
Christianity and Mental Health: Helplessness

Christianity and Helplessness

At times in everyone’s life we feel helpless to make changes to our situation.  So many times, I have felt helplessness.  I remember when I was living in an apartment which was too costly for my income.  At the time I rented it I was getting maintenance from my ex-husband and I signed a year’s lease.  My maintenance ended months before my lease was up and I struggled each month to pay rent and everything else.  I felt helpless to make the change.  I felt stuck!

That was nothing compared to the time when my husband was spending all his free time with another woman.  I was stuck raising my children alone in a large home.  I kept hoping it was just a phase and my husband would end his affair and come back to me.  I felt helpless in the situation and prayed it would change but it never turned out the way I wanted it to turn out. 

Other times I felt helpless was in my career.  I worked so hard to get my master’s degree and I ended up working at Walmart.  I felt helpless to change jobs because I am hard of hearing and cannot afford good hearing aids.  Every job I look at is affected by the ability to be able to hear well.  I have profound hearing loss in my left ear and moderate in my right so I will never be able to take a job where you need to hear well.  Even the one I have now I struggle to hear everything being said to me. 

By now you are probably screaming at me to stop feeling helpless and make some changes in my life.  Each time I felt helplessness it would go on until I gained the courage to make the change.  It usually took a while of feeling helpless but eventually I took charge of my life. 

You may also be screaming “where is your faith” in all these situations?  I always had faith and prayed God would change my situations for me the way I wanted them to change.  However, God does not work that way.  He expects us to obey Him and have courage to make changes in our lives so He can put us in the place where He wants us to be.  We must confess we have sinned and wanted our own way.  We must give the situation to Him and ask for wisdom to understand His will for our lives.  We need to have the courage to change. 

Most times we cannot change our situations, we are helpless, but God can.  I know I can trust Him to do what is best for me.  I need to trust Him with the big picture.  Yes, I am still working at Walmart and I still have profound hearing loss.  Yet, I found I can write, and God has given me peace about writing for Him.  I must have courage to follow Him in all I do.

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Love God and Others

Jesus' Example of Love

Matthew 22:36-40

36“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

37Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’38This is the first and greatest commandment.39And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’40All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

Deuteronomy 6:4-5

4Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.5Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.

Luke 10:25-27

25On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”

26 “What is written in the Law?” he replied. “How do you read it?”

27He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”

Today I was reading the Matthew passage about loving God and loving others.  Jesus is quoting Deuteronomy 6 in the Matthew passage, but he uses mind instead of strength.  I wonder why that is?  Maybe because at the time he was talking with the religious leaders and scholars.  With these guys they probably work with their mind and not much with their body.  Yet, in the Luke passage it adds strength.  However, the point is Jesus wants us to love him with our whole being.  In my prayer journal I was writing this morning I laid out briefly what all this means. 

Love the Lord with all your…

Heart:  This is your emotions or how we feel.  This is the trickiest thing because our emotions are not steady.  One minute we are happy and the next minute we could be sad or mad about something.  It all has to do with what is happening around us and how that affects us.  Our mind can say ‘do not let that bother you’, but our heart does not listen.  We must give our emotions to God, and He will help us keep them in check.

Soul:  This is who you are.  This is your whole make up from your experiences, your talents, your likes and dislikes.  It is what makes you, you.  For instance, I have an identical twin sister.  We do not look exactly alike now as much as we did as kids.  As kids we had the same friends and did the same things.  We were very much alike.  Yet we were two different people.  We did not have all the same experiences.  I was molested as a child and she was not.  She fell off a cliff into a river and nearly drowned.  She is still married, and I am divorced.  Her life experiences are different than mine.  We are two different people.  So, what makes you, you?

Mind:  Your thoughts are what Jesus is talking about here.  Where are your thoughts?  What do you have entering your mind and what do you dwell on?  Where are you focusing throughout the day?  God knows we must focus on our work when we are working, but He wants us to know He is there helping us through each day.  Often when I am writing I often feel God helping say the right words. 

There are other things God wants you to love Him with such as your body (this is the strength part) and how you take care of it.  Your money, that is a hard one, but when you think about it, your money really belongs to Him anyways.  Your career and your time.  God wants to be a part of every part of you so you can thank Him and love Him the way He wants to be loved.

Neighbor: That is everyone else.  It is the people in your family.  Your church family, coworkers and friends.  It is even your neighbors, yes, even the ones who really bug you!  I have one neighbor who lives upstairs in my building who is the most annoying person on the planet.  I am trying to love him!  It is the people in your town, state, and country.  It is even the people all around the globe.  This is a hard one too but that is what God wants!  If you read further in the Luke 10 passage Jesus tells the story of the Good Samaritan to illustrate who your neighbor is, it is anyone we need to show compassion on.

In the ten commandments the first part is about loving God and the second part is about loving others.  No one loves everyone.  But God showed us how to love by sending His son, Jesus.  John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.  God knew we were not perfect in following the ten commandments so He sent His Son into the world to die (take our place) for us so that we might be saved.  In turn we can love Him with all our being and love other too!

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A New Year: Time to Pray

Praying for the New Year

I Timothy 2:1 “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercessions and thanksgiving be made for all people”.

For several years, I have been using a prayer journal to write out my prayers for everyone.  Today was no exception, I prayed for you.  This is my ministry to pray for all people.  However, sometimes my prayer journal is full of complaints and distracted thoughts.  I forget to be thankful above all.  I also need to focus more on worship in my prayer time.  Both should help me become less distracted.  I should also keep a spot for my to do list as sometimes when I am praying for someone it reminds me, I need to do a certain thing.  I often stop writing in my prayer journal and pick up my phone to do that certain thing and next thing I know a half an hour has gone by and I need to get ready for work.  God must feel insulted every time I do that. 

Yet, prayer does not have to be formal like a prayer journal or a prayer group at church.  Those things are helpful, but you can stop what you are doing and say a quick prayer in your head when a need arises.  My customers and coworkers would be surprised how often I pray for them.  But this is a reminder I need to pray for the ones I do not like as well as my favorites.  Sometimes, God will give me a customer who is going through a hard time.  I will often ask their first name and ask if I could pray for them.  Almost everyone I ask is grateful I asked.  I usually do not have time to write anything down, but I do have time to say a quick prayer for them in my head.  It is rare I find out how the situation turned out, but I know I have placed the person in God’s hands and can let Him handle it.

I guess when God kept denying me jobs in counseling, He knew I needed to be working at Walmart where I could be there at the right time to be a help to someone who was hurting.  It helps being able to feel God’s leading me to talk to someone.   There is a verse which says, “pray without ceasing” (I Thessalonians 5:17).  I do not believe God wants us to constantly be praying but to have open heart to His leading.   I am not perfect, but I try to sense God’s leading me to pray for someone just like He often leads me to write on a certain topic.  Reading the Bible every day helps keep me in tune to His leading.  It is wonderful sometimes how it works out.  One morning I will read something in the Bible and later I need it in a conversation or situation.  God knows what I need.  In this new year I pray I will always be open to pray!

Need a new prayer journal or Bible?

Prayer Journal with Scripture

Elegant prayer journal includes prayer and Scripture with a prompt for furthur thoughts and lined space to journal and record your reflections. Luxleather cover with debossed borders and foil accents, The Lord’s Prayer is debossed on the back cover. 240 pages; lay flat binding; attached ribbon bookmark; presentation page; 5.75″ x 8.25″.Brown faux leather with gold foil stamping.

Here I Am, Lord Journal

Sparkling gold foil stars and artisan globe on the cover design for devotional journal Here I am Lord.Every page contains a brief devotional to make you ready for each day, with space for a brief response, a question, or a special thought you want to capture. You’ll find that God is right there beside you, ready to talk. Trade paper cover; 8″ x 6″; fine quality you expect from Ellie Claire Gift & Paper Expressions.

NIV Beautiful Word Bible–soft leather-look, taupe/cranberry

Be drawn into God’s Word through a fresh, creative expression of the beautiful words of God. Crafted on high-quality paper and balanced with inspiring full-color art and blank space, the NIV Beautiful Word Bible will encourage a deeper and more authentic quiet time. With 500 verses illustrated to help you see the rich diversity of stories, characters, prophecies, rewards, and hope contained within Scripture, you will discover wisdom to sustain you in every season, drawing you deeper into God’s life-changing and inspired Word.
Single-column text of the New International Version (NIV)
500 full-color illustrated verses
2" wide lined margins and high-quality paper for notes, journal entries or artwork
Single-column layout
Index of illustrated Scripture passages
Presentation page for gift-giving
Ribbon Marker
Presented in an attractive gift box
8-point text size
8.25" x 6.50" x 1.50"

Christianity and Mental Health: Hopelessness

Christianity and Mental Health: Hopelessness

Another friend told me of a family member who committed suicide on Christmas.  The hopelessness this person felt is way beyond my imagination.  Hopelessness can surround people like a tornado.  Bad things all around and no way out.  Your mind can start lying to you saying no one cares if you are alive or not.  All the bad things people have said and done to you start to take over in your thoughts and you can no longer find positive things to think about. 

Maybe you are also addicted to something and you cannot find the high you once got from the substance and the substance has taken over your life.  Or you have a serious mental disorder, such as bi-polar disorder, and it is not treated properly.  With bi-polar disorder you are on top of the world one day and in the deepest hole of depression the next.  Some people commit suicide when they are coming down from the high point because they have been in the depressed part of their bi-polar before and they do not want to go back. 

Once, when I was around 20 old took five sleeping pills.  I wanted to end my life, but I was too scared to do it.  Why?  I do not really remember why but I do know I was living a pretty unchristian-like life.  See, I was raised in a strict Christian home where you did not run around with the wrong kind of people or do certain things.  I was doing all the things I was not supposed to do, and I was miserable!  Thankfully, I am still here 40 years later with an understanding how God saved me that day. 

Another time I felt hopelessness was toward the end of my marriage.  I felt like I was doing all the work around the house and taking care of the kids, yet I was not shown any kindness.  It was like I was only there as a housekeeper and that is all.  I got no emotional support and sometimes conversations with my (then) husband bordered on verbal abuse.  I was a doormat!  I checked myself in to the hospital one Saturday morning and stayed until Wednesday.  I was not suicidal, but I felt a lot of hopelessness back then.  I was able to move on from there and go to school and become the person I am today.  I am not bitter, and all is forgiven.  See my post on forgiveness at:

But, something as simple as what I went through cannot compare to what others feeling the total hopelessness feel who succeed in ending their own life.  See, even though I was raised in a Christian home and I was wayward when I was young, I knew I always had God quietly waiting for me to come back to Him.  He has always been there.  Coming back to Him I found peace.

Please get someone to help you, especially a professional.  Call the hotline or go to a website listed below.  Or check yourself into the hospital.  Tell a friend or a trusted family member you are feeling hopelessness.  Whatever you do, do not try to help yourself!  Even when I took the five sleeping pills I went and saw my Pastor at the time.  Get help!

Seek God!  He is waiting for you to come to Him.  He will help you find peace among the troubled times of your life.  Isaiah 49:13b says “For the Lord comforts his people and will have compassion on his afflicted ones.  Verses 15b-16:a – says “I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands;”.  God keeps His promises and He loves you so much! 

Looking for help:

Call 1-800-273-8255 for the suicide hotline or Suicide Prevention Lifeline are places where you can get help.  These are secular organizations but have been around a long time.

For those of a Christian background here is a couple of places you can turn to if you are feeling hopelessness.

Christian books on the topic can be found at: Home

God’s Gift

A Son is Born

Isiah 9: 2 The people walking in darkness have seen a great light;

Isiah 9:6 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given,

Luke 2:8 And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. 9 An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. 10 But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. 11 Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. 12 This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”

13 Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying 14 “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”

The Gift of God was foretold back in Isiah chapter nine.  It was a dark time for Israel just like it seems like a dark time for many today.  But, throughout Israel’s history they looked forward to the Messiah being born.  Luke chapter two makes that hope a reality.  A Savior is born.  He is the gift given.   He is the Christ, or the Messiah, and He will save His people!  At the time of Christ’s birth, the Jews were ruled by the Romans.  Many were hoping the Christ would free them of Roman rule but that is not what God intended.  See God looked at their hearts and saw they had turned their backs on Him.  Yes, they still performed all the necessary religious rituals, but their heart was not in them.  Just like today many will flock to church during the Christmas seasons in hopes it will save them.  And many will give to charities in hopes to gain points with God.  Few will really understand the true meaning of why a Savior had to be born.

Matthew 1:20 tells us what the reason of God’s intended Gift “… an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. 21 She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.”  Sin?  Yes, sin because we have all sinned.  No one can say they are perfect.  It was God’s plan since Adam and Eve ate the fruit. 

The name Jesus literally means Savior.  Little did everyone know Jesus would have to die in order to be the Savior.  That is what Good Friday and Easter is all about.  In Hebrews we read about how the Jewish priest, the high priest, would sacrifice a lamb once a year for the sins of the people.  Jesus became that sacrifice once and for all by dying on the cross.  However, on the third day Jesus rose from the dead.  He is both God and man at the same time.  He was our sacrifice for our sin.  If we believe and commit to follow Him, we will have eternal life with God.  My Pastor said it best yesterday at church when he talked about God’s Gift-Jesus.  In John 3:16-17 16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

So, will you accept God’s Gift?    It’s Free!  If you have any questions feel free to ask me or go to a local church. 


Here are some books which tell the whole story which you can order through Christianbook by using the below links. Disclosure: if you make a purchase from these links I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.

101 Amazing Things About Christmas: A Celebration of God’s Gift to Us All

NIV God’s Gift New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs, Comfort Print, Pocket-Sized, Paperback

Conveniently sized to carry with you for outreach opportunities—or just to keep God’s Word close—this New Testament is approachable for first-time Bible readers and affordable for churches!7-point Comfort Print type * Psalms and Proverbs * Plan of salvation * Table of weights and measures * Size: 3.5″ x 5.5″ * 512 pages, softcover from Zondervan

Grace: Accepting God’s Gift to You – eBook
By Constantine R. Campbell

Full of His Glory-A Trip to Sedona

“The Whole Earth is Full of His Glory” Isiah 6:3

As I read that sentence this morning it struck me funny.  How could the whole earth be filled with His Glory?  Then it hit me!  The Glory of the Lord is in the beautiful things in this world.  It’s in nature.  It’s in the seasons.  It’s in the tiny baby cradled in their mother’s arms.  Today it snowed again.  The roads were terrible for those who ventured out.  I stayed home.  I will see all the beautiful snow tomorrow.  Up here in the Northwoods we have four seasons.  However, winter is our longest and can start in November and end in April.  Fall is my favorite because of the color but spring and summer are nice too. 

Winter here can be brutal and right now the temperature is right around six degrees above zero. 

Winter! Ugh!!!

I was thinking of my trip to Arizona in June of 2018.  Why June? Well flights are cheap and there is air conditioning everywhere.   My twin and I went out to Arizona together.  Since my older sister lives in Phoenix we stayed with her and she served as the tour guide.  We made a day trip to see some of the beautiful land formations.   As the cold continues and the snow keeps coming down, I thought it would be nice to look at beautiful picture of warmth and color.

The first part of the trip we saw a lot of desert.

Heading into the mountains

We headed up Interstate 17 and we made a stop at Sunset Point rest area. It’s elevation is 3400 feet. Below is the a picture from Sunset Point rest area looking down at the valley.

Our next stop was Montezuma Castle. It was built by a tribe called Southern Sinagua. This tribe live in Verde Valley between 700 and 1400 A.D. before moving to the north. They left behind homes and some artifacts. It is located near a stream so there is lots of trees in the area.

In the Visitor’s Center

Montezuma’s Castle
This arrow head appeared in this photo out of no where. I took the picture on my phone and looked at it there was this arrow head. I do not know how it appeared.
More near the castle.
The nearby stream.

From there we headed up Highway 179 towards Sedona. As we approach this area we got our first glimps of the red rocks. When I first saw them I wanted to bow down and worship God’s Glory in these rock formations. I could not because I was strapped in to the front seat of my sister’s car going 70 miles per hour. Instead, I raised my arms in praised!

We went through a few small towns until we got to Uptown Sedona. There we went to a little villiage called Tiaquepaque, which is a historic shopping center of sorts. I had asked my sister to take us to a restaurant that represents the local culture.

Throughout the village there are multiple passageways like this one with shops of all sorts.
The restaurant was in the shopping Center. It had a great atmosphere and the food was wonderful. I had a chicken sandwich but I do not remember what it was called. We had a lot of food and prices were reasonable.
We stopped for one last look before heading back to Phoenix.

God formed these beautiful rock formations long before man came to this part of the world. His Glory shows through this area. I will always be amazed at these beautiful rocks sticking up out of the land. The Grand Canyon is northwest of this area. Someday I hope to go back, with a really good camera (cheap cell phone does not do justice) and visit this area again.

Want to visit Sedona yourself? has several hotels to choose from. By clicking on the Booking logo below and booking a room I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.

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Mushroom & Swiss Tater Tot

Mushroom and Swiss Tater Tot Casserole

Last year when my oldest son was living with me, I was trying to think of things he would like to eat and I came up with this recipe.  It is easy to make and it bakes in a short time.  I cooked up the ground chuck and mushrooms ahead of time and froze them until I was ready to make the casserole the last time I made it.  I also made it once for a church supper and even the Pastor told me it was good.  I used the square baker (baking stone) from Pampered Chef but you can make it in any cake pan. 


I bought fresh mushrooms and sliced them myself.

In a medium saucepan melt about two to three tablespoons of butter

Add the mushrooms and cook until soft.

Season with garlic powder if desired.


Remove and set aside.

Cook the ground beef or chuck in the same pan you cooked the mushrooms.

In the cake pan place tater tots to cover the bottom of the pan.

Add ground chuck or beef on top and add the mushrooms.

Add two cans of cream of mushroom soup so that it covers the tater tots and ground beef.

Then, cover the meat, cream of mushroom soup, and tater tots with sliced swiss cheese.

Finally, cover everything with more tater tots.

Optional: You can add peppers and onions and sometimes I add bread crumbs.

Heat in the oven at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes.


This can be frozen in individual servings in freezer/microwave storage containers for lunches.

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Christianity and Mental Health: Alzheimer’s Disease – The Caregivers

I Hate Cancer

Most of you know about Alzheimer Disease and how it robs people of their short-term memory and at the end stages their dignity.  It must be frustrating for someone who finds themselves losing their memory.  Did I brush my teeth this morning?  Did I eat?  I cannot even imagine what that would be like.  Years ago, I took a class on dementia which is a symptom of several diseases such as Alzheimer’s.  The class was for a job I had taken as I began my master’s degree in mental health.  I was to run a day care for people with memory loss.  It was a very difficult job because I had six or seven clients, both male and female, and I was the only one in charge of them for six hours a day.  The class really did not prepare me to care for the group properly.  I had no nursing training at all.  I did learn a lot though from the experience. 

Caring for someone with dementia is no easy task.  This is especially true if the one you are caring for is a loved one.  I remember during the last five weeks of my best friend Ralph’s life was very trying.  We had been dating for about two years when he learned he had stomach cancer.  He lived at an assisted living home for other reasons and I lived with my two school aged children.  I was in college, but it was online, so I was able to spend time with him.  When the doctors said he only had months to live he asked to stay living where he was at and not move to a nursing home. 

The closer he got to the end the more pain he was in and the more he had dementia.  I spent as much time as I could with him when my kids were in school and evenings when my ex-husband could take my kids for the night.  One night I ended up staying with him all night with a couple of friends.  He had a rough time that night and the next day it was decided he should go to the hospital because the care providers at the assisted living felt they could no longer give him the care he needed.  He was no longer in his right mind due to the amount of pain he was in.  At the hospital he always needed someone with him because he would try to get out of bed often and his legs could no longer hold him up.  Friends from my church and I would take turns staying with him around the clock.  I had dropped out of college at the time and my kids lived with their father. 

After about two weeks in the hospital it was decided Ralph should be moved to a nursing home.  He was there only a few days before he died.  I stayed Wednesday night with him.  He was in such pain but determined to leave.  Once he crawled out of the bed and almost made it out the door.  I was trying to stop him, but I was almost powerless.  During the night he became himself for a short time and told me he loved me.  He had never said it before.  Two nights later, when my best friends were staying with him, he died.  That night I had my kids with me because their dad was out of town.  All day I wanted to just be by myself so I could cry but I did not want to cry in front of my kids.  They were too young yet.  My ex husband was due back in the afternoon, but he was late.  I was so exhausted and stressed from it all I had a bad panic attack and ended up going to the hospital.  I never had one before.

I did not have to stay overnight, and my best friends took me home with them for a few days.  They said Ralph had told them before he died to take care of me.  It was a couple of months before I was able to resume “normal” again and return to college. 

Someone I am close to has some form of dementia. It is really hard to see this bright mind losing the battle. I pray for him and his wife every day. I cannot imagine what she goes through every day. This year I am doing the walk for Alzheimer’s disease. I wish I could do more.

I hear of friends and family members who are care providers for their loved ones and remember my experience.  My mother had Alzheimer’s disease, but I lived too far away to be actively involved in her care before she passed away.  My sister was there almost every day toward, and I am sure she was worn out from it.  She never really talked about it.  No one really does but care taking is hard work all day, every day.  So, if you are a care provider please take time out for yourself.  God knows your struggles and He wants to give you what you need for the day.  He also wants you to be well.  If you need help reach out to your church or social services.  They may know of people who do respite.  This will give you time to take a nap or go out of the house for a few hours. 

The 36-Hour Day: A Family Guide to Caring for People Who Have Alzheimer Disease, Related Dementias, and Memory Loss
By Nancy L. Mace & Peter V. Rabins / Grand Central Life & Style

This fifth edition of The 36-Hour Day is a comprehensive family guide to caring for people who have Alzheimer’s disease, dementias, or memory loss. This new edition features the latest information on the causes of dementia and finding living arrangements when home care is no longer an option. Learn about problems that arise in daily care, handling an impaired person’s suspicion and anger, how to get support, and the financial and legal matters you must address.

The Aging Brain: Proven Steps to Prevent Dementia and Sharpen Your Mind
By Timothy R. Jennings, M.D. / Baker Books

While growing older is inevitable, many of the troubles we associate with aging – including dementia, disability, and an increased dependence on others – are not. The choices we make now can help us to maintain our vitality, a sharp mind, and our independence as we age.
Filled with simple, everyday actions we can take to avoid disease, promote vitality, and prevent dementia and late onset Alzheimer’s, The Aging Brain is an easy-to-use guide to maintaining brain and body health throughout our lives. Based on solid, up-to-date scientific research, the interventions explained in this book not only prevent progression toward dementia, they also reduce disability and depression and keep people living independently longer than those who do not practice these methods.

Dementia Caregiving from a Biblical Perspective: Your Guide for the Journey
By Dorothy Gable / WestBow Press

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*Link to Amazon is at the bottom of the page.

Gideon and Moses: I can’t do that!

Gideon and Moses

Sometimes I feel like Gideon or Moses when I am thinking about something I should do.  Sometimes I feel God prompting me to say something or do something and I freeze!  I can’t do or say that!  Who am I to do or say something?  Both Gideon and Moses asked the same thing.  We all have our weaknesses.  Moses was afraid to talk to Pharaoh even though he was raised as an Egyptian prince.  Gideon felt insignificant and did not think he could lead the army into battle.  They both said I can’t do that to God.

“What is your greatest desire” was the topic of a recent devotional I read.  My desire is not at Walmart but to write.  Yet, when I read other blog posts, I think my writing is not so good!  I can’t write that good!  Then somebody comes along and says they love my writing.  Am I telling God I can’t when He clearly wants me writing for Him?  Does God want me to quit my job and write full time?  Am I ready to trust Him for my needs?

Yesterday, the Sunday morning Life Group at my church, talked about Joshua and Caleb.  They went with ten others to scout out the land God had promised them.  The twelve men found the land had great soil with plenty of water.  However, the people were very tall and well built and their cities were walled.  The ten told the rest of the people “We can’t go in and take the land, we will all die”!  However, Joshua and Caleb said, “the Lord had promised the land and He will give it to us”.  Sometimes, I feel like I can tackle anything like Joshua and Caleb and other times I am like the other ten who said we can’t do that! 

Unlike Moses and Gideon, Joshua and Caleb had faith God would help them overcome their obstacles.  Joshua and Caleb were the only ones of the twelve to enter the promised land forty years later.  I want faith like Joshua and Caleb.  However, God still used Moses and Gideon in great ways, but they did not have faith like Joshua and Caleb.  I look at the stack of bills on my desk and say to God I can’t write for a living how will I pay my bills?  God says, “Trust me!”

What is your biggest challenge?  What are you afraid of doing you think God wants you to do?

Read these stories in Exodus 4, Numbers 13 and 14, and Judges 6 and 7 of the Bible.

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Thankfulness: It’s Good For You


This week I wrote a blog on Thanksgiving and it felt like I was complaining so I decided to do one on thankfulness.  I wanted to list all the things I am thankful for and I am sure there will be thousands of other blog posts on this topic.  There is so many things it would be hard to list them all so let’s start at the beginning.

I am thankful for being raised in a loving Christian family.  Yes, we had our faults, but we never turned our backs on each other for any reason.  All are welcome at family gatherings no matter what.  We also know how to have fun without having to get drunk or behaving badly.  Many times, we get together we have game time and we are very competitive.  I love that about my family but more importantly I learned about God at a very young age and that is something that has stayed with me my entire life.

Second, I am thankful for my kids and now my grandkids.  I am thankful I was able to adopt them as babies and help raise them.  I am also thankful for their birthmothers who are now a part of my kid’s life.  I am thankful they both grew up to be caring people.  I am truly thankful for my ex-husband.  Without him I would not have become a mother.  He has been there for me from time to time when I needed help.  My grandkids have different mothers and I am thankful they choose life and gave me beautiful grandbabies.  Finally, I am thankful for my kitty.  She has been with me for more than 14 and a half years now and she is there for me every time I come home from work. 

Thirdly, I am thankful for my church family.  I have been with my church since we moved to Rhinelander in 2001.  My church family have been there for me during my divorce.  Many have helped me move from place to place.  They have supported me when I had many medical problems.  Many continue to support me in my writing.

Friends and coworkers both past and present are another group I am thankful for this year.  I have friends all over the country and right here in town.  What would we do without our friends?  Even if I do not spend a lot of time with my friends outside of work, I still enjoy hearing about my friend’s lives.  I love social media because it allows me to know what is going on with my friends (and family) in a timely manner. 

And, yes, I am thankful for things like my apartment, my car and my job.  They meet my physical needs.  I am truly thankful for my blog.  Often when I write I write for myself.  It gives me a sense of peace and meets my emotional needs.  Sometimes I sense God wants me to write about something so strongly I need to stop what I am doing and write.  Maybe God wants to help someone else through me.

Finally, and most importantly, I am thankful for God!  I could not live without Him!  He is my rock and my salvation!  He sent His Son to earth to live and die for us.  A thousand blog posts could not fully explain how thankful God is to me.  The gift of salvation is first.  Then He is in every part of my life guiding me towards being more like Him.  Yes, I fail Him every day!  Yet, He continues to have mercy on me and graciously forgives me.  I am complete because of Him!  Thankfulness cannot express how much God means to me. 

I am thankful you took the time to read my blog.  Please know I am praying for you.  If there is anything you would like to ask me, please feel free to leave a comment.  If there is something more personal and you would not like the world to see your comment, please contact me at:

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