Today I was looking in my freezer to see what I had to use up before I moved in a couple of weeks. My freezer has a lot of frozen veggies in it because it is easier use frozen rather than buy fresh and maybe not use it. I was going to make a butternut squash soup so I bought a couple of packages of frozen butternut squash. I am all about cutting corners when I can. I also have very little counter space in my current apartment. My new apartment has a big kitchen so cooking will be easier. Back to the squash soup. I started to think I want to jazz the soup up from when I made it last year. Looking in the freezer I found cauliflower, carrots and the seasoning blend. The seasoning blend has onions, green and red peppers, celery, and parsley.

I started with a half of stick of butter and melted it. Just before it started to brown I added a half of bag of the mixed veggie seasoning blend. I cooked this on low for about five minutes. During this time I added some celery salt, sea salt, ginger, garlic powder, parsley and paprika. I let it cook a little longer before adding all the frozen veggie. Then I added a carton of vegetable broth and about two cups of water to cover the veggies. While all that was heating up on high I decided it needed something else so I added the quinoa. I had found this box of quinoa on clearance at Walmart one night after work. Can you tell I work at Walmart?
After I cooked it for about twenty minutes I tasted it. It was so good I kept tasting it. It was only 9:30 in the morning and I had not have breakfast yet. Guess what I had for breakfast? You are right if you guessed a bowl of frozen veggie soup. Hey I live alone so I can eat what I want!
Two bags of frozen butternut squash
One bag of frozen carrots and cauliflower
1/2 bag of frozen seasoning blend
One box of vegetable broth
1/2 a stick of butter
For the seasonings I put about 1/2 teaspoon of each but I was not measuring.
I thought of blending it some but since I am packing up my kitchen I did not want to have to wash the blender.
Let me know if you try it in the comments below. God bless!
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