant so we could start a family.  Then there were two blows which changed my life for the worst.  First, I got my period.  That broke my heart but what killed my spirit more was when I learned my husband had died at the hands of robbers who wanted his fine clothes, he was taking to another city to sell.  I became even more bitter against the world and especially at God.

For months I stayed in my house mourning my husband and my childlessness.  My servants tried to get me to eat nice meals, but I only ate a few bites.  I was too heart-sick to eat.  My already thin body became so thin one could see my bones.  I hated my life.

Yet for some reason I left the house one day and went to the marketplace.  There was a crowd that day and a man preaching to the crowd.  I thought to myself why is this man all excited about a man named Jesus?  I went to pass on, but the man said something I will never forget.  “This man Jesus was God’s Son, and He came to this earth to die for all your bitterness.”  It was like this man was talking directly to me.  I stopped in my tracks and was glued to every word the man spoke.  He told how Jesus lived on earth thirty-three years doing good and miracles.  He went on to tell how Jesus was crucified and rose again the third day.  He told of the many witnesses to Jesus’ death and resurrection.  He finally said something which changed my heart forever “It was God’s love for us He came to earth”.   Why would God do that?  Why would God do that for me when I hated Him for taking my parents and husband from me?  Then this man, whom I later found to be named Philip, said only believe and God will heal your heart.  Philip said many things that day and I felt God was speaking directly to me through Philip.  I became a believer that day.  Later I learned a group of believers were meeting at a home near my house every day.  I hurried home and told my servants what had happened.  Many of them seemed to believe me but when they saw my changed heart in action, they became believers themselves.

One day I was at the home of the group of believers my eyes seemed to be opened.  There were a group of widows there who clothes were all worn out.  They did not even have coats to wear, and it was getting colder out.  I thought to myself I have a whole room full of cloths just sitting there from when my husband was alive.  Why not make these widows proper clothes and coats.  I could not wait to get home and get to work.

I first made several coats as winter was coming.  Then I started on clothes for the widows.  I brought the coats to the meetings and handed out them to the widows.  They were in tears and my heart was filled with joy.  God had given me a wonderful purpose to serve Him.  It was as if I could not stop myself.  Everywhere I looked I saw the poor and needy who did not have proper clothes to keep them warm.  Every afternoon I sewed.  I would sing praises as I worked.  I had my servants bring the clothes to the marketplace and give them away to anyone who looked like they need clothes.  The Lord had me meet another cloth merchant at the meetings and when I ran out of cloth, I would buy more from him.  God really blessed me for the years I was able to sew for people.  I was never without my needs being met.  Then one day I got sick.

It happened so fast.  I was at the house where the Christians were meeting every morning.  We were singing praises and suddenly I had a pain in my heart which went down my left arm.  I could breathe.  Last thing I remember was singing Jesus, I love You.  Suddenly I was in a place where perfect light spread throughout the huge room.  There was Jesus standing there smiling at me.  I felt such love and peace there.  There were flowers and fruit growing trees everywhere along with animals of every kind.  Angels were singing.  It was the most beautiful music I had ever heard.  I fell to my knees and could not udder a word.  My heart was filled to overflowing with joy.  Then Jesus spoke to me.  He said my work on earth was not finished.  I was in awe I was being sent back.  I could not understand it all, but my heart knew it was right.

Suddenly I was back in my room at home.  There was a man there I somehow knew as Peter.  I sat up and Peter helped me to my feet.  He brought me downstairs and there were all the widows I had made coats and clothes for standing around and their wiping their tears.  Why were they crying I asked?  They said I had died.  I knew instantly what I had experienced was not a dream.  I also knew I had to keep my experience to myself.  Somehow Jesus had communicated to me not to tell anyone.  I knew it was the right thing to do.

There was a celebration that evening.  There was food galore and I ate so much.  I was so happy!  I felt such love from the people I had helped, and I could not wait to help more. 

As Joppa grew so did the poor population.  I had some of the widows help me sew clothing and coats for the poor.  We also gave out food when we could to the hungry among the poor.  Along with the growing population grew a large population of believers in Christ.  Many said it was because I was raised from the dead, yet others said it was from our charity to the poor.  I am so content. 

I am growing old.  My eyes can no longer see to thread a needle or to make the perfect stitches I once could sew.  I have taught the younger women to take my place.  The church has taken over my charity work but have asked me to help in any way I still can.  I have such peace and joy.  Gone is the bitter woman.  Because I believe in Jesus as my Savior my life has been complete.  Soon I will see Jesus again.  I cannot wait!


Have you experienced times of heartbreak which could cause bitterness in your life?  How did you handle it?  Did you become bitter at God or the world like Dorcas did?  Or did you turn to Jesus and trust Him to see you through?

Bitterness is something I felt during my breakup of my marriage many years ago.  Fortunately, I have learned to forgive and to trust God.  He has restored my joy.  I am content to serve God through my writing.  Philippians 4:11 says “for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.”  (New International Version of the Bible.)

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