
When We Don’t Understand Why

Job 2:10 Should we accept only good things from the hand of God and never anything bad?” So in all this, Job said nothing wrong.

We often do not understand why things happen in life.  Why is there pain and suffering?  Why are there terrible diseases like Alzheimer’s and cancer?  Why are there severe weather and forest fires and other natural disasters?   Why do people suffer financial loss through no fault of their own?  Why are some people successful while others fail?  So many questions?  The book of Job is puzzling.  He suffered loss of all his children, his home, his livestock, and his health.  Yet, he was one who known to be blameless in his life.  Why does God allow things like this to happen to good people?  I can think of two reasons: sin and testing of one’s faith.  Yet sometimes we just do not know why.

As I was going through my prayer list this morning I was thinking of my brother.  He has always lived a Christian life.  He has a heart for God and has serve Him in many ways.  Yet he has dementia and can no longer do many of the things he used to do.  I ask God often why this brother?  Why did God allow what seemed to be the spiritual leader in my large family to lose his mind to dementia and such a young age?   We may never know this side of Heaven.

Then I got to praying for people in my church.  There are a few with cancer.  I do not know them because I have not been at the church long and COVID has kept the ones with cancer home.  Yet, there are people in my previous church who loved the Lord and served Him well who lost their lives to cancer.  One of them was my dear friend Ralph.  He was only 58 years old when he died.  We dated the last two years of his life and I still miss him every day.  Why did he have to die so young?

A few years ago, my nephew’s home caught on fire and burn down.  No lives were lost but they lost all their possessions.  Many things can be replaced but things like photos and family heirlooms cannot.  Why did this happen?  A lifelong friend lives in Florida.  She has lived through several hurricanes since she moved there many years ago.  She has not had any significant damage or lost of life from any of the hurricanes, but I cannot imagine the fear one goes through when the storm is overhead.  Why does God allow natural disasters?

Another close friends of mine had a daughter with severe disabilities.  She lived her adult life in a nursing-type home.  Last year she passed away.  I am sure my friends were heart broken.  I have not seen them for more than a year because of COVID.  Why are there children born with disabilities? 

Often, we see people suffer financial hardship.  When COVID was at its worse many businesses had to close, and people lost their jobs.  Now there seems to be an employee shortage.  Many small businesses cannot get enough help to keep their doors open.  This causes more hardship.  Many of those who lost their jobs are choosing to stay on unemployment rather than take jobs with less pay.  Many small businesses cannot pay enough to entice workers. 

Chronic pain comes in many forms and can sometimes be disabling.  I have arthritis throughout my body and fibromyalgia as well.  Last year I took early social security at 62 years of age because the stress of chronic pain and my job was getting unbearable.  I wanted to focus on my writing instead of working long hours.  Now I need knee replacement surgery.  Some days it hurts to walk.  Others have it worse than me yet come to work every day.  I have one friend who has become so disabled she cannot work anymore.  I do not know how they do it or why this happens to good people.

When Adam and Eve disobeyed God and ate the fruit, they were told not to eat, the world changed.  Because of this people suffer hardships and illnesses.  There are wars and famines and natural disasters.  Sometimes we do not understand why but God does.  As I said earlier, it usually is either sin or God testing us.  Sometimes, or often, we need to really look at our lives and see where we are falling short.  Maybe God allows something bad to enter our lives to show us our sin.  Several years ago, I got into a lot of financial debt after getting out of grad school.  I thought I would get a great job so I would be okay.  How wrong I was, and it has been years of taking control of my finances and working on my debt while working low wage jobs.  The great job never happened.  Yet, God has been good to me and forgave me.  I still suffer because I went astray but I have learned to be content.

Another reason is God testing us.  God knows what we can handle yet sometimes He allows stuff to happen to allow us to be tested and to grow in our faith.  I can think of several things in my past which forced me to grow and learn to trust God.  My divorce and death of my dear friend Ralph were two of them.  Yet, ever since I moved to the Wausau area, I have experienced even more growth even though I went through COVID twice and have been sick other times.  Trials make us stronger.

Finally, sometimes we just do not know why bad things happen to us and may not know until we reach Heaven.  Just yesterday a customer told me she lost her son at 24 years of age.  She said she still does not know why he had to die so young.  Has God allowed trouble in your life?  Do you know why?  Has it helped you grow as a person or become closer to God?  Or has it help you realize there is sin in your life you need to get rid of and ask forgiveness.  Always, trust God to see you through the trials we don’t understand why. 

Here is a couple of books on the topic.

15 Reasons Why Things Happen: Navigating the Adversities and Conflicts of Life

By Darril Deaton / WestBow PresWhy Do Bad Things
Happen To Good People?

By David Arnold / Creation House

Though we live in an imperfect world, there is always hope through our Lord Jesus Christ. In Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People David Arnold shows how suffering and turmoil are not beyond God’s ability to heal. Sit at the feet of Pastor Arnold and listen in as he helps you to understand our fallen world and the comfort and hope found in Christ.

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Comments (17)

  • Tammy Horvath 3 years ago Reply

    God has allowed someone to murder my son. I will not know why until I get to heaven. What I do know is that through that trial, God grew my faith beyond anything I have ever experienced in this world. I trust Him and know He will use my son’s death for my good.

  • Debbie 3 years ago Reply

    Yes so many questions in our lives. We can only trust. Thanks for sharing.

  • Jill DeMasi 3 years ago Reply

    I have been through many trials and had my faith tested over and over again especially lately. I do believe that God allows stuff to grow our faith and get closer to him. And there’s always a reason, we just have to keep trusting him! It is hard though sometimes.

  • Alexis Farmer 3 years ago Reply

    Very interesting. I’m sure this can crossed everyone’s mind at some point.

  • Terra Booth 3 years ago Reply

    This rings true in so many ways. I have seen many people close to me suffer due to many different reasons. They ask why, I ask why and I do believe that it is some sort of a test and that the experience is meant to teach us something. It is up to each of us to discover exactly what that is.

  • Catherine 3 years ago Reply

    Thank you for sharing this! I do believe God will test us to see the strength of our Faith. Great article!

  • Cecile 3 years ago Reply

    Sometimes we don’t understand right away why things happen. Great read! Thanks

  • Tiffany Smith 3 years ago Reply

    I read somewhere that bad things happening is more of a when than why. It can be hard turning something bad into something good or useful

  • Wow, you have really been through the wringer! How nice that you have your belief, which seems to have brought some sort of purpose or justification for the terrible things that have happened.
    My husband died at age 56, from a complicated cancer. Its a shame, but I don’t ask why – it’s just part of our biology.

  • Cindy 3 years ago Reply

    There have been so many events/situations in my life that I have learned from.

  • Kristen Gardiner 3 years ago Reply

    Yes i think the hardest part is when we don’t know why something has happened. We simply live in a fallen world and bad things are a part of our human experience through no fault of our own.

  • Whitney Woodley 3 years ago Reply

    This world is interesting. Definitely something to think about. Thanks for sharing!

  • Adrienne Foxx 3 years ago Reply

    I often lose myself in these questions when thinking about religion and God in particular.

  • Barbara 3 years ago Reply

    Stretching us grows us. We don’t always like going through the process, but God does ultimately know what we need daily in our lives!

  • Marianne 3 years ago Reply

    There are so many times that I have asked myself why… worried about stuff I had no control over… stressed about everything… all adding to the negativity in my life. I have learned to not carry all the bad stuff with me. I know that I can’t understand it all, but I can look forward and try to see the light.

  • Cindy Moore 3 years ago Reply

    Why is always a hard question to answer! I do believe everything happens for a reason…we just often don’t know the reason until much later…or ever. I do know that I grow through the challenges.

  • Elizabeth 3 years ago Reply

    Sometimes it is hard to trust God’s plan for us. Especially when it seems there is no rhyme or reason for the hardship in our lives. Trusting the Lord is really all we can do.

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