
Book Review: Hurt People Hurt People By Sandra Wilson, PhD

Book Review: Hurt People Hurt People

Dr. Wilson, a family therapist and professor, wrote a book originally published in 1993 about hurting people.  I first read this book for a graduate-level pastoral counseling class at Liberty University in 2015.  I was drawn to the book because it talks a lot about unseen wounds and how it affects people as adults.  As I was reading it then and now for this review I saw myself in the pages.  While I grew up in a fairly normal family full of love for each other, I was sexually abused by someone in my church as a young child.  There, I said it out loud!  I finally told someone last year when I was with my two sisters at 58 years of age.  Now the world, or at those who read this knows. 

The first part of this talks about childhood hurts.  Most of Dr.Wilson’s hurts are abuse and neglect.  She then continues to talk about how children perceives these hurts.  She talks a lot about shame and how much pretending is involved for these young children.  Some of the stories are so heartbreaking, including Sandra’s own story. 

Dr. Wilson then goes on to talk about help for healing.  Some of the topics include: healing for leaders, followers, worshippers, forgivers, and parents.   She includes many charts which are easy to read to help the reader see what is the best thought process.  This book was written for the average person and is very helpful.

You can find this book at Christianbook

Hurt People Hurt People: Hope and Healing for Yourself and Your Relationships
By Dr. Sandra D. Wilson

Do you know someone, perhaps even a Christian, who seems impossible to get along with? From the people in the pews to the members of our families, we are surrounded by people who hurt other people. And they do so, the author tells us, because of the seemingly inescapable pain in their own lives. In Hurt People Hurt People, Dr. Wilson brings her years as a professional counselor to bear on a difficult topic that affects many of us. Let her warmth and insight lead you toward a heart of compassion nd a ministry of healing for those who hurt others.

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Comments (2)

  • MARY LEE COX 6 years ago Reply

    I am going through such a thing with the person I thought was my best friend. She hurt or disappointed me several times in our lives (I’ve known her since I was 17). But this last hurt was more than I can bare. I really don’t ever want to talk to her again. But I am in mourning. I lost my best friend! I think she has issues that she never really resolved, so perhaps she is a hurt person that hurts people. Forgiveness is a miracle I need. For now I can just pray for her. I have to find the book you mentions. Maybe it will help me. Thanks for listening.

    admin 6 years ago Reply

    Mary I will loan you my copy of Hurt People Hurt People. I’m sorry you are going through this.

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