
Do Not Let Things Rob Your Joy!

Things Rob Joy

John 16:22 (NLT)

So, you have sorrow now, but I will see you again; then you will rejoice, and no one can rob you of that joy.

This past Sunday as I was entering my church my Pastor asked me how things were going.  I told him there were things which were heavy on my mind.  Later, during the service I was thinking of how unjoyful I must have sounded.  The words “rob you of your joy” came up.  While this verse does not exactly say what I want it has the phrase I wanted.  What happened to my joy?

Sure, there are things which are pulling me down.  One is my grandchild moved away and I am not sure when I will see her again.  I am even sadder to see how it is affecting my son.  Family discord can rob me of my joy.

In my last post I wrote on domestic violence because someone I knew was killed because of domestic violence.  It was heartbreaking to see a young, fun-loving woman killed in such an awful manner.  As the story is only a week old more news has come out about it since it first came out.  Things in the news can rob me of joy.

One of the reasons I went part time last year was to cut down on the destructive forces my job has on my body.  It has helped but not enough.  Lately I have been having problems with my knees.  The pain is intensified at work when I am walking around on concrete floors all day.  Back to the doctor I went and got injections in both knees yesterday.  These injections are very painful and take a few days to start to work.  I am at the point where my knees hurt so much, I am calling in and not working today.  This causes me emotional distress as I do not like to leave my work shorthanded.  Chronic pain can rob me of joy.

I have tried praying for my joy to return but I have not found it yet.  I need to count my blessing instead of my sorrows.  Sorrows only rob me of my joy.  I also think praising God and listening to worship music will help.  Finally, find things to look forward to can help restore my joy.  Things like looking forward to photos and videos of the grandchild will help in my loneliness.  Seeing the men who killed my friend brought to justice will help me, but it will help the family so much more so.  Looking forward to less pain which will come soon is something to look forward to but knowing I can resume some of the things I love like photography I find my joy returning.  Ah yes, I can feel joy!  What is robbing you of joy?

Below is a list of books from Home. I am an affiliate with Home. If you click on a link and make a purchase I may earn a small percentage from your purchase at no extra cost to you. This helps with the costs of running this website. Thank you for your support.

Finding Joy
By Joy Melton

Finding Joy
By J. C. Lafler

Finding Joy in the Broken Pieces
By Joy O

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Comments (22)

  • Amy Irvin 4 years ago Reply

    Thank you for sharing. By the way, I love Christian Book!

  • Sabrina DeWalt 4 years ago Reply

    I have had a very difficult week as well. Joy has been difficult to find, but this morning I woke up tp a pair of woodpeckers in a tree just outside our tent. Sometimes you just have tp let it wash over you.

  • Cynthia Mackintosh 4 years ago Reply

    Look up Psalm 30:5. This should bring you some comfort & joy!

    admin 4 years ago Reply

    One of my favorite verses. Thanks for the reminder.

  • Cecile Leger 4 years ago Reply

    I try my best to be positive as much As I can. I hope you feel better soon.

  • Terra Booth 4 years ago Reply

    This is a very important message. It can be difficult sometimes to find the positive and joy in your life when you are faced with obstacles. I find that taking it one day at a time and being present in the moment really help. I also take time every day to be grateful for things in my life, no matter how small or insignificant it might seem.

  • Cindy 4 years ago Reply

    Cultivating optimism is a full time job and makes finding joy so much easier, even when what life offers is painful.

  • Erica Pittenger 4 years ago Reply

    I love this. So many things can rob you of your joy. This year has been hard on many. I have found myself in the darkness. I hope you continue to find joy in your life and enjoy the little things He shows you. Many Blessings

  • Tiffany Smith 4 years ago Reply

    Financial woes right now are stressful but I remind myself we are much better off now than ever before. Hang in there?

  • Chelsea 4 years ago Reply

    I’m so sorry about your knees and the woman you knew who passed. That sounds awful. For me, I try to be mindful of what I’m feeling. And even though it’s painful, I acknowledge that. Then, when I’m ready, I find practicing gratitude before bed helps me steal back some of my joy that may have been taken. I’ll be praying for you!

  • Stephanie 4 years ago Reply

    Great insights. I needed to read this one today!

  • Adrienne Foxx 4 years ago Reply

    I find that sometimes what robs me of joy is the decision to keep people in my life that do not support me. That has been very difficult but is at my own choice to allow them to stay which further distresses me. I do try to find moments to focus on to balance some of that.

  • I’m so sorry to hear that you’re going through all these heavy things. Pain makes everything worse, doesn’t it? And I’m so, so sad to hear of your friend who was killed. What an awful thing.

  • Misskorang 4 years ago Reply

    Thanks for sharing. Joy is such an important human emotion. And when the Holy Spirit gives you the gift of joy, Oh what a blessing.

  • Danielle Ardizzone 4 years ago Reply

    It is difficult not to dwell on our sorrows sometimes. Wishing you all the best.

  • Larissa Li 4 years ago Reply

    It’s a hard but necessary work to focus on blessings. Thank you for the reminder.

  • Barbara 4 years ago Reply

    Focus on the positives of your daily life. Pray for inspiration from God to open your eyes to possibilities and then go looking! There are so many opportunities in other directions available.

    Matthew 7:7 – Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you

  • Kristin 4 years ago Reply

    When I feel robbed of joy, I head to the mountains and breath the fresh air. Hopefully you can find your inner peace in whichever ways fills you up.

  • Marianne 4 years ago Reply

    Positivity is key! Focus on the joy, and take the rest as it comes.

  • Cindy Moore 4 years ago Reply

    You are right…there are so many things that rob us of joy. I hope you have a better week and less pain!

  • Elizabeth 4 years ago Reply

    It’s difficult to be positive when things around us feel so negative. I’m so sorry you are having a hard time finding joy, I will pray for you.

  • Suzan 4 years ago Reply

    Know that there would be no light but for darkness. You are not alone and the light will shine brightly soon. Stay well!

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