
Christianity and Mental Health Part One: Depression

Christianity and Depression

As a Christian I should not be depressed right?  Well, it happens!  I struggle with depression often but it is mostly from chronic pain.  Sometimes I feel like it is an endless wheel of going to work and trying to get enough sleep.  Pain interferes with my sleep patterns.  My days off are not together and it seems so hard to get much done when I get a day off.  I am usually trying to get caught up on my sleep and then at the end of the day I am rushing around trying to get something done.  Sometimes the mountain of things to do seem too high for me to climb and I get depressed and not get much of it done.  God must be really tired of hearing about how tired I am or how much pain I have but I know He doesn’t.  I know in my head He loves me and cares about my pain but sometimes my heart does not get it!   

I used to take medication for situational depression but I do not need it anymore.  Yes, medication is important and I highly recommend discussing it with your doctor if you are depressed but I have reached the point where I can redirect my depressive thoughts.  How?  Well, do not try it yourself unless you have been to therapy and have been taught how.  I have been to therapy but more importantly I have a master’s degree in mental health.  While I never got a job as a therapist I have utilized my education on myself.  Too bad myself cannot pay me so I can pay off my student loans faster. 

So when I am hurting and tired I start to think about how miserable my life is and how alone I feel.  Sunday mornings are the worse because I want to be able to go to church but am often not able because of the pain and my work schedule.  I start thinking everyone does not like me and will not miss me if I am not at church.  Then I STOP myself!  Not today Satan!  I will not listen to your lies!  I am not saying Satan puts thoughts in my head but if I start thinking negative thoughts I have to tell myself the thoughts are not from God and therefore are not truthful.  God has proven to me over and over He loves me and wants me to think on good things.  Philippians 4:8 “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things.”  (NIV)  So that is what I do instead of thinking negative thoughts.  I had to train my brain.

However, there is a difference between situational depression where you can train your brain to think differently and be okay and real depression where you want to end your life.  If that is where you are at I say seek professional help immediately!  You can call the Suicide Prevention Lifeline at: 1-800-273-8255 and talk to a professional.  Or go to the emergency room at a nearby hospital.  But, most of all Tell Someone how you are feeling!!!!  Do not try to save yourself!  Depression is a real thing and being a Christian does not exempt you from getting it.  Usually it is a chemical imbalance in your brain and with the help of a medical professional and therapy you can get relief. 

So ask yourself how long have you been feeling depressed and when do you feel it the most?  If it is all the time and it has been going on awhile please seek professional help.  I am not a professional but I have the training a professional has had just not the experience nor do I have a license to practice therapy.  If you feel depressed once in awhile try thinking about the verse above and talking to your pastor or a leader in the church you feel comfortable with to share your thoughts.  If you cannot figure out if this is just situational depression then seek professional help.  Remember God loves you and He is with you through your entire life if you let Him.

Here are three books which might be helpful:

Understanding and Loving a Person with Depression
By Steve Arterburn & Brenda Hunter
Dealing with Depression: Trusting God Through the Dark Times
By Sarah Collins
When the Darkness Will Not Lift: Doing What We Can While We Wait for God-and Joy – eBook
By John Piper

Here is a website which researchers online therapists which I recommend checking out.

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Comments (8)

  • Nikole 6 years ago Reply

    As a Christian that suffers anxiety, and what I’m starting to think is situation depression, this really speaks to me. Thank you for bringing up this point because as you said, it’s hard to see the light when you are your own shadow and you beat yourself up. It’s so hard to relate on this level, so this is great to me.

  • Carol 6 years ago Reply

    Thank you so much for addressing this topic! My husband is a Christian and suffers from depression. It is real and as you said, Christians are not exempt.

    Have you tried CBD oil for your chronic pain? It not, it might be worth looking into this 0% THC option, especially their nano products which are much easier to absorb:

    Cathy 5 years ago Reply

    This a very helpful article! I have had increased stress and anxiety lately and this really speaks to me! I love Phil. 4:8, very encouraging and good to remember when negative thoughts creep in.

    admin 5 years ago

    Thanks Cathy, and thanks for joining my Facebook group.

  • Christen 6 years ago Reply

    A wonderful article! I too am a believer and have struggled with depression since I was a child, due to bullying and although I became a believer and learned the truth as a teen, it certainly didn’t keep me from needing medication and help along the way since then. Depression has so many levels to it, thankfully, the Lord has given me a heightened awareness so I can tell when I need to make that call. I’ll be praying for you! Also, know that you can attend church from home too. Due to my son’s struggle with autism, church has been very varied and difficult. We’ve finally found a wonderful home church that he adores, but until now, we downloaded podcasts so we could still get in spiritual feeding and worship. God understands where you are and meets you where you are. 🙂 God Bless!

  • Iwalani 6 years ago Reply

    It is true that sometimes as Christians we think that we shouldn’t be susceptible to depression because we should be happy. Thank you for sharing these resources for those who may need help!

  • Michelle 6 years ago Reply

    I have always struggled with this as a Christian, until I realized it was a chemical imbalance and hereditary. Why would I ever think that someone who has lost both parents, a brother, a best friend, and a home to fire would not have a bad day, I don’t know! Thank you. It’s nice to know I am not the only one.

  • Shawn 6 years ago Reply

    It’s not easy to read about depression when you deal with it. At least not for me. However, I liked this blog and how to fight the real feelings of someone with depression. I haven’t read any of the books you shared so I’ll have to check them out. Thanks.

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