
Storms of Life: Be Still

Storms of Life: Be Still

Psalms 41:10 says “Be still and know that I am God;”.   Jesus also said to the storm “Be Still!” in Mark 4:39.   He was speaking to the storm.  He was telling the storm “be still” because He is God!   I think God wants us to know He is saying be still to our storms in life.  God is saying to our storms “Don’t worry about this storm in your life, I got this!”.  

Some of you are worried about your relationships or finances but Jesus is saying “be still”.  Matthew 6:25-34 talks about worry.  It is Jesus speaking here, the same Jesus who told the storm to be still.  He is saying He cares about the birds and the flowers; He cares more about you.   He knows you are struggling in life and He wants you to be still and think about Him.

Find time each day to just think about God.  Read from the Bible and read it again slowly.  I read from a devotional called Our Daily Bread online.  It links to a Bible passage.  I find it very insightful.  I also keep a prayer journal where I write to God about what is going on in my life.  It takes time but it is so worth it to start my day with God.  The storms of life seem less when I start my day this way.

Be thankful!  Oh, I need to be more thankful.  Find things that are going right in your life and be thankful about them.  Just little things like food and shelter.  Remember, God is watching over the birds He is surely watching over you.  Thank Him for the storms too!         We all have storms in our lives from time to time.  Some storms are bigger than other storms, but God is saying He will see you through. 

Just tell your storm to “be still because your God is bigger than the storm.  Let Jesus take control of your life.  And, just Be Still!

Just a few books found at Home There are lots of gift ideas I found when I search the words “Be Still”.

Disclosure: Whenever you click on the link for either the books recommended below or the Christianbook Home link and make a purchase I receive a small percentage without any costing you extra.

Be Still and Know
By Millie Stamm

These daily devotional readings will encourage you in your Christian life throughout the year. Mrs. Stamm says, “Each day offers new opportunities. There will be new choices to make, new decisions, new avenues of service for the Lord. It may even be a day filled with heartache and pain, a day filled with unsolved problems. How different our day will be if we begin with a rejoicing spirit, knowing it has been entrusted to us by the Lord!”Begin each day with a verse of Scripture and a meditation amplifying that Bible verse in light of your innermost needs. Millie Stamm has drawn upon a lifetime of personal experience and devotional reading to build these inspirational messages. You will feel as if a good friend has come to chat and share insights that God has given her. If you feel the need for daily encouragement in the Lord, this book is for you. You will find reassurance and support as Millie Stamm brings messages such as: “Today burdens weigh heavily upon us. Often we are so pressed in on every side that it seems all strength is gone. What a relief to know that when OUR strength is exhausted, we have HIS strength available. He is an unfailing source of supply.”

Be Still My Soul: Embracing God’s Purpose & Provision in Suffering
By Edited by Nancy Guthrie

When you experience suffering and loss, it’s natural to cry out, “Why is this happening? Where are you, God?” Offering profound insights from an array of classic and contemporary theologians, teachers, and missionaries, these comforting readings open your eyes to God’s purpose and provision—even in the midst of pain and tragedy. 192 pages, softcover from Crossway.

Be Still
By Susan Tamsi Melendrez

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