
The Nail Wrote My Name

Nail Wrote My Name

Isaiah 49:16a See, I have written your name on the palms of my hands.

John 19: 18 There they nailed him to the cross

John 20:25 nail wounds in his hands,

As I was reading the Isaiah passage this morning, I could not help but think of the cross and how they nailed Jesus’ hands and feet to the cross.  I know it is an abstract concept.  Yet maybe God was thinking about this when He had Isaiah write about my name on the palm of His hands. 

You see, I believe in the Trinity.  I believe in God the Father, God the Son, Jesus, and God the Holy Spirit.  I believe Jesus became human yet still God when He was born of Mary.  Jesus went willingly to the death on the cross.  Usually, when someone was sentenced to die on the cross it was the worst form of death back then, but they tied the person to the cross and left them to die.  It usually took days to die so they would speed things up by breaking the person’s bones while they hung on the cross.  Not so with Jesus.  They took big nails and nailed Him to the cross at the hands and feet.  When they went to break Jesus’ bones, they saw He was already dead but the put a sword into His side to make sure. 

It all has to do with sin.  Sin is rejecting God and living your life as you see fit.  Sure, we all try to live within the law and even follow the ten commandments.  Yet, we cannot do it perfectly and that is sin.  In the Old Testament God instructed the Israelites, God’s chosen people, to sacrifice a lamb for the forgiveness of their sins.  Jesus’ death is the ultimate sacrifice and He died for everyone for that has ever lived or will ever live.  You only need to believe and accept Jesus’ death and resurrection as payment for your sin and ask Him to be Lord of your life. 

There are many benefits to doing this.  One is Heaven.  John 3:16 says anyone who believes on Him will have everlasting life.  That means in Heaven.  Another benefit is God will be there for you in good times and the bad times.  He will comfort you, guide you and give you peace.  Just accept Jesus.

In the Isaiah passage the Jewish people had turned their backs on God and God allowed them to have trouble.  Israel cried out to God in this passage asking God if He had forgotten them.  He said no I have written your name on the palm of my hand.  Other versions of the Bible used the word “engraved”.  When Jesus died on the cross with nails in His hands and feet, He did it for you and me.  Jesus engraved yours and mine name on His palms with the nails that pierced His hands.  It hurts to think God loved us so much He used a nail to write our name on Jesus’ hands.  Have you accepted the nail wrote your name on God’s hands?

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Comments (15)

  • Debbie 4 years ago Reply

    Yes! You are a blessing spreading the gospel thru your blog!

  • Alicia 4 years ago Reply

    It’s humbling to think that Jesus thought of me as he died on that cross. Jesus endured so much for us so that we could have eternal life. What an amazing act of love <3

  • Alexis Farmer 4 years ago Reply

    Good reminders to live by

  • Sabrina DeWalt 4 years ago Reply

    Such a simple, yet grand concept.

  • Barbara 4 years ago Reply

    Never forget, right! Jesus sacrificed everything for us to have life eternal.

  • Sandi Barrett 4 years ago Reply

    Your interpretations of scripture are wonderful and thoughtful.

  • Terra Booth 4 years ago Reply

    Very interesting read! It conveys a very important message.

  • Sabrina 4 years ago Reply

    Yes, I believe.

  • Cindy 4 years ago Reply

    Thoughtful read.

  • Tiffany Smith 4 years ago Reply

    Interesting! I never drew the connection between those verses before!

  • Stephanie 4 years ago Reply

    Thank you for sharing your insights!

  • Melissa Jones 4 years ago Reply

    Great reminders!

  • Chelsea 4 years ago Reply

    Another thoughtful connection between the Bible stories and real life. Thank you for sharing!

  • Cindy Moore 4 years ago Reply

    I love the way you connected those verses!

  • Misskorang 4 years ago Reply

    The nail literally did write my name! God is always in the detail.

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