
Thanksgiving: What Happened to It?

Give Thanks

Growing up Thanksgiving meant being off school and eating a big meal.  It also meant time with family and giving thanks.  After we ate and dishes were washed, we would sit around playing games.  We were a competitive bunch and still are.  It was a time for family.  No one went anywhere except to travel to visit family.  Everything was closed except for gas stations.  We never had much money, but we ate good.  There was turkey, mash potatoes, stuffing, candied yams and corn.  Those were the good ole days.

We never put up a tree until December or even start thinking about Christmas until after Thanksgiving.  The whole month of December was long enough to get excited for Christmas.  November was for Thanksgiving!  In November we thought about how our country started.  How the Pilgrims came over here so they could have religious freedom.  Our thoughts turned to God and we thought of ways we were thankful.

This will be the sixth Thanksgiving I have worked at Walmart.  Before that I worked at a hotel and usually worked Thanksgiving but had my evenings off.  Working at Walmart it seems the push for Christmas is earlier and earlier.  I believe they start putting up some Christmas items in August in the lawn and garden area of the store.  Halloween goes up as soon as school starts and comes down on November 1st.  Right away the store starts to turn red and green.  What happened to Thanksgiving?  Oh, there is a small display where you can buy paper plates, napkins, and tablecloths but not a whole section of the store devoted to giving thanks.  Who does that anymore anyways?  There is no money in giving thanks!

Black Friday was something that started the day after Thanksgiving to get people in the shopping mood.  Sale prices were good enough people would flock to the store as soon as they opened Friday morning.  Then stores started opening earlier and earlier.  Then someone said let’s start the sales Thanksgiving night.  Before you knew it, the sales started at 6pm.  The prices are so good on some items they are wrapped up until the clock strikes the magic hour.  Employees guard the wrapped-up displays like they are gold.  Almost every employee must work Thanksgiving. 

People start coming in at 3pm to wait until six.  I have seen people with folding chairs to sit on waiting for that must have gift.  Always they shop in pairs so one could sit while the other looks for good deals.  Asset protection is working overtime and there are people at all doors checking receipts.  There is often reports of pushing and shoving and sometimes worse when the clock strikes 6pm.  What happened to Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving is still for days off from school and enjoying good food.  Families usually get together to eat and watch football.  Many still remember to give thanks even if it is not in a prayer form.  So, what does it mean to me?  Time to start thinking about all the blessing I have and be thankful I have a job.  Thank you, Walmart!  But more importantly, Thank You God!

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Comments (2)

  • Debby 5 years ago Reply

    Thanks Giving has always been one of my favorite holidays. Of course, working black Friday and now gray Thursday as I’ve heard a lot of people call it hurts my heart. I’ve actually seen fist fights over stupid stuff like bed spreads and sheets. I miss the days that people were content with being around family and enjoying that time.

    admin 5 years ago Reply

    Even now when they get together many are staring at their phones. We have lost the art of conversation. Thank you for your comment.

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