
Stress about Corona: Psalms 23

Stress About Corona Psalms 23

There is a lot of stress going around about the Corona virus.  So many different ideas about the virus on the news and social media one does not know what to believe anymore!  Changes in the way we live are updated daily.   We are limited in where we go and what we can buy.  Businesses are closing, and people are losing their jobs.  The government is making promises but can decide which ones they will keep.  At least the “stocking up” has slowed down at the Walmart I work at as we are now limiting certain items.  So much stress!

Stress affects us in so many ways.  Those of us who struggle with physical health issues find stress increases our medical issues.  For instance, I have chronic pain throughout my body.  It has become more difficult to manage my pain due to stress.  Others who have scheduled appointments or surgeries are being told they must wait.  Added stress!

People with mental health issues are struggling too.  I know of one lady who has anxiety and she has confided in me she is having a hard time due to stress.  Counselors are affected too.  A former mentor/therapist friend told me he was going to need to have phone sessions with some of his clients.   He looked stressed when I saw him!

About a month ago I was reading Psalms 23 and I was amazed how much it helped me.  I felt led by the Lord to share some in sight from these verses.  The scripture below is written in italics and is from the New International Version.

A psalm of David.

1The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.

The Lord will: supply all our needs.  In Jesus’ teachings on worry we see we do not have to worry about our needs being met.   Luke 12:24 Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds! 25 Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life. 

2He makes me lie down in green pastures,

he leads me beside quiet waters,

When I think about this verse I think of peace.  There is an older chorus titled “Peace Like a River”.  This passage reminds me of this song.  We can have peace of mind because the Lord loves us.  He is: meeting our needs and giving us the rest, we need.

3he refreshes my soul.

Ah! My soul refreshes every time I turn to God in Bible reading and prayer.  What sweet communion we can have if we: trust Him to meet our needs and calm our hearts!

He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.

He will lead us in the direction He wants us to go if we are willing.  If we follow His leading we will have: our needs met, have peace and be refreshed.  God’s name will be honored if we follow the path He wants us on.  So many times, I have gotten off the path and had troubles and damaged God’s name and my own.  Regrets!  But I am Forgiven!

4Even though I walk

through the darkest valley,

I will fear no evil,

for you are with me;

Yes, we will go through dark valleys in life.  The Corona virus is certainly a dark valley for the whole world.  But we do not have to stress about it!  God is with us!  God has a purpose for having us go through this stressful valley.  Maybe He wants us to learn to trust Him to: meet our needs, show us His peace, help us to be refreshed, direct us and to know He is with us always.

your rod and your staff,

they comfort me.

Theologians can tell you what the rod and the staff are all about in this passage, but I want to talk about God’s comfort.  Some of you are grieving loss.  Let God comfort you!  Trust Him for: your needs, peaceful hearts, refreshing times, direction, to know He is with you and to find comfort.

5You prepare a table before me

in the presence of my enemies.

You anoint my head with oil;

my cup overflows.

We do not have to worry about enemies seen and unseen which rob us of our joy.  We can have overflowing joy if we: trust God to meet our needs, give us peace, be refreshed, follow the right path, feel His presence, and let Him comfort us.

6Surely your goodness and love will follow me

all the days of my life,

God is good and He loves us!  He will show us love and goodness if we trust Him to: supply our needs, show us peace, help us know refreshing times, lead us down the right path, know He is with us, Know joy and give us comfort.

and I will dwell in the house of the Lord


Ah! Heaven awaits!  We do not have to be stressed out about this virus.  God is in control and He is preparing a wonderful place for us to live with Him.  Are you trusting Him for: your needs, to give you peace, to be refreshed, to go down the right path, to know He is with you always, to give you the comfort you need, have overflowing joy and to show you love and goodness while we wait for us to take us home to Heaven?  Do not Stress about the Corona virus.  Just Trust Him!

Christianity and Mental Health: Fear

Christianity and Mental Health: Fear

Today I learned the governor of my state made it against the law for groups of more than ten to meet together. Churches are closed.  The Coronavirus 19 has many staying home.  Resturants and bars are closed.  Only carry out and drive through are the only way “dining out” is possible.  Schools are also closed including all colleges and universities.  Many local businesses are struggling to keep afloat.  We are all wondering when this will end.

I work as a cashier at Walmart.  The last week has been very hectic as customers are swarming the store in hopes to find food and toilet paper and other staples.  Our shelves are bare and everyone available is stocking or cashiering.  This week appears to be no different.  Other local grocery stores are in the same boat.  We are all tired. 

And we are all afraid.  We are afraid because of the virus.  We are afraid we will lose income and our future is uncertain.  We are afraid we will not have what we need to make it through quarantine.  We are also afraid for our safety as time goes on with fear will bring on violence.  Most of all, we fear getting the virus.

Fear can also rob us of peace.  It can be especially hard on those who suffer from anxiety and depression.  Fearful thoughts can lead one down a deadly path.  Please if your fear is getting to the place of “out of control” seek help!  Talk to someone who makes you feel safe.  Call or message your Pastor or Priest.  Go online to a counselor.  Just get help!

Those of us who are Christians have nothing to fear.  Here are some verses we should keep in mind when fear arises.

Phil. 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Psalms 56: 3 When I am afraid, I put my trust in you

Isiah 41: 1 0So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.

I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Joshua 1: 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Psalms 23: 4 Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

Psalms 118: 6 The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?

Romans 8: 28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Romans 8: 38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons ,neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

God loves us so much and He knows our needs.  He wants us to take our fears to Him.  He also wants us to be responsible and generous.  So, wash your hands and keep your distance.  Buy only what you need and be thankful to those who are still working especially in health care, retail and trucking.  But, most of all Trust in God to see you through all this.  He wants to come to Him.  He has provided salvation through His Son’s death and resurrection.  Salvation is a gift.  If you receive it you will know peace.  I love you and I am praying for you every day.

Lessons Learned: Eve From Paradise to Punishment

Lessons Learned: Eve

Genesis 1-3 (NLT) All scripture is written in italics.

27So God created human beings in his own image.

In the image of God, he created them;

male and female he created them.

28Then God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it.

8Then the Lord God planted a garden in Eden in the east, and there he placed the man he had made. 9The Lord God made all sorts of trees grow up from the ground—trees that were beautiful and that produced delicious fruit. In the middle of the garden he placed the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

15The Lord God placed the man in the Garden of Eden to tend and watch over it. 16But the Lord God warned him, “You may freely eat the fruit of every tree in the garden—17except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. If you eat its fruit, you are sure to die.”

18Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him.”

21So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep. While the man slept, the Lord God took out one of the man’s ribs and closed up the opening. 22Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib, and he brought her to the man.

23“At last!” the man exclaimed. “This one is bone from my bone, and flesh from my flesh! She will be called ‘woman, ’because she was taken from ‘man.’”.

Eve’s Story (The following comes from the Bible but some of it is written fictionally, as I see her, to fill in the story.)

What? Where did I come from and who are you?  What is this place?  I have so many questions!  Why do I know things?  Ah, the Lord has put knowledge in my mind.  He is so wonderful!  He has given me a man to keep me company.  He has also given me a beautiful place to live.  Everywhere I look it is beautiful.  Even the man is nice to look at.  And the animals.  So many different kinds and I enjoy being with all of them.  But, most of all, I enjoy being with God.  He is with us and talks with us all the time.  It is so wonderful to be loved by God who created us and this wonderful place we live.  I can do this forever!

One day I was walking in the garden and there in a tree was a snake.  He seemed special somehow, so I went over to him to talk to him.  He started talking to me. 

“Did God really say you must not eat the fruit from any of the trees in the garden?”

2“Of course we may eat fruit from the trees in the garden,” I replied. 3“It’s only the fruit from the tree in the middle of the garden that we are not allowed to eat. God said, ‘You must not eat it or even touch it; if you do, you will die.’”

4“You won’t die!” the serpent replied (to the woman). 5“God knows that your eyes will be opened as soon as you eat it, and you will be like God, knowing both good and evil.”

Wow!  That is interesting.  I looked at the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and it was beautiful!  The fruit was so fresh and yummy looking I was having a hard time not looking at it, wanting it.  Oh, but I shouldn’t!  But I want to know so much more!  I want to be like God!  Just then Adam came over.  I told him what the snake said.  He did not stop me when I reached up and took a fruit from the tree and bit into it.  It tasted so wonderful I handed it to Adam, and he took a bite.  Suddenly, we knew!  We knew life as we knew it was over.  I felt so ashamed.  The snake was right I did know so much more.  I knew shame and fear and a bunch of other emotions I never knew before.  Suddenly the world seemed darker.  I realized I was naked in front of Adam and the rest of the animals.  That snake was a liar and I should not have listened to him.  I hate how I feel!

I told Adam we should sew leaves together to cover our nakedness.  We did and hid in the trees.  We knew God would be looking for us.  We did not want Him to see our naked bodies.  Sure enough the Lord came looking for us.  We knew He knew where we were since He was all knowing but we hid anyways. 

The Lord called to us.  ”Where are you?” He asked.  Adam replied “I heard you walking in the garden, so I hid. I was afraid because I was naked.”

11“Who told you that you were naked?” the Lord God asked. “Have you eaten from the tree whose fruit I commanded you not to eat?”

12The man replied, “It was the woman you gave me who gave me the fruit, and I ate it.”

Sure, blame it all on me!  “It was the snake” I replied, “he tricked me into thinking we would be more like You.”  “I’m sorry I listened to him.  Please make this all go back to the way it was.  I don’t want to feel like this anymore!”  I knew we could never go back.  We were doomed.  My heart was broken.  What surprised me next was what God had to say to us.  First, He spoke to the snake.

“Because you have done this, you are cursed more than all animals, domestic and wild.

You will crawl on your belly, groveling in the dust as long as you live. 15And I will cause hostility between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring. He will strike your head, and you will strike his heel.”

Wonder what the Lord meant by all of this.  No time to find out though because the Lord started talking to me. 

“I will sharpen the pain of your pregnancy, and in pain you will give birth. And you will desire to control your husband, but he will rule over you.”   It figures.  No more being equal, Adam will rule over me.  Well, we will see about that.  Then the Lord spoke to Adam.

 “Since you listened to your wife and ate from the tree whose fruit I commanded you not to eat the ground is cursed because of you.  All your life you will struggle to scratch a living from it.  18It will grow thorns and thistles for you, though you will eat of its grains.  19By the sweat of your brow will you have food to eat until you return to the ground from which you were made.  For you were made from dust, and to dust you will return.”

Ugh!  Life is going to be so hard from now on.  Oh, why did I listen to the snake?  He is evil and now I am so afraid of all snakes.  Adam laughs at me, but I am really terrified when I see a snake now.  Now we cannot live in our beautiful garden anymore.  The land we now live in has so many rocks and thorn bushes in it.  There are other nasty plants.  One gave me a rash and I itched for days.  Adam made a tool to cut up the hard ground so we could plant seeds to grow our food.  God killed two sheep and made coverings for us to wear.  He said the meat was to be burned for an offering to Him for the forgiveness of our sins.  He said it was a sign of the One to come who would restore the perfect world and our hearts to Him. 

God continued to care for us by giving us knowledge to live.  For instance, He taught us what was an acceptable offering and what was not and why.  He also taught us what foods to eat and how to prepare them.  He gave us knowledge how to make a shelter to keep us safe from the animals who used to be our friends.  There is plenty of water here, but I must go fetch it all the time if I need it for cooking or to water the garden.  Life’s no fun anymore!

I’m pregnant!  I am getting bigger with this child growing inside of me.  The Lord told us to go have lots of children.  It’s not fun being pregnant.  The first three months I threw up a lot, especially in the morning.  Making a baby seems enjoyable but these nine months of misery is not!  Hope this baby comes soon! 

It’s a boy!  It hurt so much to give birth to him, but he is so adorable it was so worth it!  Just a few months later I realized I am pregnant again.  All I seem like is I am is barefoot, pregnant and cooking something.  Adam seems to like my cooking though and he sure loves Cain.  Our next child is also a boy.  We named him Abel.  They are growing up to be fine men.  I have given birth to a few girls too.  Girls seemed to be easier than boys to raise.

My heart is broken beyond belief.  Cain killed Abel!  I could not believe it when Adam told me.  Now Cain has left us, and we will probably never see him again.  He took one of his sisters for a wife when he left.  I miss them both so much. 

Pregnant once again.  This time I hope it is a boy to “replace” my dear Abel.  When he came out, we promised ourselves we would raise this boy to follow the Lord and to teach him about the coming Messiah.  Adam and I grew old together having many sons and daughters.  We have lots of grandchildren too.  Our grandchildren are having children and grandchildren too.  It has been a life of many ups and downs.  We are thankful our son Seth is closely following the Lord.  Come Messiah, come.

Lessons Learned from Eve

Don’t you want to yell at Eve not to eat the fruit or to even listen to the snake!  But think about it, we would probably do the same.  Life changed in an instant when Eve took that first bite.  Oh, how we have suffered since then.  Thankfully, God had a plan of salvation.  He sent His Son, Jesus, to die on a cross to save us from our sin.  Jesus was the perfect sacrifice pictured in the first sacrifice so long ago.  And, because of Jesus’ sacrifice we can have paradise once again when we get to Heaven.  For now, we must live in the sinful world where there is evil and illness.  But, do not fear!  God is with us.  We only must trust Him and believe.

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Here are some books which might interest you.

From Eve to Esther: Rabbinic Reconstructions of Biblical Women
By Leila Bronner / Westminster John Knox Press

This is the first book-length attempt to focus on female biblical figures in the ancient rabbinic writings of midrash and Talmud. Primary rabbinic sources employed by the author bring new life and insight into the stories of Eve, Deborah, Hannah, Serah bat Asher, and others. As women and men today attempt to reevaluate past historical models, it serves us well to understand the values and inner workings of rabbinic thinking. The examination of what the sources actually say, and not what others would like them to have said, enable reinterpretation of women’s role to proceed on an honest and authentic basis. Biblical women, reclaimed with contemporary midrash, can become paradigms for our modern lives.

Twelve Extraordinary Women: How God Shaped Women of the Bible and What He Wants to Do with You
By John MacArthur / Thomas Nelson

Celebrated for their courage, vision, hospitality, and spiritual giftedness, it’s no wonder women were so important to God’s place revealed in the Old and New Testaments. It wasn’t their natural qualities that made these women extraordinary but the power of the one true God whom they worshipped and served. Their struggles and temptations are the same trials faced by all believers at all ages.

In Twelve Extraordinary Women by John MacArthur, you’ll learn more than fascinating information about these women, you’ll discover–perhaps for the first time–the unmistakable chronology of God’s redemptive work in history through their lives. These women were not ancillary to His plan, they were at the very heart of it. And this book includes their amazing stories.

The twelve women studied in this book are Eve (Genesis 3:20), Sarah (Genesis 11-25), Rahab (Matthew 1:5-6), Ruth (Ruth 1-4), Hannah (1 Samuel 1-2), Mary, the mother of Jesus (Luke 1-2), Anna (Luke 2:36-38), The Samaritan woman (John 4), Martha and Mary (Luke 10:38-42), Mary Magdalene (Matthew 27:56-61), and Lydia (Acts 16:14).

This edition includes a Study Guide for group discussion.

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Lessons Learned: Tamar

Lessons Learned: Tamar

Warning: Contains adult situations and violence.  Trigger warning!

Genesis 38 (Scripture from the New Living Translation is in italics.)

1About this time, Judah left home and moved to Adullam, where he stayed with a man named Hirah. 2There he saw a Canaanite woman, the daughter of Shua, and he married her. When he slept with her, 3she became pregnant and gave birth to a son, and he named the boy Er. 4Then she became pregnant again and gave birth to another son, and she named him Onan. 5And when she gave birth to a third son, she named him Shelah. At the time of Shelah’s birth, they were living at Kezib.

6In the course of time, Judah arranged for his firstborn son, Er, to marry a young woman named Tamar.

Tamar’s Story (The following is a true story from the Bible.  Some of it is fictional to tell Tamar’s part in this story.)

My father tells me I am going to marry a man named Er.  Er is a Hebrew living near us.  His father, Judah, and my father arranged this marriage so we could have better trade relations with them.  I guess Er saw me and wanted me.  I hope the rumors are not true.  I heard from my friends Er likes to torment animals and gets angry when he does not get his way.  It makes me fear him, but I am just a girl and have no say in who I marry.  I am just 15 years old.  All I want is to be a mother so I would have a place in this world where I would be respected.  My mother taught me how to run a household and to do what my husband says so he will respect me and give me children.  My marriage is to take place in two weeks.

It is my wedding day!  I cannot wait to meet the man I marry.  I hope he is nice to me.  He will be here soon to take me to his home.  We will have a feast, and everyone will be there.  It is a beautiful day! 

Er arrived with his father.  They paid the bride price to my father.  Judah seemed happy to have his son marry me.  Er looks like he can’t wait to take me to the marriage bed.  This makes me a little afraid.  Doesn’t he want to talk to me and get to know me better?  I do want children, more than anything, but I also want to be respected for who I am too.

The feast was wonderful, and everyone was having a great time.  Er was drinking a lot more than he ate and that worries me.  Some of my friends say Er gets mean when he drinks.  What have I gotten myself into?  But I do not have a choice here and must be an obedient wife so I can have children.  It is time.

Er grabs my hand, rather roughly, and pulls me up and kisses me right in front of everyone.  Everyone laughs and whistles.  Er pulls me towards his bedroom.  I am trying to relax and do what my mother told me to do.  Afterwards I felt like I had been raped.  Er was not gentle nor did he think of me, only himself.  Oh, I hurt so much.  Then he slapped me and said I did not make him want me.  He called me cold.  I went into the corner and cried to myself.  Er promptly fell asleep like he did not have a care in the world.  I do hope it gets better.  Is having children worth this awful pain I have both inside and out?

Six months have gone by and I am still not pregnant.  Every time Er pays any attention to me it is for sex.  Every time he is rough.  He does seem to enjoy slapping me around when no one is looking.  I hide the bruises the best I can.  No one seems to notice except maybe Judah.  He seems nice, unlike everyone else in the family.  Everyone else seems more preoccupied as to whether my stomach is getting bigger. 

Last night was the worse!  I started bleeding down there from Er being so rough!  I don’t know how much longer I can take this!  I hope he leaves me alone for a few days so I can heal. 

What is going on!  Everyone in the other room suddenly started to shout and cry.  I hurried out to find Er had suddenly died!  How could this happen?  Judah was saying it was his God who struck Er down for the way he treated me.  His God?  I need to know more about Judah’s God if He cares about me, a woman.  But now what will happen to me?  I have no husband and I am certainly not pregnant.  For now, I must pretend I am a grieving widow when I am so relieved.

It is our custom that when a husband dies without providing a child the wife marries the closest relative to bear a child for the dead husband’s name.  The first son in the marriage will inherit all the dead husband’s property.  In my case, since Er was the eldest he would have received the largest part of Judah’s estate.  The younger sons get very little even if the oldest dies.  The oldest son’s son get the portion not the next in line.  Onan was next in line.  Judah arrange for me to marry Onan to carry on Er’s name by giving me a son to bear.

Onan seemed nicer than Er.  He did not mistreat animals or people who were less fortunate than him.  I looked forward to our marriage as this was a way to bear children so I would finally be respected.  Our wedding day was set for the day after tomorrow.

After the wedding feast Onan took me to his room, he was gentle with me and having intercourse with him seemed much easier.  However, he pulled himself out and let his semen spill onto the bed.  What?  How am I supposed to get pregnant?  So, I asked him why did he do this?  His answer cut me to the core!  He was unwilling to give me a child so all Er’s portion of the estate would go to that child.  He wanted it all for himself.  I felt used!  Again, I cried myself to sleep.

This went on for a couple of weeks.  Each time we came together Onan would pull out.  I kept hoping he would change his mind.  After all, he was so nice to me throughout the day.  But no, I will not have children with Onan.  I told my mother-in-law and she told Judah.  They pleaded with Onan to give me a child to carry on Er’s name, but he refused.

One day Onan was out tending the sheep and he was bitten by a snake.  He died within two hours.  Judah was crying it was God’s doing.  Judah said it was evil what Onan had done and that is why God killed him.  I need to know more about this God! 

I was heartbroken.  Widowed twice and no children to show for it.   Judah’s third son was only 14 years old.  I would have to wait until he was 16 years old before I can marry him.  Judah told me to go home to live with my parents so they could care for me.  I wonder if Judah even intends for me to marry his third son.  Living with my parents after being married twice is going to be difficult.  What will happen to me now?

My family wanted me to marry again but no one wants to marry a woman who lost two husbands.  I was holding out for Judah’s youngest son Shelah.  Two years passed and no one offered to marry me.  I endured the looks I got from women every day when I went to draw water at the well.  Meanwhile, Judah’s wife died.  Shelah grew up and Judah was not making any moves to have me marry him.  Will I be a widow all my life with no one to care for me?  My parents are not going to live forever.  What should I do? 

I started talking to some Hebrew girls who were willing to friend me.  Being a Canaanite woman, this was odd.  Yet I learned so much about the Hebrew God.  How He loves and cares for His people.  I forsake my gods and started to pray to the Hebrew God.  I wanted to be a part of a Hebrew family and have children.  I want them to know the Hebrew God, who is the real God.  The gods of my people are just man made and are not real.

But, marrying a Hebrew did not seem likely.  If Judah did not give me Shelah for a husband, then he needs to fulfill the duties himself.  I needed a child to take care of me.  I needed a plan.  One day I heard Judah was going to Timnah to supervise the shearing of his sheep.  I made up my mind I was going to trick Judah to having intercourse with me.  I do not want to do this, but I need to have a child, and this is the only way I could see to do it.  So, I took off my widow’s clothing and put on a pretty gown and a long veil to cover my face.  I went to the village of Enaim and sat down by the road.  It is on the way to Timnah.  Judah noticed me.  He thought I was a prostitute and I did not tell him differently or who I was. 

He propositioned me to sleep with him.  How much I asked starting to feel a little braver.   17“I’ll send you a young goat from my flock,” Judah promised.

“But what will you give me to guarantee that you will send the goat?” she asked.

18“What kind of guarantee do you want?” he replied.

She (I) answered, “Leave me your identification seal and its cord and the walking stick you are carrying.”

We went to a lodge and Judah paid for a room.  I let him have sex with me, but I always kept the veil on.  When he left, he left his identification seal with its cord and his walking stick.  One month later I found I was successful in getting pregnant.  I was so happy!  Yet things will not be easy for me because of what I have done.  I could be burned for being a prostitute.

Word got out that I was pregnant, and it reached Judah.  He was so angry he ordered me to be burned.  The men came to get me, but I was ready for them.  I told them to tell my father-in-law “The man who owns these things made me pregnant. Look closely. Whose seal and cord and walking stick are these?”   The men took the seal, cord and walking stick back to Judah with the message.  I heard Judah admitted they were his.  Judah sent for me to live in his house.  He gave me a room by myself with my maid to help me. 

Months went by and I was getting bigger.  Judah never tried to sleep with me again, but he treated me with respect.  The time came for me to deliver.  My maid helped me.  We realized I was going to have twins.  At one point one of the babies reached its hand out and my maid tied a red cord around it saying this is the first born.  However, the hand went back in and it was two more hours of labor before the first child was born.  It did not have a red cord around its hand.  The second one was born with the red cord.  They were both boys.  I named the first-born Perez and the other Zerah.  Now I will be respected among God’s people.  I will raise my sons to know the Hebrew God.  I am blessed!

Lessons Learned from Tamar

When I first started to think about writing Tamar’s story, I had not read it in a long time.  It was one of the stories from the book “A Lineage of Grace” by Francine Rivers.  I started reading the part of the book about Tamar and I thought “how am I going to write about this?”  I stopped reading and thought about it a few days.  Then I read the Bible about it and the surrounding chapters to understand the whole story.  Then I started to write.  As I wrote I thought to myself why does God want me to write this story.  Tamar went through so much.  Yet she was brave.  She found out God loves and cares for her.  Women in her culture were just there to bear children for their husbands.  She was not even a Hebrew, so she was even less honored.  She did not know it, but Perez is in Jesus’ lineage.  God had a plan and she fulfilled it.  Yes, she went through being abused and ridiculed to get there but God was with her and removed the evil men from her life.  Jesus went through much pain and suffering when He went to the cross to save us.  Are you trusting Him to save you?

You can buy the above mentioned book below: (This is an affiliate link. If you click on the link and make a purchase I may receive a percentage of your purchase at no extra costs to you.

A Lineage of Grace
By Francine Rivers / Tyndale House

In this compilation of the five books of the best-selling Lineage of Grace series by Francine Rivers, we meet the five women whom God chose–Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary. Each was faced with extraordinary–even scandalous–challenges. Each took great personal risk to fulfill her calling. Each was destined to play a key role in the lineage of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the World.

Christianity and Mental Health: Change

Christianity and Mental Health: Change

In my last Christianity and Mental Health post I talked about helplessness and mentioned change often throughout the post.  (See:   But how does one change.  First, one must want to change.  Are you tired of your situation enough to make the change?  Are you ready to make a new start?  Though out grad school I learned many ways to effect change in the client but there was one kind which is my favorite for short term therapy.  It is called “Solution-focused” therapy.  It is a good one for changing situation when you have some control over the situation. 

Please note the following information is not for people with serious mental health problems.  If you have serious mental health problems, please talk to someone who is a licensed therapist.  I am not licensed nor am I a therapist.  I do have a master’s degree and have been trained to do therapy, but I do not have any experience in therapy beyond grad school.  The following information can be used in many situations to help make changes in one’s life

It is helpful to have a notebook or journal to write down things you may find helpful as you read the following part of this post.

First, what do you want to change?  Is it a new job or a change in your financial situation?  Or do you want something to change in a relationship you are involved in?  Write out specifically what you want to change. 

Look over your recent past.  When were there times when the problem you are now having did not exist?  What was different?  What did you do during those times that worked in a positive way?  What were some things others did that helped make the problem seem better?  Give yourself some time with each question.  Write down your answers. 

Three things to think on while writing out your answers:

  • Instead of looking at the ”problem” which is something you do not want, look at what you do want.  Don’t just say you want the problem to go away.  What do you want instead?
  • Does this work? Do more of it.  What has worked in the past?  Identify thing you did which worked in your past.  Could these things work in the future?
  • If it is not working do something different.  What did not work?

Now I want you to imagine in your mind for a few moments what if you woke up one day and the change you wanted already happened.  What does this change look like?  How can you tell it happened?  Write down what your world looks like with this change you imagined.  How are you feeling about this change?  How will others know the change has happened?  Imagine this new world on a scale of one to ten and ten being the best and one being the worst, what number do you give this new world?  When was the last time things were like the day you woke up and the change had already happened? 

Now let’s look for solutions.

Write down your goal.  Look at where you are now and where do you want to be.  You are the expert on yourself.  What skills do you realize you have by looking at what worked in the past?  Write down things you might try. 

During the next week look for:

  • Times you avoided the problem and how.
  • What others did that helped the situation.
  • When you tried something different-notice how well it worked or not.
  • Pay attention to anything which might suggest your problem can be solved.

 After the week rate yourself on the same scale you did above.  Notice any change?  Why do you suppose it happened?  Hopefully you will see yourself higher on the scale this week as opposed to last.  What small steps can you take to increase yourself on the scale? 

You are the expert on what you can do.  You can find your strengths.  However, you do not have to do this alone!  God is already working in you to help solve your problem.  Pray and ask Him to show you the answers to these questions in your life.  There is no problem God cannot fix!  Be willing to let Him lead you.  Finally, find someone whom you trust to help you work through these questions and to pray with you.  I am praying for you.


Capuzzi, D. & Gross, D. R. (2007). Counseling and Psychotherapy-Theories and Interventions, 4th ed.  Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson-Merrill Prentice Hall.  

Kollar, Charles, A. (2011). Solution-Focused Pastoral Counseling.  Grand Rapids, Michigan Zondervan.

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Making Peace With Change: Navigating Life’s Messy Transitions with Honesty and Grace
By Gina Butz / Discovery House

Change is hard. Whether it’s a good change like a job promotion or a badchange like a devastating health diagnosis, it’s stressful. Gina Brenna Butzshares her personal stories of struggling with change and encourages readersto trust God. She writes with compassion as she urges readers to rely onGod’s goodness, lean on Him for strength, rejoice that He is constant, andultimately fi nd satisfaction in Him rather than in circumstances. Biblicalstories and Scripture verses weave together to help the reader see changefrom our heavenly Father’s viewpoint. He works all things together for thegood of His children, often through seasons of change.

First Aid for Your Health: Making 10 Therapeutic Life Changes
By Edward E. Moody, Jr. Ph.D. / Randall House Publications

What if you could be healthier by making some slight changes in your life? In First Aid for Your Health, you’ll find 10 therapeutic life changes that can lead to better health. Based on solid research and the teachings of Scripture, Dr. Moody shares valuable evidence that supports how spiritual health plays a significant role in achieving good physical health.

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Lessons Learned: Hannah

Lessons Learned: Hannah

I Samuel 1 (Scripture taken from the New Living Translation is in italics.)

1There was a man named Elkanah who lived in Ramah in the region of Zuph in the hill country of Ephraim. He was the son of Jeroham, son of Elihu, son of Tohu, son of Zuph, of Ephraim. 2Elkanah had two wives, Hannah and Peninnah. Peninnah had children, but Hannah did not

3Each year Elkanah would travel to Shiloh to worship and sacrifice to the Lord of Heaven’s Armies at the Tabernacle. The priests of the Lord at that time were the two sons of Eli—Hophni and Phinehas. 4On the days Elkanah presented his sacrifice, he would give portions of the meat to Peninnah and each of her children. 5And though he loved Hannah, he would give her only one choice portion because the Lord had given her no children.

. 6So Peninnah would taunt Hannah and make fun of her because the Lord had kept her from having children. 7Year after year it was the same—Peninnah would taunt Hannah as they went to the Tabernacle. Each time, Hannah would be reduced to tears and would not even eat.

Hannah’s Story (The following is Hannah’s story in my words, some of it is fictional.)

She is doing it again!  It is bad enough Peninnah has three children, but does she have to rub it in my face every time we get together?  Yesterday was too much with her going on and on about how her oldest son was the fastest runner in town.  Who cares?  I know Elkanah loves me very much, but I am constantly hurt by her bragging.  Oh, Lord, why can’t I get pregnant?

Every year we go up to Shiloh to sacrifice to the Lord it is especially difficult because I am constantly with Peninnah and her children.  At home I can go to my part of the house and not have to see her much at all except when we eat supper.  Here on these trips I am with the whole family and I feel like such an outsider.   This year I am going to go to the Tabernacle by myself and pray for a child. 

After Elkanah made his sacrifices we all sat down to eat.  Peninnah was mad!  Elkanah gave me the best portion of the meat.  She started whispering to me how I don’t deserve to be in the family since I can’t have children.  She said I was a disgrace to womenkind.  She also said Elkanah loved her more since he would sleep with her more often than me.  I tried so hard to control my tears, but I could not even eat!  I fled to the woman’s section of the Tabernacle to pray.

10Hannah was in deep anguish, crying bitterly as she prayed to the Lord. 11And she made this vow: “O Lord of Heaven’s Armies, if you will look upon my sorrow and answer my prayer and give me a son, then I will give him back to you. He will be yours for his entire lifetime, and as a sign that he has been dedicated to the Lord, his hair will never be cut.”

I guess my lips were moving as I prayed because Eli, the old priest, saw me and thought I was drunk.  He told me to get rid of my wine and stop acting so foolish.  I was in shock!  My heart was broken, and he thinks I am drunk.  I started crying more and tried to tell him I was praying in earnest for something and had not even touch my wine at dinner.  He was so kind and blessed me.

17“In that case,” Eli said, “go in peace! May the God of Israel grant the request you have asked of him.”.

I felt much better after he said that to me.  I believed God would grant me my prayer.  And he did!  By the next year I was nursing a baby boy I named Samuel.  Samuel means I asked the Lord for him.  I kept my word too.  When Samuel was weaned, I took him up to the Tabernacle and presented him to Eli.  Samuel lived with Eli at the Tabernacle from then on and the Lord blessed me with other children.

Lessons Learned

A couple of months ago my small group Bible study was discussing Hannah.  I saw a lot of me in Hannah.  First, while we tried to get pregnant for ten years, it never happened.  I wanted to be a Mom.  Everyone else in my family, except one of my brothers who never married, had kids but not me.  All my friends were having kids too or at least it seemed like it.  Last year for Mother’s Day I wrote about my infertility.  I would pray for a child just like Hannah.  Although, I do not remember crying about it, that is not the way I am built.  While I never gave birth, God gave me two children who are young adults now.  See My Adoption Story

I also know how it feels like to have another woman in my husband’s life.  Shortly after we moved back to Wisconsin in 2001, I realized my husband was having an affair.  For the next few years I felt like less of a woman because of the affair.  She never came right out and said she was better than me, but I felt it.  It was a very difficult time in my life, but I have grown so much from it.  I have also forgiven my now ex-husband.  Yet, the scars are still there.  Read I Samuel chapter two for Hannah’s Reaction to her story.  She was faithful to God even though she had to go through trials.  What are you praying for that is causing you anguish?  Remain faithful to God and He will answer your prayer.  Remember, though, God does not answer our prayers the way we want them to be answered.  He answers them according to His plan for us with yes, wait, or no (because He has something better for us). 

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Two books from: Home

A Passionate Hope Hannah’s Story

By Jill Eileen Smith / Revell

Hannah and her husband, Elkanah, share a deep and abiding love, for each other, for their God, and for his tabernacle at Shiloh. Greatly disturbed by the corruption of the priests, they long for restoration and pray for a deliverer. But nothing changes as the years pass. Years that also reveal Hannah to be barren.

Pressured by his family to take another wife, Elkanah marries Peninnah, who quickly begins to bear children. Disgraced and taunted by her husband’s new wife, Hannah turns again to prayers that seem doomed to go unanswered. Do her devotion and kindness in the face of Peninnah’s cruelty count for nothing? Why does God remain silent and indifferent to her pleas?

Travel back to the dusty streets of Shiloh with an expert guide as Jill Eileen Smith brings to life a beloved story of hope, patience, and deliverance that shows that even the most broken of relationships can be restored.

Hannah’s Song: What Love Looks Like
By Diana Hagee / Worthy Publishing

Join Diana Hagee in this insightful Bible study as she takes you verse by verse through the story of Hannah memorialized in 1 Samuel. Hannah endured heartache, frustration, and a deep feeling of inadequacy for being barren in a culture that honored motherhood. Still, she was a woman of patience, perseverance, and courage. Hannah cried out to God with absolute faith that He would hear her petition and answer it. Using Scripture, powerful storytelling, and real-life examples, this study will help you:

  • Establish a foundation of Bible knowledge
  • Search the Word for answers to everyday life
  • Challenge yourself to dig deeper into the Bible individually or with a group
  • Reflect on God’s Word to understand His divine plan for you.
  • Discover that God’s Word is approachable, and it should be approached daily.
  • Equip you to live the victorious, committed life of a believer.

Hannah’s story emphasizes the power of prayer, faith, and praise. Like Hannah, God has a divine plan for every woman. He will pour out His unconditional love on your life as you seek to serve and glorify Him.

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Lessons Learned: Ruth A Love Story

Lessons Learned: Ruth

The Book of Ruth (Bible)

Before there was a king in Israel the land was ruled by judges.  During that time there was a famine in the land.  A man named Ellimelech, his wife Naomi and their sons Mahlon and Kilion left Israel and moved to Moab.  While they were living in Moab Elimelech died.  Mahlon and Kilion grew up and married Moabite wives.  One was named Orpah and the other was named Ruth.  While they were married ten years neither woman had any children.  Both Mahlon and Kilion also died.  While they were still grieving Naomi heard Israel’s famine was over.  She decided to return home to her family’s hometown of Bethlehem. 

Ruth’s Story: (The following is a speculation on what I think Ruth’s life was like. It is fictional)

When I first met Naomi and her two sons, I could tell they were different.  They did not worship our gods because they worshiped an unseen God.  How can an unseen God be a god?  The more I heard about their God the more I wanted to know.  I started to like Mahlon the first day I saw him even though I knew he was a Hebrew.  When I found out he liked me back I was elated.  Would my Dad allow me to marry this Hebrew?  I am happy to say he did.

We were married ten years before Mahlon got sick.  I kept wondering why I was not getting pregnant.  Orpah, my friend, married Kilion and they did not have any children either.  Both became sick.  Soon Kilion died and then Mahlon three weeks later.  We were devastated.   What would we do now?  I had not only fell in love with Mahlon, but I loved Naomi as well.  I also started to love the Hebrew God and realized my family’s gods were not real and had no power.

After a time of grieving Naomi decided to return home to Bethlehem.  She never really felt at home in Moab.  Orpah and I decided to go with Naomi.  However, when we got a day’s journey from our city Naomi told us to turn back.  Orpah said goodbye to Naomi and went back to her people.  I could not leave.  Instead I said

16 “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. 17Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried. May the Lord deal with me, be it ever so severely, if even death separates you and me.” 18When Naomi realized that Ruth was determined to go with her, she stopped urging her.

So, we walked all the way back to Bethlehem.  It was a long and tiring journey and neither of us knew what to expect when we returned.  On the way Naomi told me stories of Israel’s history.  I was amazed at their God.  Naomi also told me about many of their customs.  I was so happy I decided to go with Naomi.  When we arrived settled in Naomi’s old home, but we had no means to support ourselves.  One of the Hebrews’ customs was called gleaning.  It is a way the very poor could provide for themselves.  They go out into the fields behind the harvesters and glean anything that is missed.  I told Naomi I would go out and glean in the fields so at least we would have bread to eat.

The next day I happened to come to a field being harvested who belonged to a man named Boaz.  I asked what looked like the man in charge if I could glean the field behind his harvesters and to my surprise he said yes.  I was not sure I would be accepted because I wasn’t a Hebrew.  I went to work right away following behind and hoping no one would pay attention to me.  I was wrong, Boaz noticed me even before I noticed him.  Then I noticed Boaz talking to the overseer and I was afraid Boaz would ask me to leave.  Instead, Boaz said to me:

“My daughter, listen to me. Don’t go and glean in another field and don’t go away from here. Stay here with the women who work for me. 9Watch the field where the men are harvesting, and follow along after the women. I have told the men not to lay a hand on you. And whenever you are thirsty, go and get a drink from the water jars the men have filled.”

Wow, what a nice man, and good looking too.  He is a little older and probably does not think much about me being a foreigner.  I worked there the entire day and returned home to Naomi with plenty of barley to make bread and lots left over.  I would go back the next day and keep going because we will need grain for the winter. 

Naomi told me Boaz was a cousin of Ellimelech.  She then told me Boaz could be a kinsman-redeemer to me.  Naomi explained a kinsman-redeemer was a relative who could marry a childless widow to give the widow’s dead husband a son to carry on the dead husband’s name.  They could also buy any property of the widow’s husband to keep it in the family’s name.  Naomi explained Elimelech had mortgaged his property before they went to Moab.  A kinsman-redeemer could buy it back for my son, if I marry the kinsman-redeemer and have a son.  It is wonderful how God provides for the poor and widows.

For several days I went to glean.  I noticed the workers would leave extra for me and I wondered if they did it on purpose.  Each day I would notice Boaz coming to the fields and talking to the overseer.  Occasionally I would notice him looking my way, but I would look away if he caught my eye.  I do not want people gossiping about me.  Finally, the wheat harvest was coming to an end.

1One day Ruth’s mother-in-law Naomi said to her, “My daughter, I must find a home for you, where you will be well provided for. 2Now Boaz, with whose women you have worked, is a relative of ours. Tonight he will be winnowing barley on the threshing floor. 3Wash, put on perfume, and get dressed in your best clothes. Then go down to the threshing floor, but don’t let him know you are there until he has finished eating and drinking. 4When he lies down, note the place where he is lying. Then go and uncover his feet and lie down. He will tell you what to do.”

I was so scared to do this, but I knew Naomi knew what was best for us.  I did as she told me and went up to the threshing floor and hid while the men were eating and drinking.  Later they all laid down around the huge barn and I saw Boaz laying down by a pile of barley.  Soon it was quiet, so I crept up and carefully pulled Boaz’s mantel as I laid down at his feet.  I laid there quietly for a long time and I think I fell asleep.  Suddenly, I felt a foot touch my arm.  Boaz sat up and realized I was at his feet.

9“Who are you?” he asked.

“I am your servant Ruth,” she said. “Spread the corner of your garment over me, since you are a guardian-redeemer of our family.”

10“The Lord bless you, my daughter,” he replied. “This kindness is greater than that which you showed earlier: You have not run after the younger men, whether rich or poor. 11And now, my daughter, don’t be afraid. I will do for you all you ask. All the people of my town know that you are a woman of noble character. 12Although it is true that I am a guardian-redeemer of our family, there is another who is more closely related than I. 13Stay here for the night, and in the morning if he wants to do his duty as your guardian-redeemer, good; let him redeem you. But if he is not willing, as surely as the Lord lives I will do it. Lie here until morning.”

(The NIV uses the term guardian-redeemer. I use kinsman-redeemer. The book a Linage of Grace (below) uses relative-redeemer.)

He also said I should leave before anyone awoke so no one would know I was there.  He was protecting me from gossip.  When dawn was just started to break Boaz woke me up and said hand me your cloak.  He filled it some barley and told me to take it to Naomi.  He also said he would speak with the one who was a closer relative today.

I have been told Boaz asked the closer relative if he wanted to buy Naomi’s property.  At first the relative said yes but when Boaz said he would also have to marry me he said no.  I am relieved!  I don’t know who the relative is, but I know Boaz is a kind man.  I like him enough to marry him.  With time I am sure to love him.  I wonder how soon we will get married. 

Boaz came to our house later that day with the answer.  He said we are to be married right away that day.  He told me he would send clothes for the wedding along with things to adorn my hair.  He went home to prepare a feast in honor of our wedding.  It was a beautiful wedding and feast.  It turns out Boaz is a lot of fun and it was easy for me to relax with him. 

A year later I learned to love Boaz even more than my first husband.  He treats me like a queen.  I have borne a son.  We named him Obed. 

Lessons Learned from Ruth

I have read Ruth’s story in several versions of the Bible and in “a Lineage of Grace” by Francine Rivers.  A long time ago I heard an intern pastor preach on the book of Ruth and he turned it into a love story.  But what struck me the most about this love story from the intern pastor’s perspective was it was a type of Christ redeeming us from our poverty of this sin-filled world.  Yes, Christ came to give us new life.  Yes, we will have hardships, but we can have joy in those hardships because God is right there with us helping us learn from the hardships.

When I think of Ruth I immediately think of loyalty.  She was loyal to her first husband even though he died and did not give her any children.  And, she was loyal to Naomi all the way to the end.  I always want to be loyal even at times of hardship. 

Want to learn more stop by the W.I.L.D. website for a complete study.
From the website W.I.L.D.

Here is a link to purchase the above book from Christianbook

A Lineage of Grace
By Francine Rivers / Tyndale House

In this compilation of the five books of the best-selling Lineage of Grace series by Francine Rivers, we meet the five women whom God chose–Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary. Each was faced with extraordinary–even scandalous–challenges. Each took great personal risk to fulfill her calling. Each was destined to play a key role in the lineage of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the World.

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Lessons Learned: Rahab

Lessons Learned: Rahab

Joshua 2, 6:17, 22-23, Mathew 1:5, James 2:25, and Hebrews 11:31

Rahab was a prostitute which God used to save Israel.  Besides the book of Joshua, Rahab was mentioned three other times in the Bible.  There is not much known about Rahab but if you google her you get a ton of speculation.  One person said she married Joshua but if you read Mathew 1:5 you find it is not true.  She married Salmon who is in the line of David and Jesus.  Many scholars believe she weaved linen clothe because she had flax on her roof.  Others speculate Rahab’s house was large and it could have been an inn.  She also was well known and trusted.  Some say this because the king’s men believed her when she told them the spies left to go back to the Israelites. 

However, she was a woman, and, in her culture, she was considered property by the men in her family until she married.  Then she would be her husband’s property.  It makes me wonder if it was her choice to prostitute herself or was it her father’s.  Even so, she loved her family enough to saved them. 

I imagine Rahab to be an obedient daughter who was very intelligent.  She also must have been beautiful.  I have been told people will tell prostitutes things they may not tell others.  Perhaps, men of high places visited her regularly and told her what was happening.  She was intelligent enough to see God was more powerful than any of the gods her people worshipped. 

Did she hide the spies from her family then later confess to them what she had done?  How did she convince them of the city’s pending doom?  Oh, the fear that must have been in her heart.  Yet she was very brave to do what she did.

Any of this could be true but to God she was willing to put her faith into action.  James 2:24-25 says:

24You see that a person is considered righteous by what they do and not by faith alone.

25In the same way, was not even Rahab the prostitute considered righteous for what she did when she gave lodging to the spies and sent them off in a different direction? 26As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.

Here is what she said to the two spies of Israel.  The last verse tells of her faith.  She believed God was the God above all. 

8Before the spies lay down for the night, she went up on the roof 9and said to them, “I know that the Lord has given you this land and that a great fear of you has fallen on us, so that all who live in this country are melting in fear because of you. 10We have heard how the Lord dried up the water of the Red Sea for you when you came out of Egypt, and what you did to Sihon and Og, the two kings of the Amorites east of the Jordan, whom you completely destroyed.11When we heard of it, our hearts melted in fear and everyone’s courage failed because of you, for the Lord your God is God in heaven above and on the earth below.

Rahab’s Story (The following is a speculation on what I think Rahab’s life was like. It is fictional.)

I was just fifteen when my father told me I needed to help the family by sleeping with men.  I was scared but I loved my father so much I would do anything for him.  The family linen business helped support the family but it was really not enough for all of us.  We also kept travelers in our large house.  Jericho was a busy place and soon I became very popular with the leaders in the city.  Even the king has sent for me from time to time.  Soon I became so used to this it became easier to become adjusted to the emptiness I felt inside.  I wondered if this was the only kind of love I would have. 

More and more the king sent for me.  He was an arrogant man and demanding.  I hated being with the king, but he paid very well.  My father seemed please the king kept asking for me.  One day the king asked me to be a spy for him.  My father’s house was right on the wall and near the gate.  My part of the house had a large window overlooking the gate and I could see for miles.  The king wanted me to especially look for Israel spies because the king had heard Israel would cross the Jordan and attack the city.

A year ago, a man visited our house and told us about the God of Israel.  He told us about Israel’s history in Egypt and the miracles Israel’s God had done.  Many in the city were very afraid of Israel and their God.  I started to believe the God of Israel was much more powerful our gods.  I wanted to learn more about this powerful God.  I also wanted out of my life of prostitution.  My family became wealthy because of me.  I loved them dearly but at the same time I was hurt deeply they wanted more from me.  I started to form a plan.

What if I got an Israelite spy to come into our house without my parents knowing about it?  I could learn about their God and help them stay safe from the king’s guards.  If I was found out I would surely be put to death.  But if I was successful, I could save myself and my family from the Israel’s attack.

Later, I was looking out the window and saw two men that looked different from the others entering the gate.  I was able to get their attention before they were noticed by the guards at the gate.  I promised to give them information and a place to hide.  I was not really expecting them to come with me to my house but for some reason they did.  I brought them up to our roof while my family was away gathering flax for linen.  We talked awhile and I realized the Israel God was the only real God.  I heard my family coming home so I hid the two men under the flax and told them I would come back later.

Someone must have seen me with the two Israelite men because a short time later a few guards came to our house and asked me to bring the out of the house.  I told them the men had been there but had left.  I told them they were heading back towards the Jordan river and if they hurry the guards could catch them.  The guards believed me and hurried out the gate toward the Jordan river.

Later I went back up to the roof.  I brought the two men down to my room.  I asked them to save me and my family when Israel came to attack.  They said they would.  I had a long, strong red cord and I told them to go down it and head to the hill country opposite to the Jordan and hide in the caves there for three days before going back to their camp across the Jordan.  They said if I leave the red cord in the window until they came to attack everyone in my house would be spared.  One of the men’s name was Salmon and he was very appealing to the eye.  Why can’t I meet a guy like that instead of the multiple men who have forced themselves on me just because I accept money from them?

A few days later the whole army of Israel come across the Jordan.  It was an act of their God because He cause the Jordan to stop and they crossed on dry land.  The whole town became scared and a fear kept everyone who could in the city behind those huge walls.  After a few days the Israelite army started to march around the city.  They did that for six days.  Everyone was confused.  Why are they not attacking?  On the seventh day the Israelites marched around the city seven times.  On the seventh time the ram horns rang out and all the Israelite army shouted!  The walls fell!  Israel attacked and everyone was killed except my family and me.  Salmon came and got me personally.  Others helped get my family to safety.  Later that night Salmon and I had a nice talk.  I learned a lot more about his God.  I think he likes me.   I do not deserve Salmon to like me.  Nor do I deserve a great God to save me.

So, what lessons can we learn from Rahab?  Well, one thing God uses people who are less than perfect.  Yes, sin is sin and we deserve punishment for it, but God made a way to save us from the punishment through His Son, Jesus.  See, God saw the big picture.  He knew Rahab needed to save His people and to be in the linage of Jesus.  He also knew she had enough faith in Him to be a doer not just a hearer.  Rahab had enough faith God would protect her even though she could be killed for what she did.  I want to have enough faith to be brave enough to face my problems like Rahab.
Some information was taken from the W.I.L.D. website. You can visit the site by clicking the above word “Home”.

I also read Rahab’s story in this book. You can purchase it at:

A Lineage of Grace
By Francine Rivers / Tyndale House

In this compilation of the five books of the best-selling Lineage of Grace series by Francine Rivers, we meet the five women whom God chose–Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary. Each was faced with extraordinary–even scandalous–challenges. Each took great personal risk to fulfill her calling. Each was destined to play a key role in the lineage of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the World.

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The Vue, A Winter Getaway

The Vue, Wisconsin Dells

Wisconsin Dells, Wi

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This past spring the names of these hotels were changed. The River Inn is now The Vue!

Last October I went for a quick visit to family and needed a place to stay overnight.  I went to like I always do because they offer great rates and they have hotels all over the world.  The place I choose was the American Resort in Wisconsin Dells.  You just looked at the title for this blog post and said that is not right.  Well, long story short is I ended up at their sister property The River Inn.  The River Inn is located on the Wisconsin river just north of downtown Wisconsin Dells.

Here is what happened.  I had dinner plans with my twin sister.  She lives about 30 minutes south of the Wisconsin Dells.  She promised me lasagna and I could not resist.  She makes the best lasagna.  So, I drove down to her house (it is about three hours from me).  My plan was to have lunch with my brother and sister-in-law the next day.  They live north of the Wisconsin Dells.  Crazy, right, but I love my family and want to spend time with them whenever fits in our busy schedule. 

Originally, I was going to take my son to the airport in Milwaukee early that morning, but his plans got cancelled after I prepaid for the hotel.  Well, when I was at my sister’s house, I got a call from the hotel.  It turns out one of their staff was sick and there was no one to man the front desk at the American Resort.  So, they wanted to know if I wanted an upgrade to The River Inn for the same price I prepaid for the American Resort.  I said sure!

The Lobby

The River Inn is an upscale hotel. Probably one of the best hotel in the area. It was a very rainy day some of the storms were pretty bad. I found the hotel easily and entered the lobby and was greeted by a very friendly woman. Since I was prepaid check in was a breeze. She gave me a booklet filled with coupons to area attractions. Since it was October most of the attractions were closed. However, a few attractions are year round. One is the Rick Wilcox show at his Magic Theater. Another interesting attraction is the Wizard Quest and Ripley’s Believe It or Not!

The Vue

If you are looking for fine dining look no further than The Vue, right in the hotel. They serve breakfast, lunch and dinner.

My Room

My room was on the fifth floor and it was street-side but it was very nice. I have stayed in some very nice hotels and a few Motel Six’s and this one ranks right up there with some of the big name hotels. Yet, unlike the Hilton or Hyatt, this one also includes free Wifi, a mircowave and mini fridge, along with a coffee maker. Since my sister gave me a breakfast burrito I was able to eat in my room in the morning to save money.

Two Queen beds

The beds were very comfortable and I enjoyed watching the big screen TV from them.

The Pool
Hot Tub

Because I was alone I felt more comfortable staying in my room rather than going down to the pool. I went down the next morning before I left and took pictures. They both look very inviting!

A Large Deck

Out back of the hotel is a large deck and outdoor eating for The Vue restaurant. It overlooks the Wisconsin River and in the distance you can see the bridge which connects the downtown Wisconsin Dells to the rest of the town. I would have loved to stay here on a warmer day and enjoyed the view, but the air was still cool and damp and my brother and sister-in-law was expecting me. While I was walking around the outside of the hotel I discovered a surprise childhood memory.

The Winnebago

As a child I attended camp at Dells Christian campgrounds (see Each year my church held a week of camp there. One year we went on the Upper Dells boat tour to see some of the land forms carved out of the rocks by the river. The tour makes three stops. And the boat we rode on was the Winnebago. I do not know why I remember the boats name after over 50 years have passed but I do. So it was a sweet surprise to see that boat still in operation.

I imagine the summer rates for the River Inn are very expensive and they are probably well booked. However, I stayed in October so the room was less than much cheaper hotels normally are even in non tourist towns. The sister hotel is a resort with a main building and cabins you can stay in. So, if you want a winter getaway which is still beautiful and quiet, click on the link below and look up the River Inn.

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Amazon link at the bottom of the page.

Tomato and Chicken Soup

Tomato and Chicken Soup

I work as a cashier at Walmart. Often customers will share a recipe with me. Usually I forget all about it. Last week a customer said she put together mixed vegetables, chicken, chicken broth, and tomato juice for a tasty soup. Well, I liked the idea but I wanted to change it up to fit my style and what was in my pantry. So, here is my version.


One box of chicken broth

One bag of mixed vegetables (I like the ones shown)

One small onion if desired

One can of diced tomatoes, mine had celery, onions and green peppers already in the can.

Rice-cooked about a cup

Seasonings: garlic powder, celery salt and sea salt.

Cut up the chicken and place in a large pot with all the other ingredients and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer about 30 minutes and enjoy.