At times in everyone’s life we feel helpless to make changes to our situation. So many times, I have felt helplessness. I remember when I was living in an apartment which was too costly for my income. At the time I rented it I was getting maintenance from my ex-husband and I signed a year’s lease. My maintenance ended months before my lease was up and I struggled each month to pay rent and everything else. I felt helpless to make the change. I felt stuck!
That was nothing compared to the time when my husband was spending all his free time with another woman. I was stuck raising my children alone in a large home. I kept hoping it was just a phase and my husband would end his affair and come back to me. I felt helpless in the situation and prayed it would change but it never turned out the way I wanted it to turn out.
Other times I felt helpless was in my career. I worked so hard to get my master’s degree and I ended up working at Walmart. I felt helpless to change jobs because I am hard of hearing and cannot afford good hearing aids. Every job I look at is affected by the ability to be able to hear well. I have profound hearing loss in my left ear and moderate in my right so I will never be able to take a job where you need to hear well. Even the one I have now I struggle to hear everything being said to me.
By now you are probably screaming at me to stop feeling helpless and make some changes in my life. Each time I felt helplessness it would go on until I gained the courage to make the change. It usually took a while of feeling helpless but eventually I took charge of my life.
You may also be screaming “where is your faith” in all these situations? I always had faith and prayed God would change my situations for me the way I wanted them to change. However, God does not work that way. He expects us to obey Him and have courage to make changes in our lives so He can put us in the place where He wants us to be. We must confess we have sinned and wanted our own way. We must give the situation to Him and ask for wisdom to understand His will for our lives. We need to have the courage to change.
Most times we cannot change our situations, we are helpless, but God can. I know I can trust Him to do what is best for me. I need to trust Him with the big picture. Yes, I am still working at Walmart and I still have profound hearing loss. Yet, I found I can write, and God has given me peace about writing for Him. I must have courage to follow Him in all I do.
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