
God’s Plan: Why am I still at Walmart?

God's Plan: Why am I still at Walmart?

I ask God why am I still at Walmart in my prayer journal so often He is probably tired of hearing it!  Today’s Our Daily Bread references Acts 16:7 where Paul and companions tried to enter an area called Bithynia but the Spirt of Jesus would not let them.  There are many instances in the Bible where a person wants to go somewhere but they are prevented.  Some, such as Jonah, were not open to where God wanted them to go.  Am I open to God’s leading?   I think of Paul asking God to remove the thorn in his flesh three times but God said no.   “My Grace is sufficient for you” (II Corinthians 12:7-10 NIV).  I noticed this passage starts out “in order to keep me from becoming conceited…” (vs, 7).  Maybe that is why I never became a counselor?   Maybe not.  But whatever the reason God still has me at Walmart.

I have around ten years of education including a master’s degree and two graduate certificates.  I worked hard to get that education and received honors.  I thought God wanted me to be a counselor.  However, during my internship things did not go well at all and I gained very little experience in the art of counseling.  By the end of the nine months I was exhausted and I just wanted my degree and be done with it!  Since then I have applied for several jobs in my field including all over the state but most times I did not get a response.  I did get some interviews but they were few and far between and I do not interview well.  The older I got the less I thought of applying.  Why bother anymore?   Meanwhile I got a job cleaning hotel rooms and bussing tables on the weekends until my right shoulder hurt so bad I could not do it anymore.  So, I got a job at Walmart.

That was almost five years ago.  The last three years I have mostly worked self-check.  It has been hard on my body, very hard!  I can no longer do much lifting nor can I bend down, kneel or pick things off the floor.  I have arthritis in my shoulders, back, knees, and now my ankle.  I started using a cane when I get home from work to get into my house and move around after work.  I have seen many health care providers in the last two and a half years. 

Yet I like working at self-check.  I enjoy being able to move about and help the customers scan their items.  I also enjoy helping to prevent theft.  I have trained a number of cashiers to work self-check and I enjoy hearing how they stopped a theft.  I have also made some great friends just doing my job.  I listen to people.  Some of my customers and coworkers are going through some really tough times.  They are in my prayers.  Maybe that is why God has me at Walmart. 

Yet, I look forward to the day when I am promoted to customer.  I decided I am going to retire the day before I turn 62 years old.  However, that may not be God’s plan either.  Yet, I am not sure my body can hold out much longer.  One of the things I enjoyed about college and grad school is writing.  I started my blog with the goal in mind to write for income.  I have a goal to make enough money writing so I can cut my hours or quit.  It is a goal I have to work hard to achieve while still working at Walmart.  Often the pain from the later makes the goal difficult.  So, why God am I still at Walmart?  I am open to Your leading.

Here are several books by well-known authors found at Home

The Purpose-Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For? (Softcover)
More to Your Story: Discover Your Place in God’s Plan – (Paperback) – Includes DVD and Study Guide
Grace Is Greater: God’s Plan to Overcome Your Past, Redeem Your Pain, and Rewrite Your Story
Grace Is Greater: God’s Plan to Overcome Your Past, Redeem Your Pain, and Rewrite Your Story
Following God’s Plan For Your Life

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Comments (3)

  • Debbie Parker 6 years ago Reply

    I enjoyed reading these pieces!! Very easy to read. You are very talented.

    admin 6 years ago Reply

    Thank you very much. I write as the Spirit leads. God bless!

  • Jane 5 years ago Reply

    How inspirational! You really have a way for words.

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